Nothing new to see here. It’s just the application of progressive communist democrats' restorative justice principles to corrupt politically protected democrats.


New-york-times-logoHunter Biden Investigation: Hunter Biden to Plead Guilty on Misdemeanor Tax Charges

Under a deal with the Justice Department, the president’s son agreed to probation for filing his taxes late, and he can avoid a charge that he lied about his drug use when he purchased a handgun.

Hunter Biden agreed with the Justice Department on Tuesday to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and accept terms that would allow him to avoid prosecution on a separate gun charge, a big step toward ending a long-running and politically explosive investigation into the finances, drug use and international business dealings of President Biden’s troubled son.

Under a deal hashed out with a federal prosecutor who was appointed by President Donald J. Trump, Mr. Biden agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his 2017 and 2018 taxes on time and be sentenced to probation. <Source>

As part of the Biden Administration’s “Build Back Better” program…

Embracing Restorative Justice: Building a Better Biden Future Together

Under the progressive communist democrats, the concept of restorative justice has gained significant attention as an alternative approach to traditional punitive justice systems based on the belief that when a crime occurs, it harms not only the victim but also the offender and the community as a whole.

The core principle is to address the needs of everyone involved, including providing support for victims, holding offenders accountable, and involving the community in the resolution process. It allegedly recognizes that punishment alone does not address the root causes of crime, promote healing, or prevent future offenses.

Moreover, the progressives claim we must abandon our current judicial guidelines and implement restorative justice by requiring a collective effort that demands a shift in mindset, re-valuing accountability, promoting offender healing equal to victim healing, and seeking community engagement.

The progressives claim that by embracing restorative justice, society has an opportunity to address the underlying causes of crime, reduce recidivism rates, and build stronger, more resilient communities. They further claim that we must embark on a path towards healing and restoration, where individuals are empowered to take responsibility for their actions and contribute positively to society.

I call bullshit!

Lenient sentencing in crimes related to political activities is a travesty, as it undermines the principles of justice and the rule of law. When individuals like Hunter Biden, who are involved in politically motivated offenses, receive lenient sentences, it erodes public trust in the judicial system. It can perpetuate a culture of corruption based on impunity, the exemption from punishment, or freedom from the consequences of one's actions.

More specifically...

  • Inequality before the law: When influential individuals or those with political connections receive lighter sentences than ordinary citizens, it creates a sense of injustice. This selective application of the law undermines the principle that everyone should be equal before the law.

  • Deterrence: One of the primary purposes of criminal justice is deterrence. If individuals who commit politically related crimes are not held accountable with appropriate sentences, it fails to deter others from engaging in similar illegal activities. This can lead to a proliferation of political corruption, abuse of power, and other politically motivated offenses.

  • Reinforcing impunity: Lenient sentences for politically related crimes can support a culture of impunity, where politicians or individuals in positions of power believe they can act above the law without facing significant consequences. This undermines democratic institutions and erodes public trust in the system.

  • Loss of faith in the justice system: When lenient sentences are consistently handed out in politically related cases, it undermines public confidence in the justice system, and citizens view the legal process as biased, corrupt, or beholden to political interests rather than pursuing justice impartially.  

    Consider how the dishonest, evil, immoral, and unethical actions of the leadership of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in matters relating to Donald Trump and the willful ignorance of offenses committed by the Obama and Biden Administrations made a mockery of our judicial system and those who claim to be its impartial administrators. This includes the judiciary that failed to hold those who lied to the Courts accountable for their actions.

Bottom line...

To uphold the principles of justice and maintain public trust, it is essential for legal systems to ensure that politically related crimes are treated with the same seriousness and impartiality as any other offense. Sentencing should be based on the case's merits, guided by legal principles, and free from political influence or favoritism.

This suggested punishment of Hunter Biden encourages, not discourages, political corruption and selling political influence for personal gain, even if it harms national security. As with most social justice systems, it embraces the DARVO procedure. Deny, Attack, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender.

Of course, Hunter Biden is not the real issue. This sentencing protects against further investigation of acts leading to charges, including impeachable offenses, against President Joe Biden and a firewall against criminal charges for crimes committed by former President Barack Obama and his acolytes who run the Biden Administration -- including the Department of Justice. 

Look for the DOJ, FBI, and IRS to further stonewall Congressional oversight committees by claiming a non-existent "it's under investigation" exception to Congressional subpoenas. And look for Congress to roll over and play dead. 

We are so screwed.

-- Steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
