California, the nation’s Golden State, has long been a land of opportunity, innovation, and promise.
Yet beneath its glitzy image lies a complex web of connections, political favors, and backroom deals that have shaped the state’s governance for over 80 years. At the heart of this web are the influential Brown, Newsom, Pelosi, and Getty families, whose intertwining relationships have defined California’s political landscape in subtle and overt ways.
The Early Days: Edmund Joseph Brown and Pat Brown’s Political Rise
The story begins with Edmund Joseph Brown, father of former California Governor Jerry Brown. Edmund, known for his association with gambling operations and shady dealings in San Francisco, had connections that helped pave the way for his son Pat Brown’s political success. With the assistance of businessman William Newsom II, Pat Brown rose to power, eventually serving two terms as governor of California in the 1960s and early 1970s.
During his time in office, Pat Brown’s administration awarded the highly controversial Squaw Valley concession contract to William Newsom III and his partner, John Pelosi. The corrupt bargain was a bad deal for California, with the state footing the bill while receiving little in return. William Newsom III had a personal connection to Pat Brown’s family—he had grown up alongside Jerry Brown, who was training to be a Jesuit priest at the time. Meanwhile, John Pelosi’s son, Paul, had a connection to another powerful political family: Paul married Nancy D’Alessandro, daughter of Thomas D’Alessandro Jr., a known associate of notorious mobster Lucky Luciano and the Baltimore Mafia. These connections created an intricate web of influence that extended far beyond the Squaw Valley contract.
The Political Fallout: A Web of Marriages and Manipulations
The Squaw Valley dispute escalated tensions within the state’s political circles. In one notable instance, William Newsom Sr. threatened to derail Governor Pat Brown’s third-term bid, contributing to his eventual loss to Ronald Reagan in 1966.
However, the web didn’t end there. Eight years later, Pat Brown’s son, Jerry Brown, would reclaim the governor’s office in 1974. As governor, Jerry Brown rewarded those in his network, including appointing William Newsom III to a Placer County judgeship in 1975. He elevated Newsom to the California State Court of Appeal three years later. Newsom was not just any lawyer—he had previously served as the attorney for J. Paul Getty, the oil magnate and once the world’s most prosperous private citizen, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
While on the appellate bench, Newsom played a significant role in helping Gordon Getty, the oil magnate’s son, secure a change in state trust law that ultimately allowed him to claim his share of a multi-heir trust. This decision illustrated the strong ties between the state’s judiciary and its wealthy elites, further intertwining the influence of the Getty and Newsom families.
The Gettys, Newsoms, and the Rise of Gavin Newsom
After retiring from the bench, William Newsom transitioned into a new role as the administrator of the Getty Trust. Here, his son, Gavin Newsom, received the financial backing to launch his own business, the PlumpJack Group. This venture would lay the foundation for Gavin Newsom’s political career.
With a wealth of connections and the endorsement of influential figures like the Getty family, Gavin Newsom rapidly ascended in San Francisco politics, eventually becoming the city’s mayor, lieutenant governor of California, and 2019 governor of the state. His rise was not solely based on his own merit—Gavin was informally adopted by the Gettys after his parent’s divorce, further cementing the bond between these powerful families.
The Pelosi Family: An Ongoing Legacy of Power
At the same time, Nancy Pelosi, a key figure in American politics and the aunt of Gavin Newsom, became an influential force in her own right. Pelosi’s ascent through the ranks of the Democratic Party and her position as the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House allowed the Pelosi family to retain significant political influence, further connecting the web of California’s political elite.
Let us not forget that Nancy Pelosi raised the art of insider trading on yet-to-be-released congressional and legal information to a multi-million dollar fortune.
The Price of Power: California’s Debt and Unchecked Government Spending
The interconnectedness of these families has contributed to political power and the state’s fiscal mismanagement. California’s massive state debt—now over $2 trillion—can be traced partly to the longstanding dominance of these families, who have ensured that their interests remain protected at the highest levels of government.
Along with figures like Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, and Dianne Feinstein, these political families have fostered a culture of unchecked government spending, leading California to have the highest taxes in the nation. Critics argue that this concentration of political and economic power, coupled with wasteful spending, has contributed to California’s financial troubles while serving the interests of a select few.
Bottom line…
Beyond the progressive communist democrat agenda lies a spiderweb of corruption by those who are seemingly above the law and exempt from the consequences of their legislative actions.
California’s political history is about power, privilege, and family connections. For decades, the Brown, Newsom, Pelosi, and Getty families have overseen the state’s decline. These powerful politicians have created a political ecosystem where deals are made behind closed doors, and personal connections often outweigh public service.
As California continues to face challenges related to its mounting debt and social issues, the legacy of this spiderweb of corruption remains a powerful force in the state’s political landscape—one that will continue to shape the course of its governance for generations to come.
Thank heaven that Gavin Newsom’s presidential ambitions have hit a wall, and the other political power brokers are aging out. Unfortunately, the State’s Republican Party lacks the cojones to stand up to corruption and give us corrupt ersatz RINO fools like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Considering Kamala Harris is making noises suggesting she might run for governor, I believe we will continue to be screwed until we experience a catastrophe of cataclysmic proportions.
-- Steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS