To my way of thinking, a rainy day fund is a set-aside fund, to be used not for rectifying budgetary shortfalls in union-dominated activities, but to pay for critical emergency and unanticipated expenses that will serve the public at large. Not for keeping government worker’s salaries and benefits in tact during an economic downturn and insulating them from the economic consequences of the government’s actions that are deeply felt in the private sector. And, certainly not just another legislative trick to isolate the politicians from their own folly and to insure the flow of their union-dominated campaign finances during a downturn


This is not a rainy day fund, but a political slush fund to be administered by the progressive socialist democrats who run California … [my comments in blue italic]

CA Rainy Day Fund will protect taxpayers and vital services

This Constitutional Amendment will protect taxpayers and vital services from the chaotic ups and downs of revenues and state budgets that have plagued Sacramento for decades.

[The bill was authored by Assemblyman John Perez, D-Los Angeles before stepping down as speaker It places a proposed constitutional amendment before the voters that will create a budget reserve, funded primarily from excess capital gains revenue during boom years as well as an annual contribution equal to 1.5 percent of the state's general fund.]

ACA 1 was the result of bipartisan negotiations with the Governor's office. This spending cap and surplus fund truly has teeth and cannot easily be raided.

[Typically, when Republicans deal with the progressive socialist democrats in the legislature and the Governor’s Office, they traditionally are co-opted into rubber-stamping tax and spend policies that only appear to be bi-partisan in the fact that the Republicans have little or no say about the eventual use of the funds. How many people can remember when the GOP, spearheaded by Abel Maldonado, sold out the taxpayers and gave us the largest tax increase in the State’s history. Maldonado himself was rewarded by being appointed to the Lieutenant Governorship by Arnold Schwarzenegger, a RINO with a lesbian, long-term democrat operative as his Chief of Staff.] 

Having just passed out of the legislature, this Constitutional Amendment will now be placed on the November 2014 ballot to be approved by the state's voters.  Once approved, this will substantially change the way the state saves money and budgets for the future.

Even before this has been passed by the voters, the new Rainy Day fund is already having an effect.  The Sacramento Bee is reporting that Moody's Investor Service considers the legislation to be a "credit positive development".

[Of course Moody’s would regard this as a “credit positive development” because it essentially pays down debt; not the traditional function of a rainy day bill.]

A few things that you should know about the new Rainy Day proposal:

  • The fund will capture 1.5% of general revenue funds every year, along with Capital Gains revenue that exceeds 8% of General Fund receipts.
  • Requires that 50% of fund revenue be used to pay down current debt.
  • Prevents the fund from being used to pay bond debt, such as High Speed Rail.
  • Creates objective criteria for when payments into the fund can be suspended, additionally requiring the governor to declare a fiscal emergency.
  • Limits the amount that can be drawn out of the fund in the first year of a recession, and ensures that money saved in the fund cannot be siphoned off to fund new government programs.
  • Having an effective Rainy Day Fund will protect vital programs like education, transportation and public safety from devastating cuts in tough budget times.

[One, you do not dissipate a rainy day fund by using it to pay down current debt. Current debt should be paid from current revenues.

A problem when you have tax-and-spend progressive socialist democrats in charge of all phases of the government’s operations – including the incredibly dishonest budgeting process, the manuevering to fund union pension fund and healthcare obligations and various and sundry costs.

If you believe that these funds are can not be touched by borrowing, you are naïve. The State of California is steeped in financial trickery, borrowing money from designated funds and leaving moldy IOUs in the drawer. Or even worse, engaging in the sale and leaseback of assets purchased with restricted funds to create unrestricted funds for use elsewhere.

And, when someone speaks about protecting vital programs, one would assume that public safety comes first, and the heavily unionized transportation and education comes last. This appears to be a UNION RAINY DAY program that will ensure that unionized public employees never have to face a fiscal downturn as the private sector suffers.]

Responsible budgeting means saving money when there is a surplus to protect our priorities when we have a deficit.  This past recession has been a trying time for California, but by adopting this strong rainy day fund we can demonstrate that we have finally learned from those mistakes.

[California has never adequately prioritized expenditures under the progressive socialist democrats who see any surplus being fed into social programs to benefit non-Californians who happen to be illegal aliens.]

History has taught us that it is absolutely imperative that California maintains a healthy rainy day fund to mitigate the boom and bust cycle of revenues. With our current system, legislators spend every dime brought in during good years, and have nothing saved for those years when the economy drops and revenues decrease.  When that happens we are left with the false choice of either cutting services, increasing debt, or raising taxes, and none of those options represents a responsible solution during tight budgets.

[Decades of progressive socialist democrat rule has brought nothing but more spending, higher taxes, outrageous public employee union demands, and spending on illegal aliens. There is never a false choice between cutting services, increasing debt, or raising taxes – because they are all simultaneous actions of an out-of-control state that panders to the special interests in return for campaign financing, voter support, and media attention.]

Source: My local Assemblyman

Something stinks in Sacramento …

This constitutional amendment was passed by a 75-0 in the Assembly and 36-0 in the Senate – and will serve to replace a rainy day fund measure already scheduled to go before voters this fall. But what bothers me the most is that the legislature has not been open, transparent, or accountable as they have passed empty budget bills in the past as a way of sneaking more spending past Californians.

The devil is in the details …

This measure, for the 2015-16 fiscal year through the 2029-30 fiscal year, would require the Legislature to appropriate 50% of these total amounts for one or more designated fiscal obligations of the state, including accrued school funding obligations, repayment of budgetary loans, payment of accrued claims for mandate costs, and payment of unfunded pension liabilities and prefunding of other postemployment benefits.

Why would any rainy day fund  be used to pay “unfunded” pension liabilities and/or “pre-pay” postemployment (e.g. retirement) benefits?

This measure would establish the Public School System Stabilization Account, to provide a reserve for public school funding. Commencing with the 2015-16 fiscal year and pursuant to specified calculations, the Controller would transfer certain moneys from the General Fund into the Public School System Stabilization Account, for subsequent allocation to school districts and community college districts in fiscal years for which the minimum state funding obligation under Proposition 98 falls below specified levels. The measure would prohibit the transfer of moneys into the Public School System Stabilization Account for a fiscal year for which a maintenance factor is created under Proposition 98 or before a previously determined maintenance factor has been fully reimbursed. The measure would also prohibit the transfer of funds into the account in a fiscal year in which provisions of Proposition 98 have been suspended.

The funds transferred into the Public School System Stabilization Account under the measure in a fiscal year would be counted toward the state's annual funding obligation for that fiscal year under Proposition 98, rather than in a fiscal year in which those funds are allocated. The measure would authorize the Controller to utilize funds in the account, that he or she determines to be unnecessary to meet foreseeable obligations, to help manage General Fund daily cash flow needs if that use does not interfere with the purpose of the account.

This measure would authorize the Legislature, upon the Governor's proclamation declaring a budget emergency, as described, to enact a statute that returns funds from the Budget Stabilization Account to the General Fund for appropriation to address the budget emergency, appropriates funds in the Public School System Stabilization Account for the support of school districts and community college districts, or suspends or reduces the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Budget Stabilization Account or the Public School System Stabilization Account.

Considering that the California’s state college system is a multi-billion dollar enterprise with few constraints on special interest spending, and considering that most K-12 primary education is controlled by corrupt and politically-controlled boards, the State of California is continuing to fund waste, fraud, and abuse rather than demanding significant cuts in superfluous unionized personnel.

WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of California hereby finds and declares that the intent of this proposed constitutional amendment is to repay state debt and protect the state from the negative effects of economic downturns; and

WHEREAS, This measure will ensure that future revenue spikes from capital gains will be deposited into the state's Budget Stabilization Account and be used to stabilize program funding when revenues decline; and

WHEREAS, This measure will establish a reserve for school funding to prevent education cuts and teacher layoffs while maintaining current guaranteed levels of school funding; and

WHEREAS, Multi-year budgeting will allow for better planning for the future; now, therefore, be it

There you have it, protecting the state’s politicians and unionized activities from an economic downturn. Where is the trigger mechanism that says that the state must reduce spending across the board by 10% before any so-called “rainy day” funds can be tapped?

Bottom line …

This measure appears to be little more that a political trick to protect the unions and their various interests during a downturn in the California economy. It does not prioritize public safety over education – especially an education system that is corrupt, abusive, out-of-control and is wildly ineffective in educating our children.

This is the type of legislative trickery that protects politicians hence the 75-0 (Assembly) and 36-0 (Senate) votes. 

Best practices, throw the bastards out of office – especially the progressive socialist democrat and their RINO (Republican In Name Only) bastards.

-- steve

Reference Links …


“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
