
It’s not our fault; there was no governmental mismanagement; it was “hydroclimate whiplash”… 

How hydroclimate whiplash contributed to the severity of California wildfires
The state’s naturally variable climate increases its wildfire risk.

Experts say hydroclimate whiplash—the rapid shift between wet and dry conditions—likely contributed to the severity of the wildfires burning in Southern California.

In recent years, parts of the state shifted from a major drought to an extended period of above-average precipitation that allowed for abundant vegetation growth. After that, a stretch of intense, record-breaking heat dried out much of that vegetation and provided ample fuel for large and fast-growing wildfires. <Source>

[ABC Reporter] Joining me now is climate scientist Peter Kalmas, who has researched climate change and its impacts on extreme weather events, specifically.

Peter, thanks for being with us. Officials are still investigating how this particular wave of fires began. But what does research tell you, tell us, about the effects of climate change on wildfires in particular?

[Climate Scientist Peter Kalmas]  Yeah, so climate change is making the planet hotter. It’s making areas like Southern California drier. And this is causing much worse fires, as we’re seeing.

[OCS: Fact: most of Southern California is a desert which has been artificially irrigated and dependent on external water. The planet has been hotter, colder, wetter, and drier, all before the industrial revolution and the widespread use of fossil fuels.

In my opinion, this is a kind of a tipping point. So you have like more fuel, more dry fuel, more drought, hotter temperatures, possibly stronger Santa Ana winds. And so you’re seeing a kind of fire that we haven’t seen before.

[OCS: Wildland fires, sparked by various causes, are a fact of life. What is different is habitable dwellings in an artificially irrigated ecosystem, the failure of government entitites to manage brushy undergrown, and disaster preparedness.

  1. The Camp Fire (2018), Location: Butte County, Northern California, Acres burned: 153,336 acres, Casualties: 85 deaths (making it the deadliest wildfire in California history), Cause: The fire was caused by faulty PG&E power lines. (This is the fire destroyed the town of Paradise, causing massive destruction and loss.)

  2. The Woolsey Fire (2018), Location: Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, Acres burned: 96,949 acres, Casualties: 3 deaths, Cause: The cause was linked to Southern California Edison equipment, but it was not fully determined. (This fire threatened the city of Malibu, causing significant evacuations and property damage.)

  3. The Thomas Fire (2017), Location: Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, Acres burned: 281,893 acres, Casualties: 2 deaths, Cause: The cause was determined to be from power lines and wind conditions. (At the time, it was the largest wildfire in California's modern history.)

  4. The Cedar Fire (2003), Location: San Diego County, Acres burned: 280,000 acres, Casualties: 15 deaths, Cause: The fire was ignited by a lost hunter using a signal flare. (It was one of the largest wildfires in California at the time.)

  5. The Rim Fire (2013), Location: Yosemite National Park, Stanislaus National Forest, Acres burned: 257,314 acres, Casualties: 0 deaths, but several injuries, Cause: The fire was caused by illegal campfire use.(The Rim Fire threatened a large portion of Yosemite and resulted in significant ecological and economic damage.)

  6. The Carr Fire (2018), Location: Shasta County, Acres burned: 229,651 acres, Casualties: 8 deaths,Cause: The fire was started by a vehicle breakdown., Notable: The fire spread rapidly and destroyed hundreds of structures, including parts of the city of Redding.

  7. The Tubbs Fire (2017), Location: Napa and Sonoma Counties, Acres burned: 36,810 acres, Casualties: 22 deaths, Cause: The fire was attributed to electrical equipment failure. (It was one of the most destructive fires in California's wine country, causing extensive damage to homes and vineyards.)

  8. The Kincade Fire (2019), Location: Sonoma County, Acres burned: 77,758 acres, Casualties: 0 deaths, but several injuries, Cause: The fire was sparked by PG&E equipment. (It led to widespread evacuations and massive power outages in the region.)

  9. The Ferguson Fire (2018), Location: Yosemite National Park, Acres burned: 96,901 acres, Casualties: 2 deaths, Cause: Likely started by human activity. (It forced the temporary closure of Yosemite National Park and was one of several major fires that season.)

  10. The LNU Lightning Complex Fires (2020), Location: Napa, Sonoma, Lake, Solano, and Yolo Counties, Acres burned: Over 363,000 acres
    Casualties: 5 deaths, Cause: Lightning strikes during an intense thunderstorm. (It was one of several lightning-caused fires in 2020, contributing to a record-breaking fire season.)

I think it’s completely wrong to blame mismanagement, to blame emergency responders. This is climate change. This is caused by fossil fuels.

[OCS: Kalmas, a government-funded statistical researcher, is entitled to his opinion, however biased and misguided. Nobody is blaming first responders, the heroic individuals who accept danger as a way of life in the quest to help others. The blame falls squarely on the politicians and bureaucrats who mismanaged our resources and a rational adaptation to existing and foreseeable risks.]

The fossil fuel industry has been lying and blocking action for decades. And in my opinion, they are the arsonists here.

[OCS: Fossil fuels are an integral part of our economy and critical to our lifestyles. Unless Kalmas can offer—up a viable, cost-effective alternative, he is just another opinionated liberal living in an alternative universe. It is the government and its paid propagandists who are lying.

This is the “opinion” of a 50-year-old liberal (Columbia University, Harvard University) climate scientist whose work is ecological forecasting using models. And, as we all have seen, the models are deeply flawed and rarely comport with real-life data unless they are artificially “tuned” to produce specific results. He is the author of “Being the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution,” which “explores the connections between our individual daily actions and our collective predicament. It merges science, spirituality, and practical action to develop a satisfying and appropriate response to global warming.”

Kalmas says the quiet part out loud—climate change is now a religion and somehow science merges with religion.

Per the description, “Part one exposes our interconnected predicament: overpopulation, global warming, industrial agriculture, growth-addicted economics, a sold-out political system, and a mindset of separation from nature. It also includes a readable but authoritative overview of climate science. Part two offers a response at once obvious and unprecedented: mindfully opting out of this broken system and aligning our daily lives with the biosphere. The core message is deeply optimistic: living without fossil fuels is not only possible, it can be better.]

Politicians have a unique talent for turning a simple question into a masterclass of word salad.

They can dodge, weave, and spin like Olympic gymnasts, delivering speeches that sound impressive but say absolutely nothing. Their motto is, “If you can’t dazzle them with facts, baffle them with bullshit.”

They’ll promise every citizen the moon, the stars, and a puppy—then deliver a parking ticket and call it progress. It’s a well-rehearsed dance of doublespeak, where the only thing more evident than their intentions is the smoke they’re blowing up your ass.

  • Fact: Weather refers to the short-term atmospheric conditions in a specific place, such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, and wind, over hours or days. On the other hand, climate describes the long-term patterns and averages of weather conditions over extended periods—typically decades, centuries, or millennia.
  • Fact: the weather is constantly changing, leading the progressives to declare that warming, generally known as summer, is the product of global climate change, cooling, customarily known as winter, is the product of global climate change, and moderate weather in spring and fall are also part of global climate change. Weather resulting in mass discomfort or damage is labeled “extreme weather.”

  • Fact: An Infallible argument refers to an assertion that is indefensible or unfalsifiable, meaning it is incapable of being proven wrong or challenged; an infallible argument or statement is so strong, accurate, and specific that no evidence or reasoning can dispute or contradict it—something so absolute and unassailable, there is no room for error or doubt.

  • Fact: There is no such thing as an infallible argument in science. Science is inherently a process of continually testing, questioning, and refining ideas. Even well-established theories and models are always open to revision in light of new evidence or better explanations. This self-correcting nature is one of the strengths of science, as it adapts to new information and improves over time. An “infallible” argument would imply absolute certainty, but scientific knowledge is always provisional and subject to change as we learn more about the world.

The truth about global climate change is simple and unimpeachable at this point in time.

1. Man cannot identify, isolate, and measure man’s climate signal against the noise of natural climate variability.

2. Man cannot determine the optimum temperature of the Earth that is beneficial to life from the equatorial latitudes to the polar regions.

3. Carbon dioxide is required for life, is not a pollutant, and is not a significant driver of climate change other than in computer models with incomplete or faulty assumptions and highly manipulated suspect data.

4. The significant drivers of climate change are the Sun’s energy output in all spectral bands, cosmic ray production, the Earth’s position relative to the Sun, the Earth’s rotational and precessional dynamics, plate tectonics and vulcanology, deep ocean currents, and the most significant greenhouse gas: water vapor. All seemingly interlinked with feedback and response mechanisms to support life on our planet. And all impervious to man’s control.

5. There is no evidence that any public policies or initiatives have altered or can alter our short-term weather or long-term global climate.

6. the elite climate change activists and supporters have accumulated additional wealth and power at humanity’s expense.

Bottom line…

The benefits of an infallible argument for climate change are clear: greater political power over populations and economies, accelerated shift to authoritarian communism, and unlimited profits drained from those whose daily toil is increasingly taxed.

No compelling evidence supports climate change, which remains an unproven hypothesis.

We are so screwed.

-- Steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
