I was asked by one of my progressive friends if there was a bigger threat on the U.S. horizon than a continuation of the Trump presidency in 2020…
Of course, I laughed and told them I would get back to them after I had thought about it over the weekend.
Here it is Sunday, and I think that I have an answer. Collectively speaking, I think part of the answer lies with the great majority of the American people who have been so conditioned by a corrupt, hyper-partisan, and corporatized media that they identify with the Democrat Party much in the way they identify with team sports and celebrity culture.
For the seniors, I believe their nostalgic look back at the Democrat Party as it existed decades ago combined with their lack of understanding of how time and technology have subverted old-fashioned values such as patriotism, loyalty, and religion is of foremost concern. These are the people who listen to a Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and never once consider that their “Medicare for All” scheme would kill their private insurance companies, destroy Medicare as we know it, and deny them care because they are no longer contributing to the collective society -- and, in the process, destroy America’s economy. The media tells them that all of these negative scenarios and naysayers are GOP propaganda spun by the corrupt spinmeister Donald Trump.
For the juniors, I believe they do not know any better since their entire experience has been majorly influenced by a progressive, union-dominated, educational system that indoctrinates rather than educates. Their limited view of history is mainly conveyed, not by history books, first-hand accounts, or honest history teachers, but hyper-partisan teachers, politically correct books, and politicized pseudo-documentaries and fictional entertainment programs. Nobody in their right mind would be so ignorant as to believe that the Korean War, fought on frozen terrain by merciless and cruel North Korean killers could be described by the wacky antics of MASH – the product of a progressive mindset.
Therefore, I can only conclude that the biggest threat on the U.S. Horizon as we approach the 2020 election is the corrupt mainstream media who speaks of journalistic ethics and telling truth to power – but has become little more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. A party which has been so thoroughly infiltrated by socialists and communists as to have become the Communist Party in the United States. Much as CAIR (Council on American–Islamic Relations ), the propaganda arm of the terrorist group known as the Muslim Brotherhood, is considered to be a civil rights organization. A group whose intolerance suppresses human rights and demands loyalty at the point of a sword.
Consider the mainstream media reporting on gun-control restrictions…
(1) It is a fact that criminals, crazies, and terrorists do not respect nor obey any law.
(2) It is a fact that a motivated killer will use any weapon at hand to intimidate, maim, or kill their intended victim(s).
(3) The mainstream media does not honestly point out that legislation does not and cannot work.
(4) The mainstream media does not honestly report that the statistics are being fudged for political purposes by law enforcement.
(5) The mainstream media does not honestly report that most gun-related deaths are suicides or deaths in the commission of a criminal act.
(6) The mainstream media does not honestly report that disarming law-abiding citizens will create bigger victim pools and that criminals and other armed individuals will have a decisive advantage when it comes to life or death.
(7) The mainstream media does not honestly report that law enforcement cannot be everywhere they are needed when they are needed, and to disarm individuals is to deny them their inalienable right to self-defense.
(8) The mainstream media highlights mass shootings (more than 4 people) but only notes the mass slaughter in our inner cities, governed by progressive socialist Democrats.
(9) The media does not honestly point out that gun-related deaths have fallen over the years to low levels in spite of the increase in the number of guns.
(10) And worst of all, the media does not honestly report the stories of those people who have saved themselves and their families by brandishing or using a gun.
When have you seen the mainstream media condemn CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) Standards which have no discernable or measurable impact on climate – but result in thousands of American deaths in lighter cars made more of rubber, plastic, and fiberglass than steel to conserve weight and promote greater fuel efficiency? When have you seen the mainstream media point out that much of Tesla’s profits were derived from selling pollution credits to other automobile manufacturers to allow them to meet government-mandated pollution standards?
Even when the mainstream media tells you a story, it often has a viewpoint and omits, as Paul Harvey would say, “the rest of the story.”
Has anyone pointed out that the major news outlets are corporate-owned and represent a near monopoly on the “news.” Fortunately, the internet – which the big corporations are trying to control – has presented an alternative source of news: maybe not the polished, curated, and edited version, but real-time, on-the-ground news you can see for yourself. Now the big platforms, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, and others are seeking greater control over what is placed on their platforms – and it seems that the progressive socialist Democrats are behind that push.
I defy anyone to argue differently.
For those who do not recognize the building, it is the headquarters of the New York Times, the paper who downplayed the Holocaust and the Ukraine genocide – and accepted a Pulitzer Prize for the reporting of Walter Duranty, a compromised Stalin apologist.
We are so screwed.
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS