BullshitThe 1,547-page so-called continuing resolution is a sham; it is, in actuality, a type of omnibus spending bill called a minibus bill that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) promised would never be used.

Omnibus bills are large, comprehensive packages that bundle multiple appropriations or budget-related bills together, often making it difficult for lawmakers to vote on them separately or scrutinize specific provisions. These bills have been controversial because they can lead to excessive spending, include controversial provisions, and bypass the normal deliberative process in Congress.

Speaker Mike Johnson pledged to end the practice of omnibus spending bills shortly after becoming Speaker of the House in October 2023. He specifically committed this during a speech after his October 25, 2023 election.

“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”

Speaker Johnson says House will not approve ‘Christmas omnibus’

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is promising that the House will not approve a single, massive bill to fund the entire government in December — a scenario feared by conservatives —  despite a stopgap that’s expected to clear the House this week expiring on Dec. 20.

There won’t be a Christmas omnibus,” Johnson said in a press conference Tuesday, reiterating a message he relayed privately to members in a House GOP conference meeting that morning.

Congress has regularly passed omnibus spending bills after a funding deadline butts up against end-of-year holidays, when members are eager to quickly finish legislative business and return to their families.

The House is expected to vote Wednesday on a continuing resolution (CR) to extend government funding until Dec. 20 in order to avoid a government shutdown on Oct. 1.

Johnson is also ruling out other large packages of funding legislation, such as “minibuses” — bills that combine funding for some, but not all, areas of government. Government funding is theoretically divided up among 12 appropriations bills.

“We don’t want any buses. We’re not going to do any buses, OK?” Johnson said. <Source>

Another progressive communist democrat “porkulus” bill…

The current continuing resolution in the House of Representatives has sparked significant controversy, particularly among House conservatives.

  • Disaster Funding: The resolution includes $110.4 billion in disaster aid, which some conservatives argue is excessive.

  • RFK Stadium Transfer: The measure clears the way for transferring administrative jurisdiction over the RFK Memorial Stadium Campus to Washington, D.C., which has been a contentious issue.

  • Baltimore Bridge Rebuilding: The federal government has committed to paying the entire cost of rebuilding Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, which collapsed in March.

  • Pay Raise for Congress: The resolution includes a pay raise for members of Congress, which has drawn criticism from various quarters.

  • Exemption from Obamacare: The bill allows members of Congress to opt out of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and instead use the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

  • Pork Items: The resolution includes several items that critics have labeled “pork,” such as $8 billion for a new football stadium in Washington, D.C., $50 million annually for an extended drinking water program, and five years’ worth of funding for a healthcare education program.

  • Extension of State Department Disinformation Campaign: The bill includes a provision to reauthorize the State Department’s Global Engagement Center for one year. Conservatives have criticized this office for allegedly funding a “censorship scheme” aimed at suppressing right-leaning voices online.

  • Hiding the Nefarious Actions of House Democrats: The current continuing resolution includes a controversial provision regarding subpoena protection for House data. This provision states that a court of competent jurisdiction shall quash or modify any legal process directed to a provider for a House office if compliance would require the disclosure of House data.

These provisions, and others, have led to a revolt among House conservatives, who feel that the resolution resembles the massive progressive communist democrat end-of-year spending packages they have long opposed.

The Matt Gaetz affair…

The House Ethics Committee recently secretly voted to release the long-awaited ethics report on former Rep. Matt Gaetz. The report allegedly includes allegations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, and other serious charges. The Committee’s decision to release the report has raised the possibility that the accusations against Gaetz could be made public in the coming days.

The report has been a point of contention, with House Republicans previously blocking efforts to release it. Since the Committee is evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, I wonder which Republican (Chairman Michael Guest from Mississippi, David P. Joyce from Ohio, John H. Rutherford from Florida, Andrew R. Garbarino from New York, and Michelle Fischbach from Minnesota) jumped the aisle to provide the progressives with an exploitable “win?”

The President-elect and Vice President-elect comment…

A statement from President Donald J. Trump and Vice President-Elect JD Vance:

The most foolish and inept thing ever done by Congressional Republicans was allowing our country to hit the debt ceiling in 2025. It was a mistake and is now something that must be addressed.

Meanwhile, Congress is considering a spending bill that would give sweetheart provisions for government censors and for Liz Cheney. The bill would make it easier to hide the records of the corrupt January 6 committee-which accomplished nothing for the American people and hid security failures that happened that day. This bill would also give Congress a pay increase while many Americans are struggling this Christmas.

Increasing the debt ceiling is not great but we’d rather do it on Biden’s watch. If Democrats won’t cooperate on the debt ceiling now, what makes anyone think they would do it in June during our administration? Let’s have this debate now. And we should pass a streamlined spending bill that doesn’t give Chuck Schumer and the Democrats everything they want.

Republicans want to support our farmers, pay for disaster relief, and set our country up for success in 2025. The only way to do that is with a temporary funding bill WITHOUT DEMOCRAT GIVEAWAYS combined with an increase in the debt ceiling. Anything else is a betrayal of our country.

Republicans must GET SMART and TOUGH. If Democrats threaten to shut down the government unless we give them everything they want, then CALL THEIR BLUFF. It is Schumer and Biden who are holding up aid to our farmers and disaster relief.


Bottom line…

Let the progressive communist democrats pass the bill on their own and uphold the GOP’s promise of controlling spending, and let them shut down the government, which is meaningless, if necessary.

We continue to be screwed by the GOP as they participate in the annual charade of delaying budget bills by design so that Congress can rush it through at the last minute before the deadline to fund the government, giving nobody time to vet what is in it properly. Or, in the immortal words of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it — away from the fog of the controversy.”

We are so screwed.

-- Steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
