While Klaus Schwab promotes wealth redistribution from the poor and middle class to the elites through interconnected authoritarian global governance using themes of climate change, sustainability, and inequality through multilateral action, President Trump is all about America First and stopping the plundering of the United States.
In his own words…
Davos, Switzerland, 21 January 2025 Addressing a gathering of global leaders, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, officially opened the 55th Annual Meeting, setting the tone for the week by highlighting the meeting’s theme: Collaboration for the Intelligent Age. “This transition from the Industrial to the Intelligent Age is occurring at an exponential pace, carrying unprecedented risks for humanity as we strive to prepare and adapt for its complexities, he said. “Yet, it also offers significant opportunities to transcend our current challenges and spark a new renaissance – one defined by advancements in knowledge, health, culture and societal welfare.” Schwab called on the global community to rise to the moment with “constructive optimism”, urging stakeholders from all sectors – government, business, civil society and academia – to unite in crafting solutions to shared challenges. “By embracing constructive optimism and believing in our collective capacity and commitment to improving the state of the world, we can shape the Intelligent Age as an age where every human being can realize their full potential.” <Source>
Key Dangers Associated with the World Economic Forum:
Excessive Concentration of Power: The conversations at Davos revolve around policies that benefit multinational corporations and the wealthy as the WEF brings together the world’s elites, wealthy influential political and business interests, and their media propagandists, an undemocratic disproportionate representation of the wealthy elite. These individuals and corporations significantly influence public policy decisions, affecting billions globally. With such a concentration of power, it’s easy to see how decisions made behind closed doors disproportionately benefit the already wealthy while leaving most of the population with little voice or say in critical issues. These elite gatherings reinforce existing power structures, which further entrench global inequality.
Undemocratic Decision-Making: One of the central issues surrounding the WEF is the lack of democratic accountability. The forum is an exclusive club open only to those with significant financial resources or influence. While leaders from governments and international organizations participate, these decisions are often made without the public’s involvement or input. The WEF’s closed-door meetings result in the creation of policies that may not reflect the needs or desires of ordinary citizens.
Promoting Corporate Interests Over Public Welfare: In recent years, there’s been growing concern over the WEF’s role in advancing corporate interests at the expense of public welfare. While the forum touts the importance of tackling issues like climate change, income inequality, and global health, critics argue that it often serves as a platform for businesses to enhance their influence and expand their reach.
Lack of Transparency: The World Economic Forum lacks transparency surrounding its activities. Much of the discussions and agreements made at the event are private, leaving the public in the dark about decisions and how they might affect the global population. This opacity prevents the scrutiny necessary to ensure that the decisions made at Davos are in the best interest of all people, not just the elite few. Major tech companies, financial institutions, and energy conglomerates are involved in shaping policy discussions without the public’s full knowledge, which raises questions about who truly benefits from the outcomes.
Exacerbating Global Inequality: Although the WEF claims to address issues such as poverty, inequality, and access to education, its annual gatherings often showcase the immense divide between the haves and the have-nots as the forum’s participants represent the wealthiest sectors of society, individuals insulated from the very realities faced by ordinary citizens or those living in actual poverty. Undoubtedly, WEF prescriptives perpetuate and even deepen existing disparities between the wealthy and the impoverished.
Encouraging Technocratic Governance: Another extreme danger of the WEF is its promotion of technocratic governance, where decisions about the economy, technology, and society are made by so-called “experts” who are classic examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect where individuals with low ability or knowledge in a specific area tend to overestimate their competence. Essentially, people who are inexperienced or unskilled in a subject often fail to recognize their lack of expertise, leading them to believe they are more knowledgeable or capable than they are as they prioritize efficiency and innovation over democratic engagement and accountability.
The “Great Reset” and the Future of Capitalism: Can you say authoritarian global communism? The WEF’s recent push for a “Great Reset,” introduced during the pandemic, calls for a redesign of global capitalism to address issues like inequality, climate change, and economic instability. While the idea of systemic reform sounds promising in theory, critics argue that the reset could be used to entrench corporate control further and restrict personal freedoms.
Bottom line…
Fuck you, Klaus Schwab, and your cadre of Euro-trash commies. God Bless America and Americans.
-- Steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS