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What is with these billionaire hedge fund managers who create and trade on market volatility? Other than their money, what native ability or credentials allows these pampered elites to tell the rest of us how we should live our lives? Especially the ones that not only embrace the progressive socialist democrat “do good for political power” dogma, but pervert science to their own self-serving interests.

So here comes Tom Steyer, whom I characterize as a cross between the rapacious and politically disruptive nature of George Soros and the messianic nature of California’s Governor, Jerry Brown …


Another old white guy that promotes feminism, illegal aliens, global climate change, and whatever else the progressive socialist democrats are promoting in the formerly Golden State of California. A state that has the highest poverty rate, one-third of the nation’s indigent, and a policy of openly welcoming a hoard of poverty-stricken, ill-educated, and unemployed illegal aliens that are granted access to the social safety nets that we have worked hard to fund over the decades. A state where funds destined to repair, replace, or build-out our crumbling infrastructure have been diverted into social welfare programs and union-dominated craziness such as the billion dollar train to nowhere anyone wants to go. A cesspool of anti-American sentiment and Marxist policies that will eventually crumble under its own weight if the “big one” does not arrive first. A state controlled by the Marxists who have infiltrated every major institution and movement to the point where environmental policies are resulting in the massive wildfires that are blamed on non-existent “global warming.”

And, here comes Tom, with his globalist institutions, environmental nonsense, and redistributive policies …

Hiding behind the usual tax dodges of the wealthy and non-profit foundations, Steyer seeks to deploy his money with pretty much the same intent as financier George Soros who just donated $18 BILLION dollars to his own Open Society foundation – coincidently before the money would have been severely taxed at his demise.

Steyer is an open borders type of guy … someone who apparently believes that we should all be disarmed and at the mercy of thuggish criminals while he lives in a protective security bubble. He promotes the use of recreational marijuana, but says nothing about the increase in accidental deaths attributed to drugs.

California’s descent to socialism

California is widely celebrated as the fount of technical, cultural and political innovation. Now we seem primed to outdo even ourselves, creating a new kind of socialism that, in the end, more resembles feudalism than social democracy.

The new consensus is being pushed by, among others, hedge-fund-billionaire-turned-green-patriarch Tom Steyer. The financier now insists that, to reverse our worsening inequality, we must double down on environmental and land-use regulation, and make up for it by boosting subsidies for the struggling poor and middle class. This new progressive synthesis promises not upward mobility and independence, but rather the prospect of turning most Californians into either tax slaves or dependent serfs. <Source>

He is all for impeaching President Trump …

If the video does not appear in the email version, you can find it here.


Tom Steyer Urges Trump Impeachment in New $10 Million Ad Campaign

California billionaire Tom Steyer announced Friday that he will dump at least $10 million into a national television advertising campaign calling for President Trump’s impeachment.

In the ad, Steyer argues Trump should be ousted from office because he has edged the country toward nuclear war, obstructed justice at the FBI and threatened to shut down news organizations he does not like. Steyer urges viewers to call their members of Congress and tell them to bring articles of impeachment.

“People in Congress and his own administration know this president is a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons,” Steyer says in the ad. “And they do nothing.” Steyer plans to spend eight figures to air the television ads nationally, but he would not give an exact amount.

His investment comes as he considers running against U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat, and as Democrats in Washington argue over whether efforts to impeach Trump are smart or worthwhile. Steyer has poured his wealth into a variety of political efforts, mostly focused on stopping climate change. <Source\

Like most progressives, Steyer is delusional …

On nuclear war … Even though the President has access to the nuclear codebook, the actual process of launching weapons is actually more conductive and involves the selection of targets, proportionality, and a host of other considerations. Given the relatively low quality of intelligence flowing from the intel community, it is unlikely that anything short of a first-strike on our nation or its allies would provoke a nuclear strike. Like all progressives, Steyer confuses rhetoric with action and should understand that rogue nations like North Korea sell their belligerence as a way to fund their corrupt regime. Since Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, diplomacy has failed. If a little tough talk will move the needle, it should be welcomed, not politically weaponized against the man trying to solve a growing problem.

On obstruction of justice … It appears that Steyer is willing to overlook flagrant violations of the law, including the destruction of documents, sale of a public office, bribery, perjury, and obstruction of justice when it is attributed to the former administration and prominent progressives. Just asking the head of the FBI to go public with what he told Congress is not obstruction. Neither is firing the head of the FBI who now appears to have clearly and unambiguously engaged in illegal activity while in office.

On taking money from foreign governments … One look at who has funded the Clinton Foundation, paid outrageous speaking fees to Bill Clinton, while his wife was the Secretary of State should be Steyer’s concern. Especially after Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20% of our nation’s uranium production to an organization with ties to Vladimir Putin.

On shutting down news organizations … Since when do we hold politicians accountable for their over-the-top campaign rhetoric. If anyone attempted to curtail free speech it was the Obama Administration who tried mightily to have the Federal Communications Commission control the internet and the Federal Elections Commission police political advertising on the internet. This wasn’t rhetoric, it was the affirmative action of a government to subvert the Constitution’s First Amendment.

I think one could easily make a stronger case for the impeachment of Barack Obama for his clearly unconstitutional acts than formulate a case for impeaching President Trump.

Bottom line …

It is almost indisputable, the progressive socialist democrats and people like Tom Steyer, George Soros, and Jerry Brown are the clear and present danger to America and all Americans. Especially with their hatred of America and their attempt to destroy this rather new and growing nation from within in the name of international Marxism/Communism.

Steyer reminds me of the little boy who kept crying wolf … or the chicken who cried that the sky was falling. He is dangerous because he has the means and the motivation to promote his messianic vision that has little connection with the reality of a vibrant and growing nation. Perhaps I would feel differently if Steyer could show me where to find man’s climate signal in the noise of climate’s natural and cyclical variability.

Tom Steyer is the ultimate, to use a hedge fund term, “green weenie,” the moldy left-over artifact from a deal gone bad.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


When will it ever end … the progressive socialist democrats suggesting that some race, religion, gender, or other class owns words and images and that for people not of that culture to use these words and images is cultural appropriation?

I received a message that I should be respectful of cultural appropriation this Halloween season; mindful not to use Indian Chief (whoops: Native American) Feathered Hats or Mexican (whoops: Hispanic) Sombreros as part of my costume. Like I will be a racist if I put on my cowboy duds because everyone knew cowboys oppressed the Indians that were trying to kill them.

How quickly these white, middle class (to use a Marxist term), mostly feminine, progressive asshats will cry racism if you show up as a Confederate general or, heavens forbid, in blackface makeup. Why can’t reasonable people see that you are NOT disrespecting blacks when you eat fried chicken and watermelon (two of my favorites)? Why is nobody going crazy over burritos, tacos, etc.? Or Pizza – invented by the Italians who added tomato sauce to focaccia?

I finally figured it all out – we need to give up Halloween altogether because it infringes on the Mexican “Day of the Dead” holiday and it would be the height of cultural appropriation to use their symbology. Especially because it pisses off the illegal aliens, who have no right to be in “our” country.


The safest solution …


Merely dress as one of those despicable pontificating progressives: Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or Harvey Weinstein flanked by two actresses, comes to mind.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


Once again we enter the realm of Alice in Wonderland politics where up is down, right is wrong, and craziness is the order of the day …


In progressive world, allegations are proof of wrongdoing; especially if they appear in the mainstream media. In essence, you are judged to be guilty until you prove you are innocent – and even then your reputation is ruined, and your life may be in chaos. And, it is no longer enough to keep quiet until you learn the facts; you must run before the cameras and engage in virtue signaling – no matter that is is a clear and present demonstration of rank hypocrisy.

Not to mention that women are now using allegations of imagined or false sexual abuse to punish, extort, or to publicize themselves or their grievances with little or no risk of civil or criminal punishment for their actions. Even innocent behavior by prepubescent children has been criminalized and now results in police action.

And, worst of all, many of these acts have nothing to do with fair and equitable treatment or justice, it is all about progressive power politics and creating a broader class of politically exploitable victims. Another weapon to disable the powerful and bring about chaos, confusion, and revolutionary-style Marxism.

Bottom line …

I have little or no doubt that some women suffered rape and other unspeakable indignities at the hands of powerful men or even their boyfriends. But, as I can see, some women are conflating innocent actions – especially when both parties may have been under the influence – into something much worse and sinister. And, then there are those well-known false allegations reported in the media that have absolutely no basis in fact but ruined the lives of innocent individuals. Just as we have learned about implanted false memories, especially of child abuse, we should be very wary – and investigate carefully claims that are years old and where details may have been lost in the sands of time.

No, this post is not politically correct, nor does it make light of the actual pain, suffering, and psychological damage suffered by victims. But that does not mean that those who bear false witness and embellish stories should not be held accountable for their actions.

I have always found that it is the height of hypocrisy when the progressives and their captive mainstream media concentrates on accusations that are attributed to constitutional conservatives or even mainstream Republicans while giving a pass to the progressive socialist democrats as though such behavior is commonplace and excusable. I have always found that it is the height of hypocrisy that the progressives and its captive mainstream media did not go after high-ranking church members that covered up child abuse for years and allowed offenders to continue offending.

Progressives speak of equality, social responsibility, and justice; and I wonder, do they even know what these words mean?

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


Once again, a federal judge has issued an order that usurps the legitimate constitutional authority of the President of the United States who has a sworn duty and plenary powers to keep America safe. In this case, a plenary power is one that is granted to the office-holder of the President of the United States in absolute terms, with no review of, or limitations upon the exercise of that power.


The President’s Executive Orders

On September 24, 2017, the President signed Proclamation No. 9645, entitled “Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry Into the United States by Terrorists or Other Public-Safety Threats.” Like its two previously enjoined predecessors, EO-3 restricts the entry of foreign nationals from specified countries, but this time, it does so indefinitely. Plaintiffs State of Hawai’i (“State”), Ismail Elshikh, Ph.D., John Doe 1, John Doe 2, and the Muslim Association of Hawaii, Inc., seek a nationwide temporary restraining order (“TRO”) that would prohibit Defendants3 from enforcing and implementing Sections 2(a), (b), (c), (e), (g), and (h) before EO-3 takes effect. Pls.’ Mot. for TRO 1, ECF No. 368. <Source>

Since when do our enemies and representatives of our enemies get a vote on national defense measures that are designed to protect the entire population of the United States of America? And why does a Harvard-trained lawyer and Obama appointee, United States District Court Derrick Watson, take it upon himself to overrule the President’s clear and unambiguous power in such a manner as to make the United States more vulnerable to its enemies?

National security and the protection of our borders is unquestionably also of significant public interest. See Haig v. Agee, 453 U.S. 280, 307 (1981). Although national security interests are legitimate objectives of the highest order, they cannot justify the public’s harms when the President has wielded his authority unlawfully. See Hawaii, 859 F.3d at 783. <Source>

How can the President’s absolute power, which is not subject to congressional or judicial review in this matter be curtailed by a single man sitting on the bench in an environment decidedly hostile to the President of the United States? 

Bring charges of “abuse of power” against the President if you must, but let the President do his job to make our nation safe from the type of terrorists who are ravaging and pillaging Europe.

In carefully weighing the harms, the equities tip in Plaintiffs’ favor. “The public interest is served by ‘curtailing unlawful executive action.’ Hawaii, 859 F.3d at 784 (quoting Texas v. United States, 809 F.3d 134, 187 (5th Cir. 2015), aff’d by an equally divided Court, 136 S. Ct. 2271 (2016)). When considered alongside the statutory injuries and harms discussed above, the balance of equities and public interests justify granting the Plaintiffs’ TRO. <Source>

Perhaps the Jurist should understand the concept of Plenary Powers and how it is implemented by the President of the United States?

Perhaps the learned jurist should examine the writings of the Qur’an and rule that its intolerance backed by a never-ending jihad that seeks to dominate the world is a clear and present danger to individual freedom and those nations and its peoples that do not embrace its teachings?

Today, America is less safe when terrorists, spies, and sleeper cells can legally enter the United States with the knowledge that their rights are protected even though they swear allegiance to a foreign sovereign power at war with American soldiers.


It is hereby ADJUDGED, ORDERED, and DECREED that: Defendant ELAINE DUKE, in her official capacity as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security; REX W. TILLERSON, in his official capacity as Secretary of
State; and all their respective officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and persons in active concert or participation with them who receive actual notice of this Order, hereby are enjoined fully from enforcing or implementing Sections 2(a), (b), (c), (e), (g), and (h) of the Proclamation issued on September 24, 2017, entitled “Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry into the United States by Terrorists or Other Public-Safety Threats” across the Nation. Enforcement of these provisions in all places, including the United States, at all United States borders and ports of entry, and in the issuance of visas is prohibited, pending further orders from this Court. <Source>

So who are the foreign powers that are being protected by this lone activist judge? [To be noted: the judge upheld the ban on North Korea and Venezuela]

  • Syria
  • Libya
  • Iran
  • Yemen
  • Chad
  • Somalia

The Judge’s flawed reasoning …

“EO-3 plainly discriminates based on nationality in the manner that the Ninth Circuit has found antithetical to both Section 1152(a) and the founding principles of this Nation.”

How does this make sense?

Does this ruling mean that any nation whose population happens to be Muslim, that they get permission to enter the United States if they harbor terrorists or are engaging in an undeclared war against the United States, its allies, and Western civilization? There are NO FOUNDING PRINCIPLES of this nation that do not appear in our founding documents; specifically our Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, and Bill of Rights. There is nothing in these documents that amounts to a suicide pact or an agreement to allow our enemies, both active and inactive, access to our country.

Bottom line …

Why do we allow the fiction of dual citizenship or citizenships of convenience? You are either an American and swear allegiance to our nation or you are an interloper with temporary access. There are more Chinese and Iranian covert agents in America than special agents in the FBI. Does it make sense to continue to provide access to those who steal our intellectual property or purchase our goods and services to aid in their war against our nation or our allies?

Does it make sense to allow activist judges to override the President of the United States in matters of safety, security, and national defense?

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



It now appears that there actually was a Russian attempt to gain influence in highest levels of the United States government and these actions were not only known to top officials in the FBI and Department of Justice, and involved a candidate for the Presidency of the United States, but were never disclosed to key elected oversight officials or the American public.

Unfortunately for the progressive socialist democrats, the people involved were all high-ranking members of the Obama Administration and included:

  • Attorney General Eric Holder
  • United States Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who now serves as the Deputy Attorney General.
  • FBI Director Mueller who now serves as the Special Counsel investigating Russian affairs and possible Trump collusion.
  • Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe who now serves as the Deputy FBI director.
  • FBI Director James Comey who apparently covered for Hillary Clinton and the destruction of thousands of government-owned documents.
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who became a Presidential Candidate.
  • Former President Bill Clinton who personally received large speaking fees from Russian-associated firms and whose Foundation received millions in donations from Russian-connected interests.

Breaking News from “The Hill” …

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show. They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton.’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [and Eric Holder] served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions. [ OCS:The never-ending investigation is part of a pattern and practice that was widely implemented during the Obama Administration – along with apparent instances of stonewalling, destruction of documents, perjury, and obstruction of justice.]

The first decision occurred in October 2010, when the State Department and government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States unanimously approved the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom, giving Moscow control of more than 20 percent of America’s uranium supply.  [OCS: This is a big deal involving the national security of the United States and the control of materials that can be used to produce nuclear weaponry.]

When this sale was used by Trump on the campaign trail last year, Hillary Clinton’s spokesman said she was not involved in the committee review and noted the State Department official who handled it said she “never intervened ... on any [Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States] matter.” That’s when conservative author Peter Schweitzer and The New York Times documented how Bill Clinton collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in Russian speaking fees and his charitable foundation collected millions in donations from parties interested in the deal while Hillary Clinton presided on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

The Obama administration and the Clintons defended their actions at the time, insisting there was no evidence that any Russians or donors engaged in wrongdoing and there was no national security reason for any member of the committee to oppose the Uranium One deal.  [OCS: Lying is part and parcel of Hillary Clinton’s modus operandi and few things that she claims are true or have been expertly parsed by an attorney to be inadmissible in a court of law.]

Then-Attorney General Eric Holder was among the Obama administration officials joining Hillary Clinton on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States at the time the Uranium One deal was approved. Multiple current and former government officials told The Hill they did not know whether the FBI or DOJ ever alerted committee members to the criminal activity they uncovered.

The investigation was ultimately supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, an Obama appointee who now serves as President Trump’s deputy attorney general, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, now the deputy FBI director under Trump, Justice Department documents show. [OCS: It is both ironic and tragic that …] Both men now play a key role in the current investigation into possible, but still unproven, collusion between Russia and Donald Trump.

McCabe is under congressional and Justice Department inspector general investigation in connection with money his wife’s Virginia state Senate campaign accepted in 2015 from now-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe at a time when McAuliffe was reportedly under investigation by the FBI. The probe is not focused on McAuliffe's conduct but rather on whether McCabe's attendance violated the Hatch Act or other FBI conflict rules.

The connections to the current Russia case are many. The Mikerin probe began in 2009 when Robert Mueller, now the special counsel in charge of the Trump case, was still FBI director. And it ended in late 2015 under the direction of then-FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump fired earlier this year.

But the Justice Department and FBI took little credit in 2014 when Mikerin, the Russian financier and the trucking firm executives were arrested and charged. The only public statement occurred a year later when the Justice Department put out a little-noticed press release in August 2015, just days before Labor Day. The release noted that the various defendants had reached plea deals. [OCS: Of course there was a “plea deal” because disclosure could severely impact the Obama Presidency and the future Clinton candidacy.]

By that time, the criminal cases against Mikerin had been narrowed to a single charge of money laundering for a scheme that officials admitted stretched from 2004 to 2014. And though agents had evidence of criminal wrongdoing they collected since at least 2009, federal prosecutors only cited in the plea agreement a handful of transactions that occurred in 2011 and 2012, well after the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States' approval.  The final court case also made no mention of any connection to the influence peddling conversations the FBI undercover informant witnessed about the Russian nuclear officials trying to ingratiate themselves with the Clintons even though agents had gathered documents showing the transmission of millions of dollars from Russia’s nuclear industry to an American entity that had provided assistance to Bill Clinton’s foundation, sources confirmed to The Hill.

The lack of fanfare left many key players in Washington with no inkling that a major Russian nuclear corruption scheme with serious national security implications had been uncovered.

Ronald Hosko, who served as the assistant FBI director in charge of criminal cases when the investigation was underway, told The Hill he did not recall ever being briefed about Mikerin’s case by the counterintelligence side of the bureau despite the criminal charges that were being lodged. “I had no idea this case was being conducted,” a surprised Hosko said in an interview.

Likewise, major congressional figures were also kept in the dark. Former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), who chaired the House Intelligence Committee during the time the FBI probe was being conducted, told The Hill that he had never been told anything about the Russian nuclear corruption case even though many fellow lawmakers had serious concerns about the Obama administration’s approval of the Uranium One deal.

“Not providing information on a corruption scheme before the Russian uranium deal was approved by U.S. regulators and engage appropriate congressional committees has served to undermine U.S. national security interests by the very people charged with protecting them,” he said. “The Russian efforts to manipulate our American political enterprise is breathtaking.”

Source: FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow | TheHill

Bottom line …

We all know that President Donald Trump “talks tough,” but now we are about to see if he has the cojones to “walk the walk, after talking the talk.” It appears that he has sufficient evidence – backed by court documents – to suspend all of the Department of Justice and FBI players, including the Special Counsel – and appoint another special counsel to investigate the entire issue of Russian collusion.

If President Trump fails to take action, the American people will have proof positive that he is not only a progressive member of the establishment, but is also in cahoots with the Obamacons, Clintonistas, and other bureaucratic evildoers.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



No matter what a progressive socialist democrat may say, it is in their best interests to make the American public pay as much as possible for fossil fuels and the “luxury” of mobility …

The State of California is the progressive’s social laboratory. The entire state infrastructure is controlled by progressive socialist democrats and the RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) who go along to get along.

This results in law enforcement that favors illegal aliens whose allegiance is to a Marxist foreign sovereign power. This results in elected representatives racing to provide entitlements to those who are most likely to vote Democrat – California now has the highest taxes, the highest poverty rate, and one-third of all welfare cases in the entire United States. All made possible by overly generous social programs that encourage voters to vote progressive.  It is amazing to see “the poor” in California, without jobs, but with a large-screen television, cable television, and a late-model vehicle.

This results in deliberately making mobility difficult by attempting to force people into mass transit solutions that are unworkable and inefficient. Such efforts have failed to build freeway capacity, transfer dedicated road repair funds to social programs, concentrate money on politically-beneficial sound walls rather than reinforcing roadway infrastructure such as guard rails.

If oil prices are low and diesel, gasoline, and heating oil are cheaper, the progressives will invent additional air quality restrictions like those found in California. Or massively raise fuel taxes, again as demonstrated by the massive increase in fuel taxes in California. If electric vehicles are cutting emissions and reducing the amount of fuel revenues that pour into the treasury, the elected politicians will ignore the will of the people as they continue to impose additional fees and taxes on electric vehicles.

And, this has resulted in the rise of teacher’s unions that wield significant political power and can hold our children hostage to a failing ideology; functional illiteracy on a mass scale and little or no knowledge of the history that openly refutes the progressive doctrine. It is hard to imagine anyone openly celebrating a murderous Marxist thug like Che Guevara. It is hard to believe that so-called enlightened individuals would fete a system that led to the destruction of Venezuela with its massive oil reserves. Or Cuba with its summary executions and a gulag of jailed and tortured dissidents. Yes, real torture – not enhanced interrogation techniques.


The goal of the progressives is to create large, easy-to-manage, communal/cooperative population centers in urban areas. With the progressives, it is an issue of control, costs, and concentrated political power. The theory is that it conserves natural resources by reducing mobility and maximizes the delivery of government goods and services. It also optimizes the distribution of propaganda, encourages “cooperative” surveillance, and produces a form of peer-pressure group-think.

The last thing the progressives want is cheap energy as it increases mobility, discretionary income, and reduces reliance on government resources to sustain a middle-class (class is a concept taken from the Marxist playbook and is used here to illustrate a point) lifestyle.

Bottom line …

In spite of the billions of dollars allocated for inner city developments governed for decades by the progressives, the inner cities are cesspools of illiteracy, poverty, crime, disease, and un-American activity. These are the people who speak openly of revolution – creating a new system, not revolting over elected officials who are selling out their birthright, citizenship, and standard of living.

Political corruption is so prevalent as to be almost invisible – no significant investigations or prosecutions unless the progressives need to create a sacrificial lamb or political scapegoat.

Think about 2018 and what our progressive politicians, here in California and in the federal government, have done to disadvantage “We the People.”A vote for a liberal is not only regressive, but un-American.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


I find it more than ironic, disgusting really, that Jane Fonda, the virtue-signaling bitch that sold out her country and American soldiers in a time of war has the chutzpah to claim that men like Harvey Weinstein should go to jail  …

The traitorous bitch on a North Vietnamese Anti-Aircraft gun in a time of war …


To my knowledge, Weinstein, a progressive socialist democrat who supported the Clintons and Barack Obama, has never personally betrayed his country, complicit in the death of soldiers held in captivity by an enemy of the United States, or urge American soldiers to desert in a time of war.

To my knowledge, Jane Fonda has never stood on a public platform and suggested that men like Bill Clinton, a sexual predator and accused rapist who disgraced the Office of the Presidency should go to jail.

I believe that a number of women did attempt to use their so-called feminine charms to attract the attention or sponsorship of Harvey Weinstein or other men who hold influential positions. And, I believe that a number of individuals are attempting to use this situation to raise their profile in the media, or in the case of some celebrities, signal their virtue while being guilty of the very same behavior. Hollywood, is a myth, An entertainment industry built on the hypocrisy of those who are willing to stand up and say, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say.”

Men like Harvey Weinstein should go to jail, says Jane Fonda

In recent days, famous movie stars such as Ryan Gosling, Emma Thompson, Brie Larson and Tom Hanks have spoken out in support of those who have been affected by the sexual harassment scandal currently encircling producer Harvey Weinstein. Now, it's Jane Fonda's turn.

Not only does she believe that the women who've come forward should be applauded for their courage, but the people who conduct such acts — like those that Weinstein has been accused of — should face the consequences too. "I think they should all go to jail, and you know let's put Bill Cosby in there… but the question is not just Hollywood, you know, this is epidemic," Fonda, an Academy Award winner, told CNBC's Tania Bryer in an interview that aired Friday. "This goes on all over the world, on all kinds of levels, and you know very, very powerful men and not very powerful men, but I think that they have to be put in jail."


When asked by CNBC whether she was surprised by the allegations, Fonda said she wasn't surprised at all, but rather she was glad that women were coming out and not being afraid to discuss these issues.

"Thank God, women are talking, because back in the day we were too scared to talk, because we thought no one would ever hire us again," Fonda explained. "Make no mistake: women who come forward and talk about being sexually harassed, abused or raped, it's very, very, very hard. You don't get anything out of it, except fingers being pointed at you and too often people not believing you. So it's very brave of these women to do it and it gives courage to other women."

Although the actress has not personally worked with the movie producer, Fonda understood how tough it was for women placed in these types of situations, explaining how many tended to be "young and vulnerable." "If you'll notice this kind of thing happens to young women who are vulnerable and really can't well… it's hard for them to defend themselves. It's hard for them to have agency over the situation." <Source>

Bottom line …

Hollywood is a town governed by money, sex, and power. If you have one, you can quickly transmute it into the other. I was personally propositioned by a wannabe actress who wanted me to sneak her onto the lot of a major movie studio so she could mingle at the commissary to attract attention to her availability for acting roles. When asked if she had a SAG (Screen Actors Guild) card or had worked anywhere, she had no clue as to the minimum requirements of her chosen profession. Just blowing a shot by being out-of-position and costing tens of thousands of dollars is bad enough, but the idea that someone might head a multi-million dollar project with an unknown walk-on is just another myth of Hollywood that keeps the beautiful, hopeful people hopping on buses to Tinseltown where they wind up as production assistants if lucky, hookers if not.


Weinstein did what rich and powerful men have done for ages. Unfortunately, he is the one who is used periodically by those progressives that want to engage in virtue signaling by excusing their bad behavior by pointing to others with worse behavior. Why Weinstein and not Bill Clinton? The answer is simple: Weinstein made money, but significant enemies – including his brother who may have engineered this coup. Bill Clinton was always an amiable letch – Hillary was the nasty one in the family.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


In a disgusting display of hypocrisy and virtue signaling, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has expelled movie mogul Harvey Weinstein for his alleged sexual behavior toward women. In a town where everybody’s secrets are common knowledge and gossip rules the day, it is amazing that the Academy would so publicly take action against an individual knowing that others, including so-called moguls, have engaged in this behavior with men, women, and children. But then that is the reality in Tinseltown where symbolic shunning and shaming of a few are preferable than having someone investigate the whole industry. 

The move to expel Weinstein was almost a foregone conclusion when the Academy responded to official recognition of the allegations with the statement that they found his alleged behavior to be "repugnant, abhorrent, and antithetical to the high standards of the academy and the creative community it represents."


"The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Board of Governors met today to discuss the allegations against Harvey Weinstein, and has voted well in excess of the required two-thirds majority to immediately expel him from the Academy.

We do so not simply to separate ourselves from someone who does not merit the respect of his colleagues but also to send a message that the era of willful ignorance and shameful complicity in sexually predatory behavior and workplace harassment in our industry is over. What's at issue here is a deeply troubling problem that has no place in our society.

The Board continues to work to establish ethical standards of conduct that all Academy members will be expected to exemplify."

Hypocrisy on display … 

How can the Academy justify the membership of Roman Polanski who drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl before fleeing the country? The membership of Bill Cosby who allegedly drugged and raped several women? Or Mel Gibson who abused his wife? These were all high profile cases well known to both the members of the Academy, the media, and the public. In fact, it is believed that only one person has been expelled from the Academy and that was for aiding in the pirating of movies by giving his Academy Awards screeners to a friend. 

Bottom line …

What do you expect from a group of mostly privileged and pampered people who believe that they have the right to tell you how to live your life and like the majority of progressive socialist democrats often excuse bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. A group that openly fetes Bill Clinton, a known sexual predator, as one of their heroes.

The Academy may proclaim that “that the era of willful ignorance and shameful complicity in sexually predatory behavior and workplace harassment in our industry is over,” but you can bet that many of its members are quaking in their boots lest their peccadilloes be made public by those who get caught and are offered “plea deals” for rolling over on others. Look for another flood of high-profile crisis managers and criminal defense attorneys to start salivating over the money to be made by defending hypocritical miscreants.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


There is little doubt in my mind that the progressive socialist democrats, certain members of Congress, and the mainstream media is out to damage or destroy the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Unfortunately, they are aids and abetted by the man himself. A man who lies, lies about lying, and then when confronted with absolute recorded evidence of the lie, shrugs it off and goes on a new rant. A man who holds the highest office in the land going ballistic over some negative comment made by a third-rate reporter. A man who appears not to know or understand our Constitution, our History, or how to conduct himself while in office.


I agree that, with all of his faults and foibles, he is a better President than Hillary Clinton, but for that I blame the two major political parties who gave “We the People” a choice between a corrupt, lying cronyist progressive and a corrupt, lying cronyist progressive. Both New Yorkers.  Perhaps it is better to have the presenter rather than the policy wonk in office, but why can’t he just keep his mouth shut and act presidential.

Trump says it's 'disgusting' that the press 'is able to write whatever it wants'

President Donald Trump resumed his attacks on media outlets on Wednesday, suggesting NBC News should lose its broadcast license. "It is frankly disgusting the press is able to write whatever it wants to write," Trump told reporters in the Oval Office.

The president's comments came after NBC News reported on Wednesday that the president said in July that the US should increase its nuclear arsenal tenfold, reversing decades of US policy, which has favored disarmament. After the meeting, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a "moron," according to several people who attended the meeting. Trump repeatedly insisted on Wednesday that he did not call for an increase, claiming instead that he wanted the current arsenal in "tip top shape." Defense Secretary James Mattis also denied the report.

The president appeared to misunderstand the nature of television licenses, which are granted to individual stations  affiliated with national networks, and are rarely removed, much less on on political grounds. 

Though Trump has spent much of his candidacy and presidency blasting various media outlets over their coverage of him, in the last week, he's singled out NBC, saying the network was "worse than CNN" for reporting that Tillerson called Trump a moron, a story confirmed by other outlets. He has also called for the Senate Intelligence Committee to investigate news outlets that he accuses of publishing "fake news," though outlets like NBC News and others have stood by the veracity of their reporting. <Source>

Bottom line …

Perhaps we need to rename an old adage in honor of Donald Trump. The first law of Trump: Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a moron, than speak and remove all doubt.

We are so screwed. Mainly because the GOP does not seem to have the initiative or cojones to mount an aggressive campaign to find and promote a suitable candidate for 2020 – whereas the progressive socialist democrats are battling 24/7/365 to take over the government.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS