There is no doubt in my mind that one of the primary agenda items of the progressive socialist democrats is to destroy that which makes America great – citizens who place being an American over being a hyphenated American. Whether by dilution with illegal aliens who adhere to their own language, customs, foods, and dilution with foreign immigrants who have radically different beliefs – including religious-based intolerance of anything other than their religion, the progressives are balkanizing America. Destroying America from within by creating competing constituencies that look to the progressive socialist democrats to redress their so-called grievances.

The progressives are attacking America from within by destroying our faith in all that is America …


Where are the politicians like Barack Obama and his cadre of socialists and communists with the guts to stand up and call bullshit when something is obviously wrong? And, what about the mainstream media that has bought in to this false and malicious narrative?

Remember the riots, looting, and burning in Charlotte, North Carolina over the story that racist police officers executed an unarmed black man? Did the media immediately point out that it was a black officer who shot the suspect? Did the media mention that the Police Chief is black? Did anyone condemn the rhetoric switch when the agitators and activists changed the story to ALL police, not just the officer pulling the trigger?

Look at the facts. While attempting to serve a warrant on an unrelated individual, officers noticed an individual sitting in his car, smoking what they believe to be marijuana and in possession of a handgun in plain sight. The man is ordered out of his vehicle and he exits with the handgun. Commanded loudly several times to drop the weapon, the man does something that makes the officers fearful and one shoots and kills the suspect. All, while a family member is recording the scene in a rather curious manner and shouting at the officers. The story put forth by family members was that the suspect had a book, not a gun … in fact didn’t even own a gun.  A handgun was recovered at the scene and the suspect had an ankle holster. The agitators and activists exploited their opportunity to cause chaos, confusion, and racial discord -- and Charlotte burned.

Where was Barack Obama when he should have been urging calm and to wait until the facts were developed by the investigation? Where were the majority of the black community leaders – almost progressive socialist democrats?

Then the facts start trickling out …


The suspect was not a peaceful family man as portrayed, but a violent felon in possession of a handgun. The family that insisted that the suspect did not have a gun and did not own a gun had a grievous lack of memory because last year the suspect’s wife took out a restraining order on the suspect. Part of the complaint alleged that “He hit my 8 year old in the head a total of three times with is [sic] fist….He kicked me and threaten [sic] to kill us last night with his gun. He said he is a ‘killer’ and we should know that.”  In the section of the complaint dealing with law enforcement, “Is there any reason that a law enforcement officer should consider the defendant a potential threat? (i.e., carries concealed weapons while drinking alcohol, has threatened officer, etc.)” the wife checked yes and wrote “He carries a 9mm black.” This was only one of multiple restraining orders. <Source>

The truth is that a violent convicted felon who beats children and carries a gun was not the narrative of the night by agitators, politicians, and the mainstream media who delighted in the coverage and audience ratings bump.

Here is United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the highest law enforcement officer in the nation and President Barack Obama’s surrogate …


Thursday, September 22, 2016

[My comments in bracketed blue italics.]

Good afternoon, everyone.  Before we turn to today’s event, let me address the recent events in Charlotte, North Carolina. 

The recent death of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte is currently under local investigation. 

We are aware of the tragic events that resulted in his death, and the Department of Justice and FBI are currently monitoring the situation

[Why would the United States Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation monitor the situation unless they are operating under the presumption of racism or a civil rights violation. A tragedy would be if the officer was shot by a violent felon in possession of a handgun or if an innocent individual was accidently shot. You can bet that they were not looking for socialist and communist agitators and out-of-state provocateurs who appear to be aligned with the progressive socialist democrats.]

For the second day in a row, protests in response to the death of Keith Lamont Scott took place in Charlotte last night.  And for the second day in a row, the protests were marred by violence – this time leaving one person on life support and several injured – an awful reminder that violence only begets violence.

[There was no violence, only an appropriate action by duly authorized law enforcement. It was the outside agitators that provoked or instigated violence, thuggery, burglary, arson, assault, and mayhem.] 

The details of what happened last night are still under review by local authorities.  Today, the Department of Justice is sending four members of our Community Relations Service to Charlotte.  Our Office of Community Oriented Policing Services has offered technical assistance and support for crowd mediation to local police.  And the local FBI field office stands ready to assist local law enforcement as well.

[There is no reason to send members of a controversial team that always appears to find institutional racism and under the threat of a massive federal lawsuit coerces local law enforcement into joint policy-making regarding law enforcement agencies.]

To the people of the great state, the beautiful state, my home state of North Carolina: I know these are difficult times.  I know that the events of recent days are painfully unclear and call out for answers.  But I also know that the answer will not be found in the violence of recent days.  Let us all seek a peaceful way forward. 

I know that most of the demonstrators gathered to exercise their constitutional right to peaceful protest in order to raise issues and create change.  We need your voice.  We need your passion.  We need your commitment.  But I urge those responsible for the violence to stop.  You are drowning out the voices of commitment and change and ushering in more tragedy and grief in our communities.

[Lynch, the DOJ, and the FBI all know who the radical agitators are and could prosecute them because their actions occurred across state lines. But this is the last thing they want as they need to mobilize the black base of the progressive socialist democrats for the upcoming election.] 

The tragic incidents in Charlotte and in Tulsa, Oklahoma, earlier this week once again underscored the divisions that persist between law enforcement officers and communities of color. 

[Nothing like subtly encouraging the meme that law enforcement officers are targeting communities of color when these very same communities produce a disproportionate amount of crime, violence, and gun-related death and injury. And it is the progressive socialist democrats who want to give minorities a pass on their criminal activities and refuse to seriously apply the gun laws already on the books.]

One of my top priorities as Attorney General has been to do everything in my power to help heal those divides, and the Department of Justice will continue working tirelessly to protect the rights of all Americans; to give law enforcement the resources they need to do their jobs safely and fairly; to open dialogue and promote reconciliation; and to reduce violence of all kind in this country.

[And, you can keep your doctor, period! Another one of those lies from the Obama Administration. These are the people exacerbating and widening the racial divide for political purposes.]

But as we have seen in recent months, despite these efforts – and the efforts of many others across the country – we have come together with thoughts and prayers too many times for a victim of violence – civilians and law enforcement officers alike.  And too many times we have been pulled down the easy path of blame and accusation, rather than the harder path of empathy and understanding.  Let us choose that path.  Let us work together to ensure that all Americans have both a voice and value in this great country of ours.  I want to reaffirm my full commitment – and the full commitment of the Department of Justice – to advancing that effort.  To those exercising that most fundamental of our freedoms, we hear your voices and feel your pain.  To all of the law enforcement officers who continue to risk their lives day in and day out to keep us safe and protect those essential freedoms, I extend my deepest thanks.  

And finally, I urge all Americans to ask themselves what they can do to contribute to the more peaceful, the more perfect and the more just union that is our shared heritage, our mutual responsibility and our common goal. <Source>

Bottom line …

Black thugs are being lionized as martyrs when they are simply black thugs who have decided, for whatever reason, to violently threaten, challenge, or disobey law enforcement officers. Yes, there have been some tragic mistakes and the lack of training makes these mistakes more tragic. But to insist that the nation’s aw enforcement officers are institutional racists and are targeting the black community – the very community that requires protection from black thugs and criminals – is ludicrous.  

Perhaps the government agencies should consider watching the growing strength of black Muslim organizations and their paramilitary-like organization. Perhaps the government agencies should consider looking at socialist and communist agitators posing as community organizers. And, perhaps the government should stay out of local and state law enforcement without an active request by a governor or a clear case of wrongdoing after a full and complete investigation. And not one of those never-ending FBI-style investigations that amount to little more than obstruction of justice for government perpetrators.


We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
