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With progressive socialist democrats, the truth does not matter as much as a good story that fits their self-serving needs and their ideologically-twisted agenda of big-government, central planning, and a compliant citizenry.

The truth is simple. One man, Elliot Rodger, a privileged and spoiled brat with delusions of grandeur and the symptoms of malignant narcissism ran wild and killed 6 innocent people and wounded 13 more before taking his own life. Whether he was legally insane or a psychopath with little or no empathy for others matters little as the dead are dead.

  1. Legislation is not the answer as criminals and crazies do not adhere to the law. Most legislation is created by politicians for self-serving reasons such as improving voter recognition or distracting from the corruption inherent in their political activities.
  2. More stringent gun control is not the answer as we saw Elliot Rodger use a knife, machete, and hammer to kill his first three victims – and then use his BMW as a weapon. Gun control simply enlarges the pool of potential victims. If the door to the sorority house was actually answered, the death toll would have been much greater.
  3. Mass shootings are relatively rare and are given more importance than they deserve by anti-gun political activists and the media who gorges on the bizarre to attract an audience with its temporal distortions and unhelpful repetition. In fact, this is the type of publicity that is attractive for the disaffected in society who consider heinous acts as an extreme method of seeking national attention; confusing infamous with famous.
  4. What the gun control activists cannot explain is why the cohort of mass murders seems to be white, middle- to upper-class, privileged, and have a history of self-indulgent parents and an extreme involvement with psychiatric care and medications. Exhibiting problems both on and off psychotropic medicine. Why aren’t minorities – who often have access to more potent weaponry – involved in these type of criminal rampages? Could it be that minorities do not have the money to access to long-term and unproven psychiatric therapy where they are turned into victims with self-esteem issues? Could it be that minorities do not have the money to be dosed from an early age with psychotropic drugs to keep their behavior in check – with their parents and others simply issuing old-fashioned physical discipline to keep them relatively in check. (BTW: Rodger was half-white, half-Chinese) 

So what are we to make of the bullshit that is being churned out?

Elliot Rodger and the NRA Myth: How the Gun Lobby Scapegoats Mental Illness

Elliot Rodger’s Santa Barbara rampage that killed seven people (including the gunman) is just one of a series in the United States over the last two months. There was Frazier Glenn Cross’ shooting that left three dead at a Jewish Community Center in Overland Park, Kansas; Ivan Lopez’s fatal shooting of four (including himself) in Fort Hood, Texas (the second such incident Fort Hood has experienced in the last five years); and Geddy Kramer’s attack on a FedEx building in Kennesaw, Georgia, that left six wounded and the gunman dead.

However, rather than emphasize the crisis of guns in America, the media has done just what the National Rifle Association wants: deemphasize the role of weapons in these massacres and focus instead on a different, more convenient scapegoat, mental illness.

Of course, mental illness shouldn’t be ignored. But it is often discussed in a way that is dishonest and inaccurate in the context of mass shootings. And it reinforces an effort to redirect the conversation away from the scourge of guns and their effect on our culture.

We don’t yet know what role, if any, alcohol or drugs played in Rodger’s massacre. But we do know that, no matter what, the media will likely continue focusing on mental illness as the key cause (as if there aren’t huge numbers of mentally ill people who do not engage in mass shootings). And the NRA will be really glad they did. Read more at: Elliot Rodger and the NRA Myth: How the Gun Lobby Scapegoats Mental Illness

How dishonest is this article?

First, the article continues to blame guns when clearly Rogers used whatever was at hand: a knife, a machete, and a BMV. Clear bent on dealing death and destruction to the innocent as punishment for their failure to acknowledge his existence – and, if you believe his manifesto, his supremacy.

Second, where is the blame for his parents and the mental health professionals who had been treating Rogers since an early age. Obviously both the parents and the professionals failed. While we do not know Rodger’s drug status, it is more likely than not he was either on medications or had stopped taking them altogether.

Third, where is the blame for a sheriff’s department that did a cursory drive by when asked to do a welfare check on someone who had mental health issues. Yes, he was a smart kid. Yes, he was an adult and could refuse entry to his residence or to cooperate with the authorities. Had they simply checked for registered weapons, perhaps the story might be different today.

Fourth, if only one person had been armed and motivated to stop Roger, perhaps there would be but a single death to mourn.

Fifth, who is condemning Hollywood and the game makers who make games that reward shooters for pulling the trigger and train the empathy for another human being out of their systems?

Bottom line …

We know it is definitely not the gun culture, because these type of shootings did not happen when guns were more prevalent in society decades ago. Where teenagers had rifles and shotguns in their pickup trucks and went hunting before or after school. Where criminals did not know who might be armed and were less inclined to confront people on the street or break into their homes.

No, we are facing something quite different here. Young white males exposed to psychobabble and allowed to spend countless hours playing violent video games. And, it is not an epidemic as thousands of young men, equipped with real assault rifles, grenades, and other weapons of war do not engage in this wanton behavior – unless they are religious crazies.

Ask yourself, will any of the legislation being proposed actually work to reduce crime or will it increase the pool of victims and the crime rate? This is the commonsense stuff that the progressive socialist democrats never want to hear. Pretty much why they must be removed from the House and the Senate in this upcoming election cycle.

Enough is enough! You cannot control criminals and crazies. And, nobody has ever guaranteed the world is a safe place with guaranteed good outcomes.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
