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It has been suggested by credible high-ranking intelligence directors that it is likely that several foreign governments possessed the capabilities to hack and non-government computer.

Therefore, it may be likely that Hillary Clinton’s email server was hacked by foreign intelligence and they have the ability to selectively disclose potentially compromising information to derail her presidential candidacy, or even worse, blackmail her while she is in office.

Or, as suggested by internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom, other non-government hackers may also have compromised Clinton’s email server.

Kim Dotcom: Julian Assange Will Be ‘Hillary’s Worst Nightmare in 2016′

Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload, said in an interview this week that the 2016 presidential campaign could become a clash of titans over the issue of transparency. Kim says Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, will create “roadblocks” for Hillary.

As for why Kim and Assange might feel antipathy toward Hillary, Kim explained, “Hillary hates Julian… she’s just an adversary of, I think, internet freedom.”<Source>

The most likely scenario is that Julian Assange and Wikileaks would serve as a conduit for disclosing information from other hackers who accessed Hillary’s email server. Both Dotcom and Assange have reasons to hate Hillary Clinton and the State Department.

A stunning lack of judgement on the part of Hillary Clinton …

Michael Morell: Foreign governments have Hillary's email

Former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell said that he believes some foreign intelligence agencies possess the contents of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

“I think that foreign intelligence services, the good ones, have everything on any unclassified network that the government uses,” Morell said Friday in an interview on the Hugh Hewitt Show. <Source>

Hillary’s Private Email Server With National Secrets ‘Likely’ Hacked, Says Intel Expert

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn spent much of his distinguished military career in the intelligence field, rising to become President Obama’s director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

Megyn Kelly asked Flynn whether he believed Mrs. Clinton’s claim of absolute security for her private server on which all her State Department emails were supposedly kept.

The top intelligence official who served for two years under Obama said he did not believe that claim, saying it’s “likely” Mrs. Clinton’s email server had been hacked, possibly by America’s enemies.

If that happened, of course, it could mean that sensitive national secrets were exposed because of Hillary Clinton’s extraordinary use of computer equipment under her control and direction. <Source>

So where is the NSA, FBI, and other agencies in investigating the threat?

One would assume that, as a government official  and holder of a security clearance, Hillary Clinton would be subject to the same rules that apply to real or imagined security breaches. That her email server would be forensically examined “in situ” to see what hardware, operating system, and application vulnerabilities exist, what communications protocols were used, and which intermediary internet service providers handled Clinton’s email traffic.

And, where are the subpoenas for Hillary’s top-level confidants such as Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, who are also said to have used Hillary Clinton’s email server for their own activities while at the State Department?

Bottom line …

The Clintons: bent beyond belief … hb

Hillary and Bill Clinton are so twisted and warped – mired in allegations of corruption, cronyism, and criminality – that they should never be given access to the White House as visitors let alone second-time occupants.

The progressive socialist democrats who allow Hillary Clinton to assume the frontrunner position for the nomination for the President of the United States represent a clear and present systemic danger to America and all Americans.

And, it is equally dangerous to consider Hillary Clinton a viable and credible candidate as she simply stands there, silently, letting her acolytes defend her and spin her lack of accomplishments and lack of experience; full well knowing that her billion-dollar war chest has already secured the services of those who might support opposition democrats, and having a tight grip on the progressive socialist democrat party apparatus.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


With the progressive socialist democrats, behavior doesn’t appear to matter as much manipulating the statistics for public consumption …  

Trayvon Martin -- Image is everything to the progressives

How many people remember the circumstances surrounding Trayvon Martin’s death in Florida. That Trayvon Martin’s alleged criminal activity was never reported to the Miami-Dade Police Department because the Miami-Dade School System police implemented a policy of not reporting crimes involving black students to reduce the numbers of blacks in the criminal justice system.

It appears that Trayvon Martin is alleged to have been found with stolen property, but never brought to the attention of the Miami-Dade Police Department due to a School Police  policy of reducing the number of crime reports involving black youngsters. The Miami-Dade School System maintains their own police department independent of the Miami-Dade Police Department.

On October 21st 2011 a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO [School Resource Officer] Dunn in his School Police report 2011-11477.

However, there was ONE big issue. SRO Dunn never filed a criminal report, nor opened a criminal investigation, surrounding the stolen jewelry. Instead, and as a result of pressure from M-DSPD Chief Hurley to avoid criminal reports for black male students, Dunn wrote up the jewelry as “found items”, and transferred them, along with the burglary tool, to the Miami-Dade Police property room where they sat on a shelf unassigned to anyone for investigation.

A separate report of “criminal Mischief” (T-08809) was filed for the additional issue of writing “WTF” on a school locker. [It was the search for the marker used to write the graffiti that led to the backpack search].

Sworn Statement of Sergeant William D. Tagle of the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department in an Internal Affairs investigation relating to police confidential documents released to the public.




Miami-Dade Schools Police Chief Reassigned, District Says -- Police Chief Charles Hurley has been reassigned pending the outcome of an investigation

In one of the letters obtained by NBC 6, a senior detective wrote, "He [Hurley]asked that I reduce the number of arrests I affect of all black juveniles. I told him regardless of the race of an individual; if probable cause existed for an arrest that individual would be arrested. He was not happy with my response to his request."

That detective also claims Hurley orders officers to send students for psychiatric treatment under the Baker Act as opposed to sending them to juvenile detention. The officer says it's an effort to reduce the crime statistics in the district.

"I firmly believe that the crime statistics in my department are being manipulated to show a reduction in crime," he wrote. <Source>

This appears to be a pattern and practice with progressive socialist democrats … 

Too Many Black Students Suspended Leads Oakland Schools to Stop Punishment -- Feel free to cuss, mouth off, leave class

Board members of California's Oakland Unified School District unanimously voted on Wednesday to cease suspending students for what they call "willful defiance." Those behaviors can include swearing/yelling at teachers, refusing direct orders, texting, and storming out of class, to name a few.

The reason? Concern that too many black students are being suspended for willful defiance

Along with suspensions, the new policy will also include bans on expulsions and transfers of students to other schools for multiple infractions.

According to the SFGate, the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has been investigating Oakland schools' "disproportionate suspensions" for several years. The district signed a voluntary agreement in 2012 that brought in Manhood Development classes for black males to address behavior issues and to begin discussions on "restorative justice." These programs, dubbed "alternative discipline," can cost districts upwards of $2.3 million dollars per school year. 

Oakland is joining a handful of other California districts who already have suspension restrictions in place.

Source: Too Many Black Students Suspended Leads Oakland Schools to Stop Punishment with primary reporting by SFGate.

Where have we heard this before?

Disproportionate. Restorative Justice. Alternative Discipline. All code words for managing the statistics and implementing the progressive socialist agenda; including supporting the teachers’ unions that are siphoning off money from the classroom and doing everything in their power to protect incompetent teachers or those who have committed criminal acts. Unions who believe they own the public’s students and that allowing voucher programs or charter schools siphons off the money that they believe should flow to their coffers.

Where is all the blather that “it’s for the children?” Where is all of the bafflegab that money is the issue?

The truth is that disruptive black students are more likely to disparage and bully high-achieving blacks who excel at school, avoid outlandish dress and mangled language, or exhibit exemplary behavior. In addition, it is these troublemakers who are more likely to be involved with guns, gangs, and drugs – not an uncommon situation in Oakland, California.

Bottom line …

The progressive socialist democrats have governed the inner cities for decades; with billions of dollars that have gone missing or into the pockets of politically-connected special interests in return for suitable kickbacks (campaign funding) and voter support.

Why do we continue to tolerate these educational charlatans who refuse to test a teacher’s teaching skills or subject-matter knowledge? Why do we allow incompetent teachers to remain in the classroom? Why do we support more funding for a failing school system?

The answer is simple. Money and politics. Politics and money.

The progressive socialist democrats speak about students being able to compete in a global marketplace. But the truth is that the majority of them, the ones that are functional illiterates and who have been failed by the educational system cannot even get a job at the local big box store – the one they don’t want in the community unless it is unionized.

It is time to stand up for the children. Remove these progressive socialist democrats from the school boards that are little more than political stepping stones. Remove these minority asshats that see education through the prism of race, not noting that the children are becoming more illiterate and ill-educated as time goes past.

You want equality.Treat everyone equally and protect them from the corrupt politicians and criminals in our society – be they in public or public school.

-- steve 

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


What does it really mean when a multi-millionaire with a history of political corruption, cronyism, and lying tells you that they are all about equality and social justice?

The warped view of Hillary Clinton … hcw

Especially when she is a progressive social democrat whose party has governed the inner cities for decades with little or no improvement in the infrastructure, poverty, education, jobs, and medical care?

Where law-abiding citizens have been disarmed and placed at the mercy of drug gangs and criminals?

Where the progressives make excuses for thugs claiming that they are unfairly and disproportionately impacted by law enforcement and the criminal justice system even though they commit a disproportionate amount of crimes and that very law enforcement and criminal justice system is governed by the progressives and their unions.

Where billions of dollars are stolen and misappropriated by the politically-connected special interests and the progressive public employee unions that foster the type of political corruption that refuses to hold government evil-doers to account for their criminal actions.

Hillary Clinton is a progressive socialist democrat who believes that you don’t pay your fair share of taxes, even when it can be demonstrated that increased government spending does not improve the lives of ordinary citizens as it is siphoned off by the politicians and politically-connected special interests.

Hillary Clinton’s idea of giving back to the people of the United States …

“As a result of questions about the status of certain property donated to the White House during the Clinton administration, the National Park Service will accept the return of the property in question and act as a custodian of such property,” according to a statement released by the Park Service, which administers the White House as a unit of the national park system.

After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return. <Source: ABC News>

There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary Clinton has an exaggerated sense of entitlement and a feeling that the laws that govern us all simply do not apply to the Clintons or their various enterprises. Like all things Clinton, they are willing to erase the issue after the fact by appearing bewildered that such a mistake can be made.  And, after a suitable period of time passes, they simply shrug off evidence or implications of wrong doing as being “old news.”

So what does it really mean when a multi-millionaire Hillary Clinton puts on her black preacher voice and talks about income inequality, lack of educational responsibility, and social justice?

It means that Hillary Clinton is a corrupt liar willing to say or do anything to gain or maintain power. Including lying, cheating, and yes, stealing. What other Presidential family actually looted the White House?

It means “trust me” one more time while I continue to abuse and warp the political system to feather my nest. Asking, “what difference does it make?” if America is weakened and made more vulnerable to her enemies.

Bottom line …

What does it say about the progressive socialist democrats that they would stand before God and the American people and offer a corrupt, lying shrew as a legitimate consideration for the United States of America?

What does it say about the GOP when they refuse to stand up and point out that the Emperor has no new clothes?

And, what does it say about the progressive mainstream media that continues to obfuscate, cover-up, and diffuse the incompetence, malfeasance, and criminality of the progressive socialist democrats.

There is but one conclusion. That if America continues down the progressive’s primrose path of lies and corruption, the freedom-loving America that was founded by our wise forefathers may be no more. We may all live in a place of true equality; where misery and misfortune will be shared by all.

Wake up people. The day of reckoning in 2016 is fast approaching and we are being led astray by those who purport to be transparent and accountable; when anyone with a modicum of intelligence and commonsense can see we are being played for the apathetic fools the majority of us appear to have been in the last election.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


Who is watching out for America?


I was thinking last night about what the hell is going wrong with our government and the world. Exactly what circumstances might give rise to the current level of corruption, chaos, confusion, and lack of competence we are seeing in the mainstream media? Could it be the ineptness of the puppet-master, Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin, and hi inner circle?  Can it be a runaway federal government operating on autopilot under a detached President who outsources both authority and responsibility for governance? Or, alternatively, can it be something much more sinister.

Look at what we are seeing …

We appear to be creating bad actors that want to kill Americans out of less than thin area, in reality the power vacuum that we create when our troops withdraw from a region. To combat the bad actors without putting boots on the ground and creating a domestic kerfuffle with the progressive socialist democrat peaceniks, we channel money and arms to the enemies of the bad actors; but not before we give them a catchy label like “freedom fighter,” or rebels. When in truth, they are exactly the same sort of bad actors they are fighting. In essence we are facilitating and arming Islamic terrorists to fight Islamic terrorists, but we are not supposed to use the words Islamic terrorists.

But how sincere can this battle be if we spending millions in ordnance and risk $40-million aircraft to symbolically bomb a relatively few terrorists? In essence prosecuting a war as if it were street crime and law enforcement’s bullets must not strike anything but an individual criminal. Operating with rules of engagement that will prolong the conflict and put our nation’s troops at higher risk for death or injury. How can you explain why we didn’t spin-up the B-52’s and carpet bomb ISIS when they were massed in relatively few groups.

I am still not sure what make Assad the bad guy. Here is a dictator who is an Islamic minority (Alawite) and who protected minorities in his country. A country that appears to have been attacked by really bad actors bent on overthrowing his regime and putting a strict Sunni-Islamist theocracy in place that would result in the ethnic cleansing of all non-Sunni Muslims. The knock on Assad is that he used chemical weapons on his own people, yet a so-called investigation was about as reliable as the FBI investigation of Benghazi. The one where the alleged bad guy was giving interviews to the media at a café, but couldn’t be interviewed by the FBI. Where sensitive papers were found by journalists – including diary pages from Ambassador Stevens – after the FBI has departed. And, where the investigation is perpetually ongoing to stonewall Congress and the American people. Anyway, the gas could have been a false flag operation by the rebels seeking to pin the tail on Assad much in the same manner weapons of mass destruction were said to be in Iraq to eliminate Saddam Hussein. 

Where are America’s patriots?

It appears that some of our most potent and effective military commanders have been forced out of the service on petty morals-related charges that would be overlooked in an earlier day. We still do not know why a general and an admiral associated with forces near Benghazi were summarily removed from their positions? We still do not know why the President of the United States and other high-ranking government officials found it necessary to lie about the Islamic terrorist attack on Benghazi; if not to cover-up an unconstitutional and illegal covert action to arm al Qaeda terrorists in the hopes that they would fight the “really bad guys.” Something that would be sanction able in an American court of law.

In the private sector …

Over in the private sector, we see much the same thing with racially-motivated riots, looting, burning, and the destruction of both public and private property while elected officials blather on about root causes and other progressive socialist democrat nonsense. We see activists fighting against large stores like Wal-Mart which brings tax revenue and jobs into the community and provides acceptable quality goods at low prices to those who need it the most, the poor. So why are they fighting? It all comes down to unionization, the desire of the progressive socialist democrats to install socialist unions as the means to control labor, much as the progressive socialist democrats have attempted to control our economy through environmentalism, control individuals through healthcare, and secure a permanent electoral majority through immigration policy. Where the threat of rising minimum wages can be forestalled by operating under a union contractor as we have seen in the Los Angeles hotel industry rules and regulations which exempt only those hotels that are covered by a union contract?

Once again, it comes down to money and power …

The war on terror, the environmental movement, healthcare, and immigration all involve tremendous amounts of money and enlarge the government bureaucracy. Almost to the point where the government reaches critical mass and is no longer beholden to the American citizen – capable of democratically voting for their own self-serving agenda.

So, if it can all be reduced to political power, money, and the support of select special interests, what does that tell us about what we are seeing in the media?

Domestic false flag?

Could it be that what we are really seeing is a massive domestic false flag operation. Allowing the Islamic terrorists abroad and the anarchists here at home to run amok, to gin-up a a domestic situation that demands a massive response from the federal government? Or, at the very least, the noisiest of the agitators to gin up a public demand for the government to intervene?

Think about the massive electronic surveillance system and the impending threat of a national identity card, oops, I meant healthcare access card.Where your whole medical history, financial resources, employment, and lifestyle activities can be tracked by the government in a single dossier. A permanent Facebook on steroids where every interaction with a government controlled entity is Tweeted into your permanent dossier, oops, I meant health record.

We do not even know the extent to which we are being surveiled …

An interesting story about a used Ferrari highlights the issue. Ferrari owners are notoriously anal – some use the word fastidious – and any service that is not performed in an authorized Ferrari dealership is likely to significantly reduce the resale value of the vehicle. Now for the scary part. A Ferrari owner was afraid to have their tire repaired at a local repair shop (cost about $40) and drove to a Ferrari shop (cost $220) because they were afraid that the non-dealer repair would show up on a Carfax report. How many people knew that their service records (including VIN, license plat, mileage, and repair data) were being captured by a reported 25,000 individual repair shops resulting in 1-million service records being added to the database daily? Not to mention their expansion into police accident reports and other related information; 91,000 data sources in all. And, that this unregulated information can be just as damaging to your vehicle sale as a bad credit report?

How many people know that their service history, like their medical and financial data, is being reported to an unaccountable third-party reporting agency who resells the very information that the government cannot legally collect or store to the government?

Bottom line …

There are lingering doubts in my mind.

  • As we ramp up to the 2016 presidential election, is our government creating straw men to drive the domestic political agenda?
  • Would our government knowingly allow us to be invaded by foreign nationals, not only from Mexico, in order to dilute the historical allegiance to our Constitution? Invaders who become untraceable vectors for disease, crime, and yes, terrorism?
  • Would our government be setting the stage of another 9/11-magnitude event to secure the reauthorization of the patriot act – complete with secret laws, secret prisons, and the suspension of our rights as American citizens?
  • Would our corporatized mainstream media even report the true story if it didn’t conform to the progressive socialist democrat agenda? Is the seeming toughness of today’s reporting simply a way to regain public credibility before they sell out the nation once again to the progressive socialist democrats?
  • Is our government engaged in the Mafia-like protection racket, selling us a non-existent level of safety and security to promote their own political and profitable agenda?

I am afraid, given all we have seen under the Bush and Obama administrations, the answer might be a disheartening YES.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


All you need to know about the Trade Promotion Authority legislation is that the President of the United States and the members of Congress are afraid to reveal the contents of this legislation to the general public. Another instance of the President of the United States lying about transparency and accountability in his administration. 




If free trade creates jobs and prosperity for America, what is the downside that is so terrible it must be kept secret from the American public and requires Members of Congress to respect the confidentiality of the agreement.

From what I have heard, the progressive socialist democrats, acting on behalf of their socialist trade unions believe that this agreement is a bad deal because it disadvantages the American worker who receives inflated union wages in competing in the world marketplace.

Whatever the reality, we are screwed by a Congress who refuses to stand-up to the president as if they are being individually blackmailed by some three-letter agency.  


Bottom line …

Ostensibly the confidential Trade Promotion Authority legislation fast-tracks trade agreements and conveys certain unspecified powers to the President of the United States. In all likelihood it is another Executive Branch power grab that diminishes the role of Congress, in general, and the Senate’s role in approving treaties.

So why should the business of the American people be kept secret from the American people if the legislation does not include classified national defense information?

  • Could it be that the President is attempting another power grab?
  • Could it be that the GOP’s Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has sold out the Republicans to the progressive socialist democrats?
  • Could it simply be that there are hidden provisions relating to borders, immigration, and the flow of people and goods over our sovereign borders?
  • Or could it be that nobody wants this to happen and it is show-time in Washington?

We are so screwed.

-- steve 

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


Heaven forbid the President of the United States would stand on the world stage and claim that America, while not perfect, is one of the largest and most diverse populations, and we are getting better all of the time. Period. Unlike the Islamic fundamentalists who have zero tolerance for anything other than their sect’s beliefs. Unlike the dictators and monarchs who make a mockery out of the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission.

America … you are the problem!uos

With 320-million people in America, President Obama chose a statistically insignificant group of cases to disparage the United States on the world stage; distorting and misstating facts to make President Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats look good.

Report of the United States of America
Submitted to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights
In Conjunction with the Universal Periodic Review

B. Civil Rights and Discrimination

Profiling and excessive use of force by law enforcement
Recommendations 68, 101, 150-151, 208-209, and 219

11. The United States is dedicated to eliminating racial discrimination and the use of excessive force in policing. The vast majority of police officers in the United States are committed to respecting their fellow citizens’ civil rights as they carry out difficult and dangerous work. But where there is individual or systemic officer misconduct, appropriate responses are required. In the past six years, the U.S. Department of Justice has opened more than 20 civil investigations into police departments that may be engaging in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of their rights. These investigations have focused on excessive force, discrimination, coercive sexual conduct, and unlawful stops, searches, and arrests. In the same time period, DOJ has reached 15 settlements with police departments.

[How many people realize that policing is a local or state issue and that the federal government is attempting to dictate national policing standards through selected enforcement an the coercive manipulation of taxpayer funds? Or that municipalities would rather settle with a “consent decree” rather than bankrupt themselves fighting the unlimited might of the federal government?]

12. On December 4, 2014, DOJ announced that its civil rights investigation into the Cleveland, Ohio, Division of Police had found a pattern or practice of unreasonable and unnecessary use of force. Consequently, DOJ and the city of Cleveland have committed to develop a court-enforceable agreement that will include an independent monitor to oversee necessary reforms. DOJ has taken similar action in the past five years, making public findings of discriminatory policing and/or excessive force and working toward long-term solutions in 13 states and jurisdictions.

13. In addition, in the last five years, DOJ has criminally prosecuted more than 335 individual police officers for misconduct, including use of excessive force, and obtained 254 convictions as of January 1, 2015.

14. We are also working to strengthen police-community relations. For example, in Ferguson, Missouri, in addition to opening civil and criminal investigations after the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, DOJ sent mediators to create a dialogue between police, city officials, and residents to reduce tension in the community. In addition, DOJ is involved in a voluntary, independent, and objective assessment of the St. Louis County Police Department, looking at training, use of force, handling mass demonstrations, and other areas where reform may be needed.

[Where does it say that the shooting of Michael Brown was in policy and had nothing to do with civil rights; the police officer having been physically assaulted by a 6’4” 292-pound thug who had just committed a strong-arm theft and was struggling for the officer’s weapon in an existential battle?

Where does it say that the thug’s partner in crime offered false, misleading, and racially inflammatory statements about Brown being shot in the back while his lands were up?

And, that the subsequent racial discord was promoted by race-baiters and agitators with connections to the White House?

Where does it say that minority thugs engaged in the destruction of private and public property while the police were afraid to take strong action due to political considerations?]

15. As President Obama has said, “[t]he fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color.” At the President’s request, the Attorney General convened roundtable discussions among law enforcement, elected officials, and community members in six cities in December 2014 and January 2015. The President also appointed a Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which is examining how to strengthen public trust and foster strong relationships between local law enforcement and the communities they protect.

[Where does it say that the President of the United States and his Attorney General were quick to side with the thugs and provided little support to legitimate law enforcement. Assuming that the duly constituted authority was in error before any of the major facts were presented. And, that the President of the United States openly hosted a well-known race-baiter who has never been called to account for the death and destruction that was caused by his incendiary rhetoric and outright lies. How many police killings can we attribute to Obama, Holder, and his progressive socialist democrats?]

Racial bias in the criminal justice system and mandatory minimum sentences
Recommendations 96-97

17. The United States is taking steps to address the disproportionate percentage of minorities, particularly African-Americans, in the criminal justice system. For example, the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 has reduced the disparity between more lenient sentences for powder cocaine charges and more severe sentences for crack cocaine charges (the latter of which are more frequently brought against racial minorities). Data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission through June 2014 indicate that 7,706 federal crack offenders’ sentences have been reduced as a result of retroactive application of this change: of these offenders, an estimated 90 percent are African-American.

[Where does it say that African-Americans, and particularly African-American gang members, are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime – especially in the inner cities – where the African-American community lives in near terror in fear of  these gangs?]

18. Lower penalty guidelines for all drug offenders went into effect in November 2014. The USSC estimates that these changes will reduce penalties by an average of 11 months for 70 percent of newly-sentenced drug trafficking offenders, and that more than 40,000 currently-imprisoned offenders may be eligible to have their sentences retroactively reduced by an average of 25 months.

[Has anyone considered that most cases are plea-bargained down from serious charges to much lesser offenses to secure a conviction and that unleashing hardened criminals and repeat offenders back into their minority communities is likely to perpetuate and increase crime?]

19. With the Smart on Crime Initiative, launched in 2013, the Attorney General directed all federal prosecutors to, inter alia, reserve stringent mandatory minimum narcotics charges and repeat offender charges for only the most serious offenders. This has contributed to less use of incarceration for less-serious drug offenses. DOJ is working with the U.S. Congress on legislation to reform mandatory minimum sentences and reduce their application to nonviolent offenders.

Discrimination based on religion and hate crimes
Recommendations 64, 98-99, 103, 106, 189, and 190-191

20. The United States is committed to preventing and effectively prosecuting hate crimes. In 2009, we enacted a powerful new tool, the Shepard-Byrd Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which enhanced federal prosecution for violent crimes motivated by religious, racial, or national origin bias and enabled federal prosecution of crimes based on sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and disability. Over the last five years, DOJ has obtained convictions of more than 160 defendants on such charges, a nearly 50 percent increase over the previous five years. DOJ also continues to prosecute other hate crimes, and in 2014 assisted Kansas authorities in the investigation of a fatal shooting at a Kansas City Jewish community center. In January 2015, the FBI began collecting more detailed data on bias-motivated crimes, including those committed against Arab, Hindu, and Sikh individuals.

[An insignificant number that is blown out of proportion for propaganda purposes.]

21. We continue to actively fight all forms of religious discrimination. For instance, in recent years, DOJ has received a large number of complaints involving members of Muslim communities alleging unfair obstacles to building or expanding places of worship. Ten of the 34 DOJ investigations in this area since 2010, and five of the six lawsuits, have involved mosques or Islamic schools. In one such case, DOJ filed an amicus brief in a state court and initiated a federal lawsuit to ensure that a mosque would be permitted to open and operate in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

[Like the complaint about building a Mosque in close proximity of Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 attacks, and which would be regarded by most Muslims as a triumphal building? Has anyone pointed out that most Mosques are financed and/or owned by radical foreign states or organizations and serve as hotbeds of radical recruitment and planning? How many free-standing outposts of terror can our enemies build before the reach critical mass?

Out President cannot even bring himself to mention Islamic terrorism, preferring to designate a clear terrorist attack on Fort Hood an example of workplace violence.]

24. We also continue to seek input from affected communities on these issues. Federal prosecutors have been directly involved in outreach to members of Arab, Muslim, and Sikh communities, working to strengthen trust; to provide protection from hate crimes, bullying, and discrimination; and to make clear that the United States cannot conduct surveillance on any individual based solely on race, ethnicity, or religion. In addition, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security leads or participates in regular roundtable meetings among community leaders and federal, state, and local government officials to discuss the impact of its programs, policies, and procedures on members of diverse demographic groups, including religious minorities.

[Ever wonder how many of these so-called meetings include representatives of the terrorist group Hamas, as represented by their public relations affiliate CAIR (Council on Islamic-American Relations).]

25. Voting—The right to vote is fundamental to democracy. Accordingly, ensuring equal access to the ballot box is critical, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 remains our most powerful tool in this effort. Although the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a key part of that law, which required prior federal review of changes to certain jurisdictions’ voting practices, DOJ has recently filed three challenges to discriminatory practices in Texas and North Carolina asking that those states be required to clear future voting changes with DOJ or a federal court. In October 2014, a federal court found Texas’ new voter identification law to be intentionally discriminatory against members of minority groups. DOJ has also vigorously enforced the voting rights of those belonging to language-minority groups, bringing or participating in cases to protect persons with limited English proficiency.

[Has anyone noticed how hard the Obama Administration and its cadre of progressive socialist democrats have fought against producing a picture-id when voting even though it is required for check cashing and other purposes? Or that Attorney General Eric Holder declined to prosecute the communist New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation and interfering in the election process – in spite of video evidence?]

Click here to read the full report in context

Has anyone notices that the majority of minority-related crime in America comes from the inner cities under the long-term governance of the progressive socialist democrats, where minority gangs roam at will and who use any excuse of police misconduct to riot, loot, and burn their own communities?

I am not the only one who noticed …

The Obama administration has, once again, complained to the United Nations about alleged American human rights violations–and boasted about liberal policies like Obamacare as the solution.

The State Department report, released Monday as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council, reads less like an accounting of human rights issues and more like the platform of the Democratic Party–and invites the world to judge America harshly.

The so-called “human rights” problems cited in the report include:

  • Police brutality, including the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri
  • Discrimination against Muslims who want to build or expand mosques
  • Voter identification laws in Texas and elsewhere
  • Predatory lending in home mortgages
  • Suspension of black children in schools
  • Women earning “78 cents on the dollar” (a false statistic)

In addition, the report boasts of progress in the following areas:

  • Promoting same-sex marriage
  • Fighting discrimination against transgender children in school
  • Executive action on illegal immigration
  • Helping illegal alien children who cross the border
  • Protecting privacy rights against government surveillance
  • Trying to close the Guantánamo Bay prison for terror detainees
  • Revoking “torture” memos for interrogating terrorists
  • Passing Obamacare
  • Expanding food stamps
  • Regulating “carbon pollution” to fight climate change

Source: Obama Complains to UN About America's 'Human Rights' Violations

Disingenuous clap-trap that serves the progressive socialist democrat agenda.

Bottom line …

It pains me to say it, but our President is a disingenuous douchebag who would rather disparage the United States than explain to the world our freedoms that has people streaming over our borders.

Until we remove the progressive socialist democrats from office and help mitigate the embedded socialists and communists in our institutions and infrastructure, we remain at grave risk from our enemies, both foreign and domestic, who do not wish us well.

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


Are you willing to bet against yourself, your family, your community, and your nation?


“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


"People will not always tell you who they are, but they will always show you. Pay attention." 

Chris Christie only talks tough in public … another democrat-lite!


Another RINO, Mitch McConnell, GOP Senate Leader glances admiringly at Obama …


Join the RINO Hunting Club before they sell out OUR country to OUR enemies …


Bottom line …

Why bother with RINOS (Republicans In Name Only)?

I wonder if Obama’s minions have data-mined all of the negatives on the GOP candidates and are producing progressive socialist democrat zombies? Because it appears that they will do or say anything to keep a communist in the White House.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



It is one thing for President Obama to unilaterally decide on an open borders policy and send the signal that millions of illegal aliens are welcome to ignore our nation’s sovereignty and enter our country without fear of deportation. But, it is quite another to deliberately import immigrants from a culture that is a clear and present danger to America and to Western civilization.

Recreating crapistan …

Unfortunately, large numbers of immigrants that are clumped together tend to speak their native language, eat their native food, practice their native customs, and take advantage of every opportunity to game the social services systems without even attempting to assimilate. Eventually, criminal gangs form to prey upon their own people and the area becomes dangerous and unwelcoming to outsiders. Then we see the emergence of “local” politicians who capitalize on a solid voting block and we find racist policies promotion one race, ethnicity, or national origin over another.

One need only look at East Los Angeles to see how illegal aliens have reproduced Mexican slums – complete with their own gangs, governance, and problems.

But, recreating Tijuana in America is one thing … it is far more dangerous to go beyond ethnic gangs to terrorists who want to subvert the United States from within, bringing with them Islam and Sharia law.

What is our government doing behind closed doors?

CSI Refugee Center Expects Influx of Syrians

The College of Southern Idaho’s Refugee Center is expecting an influx of Syrian refugees starting in October. Projections show the center will likely receive 300 refugees from around the world during the upcoming federal fiscal year. That’s the same number as this year.

Refugee Center director Zeze Rwasama anticipates the biggest populations of newcomers will be from Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. “That can change at any time depending on what’s out there,” he said. The U.S. Department of State approves the number of refugees coming to Twin Falls.

Worldwide, aid groups are calling on the United States to do more to help Syrians displaced by a five-year civil war. The war has claimed the lives of more than 220,000 people and driven some 9 million of the prewar population of 23 million from their homes. Of those, more than 3.8 million have fled to neighboring countries.

To date, the U.S. has resettled just 648 Syrians.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard said during a recent visit to Lebanon that between 1,000 and 2,000 Syrian refugees will be brought to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand more in 2016.

CSI’s Refugee Center has already resettled more than 1,000 refugees from Iraq, the neighboring country to Syria, and many speak Arabic.

“Culture wise, we’re familiar with what we’re going to get,” Rwasama said, although newcomers may have different education or work backgrounds.

Children will enroll in the Twin Falls School District’s Newcomer Center, with locations at Lincoln Elementary School, Robert Stuart Middle School and Canyon Ridge High School.

Earlier this month, an international aid group urged the U.S. to resettle 65,000 Syrians before the end of 2016, highlighting Washington’s slow response to the massive refugee crisis.

Since 1984, the center has settled almost 5,000 people in the Magic Valley. Most are from Iraq and Iran.

<Source: Times-News: Magic Valley – Idaho>

Considering resettled immigrants of the Muslim faith are unlikely to change their religion, are we not building up local groups that will not assimilate, but will become a political power in the not so distant future as their numbers grow in highly concentrated areas?

What is the government openly saying (when they are not cooking the books?)

Refugees and Asylees: 2013

A total of 69,909 persons were admitted to the United States as refugees during 2013 The leading countries of nationality for refugees were Iraq, Burma, and Bhutan. <Source: DHS>

Are we headed toward a Muslim problem?

Where is the environmental, social, and financial impact reports that are so often demanded of communities seeking development funds?

Refugee access to welfare on the same basis as a U.S. citizen has made the program a global magnet.

The federal programs available to them include:

  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) formerly known as AFDC
  • Medicaid
  • Food Stamps
  • Public Housing
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Social Security Disability Insurance
  • Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) (direct services only)
  • Child Care and Development Fund
  • Independent Living Program
  • Job Opportunities for Low Income Individuals (JOLI)
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
  • Postsecondary Education Loans and Grants
  • Refugee Assistance Programs
  • Title IV Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Payments (if parents are ⌠qualified immigrants – refugees, asylees, etc)
  • Title XX Social Services Block Grant Funds


Many Muslims do not work and some even claim that government payments represents a form of Jizya, a Muslim tax on unbelievers who live in subjugation to Muslims and are not killed as apostates, convert to Islam, or escape to another country. In Britain, the radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary tells other Islamists that they should follow his example and live on welfare paid for by British taxpayers who, as infidels, are slaves and are supposed to give money to their Muslim masters. This is nothing other than Islamic law. <Source>

There is little or no doubt that the Obama Administration is openly importing people into the United States that may not share our cultural or civic values and which, over time, may become a breeding ground for radical extremists and terrorists. Similar to the Somali community that finds Somali citizens returning to areas to live a life of Jihad. Once processed and having legal residency, there are few restrictions from purchasing weapons.

Since 2007, at least 20 young Twin Cities men have left for the Horn of Africa, allegedly to take up arms in Somalia's civil war. Authorities believe the men joined al-Shabab, a ruthless and radical Islamic militia group vying to topple Somalia's weak transitional government. The FBI has confirmed that two of the recruits became suicide bombers, and seven others are believed to have been killed in the fighting. <Source>

These men apparently had no interest in becoming Americans, assimilating, and adopting American values. So what if these men turned inward and became domestic terrorists? Is this not a needless threat to the safety and security of the United States?

Bottom line …

Why is our government doing this to the American people? I can only believe that the progressive socialist democrats, in reality, neo-communists, are trying to damage America from within and to this end they have no qualms about importing dangerous cultural threats. Possibly hoping that the internal chaos and strife will cause the people to rise up in revolution and demand a stronger, larger government presence in the nation – including federalizing our local police force into a national police force with the equivalent size and strength of the military.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Candidate Obama sent red flags up all over the country when he strongly proposed "Civilian security force."

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

It appears that the progressive socialist democrats represent a clear and present danger to our country and their choice of a committed Marxist liar and corrupt cronyist is only the first step in continuing the socialist/communist agenda of Barack Hussein Obama.

There is a difference between Islamophobia and welcoming our enemies into our house. If you do not believe this, just consider the recent event in Garland, Texas where two Muslim jihadists traveled 1,000 miles from Arizona to kill people at a conference that they determined to be blasphemous.

Forewarned is forearmed. We are being done in by political corruption where our enemies simply purchase the political influence needed to achieve their objectives and subvert our nation. How else can you explain Saudi Arabia and our other enemies pumping money into the Bush and Clinton family’s pockets?

We are so screwed.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



Today, as I celebrate Mother’s Day, I cannot help but remember the many things my mother taught me about life, the government, marketing research, and being cheerful to all in dark times.

Although I am not as even-tempered or as cheerful as she was, a lot of what I am was created and nurtured by my mother. While both my parents were democrats, I have little or no doubt that they would be conservatives today, bemoaning the fact that some of the democrat politicians they personally knew and supported have morphed into corrupt progressive ideologues.

A lesson in common sense …

While my Father was out keeping our nation safe – from before the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 (Schofield Barracks) to visiting some of the lovely garden spots of the South Pacific with his Field Artillery Battalion until after the war ended in 1945, my Mother was working for the government in the War Department. During times of great hardship, my Mother was always cheerful, helpful, and ready to offer a hand – and often a suggestion on how it might be done better.

Imagine this: a $5 reward for stating the obvious and conserving government money …


Washington 25, D.C.

11 May 1944

It is a pleasure to inform you that your suggestion concerning Conserving Call-up Cards by using Both Sides has been adopted. The Local Committee on Employee Suggestions has recommended the payment to you of a cash award of Five ($5) Dollars. This recommendation was approved by General A. H. Carter, Fiscal Director.

The award will be paid to you in the near future.

General Carter desires that we extend to you his congratulations and appreciation for the interest which you have manifested in making this valuable suggestion.

Common sense – even uncommon in the government 66 years ago – and they haven’t learned a thing … 

The Justice Department estimates it can save $573,000 through fiscal 2010 by setting up its printers and copiers to use both sides of the paper. –  In a Savings Shocker, the Government Discovers That Paper Has Two Sides -

Bottom line …

Remember your mother today! Be well, be safe and take care of yourself and your family first.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS