Reagan National Airport Accident

The Oxymoronic Age of Democrats: Where Talk Trumps Action, and Destruction is the Path to Salvation

From the city that brought you balkanized neighborhoods...


Shut up! Everything is under control!

Karen Bass: Pacific Palisades Will Be Rebuilt by ‘Outside Consultant’

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has decided that fire-ravaged Pacific Palisades will be built by an “outside consultant.”

[OCS: Other than the city-owned infrastructure, rebuilding a portion of the city should be left up to private property owners, not progressive communist democrat developers and city planners.]

The decision was made without any consultation with local residents or any process of input from those affected.

[OCS: Trust the city government that failed you. We have proven we know best! Yeah, right!]

Bass appeared in Pacific Palisades on Monday on an unannounced visit together with “chief recovery officer Steve Soboroff,” whom Bass appointed earlier this month — also without local consultation — and who had been absent.

[OCS: For those who have never heard of Steve Soboroff, he is a well-connected, wealthy real estate developer and renovator of commercial properties and a major political power broker.]

The Los Angeles Times reported that Bass announced her intention to hire a consultant to handle the rebuilding:

The city of Los Angeles is planning to hire an outside consultant to handle a significant rebuilding contract for areas devastated by this month’s Palisades fire, Mayor Karen Bass said Monday.

The firm will represent the city’s interests in the wildfire recovery process, including performing damage assessments, monitoring air and water quality, interacting with various federal agencies and ensuring that the city gets as much federal reimbursement as possible, according to chief recovery officer Steve Soboroff. 

Details about the scope of the forthcoming contract remain scant, but Bass said Monday that the city was in the midst of reviewing proposals from “major firms” and pledged to make a decision this week.

Soboroff claimed that the consultant would represent locals — despite the complete lack of notice or consultation. He also suggested that the consultant would control the federal money entering California to deal with the fire damage.

[OCS: There you have it! It's about money, politics, and control. Preserving the damage the progressive communist democrats have wrought.]


In today’s political climate, particularly with progressive left-wing politicians, it’s become abundantly clear that action often takes a backseat to the appearance of action. 

This is especially true for those who prefer grand speeches, media facetime, and photo opportunities to actual, meaningful change. While the political power brokers debate the trivial and the unimportant, millions of taxpayer dollars are squandered on bureaucratic projects, consultants, and legal maneuvering that produce little more than empty reports and inflated budgets. The real outcomes? Almost nothing of substance.

At the heart of this dysfunction is an alarming tendency to prioritize “defining” the problem over actually solving it.

It’s become more important for politicians and their agencies to sound like they’re doing something than actually doing anything. But the media loves it. These moments create exploitable pseudo-news—self-serving speeches, social media posts, dramatic photo ops—and generate the headlines that drive public attention. It’s a machine of performance that rewards the act of speaking, not the art of action.

But it gets worse.

In our current political landscape, particularly among the progressive communist factions of the Democratic Party, we are told that we must dismantle and destroy what we have—our culture, our traditions, our very way of life—to “save” it. This rhetoric is nothing short of an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. The same people who claim they want to protect and preserve our future are the very ones arguing that our culture must be torn down to make room for their idea of a “better” society. They’re telling us that destruction is the only way to construction. This is the ultimate paradox of our age: the more we are told we need to change to save ourselves, the more we seem to be led toward a future where what made us great is erased.

We live in a time when the loudest voices are often the ones that offer the least value.

Ideas that have been tried, tested, and proven over centuries are discarded in favor of radical, untested experiments that worsen the problem. And yet, these so-called solutions are wrapped in a language of hope and progress. But when you peel back the layers, it’s clear: we’re not solving anything, just rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship.

Is it any wonder we feel we’re on the verge of collapse? That we are, in fact, “screwed”?

The question is: what happens when the tearing down and rebuilding is complete? What’s left? What will we have to show for it all?

We are witnessing the unraveling of a city where talking has become more important than doing, and destruction is seen as the means to salvation. This is a dangerous path, and it may ultimately leave us with nothing but the hollow echoes of the rhetoric that got us there.

It’s time to stop talking about fixing problems and start fixing them. Until then, the future looks grim.

We are so screwed.

-- Steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
