The media story …
According to media reports, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAX Division), moved against baggage handlers who they alleged stole “thousands of dollars in small but pricey items” out of baggage moving through the airport system.
It appears that those who were arrested and detained worked for a single company, Menzies Aviation, who contracts to provide baggage-handling services to the airlines. Of course, the company was quick to issue a statement claiming that its employees go through a rigorous background check and the thefts appeared to involve a small number of employees, all of who were acting individually. Characterizing the theft from passenger baggage as crimes of opportunity rather than a far more serious baggage theft ring.
Why is this important?
In normal airport operations, it appears that a certain amount of theft and criminality is allowed – mostly an economic and manpower decision – until the number of complaints rises to the attention of the media or represents a media-worthy law enforcement intervention with guaranteed prosecutions and convictions. And, as egregious as airport thefts from individual’s may appear to be, it is nothing compared to the theft of commercial cargo flowing through our nation’s ports and trucking system.
It is simply another demonstration of the Kabuki Theatre that is airport and TSA security. Where ill-trained and substandard “security”personnel do not provide security. Why the TSA classifies as a state secret the percentage of failed detection tests in interdiction of prohibited materials testing. And, why the authorities will do anything and everything in their power to minimize the impact of an adverse story that may deter visitors from using Los Angeles International Airport or visiting Los Angeles as a destination for business or pleasure.
But it really does not solve an important security breach …
While enforcing the law, even in highly publicized “deterrent raids” such as this, there are fundamental systemic security flaws that are not being addressed.
For the price of a throwaway ticket, a person having checked no luggage, can enter the sterile area of an airport and simply wait for a co-conspirator to show up in a bathroom to transfer prohibited or stolen merchandise. The merchandise can be anything from drugs to guns, and even explosives.
It appears that baggage handlers and other on-scene personnel are permitted to use the restrooms located in the sterile area of airport terminals. This allows them to take stolen merchandise from outside the building into the terminal and hand it off to co-conspirators who simply walk out of the terminal undetected and unchallenged with the stolen merchandise. The perpetrator ends his shift totally clean and walks out through an employee gate where they may conduct random searches.
Bottom line …
Like the locks that keep honest people honest, it is all part of an attempt to encourage the perception of security without the time, effort, and expense of providing real security.
It is similar to installing a “dial-up” alarm system that will notify the authorities if the system is breached – instead of a continually monitored circuit where any disruption in the power or the circuit is cause for alarm.
Like installing an expensive lock on your front door and not using a steel-core door and reinforcing the door jambs. Or even worse, having a secure front door and a plate-glass sliding door to the patio that can be lifted out of its tracks or simply broken in a smash-and-grab theft.
Security must be comprehensive and continually tested for flaws. Or, you, as a property owner, must have insurance and well-documented receipts that will assist in the recovery or partial replacement of the stolen items. I say partial replacement because insurance companies rarely pay for the replacement value of an item if it depreciates over time. There is no commensurate value for sentimental items and keepsakes unless they have documented intrinsic value. In the final analysis, much of what you may be protecting is often not worth the insurance premium.
Best practices, do not check valuables unless absolutely necessary. Make sure they are well documented and if possible identifiable with overt or covert ownership codes. A great idea is to photograph each item on your smart phone and send those photos to a secure server – do not accidently post them to a public site.
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS