As we approach the November 4, 2014 election, I would like to make a few suggestions that override political and party affiliations …
- The United States is facing an existential threat from an ignorant and apathetic electorate. Citizens who, for whatever reason, do not appreciate the importance of being an informed voter. Taking the time to study the candidates and the issues in terms of being beneficial to both the nation, your state, your county, your municipality – and, most importantly, to your own welfare and that of your family.
- The United States is facing an existential threat from the “professionalization” of politics. Considering a career in politics as a way of amassing prestige and power, and ultimately wealth as if it were simply another organizational job. Putting one’s own self-interests ahead of the constituents you were elected to serve. Not to mention the use of public policy and access to the common treasury to purchase power, media attention, and voter support – or simply to drive one’s agenda.
- The United States is facing an existential threat from a biased mainstream media, acting on the dictates of their corporate owners, erasing the former separation of advertising, political propaganda, and journalistic reporting. Moving beyond answering the traditional questions of any good journalist: Who is involved? What happened? When did it take place? Where did it take place? Why did it happen? How did it happen? Leaving the analysis to pundits and commentators whose function is analysis and the examination of historical context and matters that go beyond the apparent facts.
- The United States is facing an existential threat from those who have introduced a political agenda consisting of political correctness, multiculturalism, and moral equivalency. Political correctness that promotes groupthink and allows the banning or redefinition of formerly accepted words or symbols. Multiculturalism that adopts the position that the views of every cultural are acceptable and should be taken into account when promoting public policies. And, moral equivalency that allows the bright line between good and evil, right and wrong, to be either erased or smudged into a meaningless blur. The idea that we are being forced to vote for the “lesser of two evils” rather than demanding reform should be abhorrent to all people.
- The United States is facing an existential threat from globalization. The concept arising from the thought that an increasingly “interconnected” world deserves some form of global oversight and management that transcends traditional sovereign physical borders and cultural boundaries. That a person can move beyond their citizenship, responsibility, and allegiance to their sovereign nation to become a “citizen of the world.” Where rights and responsibilities are granted by international entities according to international “norms.” Overlooking, of course, that human nature and competing interests make this an impossibility much like there can never be a perfect beneficial society that promotes fairness and equality to all people. Considering that nothing destroys individual achievement than a society that eliminates the motivation to excel by removing rewards for individual achievement and implementing a society based on the specious political theory of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
- The United States is facing an existential threat from elitism. The idea that some people, by virtue of birth, power, position, prestige, celebrity, or wealth are so smart that are qualified to govern their fellow citizens with impunity from challenge and insulated from the consequences of their actions. In essence, a group of people who are above the laws that govern us all. The idea that we have become a culture that worships celebrity, in essence elevating court jesters, clowns, and actors into serious roles that can affect our daily lives as they advocate for positions, many nonsensical, that they know little or nothing about. This acceptance of style over substance and celebrating those who are telegenic and can deliver words written by others with feigned sincerity, is to confuse and conflate the difference between news and propaganda. These are the people who say,”don’t do as I do, do as I say.”
- The United States is facing an existential threat from corrupted science. Science is a process of controlled skepticism. Where a hypothesis is put forth, tested by experimentation and observation, published, challenged, corroborated, refuted or amplified, and finally accepted as the best prevailing knowledge until challenged by another hypothesis. When science is used to justify a political agenda, public policies, or any unrelated issue, one should be afraid that the activists who act out of ideology or of institutional or professional funding opportunities.
- The United States is facing an existential threat from a political system that has been perverted to the point where the majority electorate has become so equally divided as to convey immeasurable power to small, but vocal, minorities and activists. Thus, subverting the will of “We the People” on behalf of those who want to destroy America from within. People ignoring existing laws for political advantage. People who use our own laws against us – many times in collusion with government officials who agree to lose a lawsuit in order to effect rules and regulations that could never be passed in the light of day and with open discussion in Congress. To the extent that the Executive Branch Agencies can nullify the sole right of Congress to make laws. To the extent where the Judiciary rules not on the Constitution, but on activist ideology – turning Constitutional prohibitions into Constitutional permissions. To create new Constitutional law where none currently exists using bogus arguments that trade between the states constitutes permission to implement illegal and prohibited behaviors. And, for the Chambers of Congress to set their own rules to disadvantage the minority party or exempt themselves from the law.
- The United States is facing an existential threat from corruption. In the most technologically advanced country on the Planet, we find that government accounting systems are flawed – defective by design – and allow billions to go missing while our bureaucrats insist that the books balance. Yes, they balance because there is a suspense account used for “money in transit” or unaccounted or unallocated funds.
I can’t tell you who to vote for, although I am still free to express my opinions …
I wrote a piece about about the County Supervisor’s race affecting my County. Running are two radical liberals – progressive socialist democrats – whose viewpoints are antithetical to almost everything I believe. Since I needed to vote for the “lesser of two evils,” I opposed the candidate who is actively trying to close the historic Clover Field (Santa Monica Airport) where I played as a child and learned to fly. A “elite” liberal from a storied political family (the Kennedys) who ignores private property to suggest that property owner’s rights must be managed for their renter’s benefit in an act of “fairness.” A position that was exploited to great political advantage. I met the “other” candidate, the one that I chose, long before she became a politician. She was nice, sincere – and I had no idea that she would turn into a raging activist liberal.
But the point of this is simple. One of my readers – one that vehemently supports the candidate I do not like – suggested that Joseph McCarthy would be proud of my work. “too bad you missed the McCarthy era. You'd have been perfect!” Since the person is known to me as an accomplished writer, I sent back a comment. Finally evoking, “Being a communist wasn't or shouldn't have been, a crime. ONLY advocating the overthrow of the U.S. by violent means should be a crime.” I guess we should exempt all who plot and plan to destroy the United States – taking covert actions to accomplish their task – and then prosecuting them ONLY when they advocate the overthrow of the government by violent means. By then, the battle will be lost and we will have been presented with a fait accompli – a bloodless coup d'état -- a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
I suggest that we have already seen an illegal seizure of power from the government by President Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats who have taken the United States to war, engaged in fiscal improprieties, have trafficked illegal military arms to our enemies, and nullified Congress, allowed the EPA to ruin our economy, allowed the DOE (Energy) to make us less energy independent, allowed the DOE (Education) to insert socialist theory into education, allowed the hyper-politicization of the DOJ and FBI, and have subverted the Constitution, the rule of law, and the sovereignty of the United States – all based on a socialist/communist ideology that none dare speak of – calling it liberalism, progressivism, or forward thinking.
Has anyone noticed that the IRS scandal kept the GOP from raising money that may have made the difference in a presidential election? Has anyone noticed that the government keeps telling us that there is no voter fraud, yet recounts almost always reveal problems? Has anyone noticed that the government allowed guns to go into the hands of Mexican drug cartels – for the purposes of influencing domestic public policy? Has anyone noticed that reporters and whistleblowers were investigated to chill disclosure of government malfeasance, and even worse, criminality?
You want a scary world, where blond celebrities tell you who to support?
President Obama at Gwyneth Paltrow Fundraiser: Democrats Should Feel "Sense of Urgency" Over Midterms
The actress introduced the President to a crowd of 200 supporters. She gushed: "You’re so handsome that I can’t speak properly.” Paltrow also described herself as one of Obama's "biggest fans, if not the biggest.”
Paltrow, who was joined by her children Apple and Moses, told the crowd: "It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass." <Source>
Funny and hypocritical how these progressive socialist democrats rail against the elite and the millionaires, but prostrate themselves with their hands out at fundraisers that start at $1,000 and go up to $15,000. Those who pay the most get dinner and a photo with the communist-in-chief.
And, how pathetic is it for the celebrities to ask American citizens to provide the money, means, and opportunity for corrupt progressive socialist democrats to tear up the United States Constitution and turn America into a cross between Mexico and France – where the power resides with the oligarchs and criminals, the public be damned.
Bottom line …
We are so screwed unless you wake up. Unless you see the progressive socialist democrats for what they really are – modern-day communists who wish to overthrow – or in Obama’s words – fundamentally transform the United States.
As for my commenter, there is no reasoning with him as common ground is not likely and although I respect his right to say what he wants, I will also reserve the right to point out that like most liberals, he represents another clear and present danger to America – not the corrupt America, but the America I know and love.
Vote for the America you want, not the corrupt politician of your team’s choice!
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS