Life is a series of choices, and the failure to act is every much a choice as deliberate action. Unfortunately, there are those who are perverting the science of behavioral economics to “nudge” American citizens into making choices against their best interests. Notably when it comes to selecting healthcare and supporting ideological policies. Yes, you have the right to decide; but the “catch-22” is that the politicians have the ability to condition the choices being offered. Offering up two unpalatable choices and pretending that choosing between the lesser of two evils is actually an affirmation of your freedom.
Choice under the progressive socialist democrats and their aisle-hopping RINO (Republican In Name Only) friends …
This is an excerpt from a hacked DNC (Democratic National Committee) document dump … [My comments in bracketed blue italics.] Healthcare Playbook: Issues and Structure for the 2016 Presidential Campaign by Jon R. Cohen, M.D. “However, the presumption that patients would become savvy consumers, shopping for lower price and better quality has not occurred in many markets. In contrast to what the policy experts and economists believed, patient engagement with the healthcare system when they have high deductible plans has been dismal and in some circumstances, their healthcare is actually getting worse.”
“In a recent poll, 33% of people say that they have put off medical treatment because of price, the highest in the 14 year history of the poll. Instead of embracing the consumer movement, many patients have decided to not spend the money to meet their deductible and have gone without needed healthcare. Patients’ with high deductible health plans (HDHPs) have reduced number of physician office visits, reduced number of prescriptions filled, and lower number of cancer screenings.”
“In one group of patients with deductibles of over $ 1000, 44% avoided getting necessary care. When patients have engaged, the early data indicates that when they act as consumers, they are making decisions solely based on price as adequate quality data is unavailable. This can be a disastrous decision.”
“Over 50% of people have chosen the cheapest plan off the exchanges with little understanding of the tradeoff they are making relative to the limited network of caregivers and hospitals they have chosen.”
“When deciding on a provider, do we really want people choosing the “cheapest” provider without understanding the quality of the physician or the quality of their results? Would you want a heart surgeon that charges $1000 less than their competitors to perform your heart surgery without knowing how many patients have died while undergoing surgery under their care?”
“Recognizing that patients will now control significant amounts of the healthcare dollars, the market is responding quickly to the consumer movement by providing alternative care venues for direct to consumer delivery of services including pharmacies and large retailers offering direct healthcare services for a variety of conditions.”
A reader, Ron Celano, responds with a most generous FREE offer …
Here is a well-researched, well-written exposition book on Choices. Learn how the erosion of your choices in today’s troubling times is eroding your freedom and making you more vulnerable to catastrophic events beyond your control.
“Being able to make informed choices based on facts, not only defines freedom, it gives American citizens the unconstrained right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as stated in the Declaration of Independence. It is not about belonging to any particular political party or about any particular person that holds any kind of government office or about any candidates that might be running for an office. It goes far beyond the petty fighting and smearing that goes on among parties and candidates. There is a much bigger story in play. It is about the conditions and dynamics currently occurring in the United States that are That is, choices that are going to determine what their everyday lives and futures are going to be like. It is about a government run by a political establishment that is responsible for passing legislation regarding laws, regulations, trade, appropriations, treaties, and so on. Americans have become upset and confused as to why their government has become so dysfunctional and why it refuses to serve the people.”
It appears that Ron, a true patriot, is more interested in making the world a better place than making money, so he has extended a FREE BOOK offer …
From an e-mail from the author after posting a comment on One Citizen Speaking … “ I am giving away free copies at At this point I am more concerned about the message than making money, Maybe your readers will be interested. Just have them enter the coupon code RS63J at checkout.” Update per the author: Only electronic book copies are FREE, print copies can be obtained at a modest price, and the offer expires on December 31, 2016. |
Bottom line …
Grab the book before the offer expires. Read, consider, and discuss the “choices” you are being offered by your government, political parties, politicians, media, employers, and others. It is well worth your time to be one of the informed electorate able to separate fact from fiction and to decide which choices are informed choices or choices conditioned by a false, corrupt, and malignant ideology.
Order now by clicking on the link and entering RS63J at checkout.
-- steve
Disclaimer: I have no relationship with the author and no financial or other participation in the author’s content, or offers.
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS