How many people know that the fifth President of Egypt, a chemical warfare specialist, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood actually spent significant time in Southern California, as a student and then later as a professor?
Mohamed Morsi who served as the fifth President of Egypt, from 30 June 2012 to 3 July 2013, when he was removed by Field Marshal Abdel Fattah el-Sisi after the June 2013 Egyptian protests and the 2013 Egyptian coup d'état.
In the late 1960s, he moved to Cairo to study at Cairo University, and earned a BA in engineering with high honors in 1975. He fulfilled his military service in the Egyptian Army from 1975 to 1976, serving in the chemical warfare unit. He then resumed his studies at Cairo University and earned an MS in metallurgical engineering in 1978. Morsi then earned a government scholarship that enabled him to study in the United States. He received a PhD in materials science from the University of Southern California in 1982.
While living in the United States, Morsi became a lecturer at the California State University, Northridge, and was Assistant Professor from 1982 to 1985. Morsi, an expert on precision metal surfaces, also worked for NASA in the early 1980s, helping to develop Space Shuttle engines.
In 1985, Morsi quit his job at CSUN and returned to Egypt, becoming a professor at Zagazig University, where he was appointed head of the engineering department. Morsi was a lecturer at Zagazig University's engineering department until 2010.
Morsi was sworn in on 30 June 2012, as Egypt's fifth President, succeeding Hosni Mubarak, who left the office of the President of Egypt vacant after being forced to resign on 11 February 2011.
As president, Morsi granted himself unlimited powers and the power to legislate without judicial oversight or review of his acts, stating that he would protect the nation from the Mubarak-era power structure, which he called "remnants of the old regime" His regime was overthrown Field Marshal Abdel Fattah el-Sisi after the June 2013 Egyptian protests and wasthe 2013 Egyptian coup d'état.
He was tried for murder, terrorism, and corruption and is serving a 20-year jail sentence with more charges pending. <Source>
While most jihadis may be rag-tag ignorant civilians, the same cannot be said of its leadership; many of whom are middle- to upper-class, well-educated, and with resources at their disposal.
How a man can go from living life in laid-back Southern California, a land of freedom and openness, to head a fanatical repressive government that wants to destroy America is beyond belief. That is, unless he was specifically sent to the United States to obtain the type of first-class education that would advance a foreign government’s cause.
Across town at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) …
UCLA’s Embarrassment: Prof. Abou El Fadl
The once-promising career of UCLA law professor Khaled Medhat Abou El Fadl has faded over the past decade. Gone are the pleasures of glowing attention of the media, the invitations to join important government bodies and to offer expert testimony at high-profile trials.
It’s not clear that this downward spiral resulted solely from my 2004 article demonstrating him to be a “stealth Islamist,” but that exposé, read more than 30,000 times, surely diminished his stature. In it, I showed how, despite Abou El Fadl’s once-vaunted reputation as a moderate Muslim, he wants Muslims to live by Islamic law (the Shari’a), the law that among other things endorses slavery, execution for apostasy, and the repression of women, and which treats non-Muslims as second-class citizens. “Shariah and Islam are inseparable,” he has written, “and one cannot be without the other.” In a revealing passage, he confesses that his “primary loyalty, after God, is to the Shariah.” <Source>
And in Orange County at UCI (University of California, Irvine) …
UC Irvine’s ‘Islam Awareness Week': A CAIR Convention
The Muslim Student Union (MSU) at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) is holding its 2013 “Islam Awareness Week 2013” from January 22-25. Although the program is billed as one “dedicated to encouraging dialogue, dispelling misconceptions, and bringing thought-provoking content to the entire campus community on topics related to Islam,” it is little more than another link in the historical chain of Islamist-influenced events that the MSU has sponsored over several years. The disturbing list of speakers on this year’s roster says volumes about the MSU’s pernicious influence on campus and its Muslim Brotherhood origins.
Speaking about freedom of speech will be Hussam Ayloush. Ayloush is the head of the Southern California chapter of the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) case where five defendants were convicted of financing terrorism. In October 2000, Ayloush was a guest speaker at an event where the president of the UCLA branch of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) led a crowd of demonstrators in chants of “Death to Israel!” and “Death to the Jews!” in front of the Israeli consulate. Ayloush was soliciting funds for the HLF at the time. <Source>
Irvine 11 Verdict: Muslim Students Guilty Of Disrupting Speech
A California jury found 10 Muslim students guilty Friday of disrupting the Israeli ambassador's university speech about U.S.-Israel relations, a case that stoked a debate about free speech.
The jury also convicted the students of conspiring to disrupt Ambassador Michael Oren's speech in February 2010 at the University of California, Irvine. They were charged with misdemeanor counts after standing up, one by one, and shouting prepared statements such as "propagating murder is not an expression of free speech." <Source>
It appears that California’s esteemed educational institutions have become more tolerant of free speech in the guise of academic freedom as long as it is along the lines dictated by the progressive socialist democrats and has little or nothing to do with conservatives who are routinely shunned and shouted down. There is little or no doubt that the University is becoming a magnet for Islamic radicals and a platform for the promotion of Islamic causes. Perhaps not so curious for a University that receives significant government funding under the pro-Islam, anti-Israel Obama Administration. And, not so curious as the University President is former Governor of Arizona and the former Secretary of Homeland Security under President Obama.
I am not the only one wondering about the radicalization of the University of California and its sister, the California State University system …
Are anti-Semitism, out-of-state tuition linked?
There is no doubt dependence on the higher tuition paid by out-of-state and foreign students has become established policy at the University of California. Now some believe this may be leading to the unintended consequence of an upsurge of anti-Semitism on campuses like Berkeley, Davis, UCLA and Riverside.
Between 2001 and 2013, the number of UC graduate students from Iran — where a mantra in public schools reportedly has students daily reciting “Death to America, Death to Israel!” — rose from six to 113. Plus, last fall’s enrollees included 74 undergraduates from Saudi Arabia, 53 from Turkey and 51 from Pakistan, to name a few countries where anti-Semitism is common.
There is no doubt that as the number of foreign students at UC has risen, with administrators exploiting the $23,000 annual difference between out-of-state tuition and what California residents pay, the so-called BDS movement (boycott, divest and sanction) against Israel has become more active on many campuses. Student governments at Berkeley, UCLA and Davis all have voted to demand that university regents and faculty boycott Israel, divest from companies doing business there and set up economic sanctions against it. There was a similar vote at Stanford University this spring.
No one asks their nationality at demonstrations, but almost invariably, campus BDS leaders have Muslim-oriented names. So far, no university governing board has bought into their demands.
Students conducting anti-Israel rallies and demonstrations deny anti-Semitism, although their efforts have included checkpoints on some campuses where camouflage-clad students toting mock-up machine guns stopped and frisked anyone they thought looked Jewish.
And outright anti-Semitism has followed quickly after heated debates over the anti-Israel student senate votes. At UCLA, student government members questioned the ability of a Jewish student to serve impartially on a judicial board and voted her down. Later, they were shamed into reversing that vote.
At Davis, vandals defaced a Jewish fraternity house with swastikas and other anti-Semitic graffiti shortly after the BDS debate. A few weeks after the debate at Stanford, swastikas were swabbed onto the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house, not a Jewish one, and two other residences.
The pro-Israel organization Stand With Us reports most on-campus anti-Israel activity is organized by Students for Justice in Palestine, a national group with local chapters. “It is coordinated nationally and we think the funding comes from abroad,” said Roz Rothstein, CEO of Stand With Us. Christians United for Israel, composed mostly of evangelicals, calls what’s happening “a dark movement” that “bullies and intimidates Jewish students.”
Source: Are anti-Semitism, out-of-state tuition linked?
Bottom line …
Where many might say that this is Islamophobia at work, I would counter with, “Why would you invite your enemies to form a fifth column, dedicated to the destruction of your country and its institutions from within?”
As we saw from the averted mass murder attempt in Garland, Texas, the Muslim perpetrators had links to a mosque with significant funding from overseas and tangential connections to terrorism.
Phoenix Mosque Caught Lying About Ties to Texas Would-Be Jihadist Killer
After two attendees of the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix (ICCPA) were killed in a gunfight Sunday night in Garland, Texas, outside a facility where a “Draw Muhammad” contest was being held, the leaders of the mosque have given conflicting stories about the relationship the two had with the place of worship.
Most of the conflicting accounts have come from mosque president Usama Shami, who has been regularly featured in multiple press reports following the events Sunday evening. Most of his statements have been attempts to distance the mosque from the two would-be terrorists. <Source>
Phoenix [Arizona] mosque is a familiar FBI target
In 2008, the FBI arrested Akram Musa Abdullah, a 54-year-old Palestinian living in Mesa. Agents raided his house and hauled out a truckload of evidence, and in interviews asked him if he had raised money for the Holy Land Foundation, a group that supported Palestinian charities but also funneled money to Hamas and Hezbollah, according to claims the Bush administration made when it outlawed support for the Holy Land Foundation. Abdullah told agents he'd never raised money for the group, and prosecutors accused him of lying to a federal agent in a terrorism-related case. A year later, Abdullah entered a plea agreement and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.
Simpson was fatally shot Sunday along with his roommate and one-time employer, Nadir Soofi as they tried to unleash an attack on a contest mocking the Prophet Mohammed in Garland, Texas.
Less shocking to Valley Muslim leaders was that the men once attended the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, along Interstate 17, or that FBI agents are contacting other members of the mosque to learn about Simpson and Soofi. <Source>
You might think that the former Governor of Arizona, the former head of the Department of Homeland Defense, and the current President of the University of California might be on the lookout for Muslims who do not wish America well or who want to promote their radical causes?
Why we continue to allow the almost free flow of traffic between the United States and Iran – as well as other Muslim states while we are at war with terrorism and our allies, especially Saudi Arabia, seem to be up to their necks in covert domestic actions in the United States.
I am still waiting for the 9/11 report section on material foreign involvement to be declassified so that Americans have a better understanding that some have welcomed our enemies into our house and profited from their access. And, how many people know that the Saudis have financed a worldwide system of mosques to teach their form of radical Islam – Whabbism?
Is there any question why the progressive socialist democrats want to disarm law-abiding citizens? And why is the media going soft on black nationalist groups -- most of whom involved Black Muslims?
We are so screwed.
-- steve