How many Louisiana residents voted to financial Brad Pitt’s next movie to the tune of $27 MILLION dollars and change?

According to the New York Times, the bastion of liberal media reporting …

“One of the most shocking bills has come due in Louisiana, where residents are financing a hefty share of Brad Pitt’s next movie — $27,117,737, to be exact, which the producers will receive by cashing or selling off valuable tax credits.”

Corporate welfare is corporate welfare: whether it goes to Countrywide Funding or a Hollywood studio, top heaving with executives and household-name talent  …

It is no surprise that public money has been spent, often inappropriately, to support the arts without the specific permission of its citizens.

“As the number of movies made under these plans multiplied in recent years, the state money turned into a welcome rescue plan for Hollywood at a time when private investors were fleeing the movies. But the glamour business has not always been kind to those who pick up the costs, and states are moving to rein in their largess that has allowed producers to be reimbursed for all manner of expenditures, whether the salaries of stars, the rental of studio space or meals for the crew.”

While Louisiana, one of the most corrupt state governments, sees its former film commissioner off to prison …

“Louisiana, one of the most assertive players in the subsidy game, wound up covering that outsize piece of the nearly $167 million budget of Mr. Pitt’s “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” — the state’s biggest movie payout to date — when producers for Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers qualified the coming movie, a special-effects drama, under an incentive that has since been tightened. Separately, Louisiana’s former film commissioner is set to be sentenced in January to as much as 15 years in federal prison for taking bribes to inflate film budgets (though not that of “Button”) and, hence, pay higher subsidies.”

Michigan …

“Michigan, its own budget sagging, is in the middle of a hot political fight over a generous 40 percent rebate on expenditures to filmmakers that was carried out, with little opposition, only last April. Producers of films for studios like Warner Brothers and the Weinstein Company rushed to cash in, just as homegrown businesses were squeezed by a new business tax and surcharge. Rebellious legislators from both parties are now looking to put a cap on the state’s annual film spending, which some have estimated could quickly hit $200 million a year.”

Rhode Island …

“In Rhode Island, meanwhile, the rules have toughened considerably. That happened after The Providence Journal reported in March that producers of a straight-to-DVD picture called ‘Hard Luck,’ which starred Wesley Snipes and Cybill Shepherd, had picked up $2.65 million in state tax credits on a budget of $11 million, even though it had reported paying only $1.9 million of the total to Rhode Islanders.”


The argument that film crews bring money into the state and community as well as create jobs is somewhat bogus. Principal photography, with the high-priced talent on-set, is always minimized to reduce costs, while the second unit, without the stars on-set” is much longer lasting.

It would make sense if the money that comes into the state was exceeded by the outflow in funds and tax credits. Or if the jobs were longer lasting.

“ ‘With this much money involved, there’s going to be a temptation to hype budgets,’ said Peter Dekom, a veteran entertainment business lawyer who is an adviser to New Mexico’s incentive program.”

“The vogue for state film subsidies appears to have started in Colorado early this decade, with a briefly financed Defense Against Canada law that was devised to win production back from Vancouver and Toronto. Louisiana and New Mexico soon came on board.”

“By this year, about 40 states were offering significant subsidies, turning the United States into what the Incentives Office, a consulting firm in Santa Monica, Calif., has called the New Bulgaria. It is a reference to what was once the film industry’s favorite low-cost production site.”

“Virtually all of the programs use a state tax system to reimburse producers for money spent on movies or TV shows shot in the state. Some, like Michigan’s, simply refund a percentage of expenditures to the producer. Others, like Louisiana’s, issue a tax credit that can reduce the taxes a production pays or be sold to someone else. Either way, the state gives up revenue that otherwise would be collected to put money in the producer’s pockets.”

“Advocates, of course, argue that these programs create jobs.”

“One of the country’s most successful programs is in New Mexico, which has backed movies like the Oscar-winning ‘No Country for Old Men’ and next year’s ‘Terminator Salvation,’ the latest sequel in the action series, with a reported budget of $200 million.”

“New Mexico officials boast of having used a 25 percent production cost rebate to build a local film industry that has attracted more than $600 million in direct spending since 2003, and an estimated $1.8 billion in total financial impact, as of last June. And in fiscal year 2008, the productions in the state generated 142,577 days of employment, up from 25,293 in 2004.”

Above the line personnel, executives, stars and major functionaries rarely live in the area where the films are produced. Key personnel are flown to the set and paid a salary, plus a per diem for expenses. Local pick-up labor and craftsmen are hardly worth the effort of sponsoring films.

Bogus calculations based on employment man-days or total budget are unrealistic, even though they are commonly used to justify film commission activities. Even counting the money spent on location pales in comparison to executive and talent compensation.

And what does the taxpayer get in return? Perhaps a major pain-in-the-butt disruption of public facilities and roads while shooting? Momentary prestige of local media coverage?  In my book, it is not worth the time and trouble.

There is no reason why the taxpayers should subsidize a Hollywood which is hyper-partisan and mostly democrat. Especially since much of the money may be spent of stars which are openly hostile to the American way of life and embrace leftist dictators and thugs. Perhaps they get that way because of the pervasive influence of the unions which are mostly leftist and thuggish.

Hollywood is famous for more than films …

Hollywood is home to smoke and mirrors accounting in which a wildly profitable film at the box office never seems to recoup enough money to pay those with trailing points by using such artificial devices as rolling breakevens and adjusted gross receipts. Even major stars often need to sue or settle for a share of their purloined profits.

Hollywood is also home to a large collection of tax evaders who receive goodie gift bags containing thousands of dollars worth of products – and yet fail to pay their fair share of taxes on this free swag. It is hard to believe that these are the same people who think ordinary citizens should be hit with a tax increase.

Consider the notoriously cheap, but ultra-wealthy, Barbra Streisand … with all her snarky comments about non-liberal non-democrat politicians. This should be the poster girl for cutting out all Hollywood subsidies. The ultimate “do as I say, not as I do,” political commentator.

What can YOU do?

Demand that your local and state politicians disband their film commissions and return the money to the public treasury to repair or replace the crumbling infrastructure or to simply reduce the cost of borrowed funds used for these purposes. Hollywood will continue to spend money – mostly on expensive talent who are increasingly unable to attract the audience numbers of their youth.

Demand that the freebies handed out a “gifting suites” and major Hollywood events be taxed as income to the recipients or that the sponsor pay the retail value equivalent of the local and state sales tax.

Start demanding that special perks, not available to the ordinary citizen, be eliminated in favor of spending the public’s money in a more prudent manner.

It is time to watch the public purse. If Hollywood wants to decry corporate welfare, let the clean up being with them.

-- steve

Quote  Example of the day: “We need a president who's fluent in at least one language.”  - Buck Henry (Major writer-director)

A reminder from OneCitizenSpeaking.com: a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

States’ Film Production Incentives Cause Jitters - NYTimes.com

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Bush: An Unbelievable Embarrassment

I was extremely saddened to learn that President Bush and his Administration has dishonored America. No, I am not speaking of the war in Iraq or any of the so-called domestic spying activities which may have taken place on his watch.

I am speaking of the fact that America will become dependent on the Russians to fly American astronauts and scientists to the International Space Station. To purchase seats like a common traveler buying airline tickets. To have our people train in Russia on Russian equipment in order to achieve the necessary flight qualifications. To provide an increasingly hostile foreign nation with the taxpayer’s  hard currency to fund their defense efforts while they continue to spread a malignant influence around the world. To allow our people to be subject to loosey-goosey engineering.

It seems that NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) will cease Space Shuttle operations in 2010 and resume them in 2015 when the new spacecraft is anticipated to arrive.

I, for one, do not like to be dependent on another sovereign power who has traditionally played an adversarial role in geopolitics.

I, for one, do not like the thought of thousands of trained personnel to be allowed to dissipate in the wind – to assume other jobs and to squander our “institutional intelligence.”

President Bush has been in office for eight years. Surely some advisor told him that this was happening. Or did he nominate another incompetent crony like Alberto Gonzales, Alphonso Jackson or Harriet Miers  to that position?

How could this happen?

It is said that the Chinese may even beat us with a landing on the Moon before we return to the lunar surface.

Politics be damned. We spend a fortune on military programs that do not work. We spent a little fortune on an electronic fence that deterred not a single illegal alien because it simply didn’t work.

Our engineering work is being outsourced to India, China, Taiwan and other places which places us in the embarrassing position of having to go, hat-in-hand, to simply meet schedules. Our technology is being exposed to our enemies and those who would counterfeit it for profit. We have lost a surprising amount of technical and manufacturing capability to overseas sources.

Why? Because someone thought that it was cost effective to outsource the development, manufacturing and distribution to foreign sources. Thus weakening the United States in the process.

This is unconscionable. Our enemies don’t have to invade the United States, greedy Wall Streeters will sell it to them on the cheap in return for a paltry commission.

It was no accident that the 9/11 attack was on our financial core. And now our own leftist, democrat politicians have almost finished the job of destroying our economy. All in the name of regaining the power to plunder the public treasury and engage in their social engineering experiments based on Karl Marx’s outmoded theories.

We seem so preoccupied with Hillary’s pantsuits, McCain’s story and Obama’s association with domestic terrorists, racists and crooks that no one is asking the hard questions – refusing to accept sound-bites and brush-offs in return.

The media is preoccupied with filling the 24/7 news cycle with celebrities, happy talk and edutainment – hard news is gone – replaced by the sensationalism that is about as filling as a whipped-cream pie.

I, for one, want to know exactly what we are going to do to improve our defense posture?  How we are going to rid the State Department of its effete snobs and return to pragmatic diplomacy?  How we are going to initiate an industrial renaissance which makes us as technology independent as we should be energy independent?

I want to know when the people will wise up and throw out the corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle and start on the rehabilitation of America. And stop listening to people with charming accents and a history of being wrong?

Enough with the phony fear, uncertainty and doubt – the contrived panics which allow the special interests to raid our treasury with impunity. Enough with the phony science to enable another Enron-like trading scheme in carbon emissions credits. If you believe in global warming, do something to insure man’s survival from the hostile elements of nature – before you try to change planetary ecology, which may well be impossible to accomplish and measure in a hundred lifetimes.

Which one of our national candidates has the guts to throw doctors and others in jail for Medicare fraud which costs us an estimated billion dollars or so a year? No more no-plea bargains for corporations accompanied by “record fines.” Crooked people need to go to jail – accompanied by the accountants and lawyers who set the stage.

You want a revenue stream, a reduction in crime, a reduction in government: simply legalize drugs and prosecute those who offend – it’s done for alcohol, why not drugs?

In today’s culture, big law enforcement, big government and big law want crime to continue – at least the manageable type that keeps them in business.

What would Obama say to throwing gang members in jail and returning communities to their residents? Removing illegal aliens if the did not register and prove gainful employment? Restricting the rights and privileges of citizenship as it is done elsewhere in the world? Who has stood up and asked the candidates what are your national goals and how would you pursue them? What resources would you need? Who do you plan to appoint to office?

All legitimate questions – set aside when an Oprah or Brad Pitt make political pronouncements. Screw the celebrities – consider them to be entertaining clowns and let us get on with the real work of rebuilding America.

We are coming to the closing days of the campaign. I do not want to hear about Reverend Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko, the Hanoi Hilton and the rest of the crap that goes with it.

Tell me how you are going to rebuild America. Tell me your plan. Tell me how you will fund it. Tell me your assumptions on which you base your plans and projections.

Talk to America about what you will do – and who you plan to help you do it.

We have almost destroyed America’s ground warfare capability, our economy, our healthcare system – so Sarah Palin’s bantering does not mean diddly-squat to me.

You politicians have screwed up America. It is time to step up to a leadership position or get the hell out of the way.

And about President Bush – his time has come and gone. He will be judged by History. Let him retire to a gentleman rancher’s life in Texas and fade into the background.

We have serious issues confronting us – and if we do not meet the challenge, we will become a third-world European nation that speaks ChiSpanglish.

-- steve

Quote of the day: “The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us.”  - Paul Valery

A reminder from OneCitizenSpeaking.com: a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

The OTHER bailout: this one is clearly unconstitutional ...

While the world was preoccupied with legislation purporting to be  the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the Senate was busy passing another bailout bill – this one as a favor to the Hollywood moguls who are destroying our copyright system with the incessant cries of piracy.

The original copyright and patent laws were designed to encourage artists, writers,  inventors and others to share their works with the public. In exchange for allowing their works to enter the public domain, creators were given a  period of time to exclusively profit from the creations of the labor.

Corrupting the system …

Like the Wall Street Wizards who create nothing substantial, but profit on the labors of others when they create, market and trade securities, the Hollywood power structure became the distributors of the creative works of others. In many cases, hiring the actors, writers and others to produce a “work for hire” which they then copyrighted in their own name. And there is nothing wrong with that.

However, to avoid their works from falling into the public domain, they began plying members of Congress with campaign contributions and other inducements to enact longer and longer exclusive periods of time.

But, for those works that were already in the public domain, the created the fiction that is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which allows any content, including materials in the public domain, to be secured with a electronic wrapper – and then criminalized breaking the electronic wrapper, even though the underlying content was either in the public domain or had already been purchased by the consumer in another form.

Respecting the system …

As a creator of content, I respect the need to protect one’s work for the period prescribed by law. However, I take great issue with those who want to sell the very same content over and over; but in different forms. Imagine buying a digital copy of a work and then being denied permission to use the content on your television and your computer. The key to controlling this type of usage lies in the pricing of the content delivery systems. Including a CD with a bound book for a slightly higher price is an excellent example of a value add that should appeal to consumers. Allowing the purchase of individual tracks of a CD for 99-cents, rather than being forced to purchase an entire album for an artificially set price of $12.95 or more.

Perverting the system …

However, the Hollywood distribution moguls were not content to merely control the content and the wrapper, they actively tried to inhibit the development and marketing of devices and media that would make the copying of digital materials easier for the masses. Note: the hackers have always been able to break encryption schemes and re-format the content into their preferred format. This did not dissuade the use of DRM (Digital Rights Management) Schemes which, in some cases, caused problems with computer and device operations. In a number of cases this resulted in hackers being able to hide malicious files on the host computer as the DRM software made these files invisible to the operating system.

Watermarking digital copies …

How many people really know that each Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files along with PDF files created by Adobe’s software, as well as other software, contains an embedded unique identification number that can be tracked back to an individuals computer? Ditto for audio, video and other files sent by e-mail. Even today, copiers and printers embed coded characters that can identify the exact printer used to print the document. 

Protecting the franchise …

This led to the restriction in marketing digital tape recorders. This led to imposing a royalty on magnetic material to be collected by manufacturers and remitted to a government entity which was to divide and distribute it to the artists and others whose works might be infringed. I say might, as the great number of magnetic media actually were used for such things as computer backups and had nothing to do with pirating audio or video.

Skullduggery on both sides …

Both sides of the digital divide play dirty. We all know what hackers do, but how about the other side which has been known to bribe employees to compromise their employers. Or pay for stolen files that support their case. Or engaging in expensive show trials of people who ultimately were found to be innocent of infringement – but who suffered public humiliation and the loss of a great deal of money defending against baseless claims.

And it is getting worse …

Here we find the Hollywood crowd, mostly in the guise of trade associations such as the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), doling out the Washington political goodies.

This has resulted in the passage of  Senate Bill S. 3325 which is misleadingly named “Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008.”

Basically, this legislation was crafted to use the Department of Justice as a prosecutor of intellectual property infringement. And to seek monetary damages which would then be remitted to the content owner. Thus turning the DOJ into a combination enforcement and collection agency.

Nowhere is this power granted by the Constitution to the Federal Government as the government is charged with pursuing criminal infringement activities, not civil restitution claims.

The Attorney General agrees that this legislation would be inappropriate …

In a letter to Senators Patrick Leahy, Chairman, and Arlen Specter, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, the Attorney General takes exception to the basic issues in Senate Bill S. 3225.

The Departments of Justice and Commerce have reviewed S.3325, the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Act of 2008 ("EIPRA"), and truly appreciate the bill's intention to enhance the tools available for protecting intellectual property rights.

Nevertheless, we have strong and significant concerns regarding Titles I and IV. We are deeply concerned that the proposed legislation will undermine existing  intellectual property enforcement efforts by diminishing the effective use of limited criminal enforcement resources and creating unnecessary bureaucracy.

It will also improperly micro-manage the internal organization of the Executive Branch.

Accordingly, as outlined below, we strongly oppose S. 3325 as reported out of Committee on September 15, 2008.

We strongly oppose Title I of the bill, which not only authorizes the Attorney General to pursue civil remedies for copyright infringement, but to secure "restitution" damages and remit them to the private owners of infringed copyrights.

First, civil copyright enforcement has always
been the responsibility and prerogative of private copyright holders, and U.S. law already provides them with effective legal tools to protect their rights: they can obtain injunctions, 17 U.S.C. § 502; impound and destroy infringing articles, 17 U.S.C. § 503; recover their actual
damages and costs, 17 U.S.c. § 504(b); obtain statutory damages, which are similar to punitive damages, 17 U.S.C. § 504(c); and obtain their costs and attorney's fees in some circumstances, 17 U.S.C. § 505.

These tools also provide strong incentives for all copyright holders, including individual copyright holders and small businesses not represented by trade groups or industry organizations, to enforce their rights.

Second, Title I's departure from the settled framework above could result in Department of Justice prosecutors serving as pro bono lawyers for private copyright holders regardless of their resources.

In effect, taxpayer-supported Department lawyers would pursue lawsuits for copyright holders, with monetary recovery going to industry.

Third, the Department of Justice has limited resources to dedicate to particular issues, and civil enforcement actions would occur at the expense of criminal actions, which only the Department of Justice may bring.

In an era of fiscal responsibility, the resources of the
Department of Justice should be used for the public benefit, not on behalf of particular industries that can avail themselves of the existing civil enforcement provisions.

The Departments also strongly oppose Title IV of the EIPRA, which would move into the Executive Office of the President (EOP) from the Commerce Department the "U.S. Intellectual
Property Enforcement Coordinator" (IPEC) position

This Presidentially appointed IPEC would have primary responsibility for developing and coordinating Administration policy for IP enforcement across the Executive Branch. While the Administration has been a long time supporter of strong inter-agency coordination -- and is willing to work with the Committee on this topic -- the statutory creation of an EOP coordinator with the duties described in the bill constitutes a legislative intrusion into the internal structure and composition of the President's Administration. This provision is therefore objectionable on constitutional separation of powers grounds.

The Administration has taken strong steps over the past eight years to ensure effective coordination and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The Administration put in place the Strategy for Targeting Organized Piracy (STOP!) Initiative which is currently being implemented by the National Intellectual Property Law Enforcement Coordination Council (NIPLECC) and
led by the current U.S. Coordinator for Intellectual Property Enforcement. In summary, while we appreciate the need for continued coordination among Departments and agencies, the framework provided in the bill is unlikely to enhance criminal enforcement and, to the contrary, could pose significant and unnecessary challenges.

We look forward to working with the Committee to address these concerns. In the meantime, the Administration reserves judgment on the final bill. It is our hope that changes will be made so that the President's senior advisors can recommend that the President support the measure. The Office of Management and Budget has advised that there is no objection to the transmittal of this letter from the standpoint of the Administration's program

It gets worse …

Other bill provisions provide for seizing computers, especially servers, which are then forensically searched for infringing materials. In many cases, the fact that files have been routinely erased or erased using advanced file erasure programs has been characterized by trade association attorneys as being evidence of infringing activities or the destruction of evidence – although no proof of such activities exist.

In addition, the bill calls for the government to “Assist State and local law enforcement  agencies in enforcing those laws, including by reimbursing State and local entities for expenses incurred in performing enforcement operations, such as overtime payments and storage fees for seized evidence.”

There are a number of other highly objectionable provisions contained in the proposed legislation. Should you care to review the entire bill in context, it can be found at the end of this blog entry in the “Reference Links” section.

What can YOU do?

It is time to end the special relationship between the Hollywood distributors and the government. Especially in areas which diminish the public’s right to legitimately access and use content for which they have already paid; as well as eliminating the interference with the design and use of electronic devices. 

Piracy, at least in the United States, can be easily controlled by using the principle of value pricing. That is, the cost of the authorized version makes the time and cost of duplicating a work unrewarding. Continue to prosecute the infringement of intellectual property in both civil and criminal venues, as appropriate – and do not involve the Department of Justice in enforcing and prosecuting private civil matters. Personally, I like buying record tracks from Amazon.com for 99-cents rather than buying the entire CD or album.

Call your elected officials to demand they stop falling prey to Hollywood-based trade unions and passing unduly restrictive legislation which does nothing for the public interest.

Other than for permitted purposes and “fair use” exemptions, do not distribute  copyrighted material which deprives the creator of their rightful due. 

Contact Senator Leahy and express your displeasure with this legislation. Remember to be respectful as Senator Leahy is a champion of privacy and open government initiatives.

Sen Alexander, Lamar [TN]

Sen Bayh, Evan [IN]

Sen Bond, Christopher S. [MO]

Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA]

Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH]

Sen Cardin, Benjamin L. [MD]

Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY]

Sen Corker, Bob [TN]

Sen Cornyn, John [TX]

Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA]

Sen Graham, Lindsey [SC]

Sen Gregg, Judd [NH]

Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT]

Sen Hutchison, Kay Bailey [TX]

Sen Levin, Carl [MI]

Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY]

Sen Smith, Gordon H. [OR]

Sen Specter, Arlen [PA]

Sen Stabenow, Debbie [MI]

Sen Voinovich, George V. [OH]

Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon [RI]

-- steve

Quote of the day: “Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us.” -- Jerry Garcia

A reminder from OneCitizenSpeaking.com: a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

Senate Bill S. 3325

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

McCain guilty of bad commercials ... relied on newspaper accounts of Raines association with Obama?

A reader-inspired blog entry …

A reader’s comments led me to search for the truth regarding one of John McCain’s approved campaign advertisements. The reader claimed that there was little or no evidence that one, Franklin Raines, the former head of Fannie Mae who is alleged to have participated in a scheme to cook Fannie Mae’s books to insure multi-million dollar  executive bonuses, was an Obama advisor.

Two commercials …

In an effort to portray Barack Obama as having little or no idea how to fix our currently ailing financial sector and possibly to link the democrats to the Fannie Mae failure, the McCain campaign released two commercials.

One involving the head of Obama’s Vice Presidential Search Committee was dead on. James Johnson, former head of now-nationalized Fannie Mae, appeared to have received special consideration on mortgage loans from Countrywide Funding under its “Friends of Angelo” program.

However, the other one featuring Franklin Raines as an Obama advisor is now suspect. Relying on published reports in the Washington Post, which were apparently not challenged until after the McCain campaign advertisement aired, the published report was based on the casual comments of Raines while he was being interviewed.

Considering that most campaigns use prominently displayed newspaper quotes as if somehow a newspaper always publishes the full and complete story, we would tend to give the McCain campaign a pass – and recommend that they do a little more fact-checking before releasing their campaign commercials.

And considering that Obama’s campaign released an even worse authorized campaign advertisement smearing McCain and President Bush with the words lifted out of context from a Rush Limbaugh parody, it seems both sides need to clean up their act before they present false and misleading information to the American public.’

No moral equivalency: both parties act poorly …

Since we are not a democrat, we will not attempt to excuse what McCain’s camp published as fact using the old “moral equivalency” dodge so favored by far-left liberal democrats. Both parties are guilt of engaging in some degree of putting forth false and misleading information to the public. Symptomatic of today’s hyper-partisan spin machines where negative advertising is more potent than boring issue advertising since complex concepts can very rarely be explained in sound bites.

For your viewing pleasure …

For those who have not seen the McCain campaign advertisements, we present them for your viewing pleasure. In the interest of fairness to my readers,I am also presenting the links to the Washington Post’s Franklin Raines story which now appears to be suspect.  

The good one featuring James Johnson

The not so good one featuring Franklin Raines …

The Washington Post links …

  • July 16, 2008 Washington Post ArticleOn the Outside Now, Watching Fannie Falter
  • September 19, 2008 Washington Post Ad Watch:
    McCain Charges Obama with Taking Advice from Raines
  • September 19, 2008 Washington Post Ad Watch:      Obama's Fannie Mae 'Connection'
  • September 19,2008 Washington Post Article:
    Obama, McCain Trade Shots Over Responses to Financial Meltdown

Remember, the story is suspect and still may be true to some degree …

Since we do not have access to Barack Obama’s campaign team, it is almost impossible to confirm the part that Franklin Raines may or may not have played as a campaign advisor.

They lied to the American people before …

What we do know however, is that the Obama campaign has lied before to the media. Widely claiming that they did not tell Canadian politicians that what Barack Obama was saying about NAFTA should be taken with a grain of salt as it was only targeted to a specific group of voters. The Obama camp persisted in maintaining the charade up until a memo of the meeting between Obama campaign advisors and the Canadians surfaced. The matter played in the media for a few days and was then buried by a complacent press corps who have a demonstrated left-liberal bias. <Source>

What can YOU do?

Most of what the media reports is influenced by campaign spinmeisters and there is little or no critical reporting to be found in today’s mainstream media. Unfortunately, this leaves one to filter our own raw information and commentary from such sources as cable television, talk radio and the ubiquitous Internet. Or like Fox News is fond of saying, “We report, you decide!”

Carefully watch what the candidates say and do. Their actions always speak louder than words. Anything proposed by a campaign surrogate that is labeled a campaign advisor or a party strategist should be taken with a grain of salt.

Both political parties and all of the politicians involved are playing a high-stakes game where the rewards include power, prestige and profits and the ability to “do things for the right people.” By virtue of being a politician, candidates are automatically suspect and should be scrutinized closely.

Vote for your interests, not theirs.

-- steve

Quote of the day:  I am not sure that Galbraith was not speaking of politics when he said, “Where humor is concerned there are no standards - no one can say what is good or bad, although you can be sure that everyone will.”    -- John Kenneth Galbraith

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A reminder from OneCitizenSpeaking.com: a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Let them eat cake ...

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While the rest of the United States struggles against an economy geared to the special interests, the unions and those Wall Street Wizards who are plundering the United States Treasury with the help of their hired politicians and lobbyists … the nattering nabobs are trying to elect a liberal democrat who has already decided that we need to expand government, raise taxes and exert government control over every facet of American life. And, lest we forget, adopt the European model of defense: diplomats dining on fine foods while they argue endlessly about their positions – not political positions, but their positions around a table whose size and dimensions will be determined at another endless meeting.

According to Politico.com

“The first event will cost $28,500 per person for dinner at the Greystone Estate. Upwards of 250 high rollers — including some of the biggest executives in film, television and music — will munch gourmet chow and get to hang out with the candidate, enjoying a little face time and posing for personal pictures. A few spaces are left but the event is expected to sell out by Monday afternoon, possibly bringing in more than $8 million before expenses are subtracted.”

“For a second, sold out event Tuesday evening, the Obama caravan will travel just 2½ miles to the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, where a reception and concert will spotlight Streisand and several other performers. In addition to those attending the earlier dinner, who also get into the concert, about 500 others are set to attend just the musical affair, at $2,500 per ticket, meaning the show should rake in an additional $1.25 million.”

What do they really want …

Other than to feel good about themselves as the saviors of the planet and the necessary reinforcement that they are still relevant and media-worthy, most of Hollywood simply wants to protect their stolen interests. That is, continue to cripple emerging technologies and criminalize breaking an electronic seal which protects their profitable distribution franchises. So when they decide to release material that is rightfully in the public domain, the crime is breaking the seal and not simply accessing content to which the public is already entitled.

Secondarily, they want to tap into the gravy train which provides perks, privileges, tax allowance and subsidies for their projects if filmed within the United States – although the cost of filming with union crews is becoming an onerous burden on features that are performing at less than “blockbuster” grosses.

These are the people who mostly support illegal immigration as a source of cheap labor to tend their gardens,watch their children, cook and clean and play chauffeur. If they want to really support immigration reform, let them guarantee the wages, benefits and healthcare costs of their employees. Let them support sponsorships for immigrants as they did in previous times.

But most of all, they want access to power for personal purposes. They need to be thought of as being “masters of the universe.” Want to bet that some of the tax code loopholes that they demand be closed for ordinary citizens, remains open for investment in media projects? They have money, position and privilege and they will do anything to keep it that way.

These are people who are demanding, obstinate and in many cases totally ignorant of events outside their insular worlds. Why else would Sean Penn, Danny Glover and others openly sign the praises of brutal dictators like Fidel Castro, Che Guevarra, Hugo Chavez and others who openly encourage a lifestyle that is definitely socialistic and counter to the principles upon which America was founded. These self-absorbed, narcissistic celebrities and petty-tyrant executives see absolutely nothing wrong with demanding creative freedoms while those they support suppress free speech.

A classic case of “do what I say, don’t do what I do.”

In Streisand’s case one need only consider her penchant for freebies and her cheap behavior, her investments and attempts to secure large tax breaks for her donated properties. A prickly person who appears to be not only self-centered, but a control freak as well. Someone whose political ramblings – even with the assistance of a paid political consultants – appear as rambling, incoherent leftist crap.

These people are Barack Obama’s people: elitist, out of touch with ordinary people and accustomed to a life of privilege and perks of position. People who think in self-centered generalities while ignoring the growing evil around them. In fact, if they notice evil at all, it is usually exploited for a fund-raising event where the “see and be seen” crowd can show off their cars, clothes and jeweler while trying to prove “we care.”

Clash of egos …

It must annoy some of the celebrities that in events such as the “hottest ticket in town,” that they aren’t the center of attention. Which only goes to prove one of Hollywood’s oldest adages, after show me the money, that the answer to the fundamental Hollywood riddle; “When is a star not a star?” is absolutely true.  For the ordinary folks out there, the answer is: “when their is a bigger star in the room!”

Is this the person you want to elect?

Do you really want to elect a self-centered, narcissistic  celebrity who speaks in political platitudes and lacks any relevant experience. An elitist more comfortable dissing the ordinary folks (who will cling to their guns and religion) while speaking to millionaires in ultra-liberal, far-left San Francisco – the spiritual home of the nanny state?

There is no doubt why Hollywood is supporting Barack Obama. Beyond his far-left liberal politics, he is one of them.

Telegenic, well-spoken (with a TelePrompTer) and equally as unthreateningly vapid. A man who has risen to power by accidental circumstance is feted in a world where creative lying, accounting is the norm; and making yourself into a producer is as easy as printing new business cards.

Unfortunately, the Presidency of the United States requires much more than a commanding presence and charisma. The real life proof can be found in another jet-setting, narcissistic movie star, California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Here is someone every Californian hoped would emulate his tough character and restore political order and fiscal responsibility to California’s out-of-control far-left liberal democrat government.

What we see is more Hollywood smoke and mirrors – posturing for the media while the lack of leadership has allowed California’s legislature, their cronies, special interests and the unions to plunder the California treasury with little or no results in repairing or replacing California’s crumbling infrastructure. Here is a man who succeeded a recalled governor, Gray Davis, who openly pandered to anyone with a campaign contribution and who was stunningly ineffective as a governor. Possibly by design as he is a relatively smart man. Enter the Schwarzenegger era which saw him out fundraise Gray Davis, create a series of special foundations to pay for the governor’s jet-set lifestyle and which refused to reveal their donors. A Governor who railed about global warming to please the liberal crowd and in classic Al Gore fashion used a private jet to commute between Sacramento and Santa Monica sometimes twice a week.

It is time to stop electing the illusion and elect a politician with a proven record of getting things done. A politician who has proven that he is truly bi-partisan. A politician who was not afraid to accept an almost ordinary person as a running mate in spite of the carping and criticism of those who pretend that they know best how the country ought to be run.

I would no more consider the election of Barack Obama than I would accept Barbra Streisand as a trusted political advisor.

The choice is yours: Hollywood style over substance or a real politician who has proven that he will defend America from her enemies, both foreign and domestic?


-- steve

Quote of the Day:  “Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.” --Richard Armour

A reminder from OneCitizenSpeaking.com: a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Paris Hilton enters politics...

First there was the John McCain ad that opened with a shot of Paris Hilton.

Then Paris Hilton crafted her own reply.

And now a California State Congressman takes it to the next level by comparing Paris Hilton and his opponent…

When will Paris really run?

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Just because a liberal crowd collectively kissed a toad -- doesn't make him a prince!


Obama’s Backdrop: Hollywood Smoke & Mirrors

Beyond Presidential – ROYAL?

Subtract the money raised from democrats and the special interests who want to first, regain power and second, resume looting the public treasury for social programs while currying favor with an Administration which is likely to produce little or nothing in terms of public benefits – except making select people rich and buying future voter support. Subtract all of the packaging, presentation and promotion that access to big money brings and ask yourself what is left?

Could the answer be a group of far-left socialists who want to further cripple the military and economy of the United States?

Could the answer be a group of racists who now believe it is their turn of turn the screws of power and grab the goody bag?

Could the answer be a group of illegal aliens and their foreign masters who are intent on becoming citizens so that they can legally vote existing citizens out of power and assume the reigns of leadership?

Could the answer be a group of unions who want to make union membership automatic and mandatory, with large sums of money flowing to the influence brokers like Biden’s brother and son who may earn outrageous sums of money for simply directing certain public employee union’s pension funds into their affiliated hedge funds?

Could the answer be a group of special interests such as the trial lawyers who want to continue with restrictive legislation that makes every deep-pockets corporation guilty of something that can yield large class action settlements which benefit the lawyers more than the aggrieved members of the lawsuit?  Lawyers who want to make the law so complex that each and every transaction will require a legal representative to insure – not that you will not be screwed – but that you will not be inordinately screwed?

Could the answer be a group of people who want to disarm America and nullify our Second Amendment rights – because they fear not only a potential uprising against egregious political actions, but want to make every citizen dependent on the government for their security and safety? Just ask yourself: if paramedics cannot be everywhere they are needed, what is the chance that law enforcement can protect you when necessary? These are the people who also want to rehabilitate criminals instead of incarceration. What part of irrational and crazy do they not understand? Sociopathic people or those who are certifiably insane will not obey the laws, rules and regulations of society any more than criminals will not give up their weapons when the government tries to disarm the populace?

Could the answer be those who want to keep America energy dependent on foreign oil? Refuse to use American resources? Compel American to pay enormous sums of money to foreign sovereigns to fund their war against us and our society? The energy dependence which keeps us from erasing Saudi Arabia from the face of this earth as the active sponsor of worldwide Whabbist terrorism and teaching? 

Could the answer be those who believe terrorism is a natural and justified reaction to our foreign policy? Although I cannot image exactly what foreign policy would justify killing 3,000 people on 9/11. Are these the very same democrats who brought about radical Islamo-fascism starting with democrat Jimmy Carter’s hatred of the Shah of Iran and love of Hamas and the Palestinians? And perpetuated by Bill Clinton who hated the military and proved that he was incapable of defending the United States’ interests when necessary? Symbolically bombing an Aspirin factory does not count as a response in my book. Are these the very same people who believe that there is something akin to a moderate Muslim even though their major religious goal is to conquer the world and force everyone into conversion or submission? Believing Muslim mouthpieces as the spout their propaganda of a moderate Muslim. This is a religion which gives its followers permission to lie, steal, cheat and kill in order to advance their faith. Why should we believe them? Why should we believe that Barrack Hussein Obama or any other democrat will pursue and prosecute them diligently?

Could the answer be a group of idealistic do-gooders who are simply dissatisfied with the status quo and donate their time and money to causes which promise a better life as advertised by the various political parties? Or are so appalled by the examples of horrific and egregious action in the world that they will donate to any person or cause who claims to have an answer to solving war, pestilences and hunger?

Could the answer be the religious zealots who believe that religion is an answer to everything. Although there are some self-interested religious leaders who are in the game for personal power, prestige and profits? The same type of religious leaders who covered up the rape of little boys and girls to protect the very institution which turned a blind-eye to those children they were sworn to protect? One need only look at the Reverends Wright, Phleger, Farrakhan, Law and Mahoney to see the depths of what religion in America has tolerated in the name of protecting the institution and promoting the interests of its acolytes.

Could the answer be a group of insurance companies who want to increase their stranglehold on the delivery of healthcare in America? To be able to force doctors to work for a comparative pittance with hardly enough time to review a patient’s history before prescribing expensive drugs? To continue to extract large sums of money from the healthcare system only because they are the gatekeepers and paper pushers?

Could the answer be the Hollywood middlemen who demand that their interests be safeguarded and the public’s right to exploit artistic works that have entered the public domain be totally extinguished by legislation which criminalizes breaking an electronic wrapper around a work in the public domain? The very same people who have crippled our computers and other technology with their insistence in special lock-out and blocking chips which are mandated to be built-in to every electronic device?

Could the answer be the insecure and narcissistic Hollywood elite and the celebrities whose roles, well-scripted acting and their ability to fake sincerity make them want to legitimize their existence by adopting political postures and making high-sounding pronouncements?  Limousine liberals like Barbara Streisand who want to tell others how to live and how to spend their money – while being notoriously cheap and grabbing untaxed freebies with both hands? These are the people who claim others should pay their fair share of higher taxes while employing an army of advisors to insure that their money is safe and in tax-sheltered investments?

Could the answer be liberal businessmen like Warren Buffett whose friendly homespun public persona belies the fact that he heads up an insurance company which rarely breaks out the numbers which could really indicate how well his investment judgement and performance has truly been? A man who believes everybody should be paying higher taxes – while he is being feted for donating the bulk of his fortune to a tax-sheltered charity that keeps much of the money out of the hands of the taxman – and thus denies the country some of its due income?

Could the answer be a group of self-serving financial institutions which continues to reward its leadership with multi-million dollar bonuses when they generate multi-BILLION dollar losses for their investors? Those who demand that chaos reign supreme as people are forced to buy and sell through their brokerages? Or those who set up off-shore, off-balance sheet accounts to keep the money far from the tax collectors and the American Courts? Who allowed insurance companies located in the Cayman Islands and Bahamas to insure much of the subprime debt that is currently bedeviling our economy?

Could the answer be a malevolent government comprised of self-serving bureaucrats who want to increase their power to wield behind the scenes influence by controlling the collection and dissemination of damaging personal information whenever it suits their interests? A government which seeks direct access to citizen’s computer systems and prepares a criminal indictment based on unconstitutional snooping facilitated by telephone and cable companies?

Could the answer be an unprecedented fraud to nationalize the energy companies using under the guise of saving the planet based on junk science and self-interested promotion by some of the scientists and their respective institutions who need to curry favor with those who control the funding? Using the very same fraud to increase the size of government, raise taxes, re-distribute wealth and reduce the freedom and liberty of America’s citizens?

Could the answer be, the spawn of powerful, wealthy and well-connected people whose birthright places them at a significant advantage over those with the talent and ability to prosper in America? I can not see why Joseph Biden’s son, even though a lawyer, can command a salary of $1.2 million dollars to head a firm in which he has little or no expertise? – Unless that expertise is referential and originating somewhere deep in his political connections?

Could the answer be all of the above coming together in a confluence of events and actions which force honorable people into acceding to the demands of those less honorable – and possibly downright evil?

Ugly duckling?

Continuing with the basic fairy tale theme, we cannot be sure that this ugly duckling will certainly grow into a magnificent swan if we have enough faith and wait long enough. In fact, it is more likely that the competing forces in a democrat Administration will result in further chaos and corruption.

While no one can defend the fiscal irresponsibility of the present Administration and endlessly argue about the ineptness of its leadership, there is no guarantee that a democrat Administration, comprised of competing philosophies and factions, will not disintegrate into a morass of chaos and corruption with decisions being based on weathervane politics – continual polling to test the winds before implementing policy. Leaving the defense of the United States to those who want to disembowel American on behalf of its jealous enemies and those who want to do it harm.

I urge you to discuss these issues with your neighbors and then vote. Vote your wallet, your health, your freedom and liberty. But most of all, vote for an America that will not become a fast-decaying Europe-like clone mired in socialism and union strikes.

Me, I have made my decision. Based on love of country and the concept of honor, I have chosen to vote for John McCain over Barack Obama.

The answer, at least for me, is simple. I do not know who Barack Obama really is other than some newbie Senator with little or no experience in any significant subject. A community organizer, activist, agitator who listened to anti-American, racist black liberation theology and whose friendships include the very worst of society including racists, anti-Semites, homophobes, domestic terrorists and ordinary crooks with political influence.

Even his Vice Presidential pick has a direct relationship to the corrupt as one of his close advisors was an associate of Tony Rezko

According to ABC News …

“Chicago lawyer and onetime mega-fundraiser Joseph Cari has advised Biden and his campaigns on and off since 1984, serving in posts as varied as a Senate adviser on crime to the Midwest Political Director for Biden's aborted 1987 presidential bid. In 2005 Cari helped arrange private meetings for Biden with potential supporters, as the senator explored another run for the White House. He has also worked to raise money for Biden.”

“Cari never attended those meetings, however. Days before they were scheduled to take place he learned he was under investigation as part of the Rezko probe and excused himself from the events, a spokesman explained Sunday.”

“Federal prosecutors indicted Cari in August 2005 and in September Cari cut a deal, agreeing to cooperate with the government's investigation and pleading guilty to a count of attempted extortion.”

“Cari admitted that in 2004 he helped a Rezko associate by making calls in what turned out to be a kickback scheme. The deal was an offshoot of a complex corruption scheme wrought by Antoin ‘Tony’ Rezko , whose ties to Obama have vexed the White House hopeful . Cari has maintained he did not know the details of that scheme or any other.”

“Cari's sentencing is delayed while he cooperates with the investigation. He testified at Rezko's trial earlier this year, in which a jury found Rezko guilty on 16 of 24 corruption-related felony charges. Obama, who entered into a complex real estate transaction with Rezko and his wife in 2005 that appeared to aid the senator, has returned nearly $150,000 in donations he received from Rezko and his associates over the years.” <Source>

Democrat-led law enforcement?

Is there any wonder why democrats or their supporters allegedly had an ABC investigative reporter arrested for taking pictures of the wealthy and powerful people (Senators, lobbyists, wealthy supporters) who were said to be attending special meetings in the Brown Palace hotel? Is this the type of heavy-handed democrat law enforcement we saw under the Clinton Administration when the Department of Justice as well as other supposedly politically-neutral agencies were turned into hyper-partisan attack groups? <Source>

I am especially concerned when Barack Obama speaks of a "civilian national security force" with the power of the military. I wonder just what he has in mind? Would it be subject to control from the White House as in the democrat Reno yearswhen the DOJ was allegedly forced to consult with the White House on major tactical decisions involving Waco? With Obama, you just don't know. And I personally don't want to take the chance to find out. 

With McCain …

With John McCain, I know that he will not turn his back on the defense of American from her enemies, both foreign and domestic. That he will not become a mealy-mouthed diplomat honoring our enemies while ceding valuable concessions and buying phony do-nothing photo-ops with the hard-earned money of Americans. And that he is likely to serve for only four years, which may allow the conservatives, both democrats and Republicans, to take back their parties from radicals and big money special interests by putting forth honorable candidates with real experience.\

Bottom-line ...

Do not confuse motion with action: a speech is just a speech! It is not a legally-binding promise -- or any guarantee that a man with little or no subject-matter knowledge, expertise and experience can actually perform -- even with the help of his so-called friends.

-- steve


“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the ex-Porn Star?

We have always known that Governor Schwarzenegger was not your typical politician. He is a narcissistic movie star with grand ambitions.

From the time he declared himself to be a post-partisan politician, code words for doing the bidding of the liberal democrats as a RINO (Republican In Name Only), to his present leadership failure in curtailing state spending and producing an on-time budget, we can see that he is all about adulation and the portrayal of the political hero.

Mostly achieved with Hollywood-style public relations and smoke and mirrors.

That is not to say that I did not originally believe that Schwarzenegger could do as credible a job at turning California around as Jesse Ventura did in Minnesota.

But I guess that is the difference between a real tough guy (Ventura was a Navy Frogman/SEAL) and those who merely play one while they mouth the words written by someone else. Even Stallone (who played John Rambo) would have probably made a better governor.

So I am not surprised when Paul Barresi, a former porn star turned private eye, claimed to have worked for Governor Schwarzenegger under the disgraced and convicted wire-tapper Anthony Pelicano. 

In an interview with FBLA (FishbowlLA), Barresi – obviously not adhering to the same “code of silence” that marked Pelicano’s trial – came clean about services performed for Governor Schwarzenegger.

FBLA: How long did you work for Anthony Pellicano.

BARRESI: Off and on for almost ten years.

FBLA: What did you do on Schwarzenegger?

BARRESI: Searched for the names and addresses of his detractors. Anyone who may want to harm him, should he run for office.

FBLA: This was obviously before he was Governor.


FBLA: Did you make a list?

BARRESI: A mile long.

Then retreating behind the client privacy shield …

FBLA: And, Stallone?
BARRESI: I'm not at liberty to talk about that one.

Illustrating the power of the Internet …

FBLA: Did you share any of the same common beliefs or opinions? [with Pellicano]

BARRESI: Oh, yes, several.

FBLA: What's the first that comes to mind?

BARRESI: Well, we both loath cyber stalkers. You know who I’m talking about. Those malicious psychopaths who take pleasure in harming others. They harass and attack people with mean spirited blog postings. They hide behind various screen names, being the cowards that they are. It gives them a false sense of safety, hiding in the shadows, like a frightened rat.

and the length to which the powerful will go to silence it …

FBLA: Did you ever take action against any of them?

BARRESI: I remember one guy in particular. Tony and me had a long conversation about him. Tony said he deserved a good beating. But in the end, he was dealt with the legal way -- in the courts.

If anyone does not believe that Pellicano and Company engaged in threats of violence and other extra-legal means to silence people, the story of Pellicano can be found here.

Someone should ask the Governor what he did with those lists …

Perhaps the media should openly ask Governor Schwarzenegger about his relationship with Anthony Pellicano as it pertains to opposition research. And if he is still using his media-sources to manage the news? Or perhaps how he feels about network neutrality and the fairness doctrine.

One thing about the Internet is that it is virtually instantaneous and viral. After a speech, hundreds or even thousands of amateurs with specialized knowledge of history and arcane facts are ready to point out discrepancies, deviations and outright distortions. Lies are separated from embellishments and discussed endlessly ... to the chagrin of the chattering classes and their media megaphones.

What can YOU do?

Fellow bloggers: Continue blogging about the politics and your opinion. Should anyone approach you surreptitiously or with malevolent intent, don’t bother with the local police – go directly to the FBI and Department of Justice.

As for California voters, we have seen Schwarzenegger’s performance over the past years… unimpressive to say the least. He has turned continual fundraising into an art, surpassing even the prodigious efforts of his predecessor, Gray Davis, who was recalled over his tax policies. While we can appreciate his movies and persona, let’s hope that he is not given a major role if Obama is elected. Let him continue to lead a jet-set lifestyle and play the movie star – but keep him away from policy decisions involving energy or any other substantive issues. After all this is the wunderkind that went from "no taxes" to supporting an increase in sales tax ... but only if I get a spending cap! Perhaps if he lowered spending, there would be no need for a tax increase. But that would mean the public service workers and the unions wouldn't continue to get their cushy raises in these depressing times.

Perhaps he would like a position as the Ambassador to the Netherlands – formerly occupied by Roland Arnall – the head of predatory lender Ameriquest?

-- steve

Quote of the day: “If there's anything unsettling to the stomach, it's watching actors on television talk about their personal lives.” -- Marlon Brando

A reminder from OneCitizenSpeaking.com: a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

Investigator Barresi Opens Up On Hollywood - mediabistro.com: FishbowlLA

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

TITS-for-TAT: Paris Hilton responds to McCain's "Obama as a Celebrity Video"

Hard on the heels of yesterday’s blog entry decrying the candidate’s promotion of style over substance, FAMOUS BY REFERENCE, we are presented with a newly released Paris Hilton video mocking John McCain.

The video that started it all: “Obama, the biggest celebrity in the world”  …

John McCain notes Obama’s celebrity status as the commercial opens with shots of talented Britney Spears and the untalented Paris Hilton …

It was only a matter of time until the celebutard Paris Hilton’s friends saw an opportunity to capitalize on the public’s interest in the election and produced their own video….

Paris Hilton Strikes Back …

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

And the talking heads at the networks weigh in on what it all means …

Here is the CBS commentary which attempts to analyze the impact of the commercial without saying anything much of substance.

What it really means …

The name of the game is to produce wildly popular videos that will spread throughout the BLOGOSPHERE like any good viral marketing campaign. Not only does it increase name recognition for all parties as it pokes fun at the opposition, it also highlights one of the most important campaign points: neither of these candidates is really fit to lead the United States – but when all factors are considered, John McCain is the most likely candidate to protect America from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

We don’t have to like it, but we are given absolutely no choice in the matter as the corrupt and profane political parties and their special interest supporters are bent on running the world and plundering the United States treasury for their own interests. 

And, of course, who gives a rat’s ass what the celebutards like Paris Hilton thinks about anything. Ditto the far-left loons like Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, George Clooney, Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Ed Asner and the rest of their ilk: performers who earn their money by confusing style over substance on a professional level.

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Schwarzenstupid: Governor cuts pay of state workers to punish legislators who are responsible for the budget problem -- Should have cut payments to illegal aliens first!


John Chiang, the California State Controller sent Arnold Schwarzenegger a 3-page letter informing him that he will not comply with the Schwarzenegger's order and pointing out why the Governor is wrong about the law, his powers and his fiscal assumptions. The letter can be found at http://www.sco.ca.gov/eo/pressbox/2008/08/ltr_to_gov.pdf.

Original Blog Entry ...

In an act of pure political theatre, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has issued an executive order punishing California’s state workers for the lack of action on the part of the California legislature.

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“ ‘Today I am exercising my executive authority to avoid a full-blown crisis and keep our state moving forward," Governor Schwarzenegger said. ‘This is not an action I take lightly, but we do not have a budget, and as Governor, I have a responsibility to make sure our state has enough money to pay its bills.’"

IT IS ORDERED that the services and functions of state government directly related to the preservation and protection of human life and safety, including but not limited to emergency and disaster response activities and the provision of 24-hour medical care, shall be deemed critical and exempt from this Order.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that except for services and functions of state government deemed critical and exempt by this Order, all State agencies and departments under my direct executive authority take immediate action effective July 31, 2008 to cease and desist hiring of employees (except in instances in which there is a bona fide offer and acceptance prior to the effective date of this Order), transferring employees between State agencies and departments, promoting employees, and contracting for individuals to perform services. 

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that except for services and functions of state government deemed critical and exempt by this Order and emergent situations to preserve and protect human life and safety, all State agencies and departments under my direct executive authority take immediate action to cease and desist authorization of all overtime for employees effective July 31, 2008.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that except for services and functions of state government deemed critical and exempt by this Order, all State agencies and departments under my direct executive authority take immediate action to terminate the services of the following five categories of employees and individuals effective July 31, 2008:  (1) Retired Annuitants; (2) Permanent Intermittent Employees; (3) Seasonal Employees; (4) Temporary Help Workers; and (5) Student Assistants.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that except for services and functions of state government deemed critical and exempt by this Order and except for services provided pursuant to multi-year contracts for Information Technology systems and services, all State agencies and departments under my direct executive authority take immediate action to suspend all personal services contracts effective July 31, 2008.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Director of the Department of Finance and Director of the Department of Personnel Administration shall work with the State Controller to develop and implement the necessary mechanisms, including but not limited to pay letters and computer programs, to comply with the California Supreme Court's White v. Davis opinion to pay federal minimum wage to those nonexempt FLSA employees who did not work any overtime

Bold action?

Bold and dramatic action is something that Schwarzenegger understands from his days in Hollywood. Unfortunately, unlike movie effects which are accomplished with smoke, mirrors and complete with re-takes, this is real life with real consequences.

The Governor doesn’t get it …

People were fooled by Schwarzenegger’s well-scripted rhetoric and seemingly sincere delivery. The Republicans went along for the ride knowing that they would re-gain a modicum of power that would be denied to the democrat-infested legislature. Boy were they surprised when Schwarzenegger announced that he was a new breed of post-partisan politician (e.g. liberal democrat) and was all about working for the people. A RINO (Republican In Name Only) in every sense.

Imagine their chagrin when the “I’m too rich to be bought” Governor then proceeded to out fundraise even the prodigious “special interest fundraiser”  Gray Davis, the recalled Governor who he replaced. Going Davis one better and using money from special foundations whose contributors (lobbyists and others) remained shielded from public scrutiny to fund his lavish jet set lifestyle befitting a movie star.

Immediately cutting aid to illegal aliens ...

The first step in resolving the budget crisis should have been terminating all payments and aid to illegal aliens before cutting payments to legal California citizens who happen to be state workers.

Risking the California economy …

Those who are not able to collect their full state salary may face foreclosure on their housing or other severe financial problems caused by this drastic action. Of course, the Governor suggested that California banks help any disadvantaged employees with loans – mentioning that they will be paid when he receives a budget and state operations resume. When the salaries resume and back-payment is made, the employees will still be responsible for the interest on any loans which may have been necessary to continue their daily lives as well as dealing with any black marks on their credit reports.

Will the legislature respond?

It is unknown whether or not this action will force California’s legislature to respond with a budget or adopt one of Schwarzenegger’s proposal for increasing gaming revenues, securitizing the lottery or raising California’s sales tax on an emergency basis.

It is also unknown if California’s Treasurer and Controller will follow the executive order and institute the action – or bypass it using a court challenge of the Governor’s ability to take this drastic action.

Not all bad …

This is a perfect opportunity to dump all of the superfluous employees and paid political commissars (appointees) that head  generally useless and ceremonial positions.

Like with all California Government operations, one needs to both follow the money trail and wait to see how the issue is resolved.

What can YOU do?

Do not elect celebrity movie stars who are used to a life of adoration and special privilege to run any government function.

Terminate Schwarzenegger’s political career before he turns into his relative: Teddy Kennedy.

Demand that the California legislature deliver a balanced budget on time.

Demand that the California legislature live within their budgetary means.

Demand that payments for illegal alien programs be cut before payments to state workers.

Do not elect liberal democrats to the California legislature – especially those whose allegiance to illegal aliens is well known and documented.

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for their personal philosophy, power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

Quote of the Day: “He who laughs last has not yet heard the bad news.” --Bertolt Brecht

A reminder from OneCitizenSpeaking.com: a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

Governor Schwarzenegger Issues Executive Order to Address State’s Looming Cash Crisis - Press Release by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS