In recent months, there has been growing concern and intrigue surrounding the appearance of mystery drones in the skies near the New Jersey coast, with citizens and media experts questioning the purpose and origin of these uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs).


From unexplained sightings to suspected military and surveillance activity, these drones have sparked a series of questions that remain largely unanswered. So, why might the government keep the public in the dark about these mysterious aerial contraptions?

1. National Security Concerns:  One of the primary reasons the government might keep details about mystery drones under wraps is national security. If the drones are part of surveillance efforts—whether from foreign adversaries, terrorist groups, or other entities—publicly acknowledging their existence could give those responsible critical insights into how the country is responding to threats.  If foreign powers are using drones for espionage or reconnaissance, revealing that these drones are being detected could signal them that their actions are being noticed, potentially undermining future intelligence-gathering missions.

2. Protecting Sensitive Technology:  Mystery drones may involve cutting-edge technology, which governments and corporations often prefer to keep confidential to maintain a competitive edge. If the drones are part of a classified government or military program, acknowledging them publicly could inadvertently disclose technological advancements that are not yet ready for public disclosure. The drones could be part of experimental programs involving AI, stealth technology, or advanced weaponry. Premature exposure of these innovations could compromise national interests, both militarily and economically. The public release of such sensitive information could also invite unwanted attention from other nations seeking to steal the technology to replicate or counter these technologies.

3. Avoiding Public Panic:  Governments often infantilize the American public and avoid creating additional anxiety. If mystery drones are tied to unknown threats—environmental, technological, or even extraterrestrial—officials may fear that disclosing too much too soon could cause widespread fear, confusion, or panic among the public. In some cases, governments decide to manage the narrative, withholding specific details to prevent a situation from spiraling out of control. If mystery drones were associated with unidentified foreign powers or had the potential to escalate geopolitical tensions, revealing this to the public might heighten fears of war or domestic insecurity. Governments may believe they are preserving public order and stability by maintaining secrecy. Drones can spread chemical, biological, and radiological agents and cause significant power outages by crashing and short-circuiting our electric grid infrastructure. 

4. Covert Law Enforcement or Intelligence Operations: Mystery drones could be part of covert law enforcement or intelligence operations, domestically or internationally. These operations might involve monitoring individuals or groups engaged in criminal activity, organized crime, or terrorism. If the public were aware of such surveillance efforts, it could tip off suspects, potentially compromising ongoing investigations and putting agents at risk. Additionally, drones used for intelligence-gathering could be integral to tracking the movements of hostile individuals or groups. Disclosure of these activities could hinder the effectiveness of these operations and give targets a chance to evade detection or alter their behavior. Unfortunately, we have seen government entities abuse their power and illegally surveil American citizens--leading to outrage and political action adverse to the regime in power. 

5. Investigating Potentially Hazardous Materials or Sites: Drones might monitor hazardous areas, such as chemical plants, nuclear sites, or environmentally sensitive regions. Suppose the drones are being deployed in response to the discovery of a potential environmental or industrial hazard. In that case, the government may classify such information to avoid unnecessary alarm or prevent activists or third parties from interfering with operations. In situations where the government is investigating the presence of dangerous substances, revealing the existence of drones might prompt individuals or groups to interfere with investigations or pose additional security challenges. By withholding information, officials may feel they can mitigate these risks while addressing the issue privately.

6. Covering Up a Failure or Embarrassing Incident:  Governments are often concerned with managing their public image and may withhold information about mysterious drones if their involvement exposes a failure or an embarrassing incident. This could include a security breach, where drones bypassed defenses or security measures, or the existence of a drone that was deployed for an unintended or illegal purpose. Suppose mystery drones are found to result from an accidental launch or a malfunction of government technology. In that case, the government may hide these details to avoid public criticism or political fallout. Similarly, if the drones are part of a more significant mistake or misstep, officials may seek to cover up the incident to avoid public backlash.

7. Strategic Political Maneuvering: There is also the possibility that drones are part of a larger geopolitical strategy, where the government strategically keeps the information under wraps to gain leverage in future negotiations. This might include using the mystery drones as a tool for diplomatic bargaining. Suppose the government believes that revealing the presence of certain drones could change the balance of power in trade or security agreements. In that case, they may withhold information to retain strategic advantage. 

8.  Corrupt Government Operations:  As we have seen in the past, the Biden Administration has received multimillions of dollars from foreign entities such as Communist China, Russia, and Ukraine. If a hostile foreign power is operating these drones, it might be in the regime’s interest to cover up traitorous and grossly criminal activity to protect high-ranking government officials.

9.  Desensitization to Aerial Surveillance:  By flooding the media with drone sightings and other stories, the government might attempt to desensitize the American public to aerial surveillance by government entities.

Bottom line…

It’s a bitch when we cannot trust our government, local, state, and federal, or our elected officials sworn to represent and protect us.

We are so screwed.

--- Steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
