The Hollow Gesture of Secret Service Responsibility


I finished watching the joint hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Judiciary Committee to examine the security failures that led to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on C-SPAN, and it was a shit show of excuses and promises to reform.

The two prominent witnesses were Secret Service acting Director Ronald Rowe and Paul Abbate, Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Rowe knows what he did and what his agency did to Donald Trump, probably at the White House’s direction.

“I cannot understand why there was not better coverage or at least somebody looking at that roofline when that’s where they were posted.”

Rowe points the finger at the “locals.”

“We assumed that the state and locals had it.”

“We made an assumption that there was going to be uniformed presence out there, that there would be sufficient eyes to cover that, that there was going to be counter-sniper teams.”

Rowe claims he has implemented significant reforms that were already in existence -- and changed nothing.

From Rowe’s sworn testimony…

Since my appointment as the Acting Director one week ago, I identified gaps in our security on July 13th and have implemented corrective actions. I would like to take a moment to outline some of those actions.

I went to the roof of the AGR building where the assailant fired shots and laid in a prone position to evaluate his line of sight. What I saw made me ashamed. As a career law enforcement officer, and a twenty-five-year veteran with the Secret Service, I cannot defend why that roof was not better secured.

To prevent similar lapses from occurring in the future, I directed our personnel to ensure every event site security plan is thoroughly vetted by multiple experienced supervisors before it is implemented.

[OCS: This happens for all Biden details and seems to have fallen by the wayside on the Trump detail.]

It is clear to me that other protective enhancements could have strengthened our security at the Butler event. As such, I have directed the expanded use of Unmanned Aerial Systems, commonly referred to as drones, at protective sites to help detect threats on roofs and other elevated areas.

I have also directed resources to facilitate our protective site communications—particularly our communications with our State and local partners where a delay, of even a few seconds in communication, can make the difference in life and death. These resources will provide enhanced radio interoperability and common operating picture communications that were not present in Butler.

[OCS: This is bullshit since assets and resources used to protect the president already exist but were not made available to Donald Trump’s detail which was severely, and it appears deliberately, understaffed for the Butler event.]

In addition, I have instructed that asset requests for Secret Service protective details be approved expeditiously and have ordered the maximum use of Secret Service special agents, Uniformed  Division officers, and technical support personnel at protective sites to address this heightened security environment. <Source>

Acting Secret Service Chief Played Key Role in Limiting Resources for Trump

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe was directly involved in denying additional security resources and personnel, including counter snipers, to former President Trump’s rallies and events – despite repeated requests by the agents assigned to Trump’s detail in the two years leading up to his July 13 attempted assassination, according to several sources familiar with the decision-making.

It was Rowe’s decision alone to deny counter sniper teams to any Trump event outside of driving distance from D.C., these sources asserted. <Source


I have heard your calls for accountability, and I take them very seriously. Given the magnitude of this failure, the Secret Service’s Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the actions and decision making of Secret Service personnel in the lead-up to, and on the day of, the attack. If this investigation reveals that Secret Service employees violated agency protocols, those employees will be held accountable to our disciplinary process. These actions are not being taken lightly; my strong view is that mistakes involving life and death warrant accountability. <Source>

[OCS: Nobody is more responsible than Secret Service acting Director Ronald Rowe, who supervised operations, including allocating assets and resources.]

Beyond belief-- from government agencies who lack credibility.

We also took effective action to ensure agency records concerning July 13th were safeguarded. Agency-wide records retention and preservation instructions were promptly issued directing all employees to preserve and retain records regarding the agency’s planning, operations, and response to the July 13th attack. This was done quickly in recognition that this information would be critical for investigators and others to understand how and why the attack occurred.

[OCS: This is a joke given that this agency disappeared all official phone messages from January 6 and has admitted to using personal devices and encrypted apps to conduct official business.]

With respect to Congressional investigations and requests for information, I instructed my staff to provide full cooperation and to respond expeditiously, on a continuing basis, to ensure you have the information you need to conduct your critical oversight responsibilities. The Secret Service’s production of responsive materials began last Friday to committees in the Senate and the House of Representatives.

[OCS: They have already slow-walked information requests for pertinent information, such as the pre-planning site appraisals signed off by supervisors, post-staffing reports, and other crucial documents. They have also denied access to key personnel.]

Additionally, I have made clear to agency personnel the importance of full cooperation with pending investigations conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General, the independent review directed by President Biden and established by Secretary Mayorkas, and the Secret Service’s Office of Professional Responsibility’s mission assurance review. <Source>

[OCS: Cooperation with the usual disgraced cover-up suspects! Look for denials to include the words “integrity of ongoing investigations.”]

The hollow gesture of responsibility.

When a person in a position of authority publicly admits fault or error, it is often seen as a courageous act, a hallmark of strong leadership and personal integrity. The gesture suggests self-awareness, humility, and a commitment to rectifying the situation.

However, when concrete actions do not follow this admission, it becomes little more than a hollow gesture, eroding trust and diminishing the value of accountability itself. The initial goodwill generated by the acknowledgment quickly dissipates, leaving a sense of betrayal and frustration.

The erosion of trust

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship between citizens and their government. When a high official repeatedly takes responsibility without enacting change, it sends a clear message: words are cheap, and actions are optional. This erosion of trust can have far-reaching consequences. Employees may become disengaged, believing that their leaders are insincere. Citizens lose faith in their government and become disillusioned with political leaders who offer apologies but no solutions.

Bottom line…

Secret Service acting Director Ronald Rowe needs to resign in disgrace or be fired. He cannot lead an investigation into himself and his negligent or accidental actions that, but for the grace of God, almost killed former President Trump.

The progressive communist democrats are now all about gun control and are obstructing any legitimate inquiry with their grandstanding nonsense.

Like the Navy, those at the top of the chain of command need to resign or be fired. This is the righteous answer to a “no-failure-allowed” mission.

We are so screwed.

-- Steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
