No matter what anyone says about the debate, including the expectations expressed by the media pundits and partisan organizations, it was pretty much Trump being Trump, interrupting, challenging, and dissembling; and Clinton being Clinton using progressive rhetoric, jabbing where appropriate, and using fact and figures to demonstrate her knowledge.

Did anyone learn anything new? No! Did anything change? No!

  • Hillary demonstrated physical stamina – but so did the great actor Yul Brenner in his last performance of the “King and I,” and immediately offstage was given oxygen and led away in a wheelchair. Hillary Clinton’s health issues still remain unexplored. Donald Trump continuously drank water during the debate whereas Hillary Clinton avoided any appearance of weakness.
  • The greatest stalemate was Trump being challenged about his tax returns, and responded by challenging Clinton to produced her deleted emails.
  • Funny, Trump attacked Hillary on her temperament while clearly demonstrating an aggressive demeanor.
  • Hillary Clinton ended the debate with a sexist attack on Trump and Trump did not fire back with anything about her husband being a sexual predator and protecting him by attacking women viciously.
  • Donald Trump was visibly unprepared for tonight's debate and it showed in terms of missed opportunities to attack Clinton as well as being unable to artfully sidestep issue landmines which Clinton threw in his path. Typical Trump -- believing he is "smart enough" to simply "wing it." 
  • Some of the missed opportunities: Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, Pay-for-Play, Cybersecurity and securing her own email server, and Muslim immigration.

Nobody won the debate, but Americans lost – having to put up with these two seriously flawed candidates. Both spent more time talking about themselves and defending their actions rather than presenting a vision for America. Also, Trump was the ONLY one who walked through the "spin room" and spoke with reporters rather than simply putting surrogates out to tell your story.

Where Trump failed: Trump did not counter the birther charges by asking why President Obama's team spent millions in legal fees fending off any challenge that would have allowed a court-appointed grandmaster to examine the original documents and report back to the court. Including documents related to foreign travel and possible foreign scholarships. Likewise, he did not mention that Hillary Clinton had a history of personal and political scandals and apparently has been given a pass by law enforcement and the mainstream media. 

Where Hillary failed: Clinton could have asked Trump if he would release his tax returns if the IRS granted him immunity.

Moderator Lester Holt did not appear to be unbiased in his selection of questions or follow-ups. But he did not lose control of the debate.



What I am looking for in this debate is not snarky “gotcha” comments, but for the candidates to express a clear vision on how they are going to protect America and ALL Americans from both foreign and domestic threats, improve the overall economy and increase the number of available jobs.

I am looking for more than a simple vision statement, but some clue to a candidate’s ability to actually do what they say they are going to do. It would also be nice to learn that the government will be getting smaller, onerous rules and regulations will be eliminated, and spending will be curtailed.

There is little or no doubt that Hillary Clinton is a policy wonk with an intimate knowledge of governmental affairs, both foreign and domestic as well as the political debate skills learned over decades in politics. On the other hand, she is a corrupt liar, mired in cronyism and scandal; and this makes her vulnerable. It is a shame that she can not be drug tested at this point in time to determine what stimulants are being used to keep her stronger than she is in reality.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a master con artist whose bluffing skills and lack of concern for political correctness are well known.

While Hillary Clinton must render an unprecedented performance, Trump need merely look “presidential” while highlighting her numerous character flaws and abominable performance in compromising America’s safety and security; not to mention the destruction of the Middle East which has lead to the deaths and destructions of hundreds of thousands of innocents who wanted only to live in peace.

Against this background, we will judge the performance of both actors.

Bottom line …

More and more, the mainstream media is treating serious political issues in America as a spectator sport, a vehicle for entertainment that generates significant ratings and advertising profits for the media . As if our liberty and freedom were a spectator sport, complete with teams and broadcasts with color commentary rather than insightful analysis. Investing thousands of audience hours on the truly meaningless – as if the two candidates were reality show stars (ok – one candidate is a legitimate reality star) and the issues of our days were of absolutely no significance. Whether or not you are on “Team Clinton” or “Team Trump,” you better get aboard “Team America” before you finds yourself living in a corrupt plutocracy (government by the wealthy) in third-world conditions.

I am urging a vote for Donald Trump because the level of corruption, lying, and socialist destruction under a Hillary Clinton would simply be one more move toward the abyss of European-style socialism and the further decline of our nation. Put aside a politics, hold your nose if you must, but do the right thing – vote for Team America – and not for Hillary Clinton.

This debate was akin to throwing a grenade in a septic tank. We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
