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The first Presidential debate will be broadcast live ON September 26, 2016 at 9:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. EDT (6:00 – 7:30 PDT) on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others. The debate will be moderated by NBC’s Lester Holt, the anchor of the weekday edition of NBC Nightly News and the anchor of Dateline NBC.

The broad topics, provided by moderator Lester Holt will be:

  • America's Direction
  • Achieving Prosperity
  • Securing America

Of course, the moderator reserves the right and privilege of altering the topics to fit current news of interest.

Debate format details …


Commission on Presidential Debates Announces Format for 2016 General Election Debates

The nonpartisan, nonprofit Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) today announced the formats for the three presidential and one vice presidential general election debates it will sponsor this fall.

The formats for the 90-minute debates are designed to facilitate in-depth discussion of the leading issues facing the nation.

First presidential debate (September 26, 2016, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY)

The debate will be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on major topics to be selected by the moderator and announced at least one week before the debate.

The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. Candidates will then have an opportunity to respond to each other. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a deeper discussion of the topic.

All debates will be moderated by a single individual and will run from 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time without commercial breaks. As always, the moderators alone will select the questions to be asked, which are not known to the CPD or to the candidates. The moderators will have the ability both to extend the segments and to ensure that the candidates have equal speaking time. While the focus will properly be on the candidates, the moderator will regulate the conversation so that thoughtful and substantive exchanges occur. The CPD is in discussion with technology and civic groups that will provide data to the moderators to assist them in identifying the subjects that are most important to the public.


Some fun facts …

  • Should Hillary Clinton become indisposed by a coughing fit or other medical issue, the moderator does not have the power to shift cameras or alter the audio feed.
  • The podium is purpose built to ignore the height difference between Hillary Clinton (5’4”) and Donald Trump (6’2”) thus giving her artificial stature on stage.


Bottom line …

Essentially, this debate is between a Marxist policy wonk who is mired in scandal, lies with impunity, and who has sold out her office for personal gain – and a celebrity billionaire bully boy whose personal affairs are about as transparent as those of Hillary Clinton.  As they say, look for lies, damned lies, and statistics.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS




In the process of explaining how Hillary Clinton lied about her emails, Bill Whittle reveals the three most damaging reasons why Hillary Clinton should not be the President of the United States

  1. Hillary Clinton’s own words prove that she is unfit for office as she lacks the moral capacity to tell the truth and is medically unfit to hold the Office of the Presidency, telling the FBI that “in 2012 she fell to the ground and hit her head so hard that she forget the briefings and protocols for handling secret information.” If Hillary Clinton cannot remember her briefings on handling classified material, she is provably unfit to hold the Office of the Presidency of the United States as there is more than a little doubt that she might forget which row and column of the launch authentication document contained the real “go code.”
  1. Hillary Clinton’s admission that she did not turn over all of her work-related emails, makes her guilty of “violating U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 101, Section 2071, Paragraph a: which is a felony.” And if convicted of a felony, would be barred from holding a security clearance or any public office. Pretty much why the FBI needed to suggest that they recommended no prosecution because they couldn’t make the case. Not only did FBI Director James Comey exceed his authority in releasing Hillary Clinton from all responsibility for her actions, but he actually misinterpreted or lied about the law – inserting the element of “intent” where no such element exists.
  1. Hillary Clinton knowingly lost electronic devices containing classified information and failed to report these security breaches to the appropriate authorities, again another felony. The idea that someone would put a package containing sensitive information in the mail is ludicrous.

Learn to lie like Hillary Clinton …

If the video is missing in the email version of the post, it can be found here. 


Hillary’s Health scandal is still unfolding, but to understand the conflicting and ever-more-unlikely stories we are seeing and hearing, it is useful to recognize and understand the pattern that Hillary (and Bill) Clinton revert to when being confronted with unflattering evidence.  I like to call this the Clinton Lie Ratchet.

So let’s put aside Hillary’s health issues for the moment, in order to observe how the Clinton Lie Ratchet worked on the previous scandal – the issue of her private email server.

In the summer of 2014, investigators on the previous, previous scandal – Benghazi – discovered that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was using a private, unsecure server to send government emails, some of which may have been classified.

Once Hillary realized there was actual evidence of wrongdoing – something tangible that can’t be blamed on conspiracy kooks or the Deplorable and Vast Ring Wing Conspiracy – then the ratchet kicks in by telling a lie, which is the least damaging lie possible. Regarding the email scandal, the least damaging First Lie – uttered by Hillary Clinton herself – is that yes, she did use a private server, but only for the convenience of having a single portable device for both business and personal email. ALL of the work-related emails had been turned over, she said, to our faces, and there were never ANY secret emails stored on her private server. So the ratchet locks the damage to “poor judgment.” Old news, case closed, let’s move on.

But next we discover that contrary to that least damaging lie that she told us, there were in fact work-related emails on the server that she did not turn in. Faced with actual evidence, the ratchet slips one notch and locks into the Second Least Damaging Lie: okay, not everything was turned in, but no harm done because none of the work-related emails she neglected to turn in were classified. A press corps not dedicated to suppressing news would have realized, as we right-wing nut jobs did, that the simple admission that she did not turn in all of her work-related documents – for whatever reason -- was an open admission that she was in violation of U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 101, Section 2071, Paragraph a: which is a felony. And of course, that looks bad on the resume.

Then we discover that classified, Secret, Top Secret and Above Top Secret emails were in fact stored on her private server, disproving the second lie. So now the ratchet proceeds to the Third Least Damaging Lie: Okay, they may have been secret but they were not secret at the time she received them. When this is revealed to be a lie, the Clinton Lie Ratchet moves to the Fourth Least Damaging lie: okay, they may have been secret at the time she received them, but they weren’t marked secret so she just didn’t know. You might wonder why a person trusted with the most sensitive, guarded and potentially damaging information in the entire government of the world’s most powerful nation, when unsure of whether something of obvious importance was marked secret or not, would not err on the side of caution and ASK, but that is a question that an actual reporter might ask.

When we then discover that many of these emails were in fact marked C for confidential, then the Fifth Least Damaging lie to be trotted out becomes so desperate as to be an open farce: She thought that the “C” stood for a paragraph heading. None of the paragraph headings were marked A, or B, or D or even E for effort at this point. When the utter ridiculousness of the Fifth Least Damaging Lie is revealed, the Clinton Lie ratchet moved to the final tooth -- The Sixth Least Damaging Lie: Yes, they were marked classified, but in 2012 she fell to the ground and hit her head so hard that she forget the briefings and protocols for handling secret information.

This Last, Least Damaging Lie is in in fact so damaging – This candidate for President hit her head so hard that she forgot how to handle classified information – along with God knows what else got knocked out of her head -- that you wonder why someone would revert to a lie that damning and damaging in the first place.

And the reason is that this appalling statement is still not as bad as the actual, you know, TRUTH. And the truth – we know it’s the truth because she has been forced to admit it, one click of the ratchet at a time is this:

She kept private emails on her server.

She failed to turn in tens of thousands of work-related emails.

Hundreds of these emails were classified as Secret, Top Secret, and Above Tope Secret.

She knew full well they were classified when she read them.

And we now discover that the reason she gave for all of this – she wanted the convenience of a single had-held device – was the most damning lie of all: she had at least thirteen mobile devices, all with top secret classified information, and none of which were turned over to the FBI for their investigation. The Clinton camp tells us that one of her requested laptops and a thumb drive -- I’m not making this up – was sent to the FBI and got lost in the mail. And those 13 missing blackberries?

Her dog ate them.

And that last claim is the only statement in this absurd, blatantly obvious goat rodeo of contempt, corruption and felonious misconduct that they did not, in fact, ask you to believe.

Likely they are saving that for the Clinton health scandal – which is unfolding using the exact same Clinton Lie Ratchet, and which we will deal with in the next Firewall.

Bottom line …

What next? Hillary Clinton is so damaged by scandal and health issues that she is literally unfit for office. To believe that she is even capable of telling the American people the truth about her past activities or her health is ludicrous. When in doubt, Hillary lies. Even when nothing is in doubt, Hillary lies.

There is little or no doubt in my mind that we must elect Donald Trump to prevent a man-made disaster from befalling America in the form of Hillary Clinton.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


There are a few fundamental observations that should be considered when speaking about the United Nations …

  1. As a bureaucracy, the fundamental goal of the United Nations is to perpetuate its political power as an institution and to secure a stable source of funding that does not depend on the contributions of its member states.
  1. The majority of the members of the United Nations, especially the monarchies, dictatorships, and those member nations who have a political ideology different from that of the United States, do not necessarily respect human rights and the freedoms that are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. The leadership of these countries, like any other organization, seeks to perpetuate their power and that of their leadership. In this, the goals of many of the member nations are in direct conflict with the best interests of America.
  1. The United Nations has failed in its primary mission, to protect the peoples of the world from genocidal megalomaniacs and the ethnic cleansing that results in the death and suffering of millions. In many instances, it has been the United Nations’ peacekeepers that are the looters and rapists pillaging foreign lands. The world watched as hundreds of little girls and boys were raped, mutilated, burned or buried alive, or sold into servitude while the United Nations did nothing. And, the wife of the President of the United States held up a sign with the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. 
  1. The United Nations would rather condemn the small nation of Israel than condemn the Muslim states for the centuries-old war of ethnic cleansing and the worldwide terrorism that is ravaging our nations.
  1. The United Nations is all about breaching the sovereignty of its member nations and establishing a massive wealth redistribution scheme to purchase lasting political power for itself and its leadership.

So here is the President of the United States suggesting that America should be willing to cede additional power and support to this corrupt institution …


(Excerpt) Address by President Obama to the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly

And we can only realize the promise of this institution’s founding -- to replace the ravages of war with cooperation -- if powerful nations like my own accept constraints.  Sometimes I'm criticized in my own country for professing a belief in international norms and multilateral institutions.  But I am convinced that in the long run, giving up some freedom of action -- not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests, but binding ourselves to international rules over the long term -- enhances our security.  And I think that's not just true for us. 

Address by President Obama to the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly |

Truth be told, as long as the United Nations tolerates evildoers in its ranks, and there exists a fundamental conflict of interest between nations, the promise to eliminate the ravages of war with cooperation is a pipe-dream. For the President of the United States to openly call for accepting constraints imposed by international norms and multilateral institutions is an act of naiveté and a betrayal of America’s constitutional sovereignty. No appeasement, no ceding of governance can make us safer when one of the prime directives of the United Nations is to disarm the law-abiding citizens of America to make them vulnerable to the “international norms and multilateral institutions” that will impose progressive tyrannical governance at the first possible opportunity. As Neville Chamberlain learned, appeasement means that you may be the last to be conquered, but you will be conquered. Something President Obama fails to understand or quite frankly cares little about as he golfs his way through life.

Bottom line …

Benjamin Franklin said it best, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” To allow Hillary Clinton to pursue the policies and programs of Barack Obama would clearly result in the type of disaster and death she caused in Libya. There is little doubt in my mind that the cover-up of the Benghazi attacks was an attempt to shield Congress and the American people from knowing about an unauthorized joint State Department/CIA transfer of military weapons to a faction of al Qaeda in the hopes that they would help depose Syria’s Bashir Assad.  Hillary is a corrupt, lying Marxist with a cadre of cronies to protect her criminality, incompetence, and poor health.

If you care about our nation, you will vote for Donald Trump on election day, not because you like or respect the man, but because we need to stop Hillary Clinton.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



President Obama has provided you with a demonstration of the clear and present danger Hillary Clinton presents to America and all Americans …


Excerpted Remarks by the President at Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 46th Annual Phoenix Awards Dinner

Hello, CBC!  (Applause.)  Thank you, Don, for the great work you are doing and that kind introduction.

I want to thank the CBC Foundation, Chairman Butterfield, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and the whole CBC family.  It’s always good to be with the Conscience of Congress.

[“Conscience of the Congress?” You cannot find a more corrupt or racist group in the nation, let alone Congress, than the Congressional Black Caucus. They not only view everything through the prism of race, but they appear to be corrupt and anti-America in so many different was.]

I also want to congratulate tonight’s honorees, beginning with Charlie Rangel, a founding member of the CBC, an outstanding public servant who, as we just talked about, we’ll be riding off into the sunset together. 

[Charlie Range, just a few examples …

  • In July 2008, The Washington Post reported that Rangel was soliciting donations to the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at City College of New York from corporations with business interests before his Ways and Means Committee, and was doing so using Congressional letterhead.
  • The New York Times reported in July 2008 that Rangel rents four apartments at below-market rates in the Lenox Terrace complex in Harlem. It reported that Rangel paid $3,894 monthly for all four apartments in 2007. In contrast, the landlord's going rate for similar apartments in the building was as high as $8,125 monthly. Three adjacent apartments were combined to create his 2,500-square-foot  home. A fourth unit is used as a campaign office, which violates city and state regulations that require rent-stabilized apartments to be used as a primary residence. Rangel received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from one of the landlords, according to the paper.
  • A September 2008 New York Post article reported that Rangel had been using a House parking garage as free storage space for his Mercedes-Benz for years, in apparent violation of Congressional rules. Under Internal Revenue Service regulations, free parking (here, worth $290 a month) is considered imputed income, and must be declared on tax returns.
  • Rangel was accused of failing to report income from his rental of a beachside villa he owns in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. A three-bedroom, three-bath unit, it has rented out for as much as $1,100 per night in the busiest tourist season.
  • Labor lawyer Theodore Kheel, a principal investor in the resort development company and frequent campaign contributor to Rangel, had encouraged him to purchase the villa. Rangel purchased it in 1988 for $82,750. He financed $53,737.50 of the purchase price for seven years at an interest rate of 10.5%, but was one of several early investors whose interest payments were waived in 1990.]

There’s an extra spring in my step tonight.  I don't know about you guys, but I am so relieved that the whole birther thing is over.  I mean, ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change -- none of those things weighed on my mind -- (laughter) -- like the validity of my birth certificate.  And to think that with just 124 days to go, under the wire, we got that resolved.  I mean, that’s a boost for me in the home stretch.  In other breaking news, the world is round, not flat. Lord. 

[This birther issue is a problem of his own making as he initially refused to release details of his life, including his birth certificate, his multiple passports, his travel records, his school financial papers and whether he was treated as a foreign student for the purpose of a scholarship, and other writings from his time at Harvard. It is a fact that Obama’s minions have spent millions in legal fees to keep any court from examining his Hawaiian birth certificate “in situ” by a court appointed master. It is also on the record that qualified document examiners have examine what appears to be his long-form birth certificate on the White House web site and have stated it is a “questionable document.”]

Now, we know, however, that what matters most for our community is not just the symbol, not just having an African American President.  It’s having a President who’s going to do his or her darndest to make the right decisions, and fight the right fights.  And think about the fights that we’ve waged together these past eight years.

Together, we fought our way back from the worst recession in 80 years -- (applause) -- turned an economy that was in free fall, helped our businesses create more than 15 million new jobs. We declared that health care is not a privilege for a few, but a right for everybody -- (applause) -- secured coverage for another 20 million Americans, including another three million African Americans.  Our high school graduation rate is at an all-time high, including for African-American students.  More African-Americans are graduating from college than ever before. 

[The reality is quite different. Considering that the Obama Administration is “cooking the numbers” much like any other prior administration, we can look around and see that our recovery from a near depression has been puny and historically performing. The progressive socialist democrats have nationalized one-sixth of our economy when they took over, and pretty much destroyed, healthcare while promising us that we could keep our doctors, healthcare would be more affordable, and there would be cost savings from reducing the waste, fraud, and abuse of the system. As for students, be they African-American or purple, the unionized educational systems has devolved to the lower common denominator, reduced testing standards, and once again graduated another year’s worth of functional illiterates.]

Together, we’ve begun to work on reforming our criminal justice system -- reducing the federal prison population, ending the use of solitary confinement for juveniles, banning the box for federal employers, reinvigorating the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, pushing to make sure police and communities are working together to make sure that our streets are safe and that our law is applied equally.  We’re giving opportunities for kids so that they don't get in the criminal justice system in the first place. 

[Yes, Obama certainly did reform the criminal justice system. His Administration demonized police officers to the point where they are reluctant to rigorously enforce the law in the inner cities while crime runs rampant, shootings, knifings, and murders are increasingly commonplace. It is known as the “Ferguson Effect” and it put every law-abiding American, and especially African-Americans, at risk while letting even more criminals escape the justice system to “even up” the numbers. Calling for more stringent gun laws to disarm law-abiding citizens who need self-protection while not enforcing the current weapons laws on the books. Now, you don’t even have the right to ask a job applicant if they has a criminal background until after they are hired – and only if it affects their  job performance.]

And just this week, we learned that last year, across every race and age group in America, incomes rose and poverty fell.  Folks’ typical household incomes rose by about $2,800 -- which is the fastest growth rate on record.  Lifted 3.5 million people out of poverty, including one million children -- the largest one-year drop in almost 50 years. 

[This adjustment is called inflation and the policy wonks that compute these numbers are beholden to the government agency for which they work.]

By so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was eight years ago.  And none of it’s been quick, none of it's been easy.  None of it has come without a fight.  And so much of our work remains unfinished.  But then we knew that we would not solve all of our challenges in one year, or one term, or even one presidency, not even in one lifetime -- because we understand better than anybody that this is the story of America, that the project of America is never finished.  It is constantly a work in progress. 

And what has always made us unique is our capacity to change -- our conviction that change doesn’t come from some ruler, but it comes from the bottom up, from us; from the actions we take, whether it's women seeking the right to vote, or a young John Lewis leading a mighty march in Selma.  We do our part to slowly, steadily, make our union a little bit more perfect.  We know that. 

And that’s what we’ve done these past eight years.  And now that's what we have to keep on doing. 

You may have heard Hillary’s opponent in this election say that there’s never been a worse time to be a black person.    I mean, he missed that whole civics lesson about slavery and Jim Crow and (applause) -- but we've got a museum for him to visit.  (Applause.)  So he can tune in.  We will educate him.  (Applause.)   

[Anyone who has read the history of America knows, for a certainty, that is was the democrats who brought us slavery, segregation, the Jim Crow laws, and who ripped-off the African-Americans in the inner cities by diverting billions into the pockets of the special interests and their corrupt political friends. Although they tell us that the GOP and Donald Trump are associated with racism, the truth is that the progressive socialist democrats have always blamed their opposition for their own illegal and immoral behaviors. That African-Americans keep falling for their tricks, especially after they destroyed the nuclear black family and erased much of the Black Church’s dictates on immorality. Unbelievable that the Blacks don’t open their eyes and realize that it is the progressive socialist democrats who have now sold them out – their communities, their jobs, and their social safety net – to the new underclass, illegal aliens.]

He says we got nothing left to lose, so we might as well support somebody who has fought against civil rights, and fought against equality, and who has shown no regard for working people for most of his life.  Well, we do have challenges, but we're not stupid.  (Applause.)  We know the progress we’ve made, despite the forces of opposition, despite the forces of discrimination, despite the politics of backlash.  And we intend to keep fighting against those forces. 

[These forces are straw men; meant to divert African-Americans from the truth. The truth is that Obama is not black, nor is he an African-American. He is bi-racial and prefers to vacation in the lily-white playgrounds of the rich and famous. Poverty, give me a break. Obama had a great childhood in Hawaii; mostly as a dope-smoking, shroom-consuming slacker.]

When governors refuse to expand Medicaid, that hits the folks most in need, we'll fight.  When folks block an increase to the minimum wage or refuse to expand paid family leave or won’t guarantee equal pay for equal work, that hurts the pocketbooks of every family, and African-American families -- we will fight.  (Applause.) 

[What fight – fight your way to the bottom? Expand a Medicaid system that is going broke to serve illegal aliens? Raise the minimum wage to force employers to cut workers and deny entry level jobs to teenagers and young adults based on a lie. The average entry level job is not supposed to be occupied by a unionized adult with four children. Obama’s economic policies will cripple African-Americans, not help them. Already we see full-time jobs being split into two jobs to avoid paying benefits that businesses cannot afford. The trouble with progressive socialist democrats is that they want you to have your fair share of the misery they create, and hope you will not riot when other people’s money runs out like it did in Greece, France, and elsewhere where socialism is a failure.]

When we’re not investing in the schools that our kids deserve; when one group of Americans is treated differently under the law, when there are those who somehow think it's wrong to make sure that folks have access to affordable housing, or unwilling to do what it takes to make sure our veterans get the benefits that they’ve earned, or aren't helping to sign folks up for health insurance -- we will not stop our march for justice.  We will not stop pushing for the security and prosperity of all people.  That doesn’t stop with my presidency.  We're just getting started.  (Applause.)  

[What a joke! Investing in schools? Obama has had eight years and the unionized school system is still a bottomless black hole sucking money into unfunded pension liabilities and building fancy schools in upscale districts. Affordable housing is a joke as more and more impoverished areas are “gentrified” by the developers who have politicians on speed dial. Veterans – well, you saw what they did in eight years and they are still cooking the books. Heaven forbid the progressive socialist democrats use vouchers to allow students to get a decent education or veterans to get emergent healthcare. Talk about as plantation, the unions believe they own the students and their funding. And, about that equality under the law thing – why is it that illegal aliens are treated like super-citizens with many of their felonies simply forgiven or ignored?]

And when people -- when across this country, in 2016, there are those who are still trying to deny people the right to vote, we've got to push back twice as hard.  Right now, in multiple states, Republicans are actively and openly trying to prevent people from voting.  Adding new barriers to registration.  Cutting early voting.  Closing polling places in predominantly minority communities.  Refusing to send out absentee ballots.  Kicking people off the rolls, often incorrectly. 

[The progressive socialist democrats are all about corruption and stealing elections. Anything that allows illegal votes or manipulation of the vote count is forefront in their so-called civil rights agenda. You have the right to one vote, and if it takes a photo-id to enforce your rights, so be it. About that early voting: how many votes will be hidden by unionized employees to sway an election? Discovered at the last minute to shift election results. Folks, we are not getting a fair count and it is by design.]

This should be a national scandal.  We were supposed to have already won that fight.  (Applause.)  We're the only advanced democracy in the world that is actively discouraging people from voting.  It's a shame.   

[Yes, it is a national scandal, and it is the progressive socialist democrats that are responsible for the mess. Remember, it was Obama’s Department of Justice that refused to prosecute voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers although it was captured on video and there were sworn complaints.]

Then they try to justify it by telling folks that voter fraud is rampant.  Between 2000 and 2012, there were 10 cases of voter impersonation nationwide.  Ten.  People don't get up and say, I'm going to impersonate somebody and go vote.  (Applause.) They don't do that. 

[This is a lie that can be disproven in almost every major precinct in the nation.]

Meanwhile, some of the same folks who are trying to keep you from voting turn a blind eye when hundreds of thousands of people are killed by guns.  (Applause.)  Imposing voter ID restrictions so that a gun license can get you on the ballot, but a student ID can’t -- apparently more afraid of a ballot than a bullet -- no, our work is not done.  (Applause.) 

[Again, Obama is a liar. Most gun deaths happen in the inner cities governed by progressive socialist democrats under strict gun control laws. The President’s home town of Chicago runs red with the blood of African-Americans and he has done little or nothing to stop it in eight years. He best buddies, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is so afraid of upsetting the African-American democrat vote that he says nothing as the police draw back from strict policing in the Black neighborhoods.]

In fact, if you want to give Michelle and me a good sendoff -- and that was a beautiful video -- but don’t just watch us walk off into the sunset, now.  Get people registered to vote.  (Applause.) If you care about our legacy, realize everything we stand for is at stake.  All the progress we've made is at stake in this election.  (Applause.)  My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot. (Applause.)  Tolerance is on the ballot.  Democracy is on the ballot.  (Applause.)  Justice is on the ballot.  Good schools are on the ballot.  (Applause.)  Ending mass incarceration -- that's on the ballot right now!  (Applause.) 

[Yes, you lying douchebag, your legacy is on the line. You are destined to go down as the worst president in history. Worse than Jimmy Carter, the father of Islamo-fascism in Iran. Worse than Bill Clinton who was so busy soiling the Oval Office that he ignored North Korea going nuclear. And you, you moron, made a nuclear Iran a possibility and gave billions of dollars to an enemy of the United States who was actively killing American soldiers in Iraq, Iran, and fomenting terrorism worldwide.]

And there is one candidate who will advance those things. And there’s another candidate whose defining principle, the central theme of his candidacy is opposition to all that we've done. 

[If there is any reason to vote for Donald Trump, it is to deny Hillary Clinton a chance to continue Barack Obama’s legacy of failure. Failure in leadership. Failure in policy, both foreign and domestic. And, above all, failure to praise America, Americans, and to unite this unprecedented nation into a better future.]

There’s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter.  It all matters.  And after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community, I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election.  (Applause.)  You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote.  (Applause.)  And I’m going to be working as hard as I can these next seven weeks to make sure folks do.  (Applause.)

Hope is on the ballot.  And fear is on the ballot, too.  Hope is on the ballot, and fear is on the ballot, too.   

[Yes, there is hope on the ballot. Hope that Donald Trump will bring the hope and change that Barack Obama promised when he first took office. And, sadly, would up like the broken promise that healthcare would be affordable and you can keep your doctor. So many lies, so many broken promises. It is not time to wake up. All of you African-Americans, you voted Black and it set you back. Do you really think Hillary Clinton, who fakes the Southern Preacher accent and cadence when speaking to a Black audience gives a rat’s ass for her nation or its people. Perhaps if she did, she wouldn’t have sold out her office to our enemies for thirty pieces of silver – made payable to the Clinton Foundation.]

That’s why I am still fired up.  That’s why I’m still ready to go.  (Applause.)  And if you are, too, if you’re ready to continue this journey that we started, then join me.  Register folks to vote.  Get them to the polls.  Keep marching.  Keep fighting.  Keep organizing.  If we rise to this moment, if we understand this isn't the endpoint, this is the beginning, we're just getting going, we're just getting moving -- then I have never been more optimistic that our best days are still ahead

[You can bet Barack Obama’s best days are ahead as he becomes a billionaire and continues to golf while Americans are dying, here and abroad.]

Thank you for this incredible journey, CBC.  God bless you. (Applause.)  God bless this country that we love.  We love you.  (Applause.)

To read the President’s remarks in full and in context, they can be found at:                  Remarks by the President at Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 46th Annual Phoenix Awards Dinner |

Bottom line …

You have seen what the Barack Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats have wrought over the past eight years with his unconstitutional and lawless behavior.

It is up to you to decide whether to continue the destruction of American from within by electing Hillary Clinton or giving us a modicum of hope that Trump will remain a progressive – but one in the mold of an old-time democrat like JFK.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


In response to a horrific terrorist bombing on the streets of New York, this progressive genius took the opportunity to push the progressive socialist democrat’s gun control agenda … 

Chris Hayes, 37, is the host of “All In with Chris Hayes,” a weekday news and opinion television show aired of the uber-progressive MSNBC (also known as Manufactured Socialist Nonsense Between Commercials.)


It could have been much worse. It appears that the terrorist placed his explosive device in a construction dumpster outside the Townhouse Inn of Chelsea in New York. The dumpster muted much of the blast, but still 29 people were injured and caused significant property damage. A second device was found nearby. If there was any luck that day, it was that the terrorist did not appear to know what he was doing in placing the first bomb and in constructing the second.

Perhaps Chris “asshat” Hayes should employ a little commonsense in knowing that a gun, like a knife, bat, car, or explosive is merely a tool … in the hands of a law-abiding citizen and used properly, it is a benefit; used by an evildoer it is a tool of the devil causing death, destruction, and terror.

If Chris Hayes is so against guns, perhaps he should take a fast trip to Minnesota to see how one armed man stopped a terrorist …

F.B.I. Treats Minnesota Mall Stabbing Attack as ‘Potential Act of Terrorism’

A report by a news agency linked to the Islamic State claimed on Sunday that a “soldier of the Islamic State” was behind a stabbing attack on Saturday night at a Minnesota shopping mall, an episode that the F.B.I. said it was investigating as a “potential act of terrorism.” Nine people were injured in the attack before an off-duty police officer fatally shot the knife-wielding man, the authorities in St. Cloud said.

The attacker, who was dressed in a security guard uniform, mentioned Allah and asked at least one victim if he was Muslim, the police said. All nine victims were expected to survive. <Source>

MN Somali Community Stunned by Islamist Attack – Say Islamist Dahir Adan was ‘Friendly’ and ‘Intelligent’

Somali-American leaders are expressing shock and sympathy over attacks Saturday at Crossroads Center by a man from their community. They say they are uncertain of motives behind the attack by Dahir Adan, who was killed during the spree by an off-duty police officer. Religious leaders point out that Islam does not condone violence, and one leader is cautioning that the actions should not prompt retaliation. “The entire community are shocked by this incident. The family and the community would like to know the whole picture of this incident,” said Abdul Kulane, a leader in the Somali community. “Again, our sympathy goes to the families and victims and the entire community.” <Source

How ‘Minnesotastan’ got its name

Not only are the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul hotbeds of terrorist recruitment activity for ISIS and al-Shabaab, at least half of the Muslims there (mainly Somalis) don’t even speak any English. The Twin Cities are competing with Dearborn, MI to become the first NO-GO Zone in America. <Source>

Bottom line …


The Obama Administration overtly claims that they cannot vet so-called “immigrants,” due to a lack of personal data, but are willing to expose Americans to terrorism, crime, and disease in order to create an image of Barack Obama as a “compassionate man” on the world stage. Even though every informed foreign leader appears to view Obama as a naïve fool and a weak leader.

If you are willing to further compromise the sovereignty, safety, and security of America and Americans vote for Hillary Clinton who promises to carry out the progressive socialist democrat programs and policies of Barack Obama – thus giving Obama a third term to finalize his legacy as the worst president America has ever seen.  A daunting accomplishment given that Jimmy Carter is the father of Islamo-fascism in Iran and Bill Clinton is the man who deliberately turned his back on the nuclearization of North Korea.

There is little choice at this point in time … if you value America’s safety and security, you must  hold your nose and vote for Donald Trump.

We are so screwed.

-- steve 

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



We are living in a time of unprecedented governmental corruption and soft tyranny. When an Administration openly conveys aid to our enemies during a time of war, and disadvantages our allies. Where a top government official – yes, Hillary Clinton – appears to have sold out her office and her nation with side-deals involving foreign nations that do not wish America well. It is now time to re-think our future when the nation’s two major political parties have given us a choice between the corrupt, crooked, lying, criminal devil we know (Clinton) and a man who is a caricature of a progressive politician (Trump) – albeit one who has not sold out his nation nor is likely to give aid and comfort to our enemies.

Consider that we are under attack from within, a cadre of fifth column agitators and activists trying to destroy America.

An attack on our sovereignty by self-serving politicians who want to allow foreign courts, commissions, panels, and tribunals to make and enforce laws affecting American citizens …

During the GOP debate, presidential candidate, Ohio Governor John Kasich, suggested he was a conservative and did not represent the establishment big-government wing of the GOP. Yet, we see him jumping to the side of progressive socialist democrats and an outright Marxist/Communist as he helps President Barack Obama pass another anti-America trade bill that has hidden secret provisions, much like Obama’s anti-America Iran nuclear deal. Perhaps Kasich should explain why Members of Congress had to enter a secure facility to read the proposed legislation; why this legislation is not a treaty that must be ratified by the Senate; and why the entire bill cannot be made public?

Kasich is teaming up with Obama to pass the Pacific trade deal

Ohio Governor John Kasich is teaming up with an unlikely ally to get Congress to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership: President Barack Obama. The TPP, a landmark trade deal with 12 countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, has become a hot button issue in the presidential campaign. Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump support the deal.  <Source>

An attack on our ability to defend ourselves, knowing that the police cannot be everywhere they are needed …

The progressive socialist democrats and our enemies, both foreign and domestic, want to disarm America, especially the peaceful law-abiding citizens. Counter-intuitively, releasing more criminals into our civil society and refusing to prosecute criminals with existing crime control laws involving the unlawful use and possession of firearms. Ignoring commonsense that says that you cannot control criminals, crazies, and terrorists; and that if a gun is not present, they will use any means at their disposal.

Islamic State Claims Credit for Minnesota Mall Attack

A man who stabbed nine people at a mall in central Minnesota before being shot dead is a "soldier of the Islamic State," the militant group's news agency said on Sunday, as the FBI investigated the attack as a potential act of terrorism.

The man, who was wearing a private security uniform, made references to Allah and asked at least one person if they were Muslim before he assaulted them at the Crossroads Center mall in St. Cloud on Saturday, the city's Police Chief William Blair Anderson told reporters. Authorities declined to identify the suspect, who was killed by an off-duty policeman, because the investigation was under way. The Federal Bureau of Investigation considers the incident a "potential act of terrorism," Richard Thornton, FBI special agent in charge of the agency's Minneapolis division, told a news conference on Sunday. <Source>

An attack on our mobility …

One of the greatest freedoms is the freedom of mobility. The right to pursue our own interests anywhere in the country. And, anything that limits that mobility and forces people into specific urban areas is a clear and present danger to our freedom. So consider how government is trying to limit our mobility by implementing “mass transit” that puts everyone under the control of the government and the public employee unions. Did anyone notice that the City of Boston actually shut-down part of the city’s mass transportation infrastructure without martial law being declared during the Boston Bombing incident.

Boston transit shut down, nearly 1 million sheltering in place amid terror hunt

All Boston mass transit was suspended Friday, and the Watertown area was in lockdown until further notice as police hunted for the marathon bombing suspect. The entire city of Boston was put on lockdown Friday morning by the Massachusetts governor as police searched for the second of two men believed to have been involved in the marathon bombings earlier this week.

All services on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority were suspended authorities announced earlier on Friday. All Boston Public School activities were canceled. All city employees were told to stay in place and not come to work. If they are already at work, they have been asked to stay in place. Trial courthouses and offices in Cambridge, Brighton, Newton, and Waltham were closed until further notice. Jurors for courthouses at the Suffolk Superior Court and Brooke Courthouses were told to stay home. People waiting for buses or other transit services should head home and stay there, police said earlier on Friday. No vehicular traffic was being allowed in or out of Watertown, where police engaged in a shootout overnight with men armed with explosives. A no-fly zone was instituted over the Watertown area, the Federal Aviation Administration announced. <Source>

Why It Was Wrong to Shut Down Boston After the Bombing

Decisions made in the aftermath of the marathon two years ago could have implications for crisis management in other cities.

"We haven’t seen a lockdown and an occupation of an American city on the scale of what happened in Boston after the marathon since the Watts riots," Radley Balko would point out in the Washington Post, "not in Oklahoma City after the Murrah Federal Building bombing in 1995, not in Atlanta after the 1996 bombing in Centennial Olympic Park, not in D.C. during the 2002 sniper attacks, not after a series of pipe bombs went off in federal courthouse in San Diego in 2008, not during the dozens of instances in which a mass killer or serial killer was still at large. In Boston, 19,000 National Guard troops moved into an American city, not to put down a civil uprising, quell riots or dispel an insurrection, but to search for a single man. Armored vehicles motored up and down neighborhoods. Innocent people were confronted in their homes at gunpoint or had guns pointed at them for merely peering through the curtains of their own windows." <Source>

And, now the push to driverless cars that can be controlled by third-parties and governments without restraint …

Within five years, a majority of ride-hailing company Lyft's rides will be in self-driving cars, the company's co-founder and president predicted on Sunday. John Zimmer also said that personal car ownership will come to an end because autonomous rides will become a cheaper way to travel than owning an automobile. He made the predictions in an essay on the future of transportation in urban areas.  Technology, auto and ride-hailing companies are moving quickly toward self-driving vehicles. San Francisco-based Lyft is testing autonomous cars on the streets of San Francisco and Phoenix in partnership with General Motors. Its main competitor Uber is starting to carry passengers around Pittsburgh in autonomous cars with a human backup driver. <Source>

Bottom line …

We are under attack from within and given the chance to vote for a decent candidate, both major parties unloaded on the only decent, honorable, and knowledgeable candidate to promote someone that can be controlled – if not by public opinion, than by money and political power.

We are so screwed and most Americans know it – but are too apathetic to do anything about it. The best chance for America is to curtail the disastrous Obama policies and vote for Donald Trump. Not the ideal situation, but one that will give us some breathing room to regroup, reassess, and take action.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



Once again, a single individual has caused officialdom to acknowledge his feelings and change another school custom …

Utah Cheerleaders Feel 'Body Shamed' After Male Classmate Complains That Their Skirts Led to 'Impure' Thoughts

Last week, when a male student at Timpview High School in Provo, Utah, complained to a school counselor that the uniforms worn by cheerleaders on game day were causing him to have “impure” thoughts in class, the conversation could have ended there. But it didn’t.

After the teen said that he was distracted by the cheerleaders’ skirts and his mother emailed an administrator, the school’s cheerleading coach was alerted about the concerns, and 44 girls on the Timpview Thunderbirds’ cheer squads were told not to wear their uniforms to school last Friday before the football game against the Alta Hawks.

Now school administrators are trying to clear up the kerfuffle, which they insist was simply a misunderstanding gone awry. But cheerleaders say they didn’t get that impression.

Speaking anonymously because they are afraid of being ostracized for discussing what happened, several members of Timpview’s cheer squad tell PEOPLE exclusively that school administrators held a meeting after the boy’s complaint and couldn’t come to a decision about what action – if any – should be taken.

But then after the meeting, one of the assistant principals communicated to the cheer coach that we shouldn’t be wearing our uniforms to school,” says one cheerleader. “All of us were trying to decide which skirt to wear on Friday and our coach told us that we couldn’t wear them anymore. We asked what would happen if we wore them anyway, and she advised us not to. So we didn’t. Instead we wore best dress the next day.”  <Source>

Are our officials so worried about their own careers that they ignore commonsense remedies to aggrieved little shits or is this a way to pursue a progressive socialist democrat agenda?

With the progressive socialist democrats, the party of lawyers, there is always the possibility of a lawsuit or the higher-ups throwing a scapegoat under the bus rather than doing the right thing. There is also the possibility that an incident is staged specifically to provoke a lawsuit from a complicit party; whereas the progressive socialist democrats will deliberately settle the lawsuit in such a manner as a judge creates new law where none previously existed. All to pursue the progressive socialist democrat agenda.

Bottom line …

Had this happened in my high school, that student and his mother would be headed for individual counseling. That is if the student survived the personal attention of the team members. As for impure thoughts about our cheerleaders, it really didn’t matter what they were wearing to inspire “impure thoughts.” Even my girlfriend at the time gave me a pass, laughing that first I would have to get one to go out with me.

But, in today’s climate of gender confusion and detailed bathroom policies -- driven by the progressive socialist democrats – I can understand why one person can scare the hell out of teachers who can no longer rely on their union to do much more than negotiate continual raises for declining performance, and spend tons of money supporting democrats in the process. The progressives have infiltrated our educational infrastructure at all levels and we are now facing the ravages of political correctness, moral equivalency, multiculturalism, group-think, historical revision, and a decline in educational performance standards.

We are so screwed when school officials formally bend over to the personal thoughts of a horny teenager. Even in Utah.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



Why would Mark Cuban defend a candidate that was openly corrupt, a congenital liar, and someone whose past history was seemingly filled with scandals and unpunished criminal obstruction of justice? Why would Mark Cuban attempt to promote a foundation whose charitable activities appear to be little more than a support organization for the Clinton family and their personal and political cronies – and whose charitable activities are far outweighed by the expenses incurred by its leadership on behalf of its leadership. In spite of prospering from the American system of capitalism, why would Mark Cuban knowingly promote someone steeped in Marxist ideology and whose election could disadvantage America and every American?


MARK CUBAN: Here are the 2 most important questions about the Clinton Foundation no one is asking

Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban vigorously defended the Clinton Foundation against allegations of "pay to play" that have swept up headlines in recent months.

In a recent interview with Business Insider, the owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks and star of ABC's "Shark Tank" said the media is missing what he considered to be the two most important questions regarding the foundation. Those two questions, he said, would provide much more clarity to the situation.

The first question, he said, is "What's the market for [former President Bill Clinton's] speeches?"

"I know how much I get paid," Cuban said. "I can get $250,000 for a speech if it's a big organization. And I'll ask for more if you're making my ass travel somewhere f----- up."  He said, if Clinton were engaging in a pay-for-play, he'd be asking for a lot more than market value for those speeches and engagements on behalf of the foundation. "If you're doing pay for play, you better get a whole lot more than the market value for the risk you're taking," he said. "Why hasn't anybody asked the question?"

The second, he said, is asking what the former president's "sales pitch" is.

"What's the sales pitch? Why are they giving you the money?" he asked. <Source: Mark Cuban sounds off on the Clinton Foundation - Business Insider>

Like all Clinton surrogates and sycophants, Mark Cuban’s questions are both irrelevant and misleading …

First, while there is a legitimate market for a former President’s speeches as a drawing point for attracting other high-level speakers and attendees for legitimate business, charitable, and political causes, the payments to the former President appear to be little more than an effort to provide a public and legitimate income source to maybe mask a more sinister criminal endeavor. The real question is: do these speeches correlate with benefactors having business before the Department of State and did they result in any “quid pro quo” access to government officials or agencies?

Second, the former president did not have or even need a “sales pitch” because it appears most of the speaking arrangements involved a professional agency and the Clinton foundation. One would be tempted to ask if there was a correlation between those who paid the Clinton speaking fees and massive contributions to the foundation. If such a correlation exists, one would assume that the foundation would have made Clinton available to any large donor without charge. So why the payments to Clinton and the Clinton Foundation?

Cuban’s love-hate relationship with Donald Trump …

While Mark Cuban is a self-made entrepreneur, much of his larger fortune came from being in the right place at the right time. He is smart, but not brilliant. He is decent, but a progressive not a conservative. So, considering that Cuban has been very complimentary to Trump in the past, why the sudden turnaround? Could it be the abject failure of his Apprentice knock-off program called “The Benefactor” or it could be that Cuban believes that Hillary Clinton is most likely to win the presidency and wants personal recognition on a global level as an ambassador or cabinet-level appointment, or maybe he is putting a favor into his favor bank against future legal or legislative entanglements?

The Benefactor is an American show broadcast on ABC starting on September 13, 2004. The premise involved 16 contestants vying to win US$1 million from billionaire entrepreneur and owner Mark Cuban.

In late March and early April 2004, ABC held open auditions for the show in Atlanta, Boise, Boston, Dallas and Las Vegas and also accepted auditions by mail. The show and its format were kept tightly under wraps during its filming, which began on April 30, 2004 in Dallas, Texas. Mark Cuban purposefully kept details about the show to a minimum, eliciting only a small bit of information about the show on his personal blog during filming. Dallas journalists, eager to learn what was going on, routinely compiled sightings of Benefactor film crews around town.

However, the show proved to be extremely unpopular and suffered from very low ratings, despite leading in to the popular Monday Night Football. The show also suffered from ABC stations in NFL markets (such as in Green Bay and Buffalo's WKBW-TV) moving the show to a timeslot after Jimmy Kimmel Live! or another night entirely due to local sports shows devoted to NFL coverage or local pre-game shows in the pre-MNF slot. Episode three had only 4.9 million viewers, the network's least-watched show of that week. Episode four did even worse, with only 4.05 million viewers and finished sixth in its time slot among 18- to 49-year-olds.

The series was widely seen as a copycat and derivative of The Apprentice, a popular show of the time that was hosted by Donald Trump. The Benefactor debuted about nine months after The Apprentice did, though The Benefactor focused more on offbeat and unconventional tasks that were unrelated to business, as opposed to The Apprentice's commerce-related tasks. The Benefactor also offered a straight cash prize as opposed to an apprenticeship with salary.

The Benefactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bottom line …

Mark Cuban is not stupid. So what does he want that may be worth selling out his country and his fellow Americans? Is his ego as big as Donald Trump’s and he wants a role on the national or world stage? To tell the truth, Cuban is not as accomplished or rich as that other progressive Billionaire who would like to be President – Michael Bloomberg. A man whose name is known and can be found in most all of the financial enterprises in the world.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Greenspan Worries That "Crazies" Will Undermine the U.S. System -- They already have and he was their Chairman!



Alan Greenspan was the totemic head of the fabled Federal Reserve System. Touted to be a financial genius, he admitted to Congress that the financial crisis shocked him because he did not see a bubble or the looming systemic risk. And, let us not forget that the Federal Reserve is not a government institution, but a private organization with a deficient government charter. They are not accountable to the politicians and are funding the Orwellian-named Financial Protection Bureau that is not accountable to Congress, the President, nor the Supreme Court. They are the most powerful financial regulatory agency in the nation.

Greenspan Worries That ‘Crazies’ Will Undermine the U.S. System

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan voiced concern that the U.S. economic and political system could be undermined by what he called “crazies.” “It is the worst economic and political environment that I’ve ever been remotely related to,” Greenspan, 90, told a conference in Washington Tuesday evening sponsored by Stanford University and the University of Chicago. Source: Greenspan Worries That ‘Crazies’ Will Undermine the U.S. System - Bloomberg

Remember, this is that man who was feted for never speaking clearly …

"What I've learned at the Federal Reserve is a new language which is called 'Fed-speak.' You soon learn to mumble with great incoherence."

"I would engage in some form of syntax destruction which sounded as though I were answering the question, but in fact, had not."

“I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”

The real Fed policy …

You had the crash of the Savings and Loans – and the Fed re-capitalized the financial institutions at the expense of the public and taxpayers. The Wall Street Wizards rushed into technology.

You had the dot-com crash – and the Fed recapitalized the financial institutions at the expense of the public and taxpayers. The Wall Street Wizards rushed into mortgages.

You had the mortgage crisis – and the Fed recapitalized the financial institutions at the expense of the public and taxpayers. And, the Wall Street Wizards continued with their derivatives, and the progressive socialist democrats continued with their housing rules and regulations as a matter of public policy. But this time, the Wall Street Wizards and the federal regulators have allowed derivatives to affect all asset classes SO THERE IS NOWHERE TO HIDE from the coming downturn.

The craziness of the politicians …

Under Hillary Clinton, “too big too fail, and too big to jail” will be a guiding mantra. Higher taxes, fewer jobs, and more regulations are eminent.

Under Donald Trump, one can see increased expenditures for public infrastructure with up to fifty percent being lost due to politically-connected waste, fraud, and abuse. His economic policies are liberal and he is an authoritarian big government establishment type. And, while there are downsides to a Trump Administration, they are far more benign and beneficial to America and America than those of Hillary Clinton.

Bottom line …

When you see regulatory agency people going to jail, when you see corporate officers going to jail instead of “paying record fines without admitting or denying the allegations, then you will see the beginning of financial reform. To listen to those who created the financial crisis as the remedy for the upcoming crisis is to beggar Albert Einstein’s quote that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


If Hillary Clinton was prescribed this drug, her condition was more serious than the campaign claimed …


Here is the story as it was passed and parsed by the progressive media …

Clinton's doctor declares her 'fit to serve' as president

Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Wednesday released more information about her health that depicted her as a healthy 68-year-old woman with low cholesterol (without taking a statin) and seasonal allergies. She also takes a thyroid medication, and as the campaign has previously disclosed, she takes a blood thinner, Coumadin.

A letter from her physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack — released in a move designed to reassure voters just days after she was diagnosed with pneumonia — declares that Clinton "continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States."

The letter from Bardack describes how the Democratic nominee received a non-contrast chest CT scan on Friday, said a Clinton campaign official. The scan revealed a small right middle-lobe pneumonia, which was non-contagious and bacterial. She was treated with Levaquin, and instructed to stay on it for 10 days, the campaign said. Clinton was up to date on her pneumonia vaccines — but they don’t prevent all infections.

Bardack's letter also reveals that Clinton was treated for symptoms of sinusitis and an ear infection in January. She had a tube placed in her left ear that month, which eased her symptoms, wrote Bardack.

The additional disclosure comes just days after Clinton overheated and became dehydrated at Sunday's 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York, which led to the campaign’s eventual announcement that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. She then scrapped a West Coast fundraising and campaign trip for this week so she could rest, sending former president Bill Clinton in her stead.

Source: Clinton's doctor declares her 'fit to serve' as president - POLITICO

Levaquin has adverse side effects, especially for the elderly like Hillary Clinton …

Studies Link Drugs to Aortic Bulges and Tears

While the FDA warns about tendon and nerve damage, new studies surfaced linking these drugs to more harmful and potentially fatal medical conditions, aortic dissection (tear) and aneurysm (bulge).

Two studies published in 2015 analyzed how fluoroquinolones may cause tendon damage. They theorized that these drugs break down collagen in the body. The lining of the aorta — the largest artery in the body — is made of collagen.

One 2015 study by Lee and fellow researchers published in JAMA medical journal linked fluoroquinolones to a two-fold increase in risk of dissection and aneurysm within two months of use. The second study published in BMJ by Daneman and colleagues found a three-fold increase in risk or aneurysm.

“Reducing unnecessary fluoroquinolone treatments or prolonged treatment courses might have possibly prevented more than 200 aortic aneurysms in this population,” BMJ study authors said. >Source:  FDA Says Risks May Outweigh Benefits for Antibiotics Levaquin, Cipro>

FDA updates warnings for fluoroquinolone antibiotics

Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics that kill or stop the growth of bacteria. While these drugs are effective in treating serious bacterial infections, an FDA safety review found that both oral and injectable fluroquinolones are associated with disabling side effects involving tendons, muscles, joints, nerves and the central nervous system. These side effects can occur hours to weeks after exposure to fluoroquinolones and may potentially be permanent.

Because the risk of these serious side effects generally outweighs the benefits for patients with acute bacterial sinusitis, acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and uncomplicated urinary tract infections, the FDA has determined that fluoroquinolones should be reserved for use in patients with these conditions who have no alternative treatment options. For some serious bacterial infections, including anthrax, plague and bacterial pneumonia among others, the benefits of fluoroquinolones outweigh the risks and it is appropriate for them to remain available as a therapeutic option.

FDA-approved fluoroquinolones include levofloxacin (Levaquin), ciprofloxacin (Cipro), ciprofloxacin extended-release tablets, moxifloxacin (Avelox), ofloxacin and gemifloxacin (Factive). The labeling changes include an updated Boxed Warning and revisions to the Warnings and Precautions section of the label about the risk of disabling and potentially irreversible adverse reactions that can occur together. The label also contains new limitation-of-use statements to reserve fluoroquinolones for patients who do not have other available treatment options for acute bacterial sinusitis, acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and uncomplicated urinary tract infections. The patient Medication Guide that is required to be given to the patient with each fluoroquinolone prescription describes the safety issues associated with these medicines.

The FDA first added a Boxed Warning to fluoroquinolones in July 2008 for the increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture. In February 2011, the risk of worsening symptoms for those with myasthenia gravis was added to the Boxed Warning.

In August 2013, the agency required updates to the labels to describe the potential for irreversible peripheral neuropathy (serious nerve damage).

In November 2015, an FDA Advisory Committee discussed the risks and benefits of fluoroquinolones for the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis, acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and uncomplicated urinary tract infections based on new safety information. The new information focused on two or more side effects occurring at the same time and causing the potential for irreversible impairment. The advisory committee concluded that the serious risks associated with the use of fluoroquinolones for these types of uncomplicated infections generally outweighed the benefits for patients with other treatment options.

Press Announcements > FDA updates warnings for fluoroquinolone antibiotics

Bottom line …

Considering the lengths to which Hillary Clinton has gone to hide her “medical condition” from the public – even violating Secret Service protocol regarding protectee collapses – we still should be suspicious of anything the Clintons put in the public record without independent scrutiny.

Additionally, pneumonia does not cause the kind of collapse (not a fainting episode) like the one experienced at the 9/11 Memorial program. And, considering the lies and half-truths about her condition, the fact that she was taken to Chelsea’s apartment and then appeared fully fit in less than 90-minutes suggests that Hillary was given something more than a few glasses of water.

In the final analysis, you cannot trust Hillary Clinton as a person, a politician, or as a president.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS