The latest two celebrities, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, have come out against the National Rifle Association and for something called “common sense gun control,” a term which everybody uses, but nobody seems able to define.


So let us examine some common sense …

  1. You have certain inalienable rights, one of which is the right to protect yourself, your family, and members of your community who are in extremis and facing a credible and existential threat.
  1. No matter what the government may say or do, they are not legally or financially responsible for your protection; nor can the authorities be everywhere they are needed when they are needed.
  1. Murder, mayhem, armed robbery are all criminal activities, and there is no shortage of laws – there is a shortage of prosecution where prosecutors plea-bargain away serious gun charges to get a guilty conviction that adds to their prosecution record. In some cases, they totally ignore the weapons violation charges against minorities and illegal aliens – putting them back on the streets to kill innocent individuals.
  1. Criminals, crazies, and those acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs do not abide by any laws; nor do they think of harsh penalties as deterrents during their attacks.
  1. Disarming a law-abiding population only empowers evildoers, criminals, and crazies who now have the means, motive, and opportunity to kill, maim, rob, or coerce others.
  1. The case against high capacity semi-automatic weapons fails when one is faced by multiple attackers or those who are armed with high-capacity semi-automatic weapons.
  1. Gun statistics include suicide and accidents, and what nobody appears to be publicizing is that gun crime has dropped over the last 30-years while gun ownership remains at a high. The early release of criminals by politically-motivated legislators is not correlating with an increase in criminal activity.
  1. Weapons, like any tool, can be used for good or bad – yet, we do not outlaw vehicles, knives, or other methods of inflicting death or damage; even though they cause more deaths than guns.
  1. The National Rifle Association, of which I am a Life Member (Benefactor Level), is not a cult, but a group of people who promote the shooting sports, competitive matches, and gun safety.
  1. A gun that looks bad has the same functionality as one that doesn’t. Looks don’t kill. Guns don’t kill. Bullets don’t kill. PEOPLE KILL!

So Tim and Faith, until you can tell me what common sense gun control might be, go screw yourselves …

Tim McGraw, Faith Hill Come Out Against NRA, Want ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control

Country star power couple Tim McGraw and Faith Hill have broken with the pack and become the first Nashville stars bold enough to ruin their careers by calling for gun control and for the National Rifle Association to “tell the truth.” Well, somebody had to do it.

In a new interview with Billboard that notes how many country stars are “more liberal than their fans,” the lovebirds confessed their little secret:

Speaking less than two weeks after a man with an arsenal of legally purchased military-grade guns shot and killed 58 people at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas (but before the Sutherland Springs, Texas, church ­shooting that killed 26), McGraw and Hill both make it clear: They support gun control.

[OCS: You cannot easily purchase “military-grade”(e.g. full automatic weapons) without being known to the federal, state, and local authorities.]

“Look, I’m a bird hunter -- I love to wing-shoot,” says McGraw. “However, there is some common sense that’s necessary when it comes to gun control. They want to make it about the Second Amendment every time it’s brought up. It’s not about the Second Amendment.”

[OCS: The Second Amendment is not about hunting or the shooting sports. It is there to defend your inalienable self-defense rights from any aggressor – and especially governmental tyranny.]

Hill adds, “In reference to the tragedy in Las Vegas, we knew a lot of people there. The doctors that [treated] the wounded, they saw wounds like you’d see in war. That’s not right. Military weapons should not be in the hands of civilians. It’s everyone’s responsibility, including the government and the National Rifle Association, to tell the truth. We all want a safe country.”

[Faith Hill appears to be one of the virtue-signaling progressive morons who does not realize the difference between military weaponry and that which is being sold after 1934. The NRA tells the truth – maybe not the truth that these two want to hear or can exploit for commercial advantage, but a simple truth that is built on common sense.]

Now, country music fans are some of the most loyal in the world. But time will tell if McGraw and Hill just committed the unpardonable sin. If they have, it was a good run. The duo’s tours and record sales over the last 17 years have netted them hundreds of millions of dollars. Let’s hope they thank their fans, and perhaps ex-fans, for showing all that loyalty. <Source>

Bottom line …

There is no secret, Tim McGraw is a progressive socialist democrat who supported former President Barack Obama and has said that he would like to run for public office, possibly as the Governor of Tennessee or a Senator.

So until Tim and Faith define “common sense gun control” and stop bashing the NRA, they have lost another fan.

We are so screwed when libtards mouth platitudes without understanding what they are saying. Especially when it calls for disarming Americans in the increasing threat of gang members, illegal aliens, and terrorists.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
