Like dreamers looking for messages in clouds, soothsayers checking the entrails of animals, and those who read tea leaves, the progressive socialist will say or do anything to find a negative meaning in the private or political activities of President Donald Trump.

Here, one unhinged doctor is predicting a nuclear exchange (80%) and diagnosing Trump as having a severe mental malady …

Johns Hopkins Psychologist: Trump's Presidency May Be 'The Greatest Psychiatric Disaster in History'

Dr. John Gartner says there's an “80 percent chance” Trump drops a nuclear bomb.

What can be done about this national and global emergency?

[OCS: The world that President Trump inherited from Clinton, Bush, and Obama is inherently dangerous place, made more so by those who allowed rogue states like North Korea and Iran to pursue nuclear capabilities and delivery mechanisms that could impact the continental United States.]

Why do Trump's voters and other supporters continue to back him with what seems like blind loyalty?

[OCS: Speaking of “blind loyalty,” nothing compares with the blind loyalty of Clintonistas and Obamacons … especially in light of their numerous scandals and politicization of government agencies. Especially considering the numbers involved.]

Has chaos and malignant reality that Trump has forced upon the American people negatively impacting our mental health and well-being?

[OCS: A stronger case for chaos and a malignant reality can be made against the Clintons and former President Obama. They are the ones that stage-managed anti-America scandals ranging from providing weapons to drug cartels in order to bring about domestic gun control to providing military-grade weaponry to known terrorists in Libya to bring about a Clinton/CIA-engineered revolution. Both of which involved unconstitutional and criminal actions that were covered up by politicized law enforcement agencies. As for our mental health and well-being, let us turn to the progressive mainstream media and constant barrage of negativity and the educational system that has been subverted by the progressives into producing a perpetual class of victims and pampered snowflakes.]

If Donald Trump is in fact a malignant narcissist, what sort of threat does he pose to world peace?

[OCS: One might ask, what sort of threat did Barack Obama, himself exhibiting all of the signs and symptoms of a malignant narcissist pose to world peace? One might even go so far as to point to Obama’s “Nobel Peace Prize” which was awarded without accomplishment or achievement by a far-left committee who disgraced themselves and the legacy of Alfred Nobel.]

In an effort to answer these questions I recently spoke with Dr. John Gartner, a psychologist at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School and founder of the Duty to Warn advocacy group, an organization which is supported by thousands of mental health professionals and others in the United States and abroad who are dedicated to sounding the alarm about Donald Trump.

[OCS: Note the referential use of a prestigious institution which would probably disclaim any responsibility, oversight, or knowledge of their employee’s or associate’s activities.

According to Gartner’s website, “I served as a part time assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Medical School for 28 years. My areas of specializations are Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Bipolar Disorder, and Depression. My therapy practice is in Towson, Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore, and Midtown Manhattan, New York.”

Also note, that immediately the doctor has displayed his anti-Trump bias which must now be defended against all comers in order to preserve the doctor’s reputation and standing among his progressive partners in their anti-Trump enterprise. Where was the good doctor when former President Obama was providing material aid and comfort to our enemy Iran – with hundreds of Billions in cash – to stabilize their crumbling regime, allowing them to continue their proxy wars, and to purchase new technology which could be used against America?]

Gartner is also a contributing writer for the new book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President."

[OCS: Not to mention embarking on a publicity tour to flog his latest book enterprise. If the doctor and his friends at WARN were so concerned about the country, why are they not giving the book away instead of selling it for $14.99 (Kindle) on Amazon?]

As part of its mission, Duty to Warn has convened meetings across the United States. The group is now endorsing political candidates who promise to work to remove Donald Trump from the White House under the provisions of the 25th Amendment and to seek to restrain his authority to use nuclear weapons.

[OCS: One might ask if this organization is anything like former President Obama’s “Organizing for Action” – an unprecedented group formed to destroy the agenda of the current President of the United States and to implement progressive socialist politics in local and state governments? Like any other group, the first concern is not the country, but perpetuating and funding their own existence.]

A longer version of this conversation can be heard on my podcast, which is available on Salon’s Featured Audio page.

How do you think Donald Trump won the presidency?

I do have a theory about the nature of demagoguery and leadership as it relates to our deepest human programming. If you go back to chimpanzees -- who are our closest relatives -- it used to be believed that human beings were the only animals that committed murder. Chimpanzees would charge at each other and pound their chests and throw heavy rocks into the river to show that they were vigorous, but nobody actually really got hurt.

A troop of chimpanzees which was originally observed by Jane Goodall got so big that it split into two groups. What they noticed was one of the alpha males would get very excited and then the other males would get worked up too. The alpha male would then lead them on a march to the edge of the territory where they will wait till the next male from the other troop comes along. Then, basically as a gang, they will run down the hill and beat him to death, and will do that until they’ve killed enough males that they can take over their territory and their females.

Who won the evolutionary battle there? The group that had the homicidal alpha male. There is something deep in our programming that says, if a homicidal alpha male shows up and he’s protecting my group, regardless of what his other faults are, we’ve got to follow him. That’s very primal programming.

[OCS: This is an invalid argument because it imputes voluntary human behavior as a motivator with less-evolved compulsive and involuntary ancestral behavior.]

The demagogues, whether it’s someone like Trump or Hitler or [former Serbian leader Slobodan] Milosevic, manipulate people so that instead of being a German you are an Aryan, instead of being a Rwandan you are a Tutsi or Hutu, instead of being a Yugoslav you are a Serb or Croat.

[OCS: Notice the blatant character assassination with a comparison of Trump with true mass murders. One might have extended the analogy: instead of being an America, you are a progressive socialist democrat.]

Now it’s our gene pool against their gene pool. Trump and his people just made it very explicit. Trump's basic theme is “I am the alpha male of the white people. If you want to live follow me” -- and they did.

[OCS: When your argument is specious, always fall back to the progressive socialist democrat’s favorite dodge: racism! Last I checked, Trump was the President of ALL people.]

Trump is a classic racial authoritarian. During the 2016 election the mainstream news media was obsessed with a narrative in which white working-class "anxiety" somehow drove his support.  The data tells us this is not true. Trump's election was a result of white racism. Moreover, a lot of people voted for him to hurt other people. Do you think this observation is correct?

[OCS: Considering the overwhelming progressive bias and demonstrable support of Hillary Clinton – often to the point of journalistic dishonesty – one can not set up a straw man argument by citing the mainstream media and then ask for an opinion of an opinion.]

I think that’s actually accurate and very insightful. Trump is a narcissist, paranoid and demonizes anyone who opposes him. Trump has an antisocial personality and exhibits signs of sociopathy. Sadism is another part of this dynamic. These are people who truly get pleasure from harming and hurting and degrading other people. Trump feels powerful when he destroys and degrades and bullies other people. It's a rush for him, it’s exciting, it’s gratifying; he gets off on it. That kind of dark energy is also infectious. We saw this at Trump's rallies when he would encourage violence against protesters and other people.

[OCS: How many people realize that Donald Trump has simply used “Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals” against the radicals themselves? This observation is invalid because the doctor is not a neutral observer – as his profession demands – but a rabid partisan who is most likely to be corrupted with “confirmation bias” – seeing only those symptoms which appear to confirm what he wishes to see.]

Many of Trump's voters have a libidinal attachment to him. They are actually in love with the idea of Trump, which is why they remain immune to facts and empirical reality.

[OCS: If anyone was immune to facts and empirical reality, it is the progressives that continue to tweak science to produce “facts” not in evidence and which cannot be reasonably replicated by researchers. To demand that we accept the output of deeply-flawed computer models using highly-manipulated data to develop freedom-restricting public policies is the height of ignorance and/or corruption.]

He’s a cult leader. As such, his charisma is transactional. The followers endow the authoritarian leader with authority that is completely impervious to facts and reality.

[OCS: How anyone can claim that Trump is a cult leader after the Obama presidency is sheer folly and delusion on a mass scale. The only difference between the Clintonistas, Obamacons, and the Trumpsters is the party they support. How many people overlooked the fact that Obama was a racial exploiter and racist; and Hillary Clinton was a corrupt, lying, cronyist, who was selling out her office for personal profit?]

In the future, how do you think Trump's voters will rationalize supporting his disastrous and embarrassing presidency?

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has moved the "Doomsday Clock" closer to midnight. To be honest, I think it’s actually chiming at midnight right now. I don’t think people have any idea how close we are the point of no return. I think there is an 80 percent chance he’s going to push that nuclear button. Why? Number one, Trump is a malignant narcissist. As far as I know, I cannot recall a single malignant narcissist in history who did not start a major war.

[OCS: In spite of the fact that those Atomic Scientists were an anti-American cold-war Russian ploy to cripple the United States, this group has little or no credibility when it comes to geo-politics and the actual threats facing America. These were the bozos who suggested that America unilaterally disarm as a show of “good faith” to the rest of the world. Yeah Right!

No President wants to push the button or go to war. But, given the proclivities of Iran, North Korea, and the Muslim terrorist states, war may be inevitable. Whether or not it turns nuclear will be up to those attempting to engage in a first strike against ourselves or our allies.

If creating conflict is the mark of a malignant narcissist, what does that say about Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s efforts in the Middle East which has destroyed people and nations?]

Now add one more factor: Under the surface, this [Robert] Mueller investigation is turning him and his family into cornered animals. They are guilty of treason, guilty of money-laundering, guilty of collusion, guilty of obstruction of justice. They are guilty as sin and they know it. The noose is tightening around their necks and, unlike Richard Nixon, Trump and his cabal are not going to leave gracefully.

[OCS: With Respect to Mueller’s investigation, all of the allegations (treason, money-laundering, collusion, and obstruction of justice – are without cognizable evidence in a court of competent jurisdiction. In fact, every one of these allegations could be mounted – with a fair degree of potential success – against Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And, for the record, collusion is not a crime unless it becomes a legally-recognized conspiracy.]

Donald Trump is going to be like Bonnie and Clyde; he’s going to shoot his way out. The best way for him to shoot his way out is to start a war and distract from his misdeeds, rally the country behind him and -- most importantly from a psychological perspective -- to transform the feeling of being a weak victim of a massive criminal investigation into that of an omnipotent destructive and powerful leader by destroying and killing millions of people.

[OCS: Distraction is the modus operandi of the progressive socialist democrats, especially Obama and Clinton. One might posit that all of this anti-Trump rhetoric is designed to kill any investigation and prosecution of both Obama and Clinton for crimes against humanity (Syria, Libya, Yemen) and criminal behavior.]

When you ask me, “What are people going to say about it?” What are Germans saying now about the Holocaust? None of them were Nazis. No one is going to be proud of what they did if they don't stand up to Donald Trump now.

[OCS: There is the Nazi reference again. Trump is not Hitler and Obama and Clinton killed more people than Trump during their reign of imperialistic terror.]

There is an abundant evidence to show that Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist with sociopathic tendencies. Yet some psychologists and psychiatrists continue to hide behind the so-called "Goldwater rule."

[OCS: All of these assertions are not backed with a clinical examination of the man himself. Some conditioned by the biased mainstream media, others by the Alinsky-like comments in Trump’s tweets. Just because Trump does not follow political convention, especially the corrupt rules of the progressives, does not even begin to suggest he might be clinically ill.]

They are ridiculous cowards. We are afraid to speak up because of the Goldwater rule? Are you kidding me?

If you were to explain in simple terms why the Goldwater rule doesn’t apply here, how would you explain it to a layperson?

The American Psychiatric Association is a guild. Its main interests are the those of the American Psychiatric Association and American psychiatrists. This is very, very important. They are just trying to stay out of the way of anyone powerful who might get angry at them and interfere with them making money. It is that simple. The Goldwater rule is not an example of psychiatric ethics. It is an example of psychiatric corruption where they put the needs and the money of their profession above the welfare and the survival of the American public.

[OCS: This can be said of almost any organization, especially one founded by the doctor in question.]

If Donald Trump were a private citizen presenting these types of behaviors, what do you think a mental health clinician or a primary care physician would say?

Imagine Donald Trump is your relative instead of the president. He’s having increasingly dark moods, becoming increasingly erratic and unraveling. At the same time, he has access to weapons and he’s threatening to wipe countries or people off the face of the Earth. If that were anyone other than the president, they would be brought by the police to the local psychiatric hospital for involuntary evaluation.

[OCS: If the queen had balls, she would be the king. This kind of “gottcha” analysis is both unprofessional and unkind. Yes, Trump has threatened to wipe out countries who engage us in a nuclear conflict. If he didn’t, he would be former President Obama or Bill and Hillary Clinton. There are consequences for bad actors and evil intent – and one should make it clear to our enemies that we are not the land of progressive snowflakes as per the progressive paradigm.]

This is the greatest psychiatric emergency in the history of the United States and maybe in the history of the world, but we can do nothing about it. Because Trump is the president, we can’t call the police and have him evaluated. We can’t even get the gun out of this hand. We should take this seriously. We would do that if somebody was in a mall with a gun and one hostage, one potential victim. Here we are talking about maybe every living person on earth.

[OCS: The greatest greatest emergency in the history of the United States is the degree of political corruption in our government leading to waste, fraud, and abuse of our infrastructure. The second greatest emergency is the infiltration of America by its enemies, both foreign and domestic.]

Just thinking about the practical politics here. What was the epiphany that led you to start the Duty to Warn advocacy group? And what has the response been like?

It started with the petition that I put online, which now has 65,000 signatures. It was a petition for mental health professionals saying that Trump is too severely mentally ill to be president and should be removed under the 25th Amendment.  From the momentum of the petition there were then 15 Duty to Warn meetings all around the country. And now there is the book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," which is on the New York Times bestseller list. The book is needed, and so popular because we are professionals who have the authority to say that Trump is dangerously mentally ill. We are validating it with knowledge, expertise and facts.

[OCS: Could it be that the doctor himself is suffering from sociopathic megalomania and sees himself as the savior of the world? Or doing this for self-aggrandizement and self-promotion?]

Some have suggested that you are engaging in a dangerous politicization of the fields of psychology and psychiatry, akin to the way the Soviet Union once used the stigma of "mental illness" to silence dissidents. How do you respond? 

First of all, in the Soviet example the state was using psychiatry to repress the population. We are not trying to weaponize mental health to bolster a repressive state. Instead, we are saying there is a repressive leader and are trying to defend against fascism, not bolster it. The German Psychiatric Association did nothing when Hitler rose to power. The American Psychiatric Association did nothing when Donald Trump rose to power.

[OCS: Perhaps this is the most important question: are you manipulating or using medicine to bring about a political outcome?

Read the rest of this drivel at: Psychiatric Disaster in History' | Alternet

Bottom line …

This type of bullshit often says more about the proponents of psychology than it does the patients they purport to understand.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
