Representative Joe Barton (R-TX) does not deserve to be reelected. Not because he is unqualified. Not because he promotes “conservative family values,” but because he is stupid!
Barton admitted to being in a nude photo that circulated earlier this week online, and apologized for letting his constituents down in a statement Wednesday. Barton said that during his separation with his second wife but before their divorce he had several consensual relationships with “other mature adult women” and that those relationships had now ended.
“I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down,” Barton said in his statement.
After he apparently began sending her nude pics, the two met in Washington, D.C., sometime in 2012 and reportedly slept together. Barton paid for her travel. They rendezvoused once more in Texas in 2014, with Barton again paying the bill. The woman also shared a 30-second video of Barton masturbating and text messages with The Post.
While several high profile politicians have been accused of sexual harassment and impropriety — including Democratic Sens. Al Franken and John Conyers, and Judge Roy Moore, GOP candidate for Senate in Alabama — the woman who released the Barton picture and masturbation video does not appear to accuse Barton of unwanted sexual contact.
“It’s not normal for a member of Congress who runs on a GOP platform of family values and conservatism to be scouring the internet looking for a new sexual liaison,” the woman told The Post while explaining her reasons for speaking out. Barton has been endorsed by a number of conservative family groups, including Family Research Council, the Christian Coalition of America, and Concerned Women for America, according to a post on his campaign website. <Source>
Bottom line …
One might think that politics is a Darwinian exercise. That the dumb politicians have been driven from office, and the remaining people would have learned political survival skills.
Yet, we find a well-respected long-term (January 3, 1985) 68-year-old senior citizen, Joe Barton, (R-TX), facing a reelection bid that is hampered by a social media nude photo.
In what reality does a man albeit an ignorant horny man who should know better, risk it all on today’s internet?
We are so screwed.
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS