Beware of Lawyers Soliciting Business in Fire Disaster Areas: Protecting Yourself from Unwanted Legal Practices

After a catastrophic event like a wildfire, victims face not only the destruction of their homes and livelihoods but also the overwhelming task of navigating insurance claims, government aid, and possibly even lawsuits. In such trying times, the last thing people need is to feel pressured into legal services that may not be in their best interest. Especially if they are offering services based on contingency fees.

Yet, following a disaster, it's common to see attorneys soliciting business in various ways—either directly or through third-party agents. Some attorneys work aggressively to secure clients, offering help with insurance claims, filing class action lawsuits, or securing government benefits. While legitimate legal assistance can certainly be a lifeline, it's important to be cautious when lawyers or their agents come knocking after a fire disaster.

Why Should You Be Cautious?

  1. Ambiguity About Legal Fees Many attorneys promise “no fees unless you win,” but their fee structures can be unclear or misleading. Some may charge hidden costs or take a significant percentage of any settlements. In disaster scenarios, people are particularly vulnerable and may not fully understand the fine print, leading to financial exploitation later on.

  2. Aggressive Solicitation Tactics Attorneys who actively solicit clients in disaster areas—whether through door-to-door visits, phone calls, or flyers—may not have your best interests at heart. While some may offer legitimate help, others may prey on people’s emotional and financial distress, seeking to lock you into contracts that are hard to break.

    Aggression in solicitation can come in the form of:

    • Knocking on doors in affected neighborhoods
    • Cold calling survivors who may not even realize they've been added to a list of potential clients
    • Using aggressive advertising in the media or through social channels specifically targeting those impacted by the disaster
  3. Unclear Relationships with Aggregators Some attorneys work through third-party agents or "aggregators" who gather information about victims and then sell this data to law firms. These aggregators might use questionable methods to get people’s contact details, such as from social media posts, local news outlets, or even government assistance records.

    If you're approached by someone claiming to represent a lawyer, ask how they obtained your information. If they can’t provide a clear answer, it might be a red flag.

  4. Misleading Information About Lawsuits and Class Actions Many attorneys focus on class action lawsuits or insurance claims that promise a large payout. While these actions can sometimes yield compensation, not every claim results in financial recovery for every participant. In fact, class actions can be lengthy, difficult to navigate, and often result in attorneys receiving a disproportionate share of any award, leaving survivors with little.

    Additionally, not all fire victims may qualify for class action status. If a lawyer or agent is pressuring you into joining a lawsuit, take the time to thoroughly review your options and ensure that this route is the best one for your individual situation.

  5. Unnecessary Claims or Claims that Aren’t Valid Some lawyers may attempt to convince you to file claims you don’t need, creating a case out of circumstances that don’t warrant legal intervention. These false or unnecessary claims may drag you into protracted legal battles, leaving you stuck with attorney fees and a lingering sense of uncertainty.

  6. Government Benefits Scams Another tactic used by some unscrupulous lawyers or third parties is claiming they can help you secure government benefits (such as disaster relief, FEMA grants, or state compensation funds). While legal assistance can certainly help navigate these processes, many disaster relief programs do not require legal representation to apply, and you should be wary if anyone offers "guaranteed" success or fast-tracked assistance for a fee.

What to Look for When Choosing Legal Assistance

If you do decide you need legal assistance after a fire disaster, here are a few steps to ensure you’re working with a reputable professional:

  • Verify Credentials: Check that the lawyer is licensed in your state and specializes in the type of law you need help with (e.g., insurance claims, class action lawsuits, etc.). Ask for Bar Cards and Drivers Licenses for verifications. 
  • Read Reviews and Ask for Referrals: Talk to neighbors, friends, or colleagues who might have experience with the attorney or firm in question. Research the firm’s reputation online.
  • Get Multiple Opinions: Don’t feel obligated to sign anything on the spot. Talk to multiple attorneys to ensure you're getting honest, straightforward advice.
  • Understand Fees: Be very clear about any potential costs or fees upfront. A legitimate attorney should provide a written agreement detailing the terms and any fees.
  • Avoid High-Pressure Tactics: A good lawyer will give you time to think, not rush you into making decisions in the heat of the moment.

Bottom line…

The aftermath of a fire disaster is a traumatic experience, and the last thing you need is to be overwhelmed by unsolicited legal services that may not have your best interests in mind. While there are certainly legitimate attorneys and law firms that specialize in fire-related cases, it’s essential to approach the process with caution. By being informed, asking questions, and taking your time to find a trusted professional, you can ensure that any legal assistance you receive is truly beneficial.

Remember, your recovery and well-being should always be your top priority—beware of anyone who prioritizes profit over people.

We are so screwed.


“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
