I know it is hard to believe that any American politician would openly and consistently lie to Americans in the age of videotape, cellphones, and the Internet, but then again, President Obama is not the traditional type of politician or President.
- He was a dope-smoking slacker who claims that his laziness stems from his Hawaiian upbringing. As he told Barbara Walters, “There is a deep down, underneath all the work I do, I think there's a laziness in me. It's probably from, you know, growing up in Hawaii, and it's sunny outside and sitting on the beach."
- Likewise, President Obama was raised among socialist and communist activists, and had chosen for his spiritual mentor a black liberation theology (socialist) pastor with a deeply disturbing streak of racism and anti-American viewpoints.
- Due to the biased nature of the mostly progressive mainstream media who has bought into Obama’s progressive socialist democrat message, Obama’s failures, foibles, and outright lies have not been reported, distorted and excused, or simply buried among other more compelling content such as celebrity news.
- It appears that President Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrat have demonstrated their disdain and distrust of the military and American fighting forces. Observing that they were the instrument to extend American colonialism and ill-will among the world’s citizens.
- And, it also appears that President Obama and his wife Michelle are elitists, above the ordinary citizens that they trot out for photo opportunities and then suddenly retreat from when the cameras are not flashing. Some suggesting that they, by a quirk of historical circumstance, found themselves with both hands in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and are helping themselves to everything they can grab.
Unfortunately, the Office of the Presidency or any of the past or ongoing historical events has not made the man. Obama continues to be an empty suit who believes his well-crafted TelePrompTered words should be taken as a sign of action.
The truth about the fraud, waste, and abuse at the Veteran’s Hospitals …
It was well known to Barack Obama who pretends that he just heard about the problem by reading the news like everyone else. And, he is shocked and appalled, demanding an investigation, and promising to hold people accountable. The same old playbook that he has used for the Fast and Furious scandal, the IRS scandal, and the Benghazi scandal.
The truth is that Candidate Obama used the mismanagement of the VA as an issue against former President Bush. Of course, at that time it was the lengthy time it took to enroll Veterans into the system, not about the present issue of secret lists and denial of care.
The truth is that President Obama knows that Eric Shinseki, himself a decorated and wounded soldier, who is the Secretary of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, has little control over the actual leadership (all members of the Senior Executive Service) or the VA Hospital bureaucracy (mostly unionized rank and file). Shinseki cannot simply walk through the doors and fire corrupt, incompetent, or under-performing leaders or workers. Imagine having to turn to Congress to create a bill to fire corrupt and incompetent people?
House Passes Bill to Fire VA Senior Execs
The House on Wednesday passed legislation that makes it easier for the head of the Veterans Affairs Department to fire and demote senior executives, in response to a growing scandal over allegations that VA employees falsified documents related to patient care.
The 2014 VA Management Accountability Act (H.R. 4031) would give the head of the department “greater authority” to get rid of poor performers in the Senior Executive Service “in the same manner a member of Congress can remove a member of their staff,” according to background on the bill posted on the website of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. The VA secretary could also demote the senior executive to another grade within the General Schedule pay scale.
The vote was 390-33 in favor of the bill, giving it the two-thirds majority needed to pass. <Source>
The truth is that President Obama and his cadre of progressives socialists fear the union that runs the VA and will not take corrective action any time soon. Some have suggested that wounded warriors who have urgent needs be given a voucher for government-paid healthcare in the private system until the problems at the various VA hospitals has been resolved. This has scared the unions and they are rushing to their political contacts for cover.
Veterans Affairs employees union fears veterans will get care elsewhere because of scandal
With Congress looking for a way to fix the Veterans Affairs Department in response to reports of veterans dying while waiting for care, the union that represents VA employees fears that it will lose patient clientele.
The union's preferred solution is the hiring of more VA caregivers. "Until Congress gives the VA the resources to hire enough frontline clinicians to meet demand, our veterans will continue to face long waits," J. David Cox, Sr., president of the American Federation of Government Employees, wrote Thursday at the Huffington Post. "And to be clear, sending veterans to expensive health care providers outside the VA system on a massive scale will not fix the underlying resource deficiencies plaguing our veterans medical centers." <Source>
Of course, common sense tells you that one way to reduce the costs, the inefficiencies, and the waste, fraud, and abuse is to eliminate the public employees union at the VA. A union that rewards seniority over merit, makes firing corrupt, inept, and underperforming employees almost impossible, and imposes work rules that create more jobs for unionized workers rather than streamlining systems and seeking efficiencies. Demanding more and more money without any increase in competence, effectiveness, efficiency, or through-put productivity.
The mainstream media is muddying the waters with meaningless polling and continuing to protect Obama …
Should Eric Shinseki resign?
As pressure mounts on Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki, many Americans think he should have to resign over the VA hospital scandal, a new CBS News poll released Thursday shows.
Forty-five percent think Shinseki should have to resign, while 31 percent don't think he should, and 24 percent don't know enough to say. Republicans (56 percent) are particularly likely to say Shinseki should resign.
The average man-in-the-street does not have a clue to the political and union forces that are fighting to maintain the status quo and simply quash the current scandal. Preparing to throw Eric Shinseki under the bus rather than hold President Obama responsible for the scandals that have occurred on the President’s watch.
Bottom line …
Eric Shinseki appears to be the sacrificial lamb that the progressive socialist democrats hope will inoculate President Obama from this major scandal. A scandal that should shock every American who has been told that the United States honors its Veterans.
The only real resolution to any of the current Obama scandals is to eliminate the source of corruption. Remove the progressive socialist democrats and their RINO (Republican In Name Only) cohorts from the House and the Senate in 2014, the Presidency in 2016, and from the bureaucracy whenever possible. Starting with outlawing the socialist public employee unions who corrupt politics and remove the citizen/consumer from the bargaining table.
Enough with corruption. Enough with Obama. Enough with the progressive socialist democrats and republicans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham.
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS