Look closely behind the scenes …
Once again the progressive socialist democrat politicians, the progressive mainstream news media, and the socialist and communist agitators who want to see the threat of an armed America are rallying around the worn-out battle cry, “It’s for the children.”
Like the progressive unions that control education, they are coercively extorting the public to support a cause that not only weakens American and makes our nation vulnerable to foreign criminal incursions but is openly dishonest as common sense has proven that criminals and crazies do not respect nor obey any laws and that only the 24/7 repetition of heinous events blows them out of proportion and makes it seem like there is a threat on every corner. True if you are a black in the inner cities governed by progressive democrats. Or a member of a community that refused to assist the police or even support their existence.
Look behind the crowd – see the paid professional activists and agitators, many of them socialists, communists, and union members.

Then there are the clueless virtue-signaling empty-headed and aging celebrities looking for media face time and the opportunity to display their “hipster” credentials. And, about the aging politicians who are reminiscing about the bygone “protest era” ruled by politics, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
And then there is the ignorant buffoon buoyed by the mainstream media into an icon who openly tells the world that his parents and teachers are f-ing stupid and the young people need to lead the way …

Spare me the iconography of the revolutionary raised first and the overblown empty political rhetoric. Look behind the scenes, and you will find a father who is a former FBI agent. If, as “crisis actor” David Hogg asserts, everyone knew the shooter was crazy and dangerous, you think he might have told his father.
One student, in particular, David Hogg has been astonishingly articulate and highly skilled at propagating a new anti-Conservative/anti-Trump narrative behind the recent school shooting. Few have seen this type of rapid media play before, and when they have it has come from well-trained political operatives and MSM commentators.
Immediately, these students-turned-activists threw up some red flags
I think it’s disgusting, personally. My father’s a retired FBI agent and the FBI are some of the hardest working individuals I have ever seen in my life,” proclaimed David Hogg to CNN. “It’s wrong that the president is blaming them for this.”
“He can’t put that off on them. He is in charge of them and these people, what they love to do is push this off on bureaucracy and say it’s not them,” he said. “He is in charge of the FBI … the executive branch is supposed to enforce laws and as such, President Trump is in charge of that and the FBI.”
[OCS: This ignorant idiot appears to overlook the fact that the FBI was given specific and credible evidence about the shooter and they did nothing. That the hyper-partisan leadership of the FBI created their own controversy by aiding and abetting former President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and their associates in covering-up felonious criminal activities. And, we caught red-handed. And, that Trump does not directly control the FBI. Where is the missing video (https://youtu.be/bvz3NsbptNc) apparently showing a David Hogg that can’t remember his lines? Why is it no longer available on YouTube?]
Watch the video at http://www.independentsentinel.com/cnns-rehearsed-students-stoneman-high/ to see CNN rehearsing the Hogg presentation.
Pay attention you little twerp ...
FBI Political Correctness Allowed This Islamist Teenager to Carry Out Attack
According to a probable cause affidavit filed by the Palm Beach County police, 17-year-old Corey Johnson bought a knife last Sunday and brought it with him to a sleepover at longtime friend Kyle Bancroft’s house. At 4 a.m., he decided to kill Kyle’s mother, Elaine; his brother, Dane; and Dane’s friend, Jovanni Sierra Brand.
Corey repeatedly stabbed Jovanni in his bed and slit his throat. Then he attempted to murder Elaine as she approached the boys’ bedrooms in response to Jio’s last gasps. Dane rescued his mom and sustained 32 stab wounds. Both were hospitalized and survived. Jio was buried last Friday—less than a week after celebrating his 13th birthday at a pizza party attended by Corey.
The accused killer told police he “stabbed the victims because of his Muslim faith,” watched videos of “Muslim jihadists” on his cellphone, and “was reading the Quran from his phone just prior to the attack to give him the courage to carry out his intentions.”
Corey’s brutal attack was no bolt out of the blue, no unexpected incidence of sudden jihad syndrome. Local school officials and police in Palm Beach County, along with federal and international law enforcement authorities, had encountered more red flags in their years of dealing with Corey than at a Communist May Day parade in Havana.
The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force became involved after European intelligence counterparts told them Corey had used Instagram to issue security threats to a Catholic high school in England. The threats “were so severe in nature,” local officials discovered, “that up to 100 students were removed from the school fearing some kind of attack.”
One of the messages threatened: “By Allah, we will kill every single Infidel student at this school.” Corey told FBI agents he “was supportive of known terrorist Anwar al Awlaki”—the spiritual patron of lone-wolf jihadists.
The FBI’s plan of action? Inaction. The agency watched and waited and wanly admonished Corey to knock it off because authorities “believed a redirection approach would be the most beneficial regarding his conduct.” <Source>
Like the Parkland shooting, the FBI knew there was a credible threat – and did nothing to save innocent lives. And, in this case, the miscreant used a knife.
Enter the adults … This march is not grassroots – it is astroturfing.
The student movement March for Our Lives is sponsored by Everytown and is part of a larger leftist movement. Everytown is the Bloomberg organization that now has offices in every state hoping to gut the Second Amendment. That doesn’t mean there aren’t other funders and promoters. The students they are exploiting the movement certainly are rehearsed.
What makes this especially interesting is this is allegedly a grassroots movement organized by students at the Stoneman Douglas High School in the heart of liberal Broward County, Florida.
On February 28, BuzzFeed came out with the actual story: Rep. Debbie Wassermann Schultz aiding in the lobbying in Tallahassee, a teacher’s union organizing the buses that got the kids there, Michael Bloomberg’s groups and the Women’s March working on the upcoming March For Our Lives, MoveOn.org doing social media promotion and (potentially) march logistics, and training for student activists provided by federally funded Planned Parenthood.
The president of the American Federation of Teachers told BuzzFeed they’re also behind the national school walkout, which journalists had previously assured the public was the sole work of a teenager. (I’d thought teachers were supposed to get kids into school, but maybe that’s just me.)
In other words, the response was professionalized. That’s not surprising, because this is what organization that gets results actually looks like. It’s not a bunch of magical kids in somebody’s living room. Nor is it surprising that the professionalization happened right off the bat. Broward County’s teacher’s union is militant, and Rep. [CALIFORNIA] Ted Lieu stated on Twitter that his family knows Parkland [FLORIDA] student activist David Hogg’s family, so there were plenty of opportunities for grown-ups with resources and skills to connect the kids. <Source>
Bottom line …
- By all means, let us disarm law-abiding Americans and create large pools of cowering Americans that must demand a larger, more militant, and totalitarian government to deal with the self-created threat to our safety, security, and freedom.
- By all means allow the minorities to roam free with their weapons – giving them an Obama-like pass on the investigation, prosecution, and jailing of school-age children.
- By all means, let’s not build a wall to continue the erosion of our American culture and sovereignty by those who have open allegiance to a foreign sovereign power.
I leave you with one question: If these people want to become Americans so badly, why are they marching with the flag of Mexico rather than the American flag?
We are so screwed.
-- steve