What can Jane Fonda teach 2014 UCLA Commencement Grads: How to sell out your country and its soldiers to a communist enemy?


Obviously, the idea that America does not negotiate with terrorists, especially those who kidnap American soldiers or citizens, is pure government propaganda or has something significant changed in the Obama foreign policy


Statement by the President on Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl

Today the American people are pleased that we will be able to welcome home Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, held captive for nearly five years.  On behalf of the American people, I was honored to call his parents to express our joy that they can expect his safe return, mindful of their courage and sacrifice throughout this ordeal.  Today we also remember the many troops held captive and whom remain missing or unaccounted for in America’s past wars. 

Sergeant Bergdahl’s recovery is a reminder of America’s unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield.  And as we find relief in Bowe’s recovery, our thoughts and prayers are with those other Americans  whose release we continue to pursue.

For his assistance in helping to secure our soldier's return, I extend my deepest appreciation to the Amir of Qatar.  The Amir’s personal commitment to this effort is a testament to the partnership between our two countries. 

The United States is also grateful for the support of the Government of Afghanistan throughout our efforts to secure Sergeant Bergdahl’s release.

This week the United States renewed its commitment to the Afghan people and made clear that we will continue to support them as their chart their own future. 

The United States also remains committed to supporting an Afghan-led reconciliation process as the surest way to achieve a stable, secure, sovereign, and unified Afghanistan. 

While we are mindful of the challenges, it is our hope Sergeant Bergdahl’s recovery could potentially open the door for broader discussions among Afghans about the future of their country by building confidence that it is possible for all sides to find common ground.

Notice that the Obama Administration dos not mention that Bergdahl was exchanged for high-ranking Taliban prisoners held in Gitmo?

American Soldier Bowe Bergdahl Freed by Taliban in Prisoner Trade

The lone American prisoner of war from the Afghan conflict, captured by insurgents nearly five years ago, has been released to American forces in exchange for five Taliban prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, Obama administration officials said Saturday.

The soldier, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, 28, was handed over to American Special Operations troops inside Afghanistan near the Pakistan border about 10:30 a.m. Saturday in a tense but uneventful exchange with 18 Taliban officials, American officials said. Moments later, Sergeant Bergdahl was whisked away by the helicopter-borne commandos, American officials said. He was found in good condition and able to walk.

The five Taliban detainees at Guantánamo, including two senior militant commanders said to be implicated in murdering thousands of Shiites in Afghanistan, were being transferred to the custody of officials from Qatar, who will accompany them back to that Persian Gulf state, where they will be subject to security restrictions, including a one-year travel ban.

All five Taliban members being released are considered to be among the most senior militants at Guantánamo and would otherwise be among the last to leave

<Source: New York Times>

 At what price?

With a government that has paid dearly for non-productive photo-ops in the past, one must ask what else was given to Qatar, Afghanistan, and the Taliban in return for Bergdahl?

Will this put more American lives, here and abroad, in more jeopardy since America seems willing to deal with terrorists and kidnappers?

Is this part of the price that the U.S. government is receiving from our enemies in return for closing down the dreaded – and hated by the progressive socialist democrats – Gitmo base? And, does this portent an increasing terrorist strike threat based on bringing enemy combatants into the continental United States?

Or, is this simply a means to help erase the stain of not providing immediate military assistance to the stricken Americans during the 9/11 anniversary terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that saw four Americans, including our Ambassador, the President’s personal representative, killed.

Obviously, this was a planned event since media reports that the negotiations began last year.

Bottom line …

We cannot trust President Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats to pursue any policy, foreign or domestic, that truly serves America or Americans, without questioning his political and ideological motive. It seems to me that this “hostage swap” was done for political purposes having little to do with retrieving Bergdahl – who was said to have walked off his base with no explanation and was captured by the enemy – and more to do with domestic politics close to another election. Look for the progressive socialist democrat media campaign to ramp up!

This is an ongoing story and something stinks. There are billions of U.S. dollars unaccounted for in Afghanistan and it is possible that Obama is trying to purchase the cooperation of the Taliban since the elected President Hamid Karzai is little more than the Mayor of Kabul and has little chance of running the country when the Americans leave. Which points out that the alleged 10,000 troops or advisors will become even bigger targets for terrorist kidnappers and might reignite the conflict if Americans are taken.

It is time to insure that progressive socialist democrats are not returned to the House and that the GOP captures a Senate majority to start returning Constitutional checks and balances to American politics. We have little or no chance to begin treating the cancer that is political corruption in this nation until we remove those who are willing to sell our country to our enemies for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver and a photo-op. 

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
