Aging White Radicals in the GOP?
Have you ever noticed how progressive socialist democrats manipulate the media, using a combination of Orwellian speech and projection of behavior? Where they claim up is down, right is left, evil is good, and then go on to call out the opposition for exhibiting the very behavior and characteristics that they themselves exhibit?
Look at California, where the progressive socialist democrats rule the state and local government – as well as Hollywood – as aging white radicals of the 60’s. Pushing their progressive socialist agenda as if they were still fighting an anti-war, anti-drug, anti-America battle. And, in the process, avoiding a closer look in the mirror that would reveal massive corruption and a subversive political viewpoint that makes progress impossible. The “don’t do as I do, do as I say” people who want you to be vegans, give up your personal vehicle in favor of mass transportation, and support unreliable, unsustainable, and extremely costly green products and energy. Ironic, since most of these people are immune from the policies they pursue – clustered in liberal enclaves in Brentwood, Santa Monica, San Francisco, and elsewhere where the “hipsters” congregate to congratulate themselves on “making a difference.” But, what a difference! The proximate cause of all of the economic misery in the state with their foolishness.
An example of progressive thinking …
Aging White Radicals: The Real Reason the Republicans Are Completely Stuck -The right continues to exhibit a complete inability to evolve or moderate.
The Republican Party’s total failure to make even cosmetic changes to its image and policy agenda last year has at this point become the kind of cliché-cum-running joke that often attaches itself to accepted truisms in American politics. Like chucking about Bill Clinton’s inability to contain himself in the company of women, or noting that Dick Cheney actually ran the show during George W. Bush’s first term, observing that Republicans have failed to moderate or reinvent themselves after losing badly in 2012 is the kind of thing even sympathetic political wise men can say to signal that they get it. That in what was a tough year for President Obama, Republicans screwed up too.
But the observation of these symptoms is less crucial than the diagnosis. Why are Republicans so stuck?
When it became clear about a year ago that Republican leaders would have a much harder time advancing immigration reform than they realized — that GOP activists and conservatives were livid about the idea that Republicans were going to help illegal immigrants gain citizenship — it started to look like the party had an insoluble problem on its hands. Watching Republicans attempt to broaden their appeal to growing, traditionally Democratic constituencies has been like watching someone try to cover a bedroom floor with a poorly cut carpet, fastening it into one corner but pulling it out of the others in the process.
They can’t connect with traditionally Democratic constituencies without breaking connection with their reliable supporters. They can tug in every possible direction, but at some point they need to acknowledge that the carpet’s too small.
Read more at Aging White Radicals: The Real Reason the Republicans Are Completely Stuck | Alternet
Apparently, the conclusion of the author is for the GOP to become more like progressive socialist democrats and embrace their social policies.
Why should the GOP adopt the positions of the progressive socialist democrats?
As a party, it makes absolutely no sense to adopt the positions of the progressive socialist democrats and advance the cause of international socialism and communism. Even if the GOP were to advance those causes, the progressive socialist democrats would spin it in the complicit progressive mainstream media as their victory and they would simply disappear as a political party as being “democrat lite.”
The Republicans are stuck because the remain leaderless and without a compelling agenda. They are so afraid to articulate their core values and fight for their beliefs that they offer up RINOs like John McCain or bland moderates like Mitt Romney as party leaders. Even George Bush (43) couldn’t bring himself to defend the party or criticize President Obama and his cadre of progressive socialist democrats. Like Speaker of the House Boehner, acting like a collegial, gentlemanly country-club Republican who knocks off work early, has drinks at the club, and spends the rest of his time wondering why everything is going to hell.
Why should the GOP support immigration? As a source of cheap labor? As a source of income into Social Security and Medicare with forced deductions of their now reportable salaries? Forgetting that those who breached our sovereignty in numbers approaching locusts have forever altered the social dynamic of the Southwest portion of the United States and nearly bankrupted the social agencies of cities and states?
Not to mention the illegal aliens being brought into socialist unions where the manipulation of pensions and benefits in conjunction with corrupt politicians rises to the level of organized criminal activity that threatens to bankrupt local and state governments.
How do you account for the fact that most of the decaying cesspools of crime, disease, poverty, and illiteracy are governed by the progressive socialist democrats who appear to be siphoning off billions of taxpayer dollars for themselves and their special interest friends? Where the war on poverty and the war on drugs are used to justify the enlargement of the size and scope of an increasingly repressive government rather than even begin to solve real world problems?
Bottom line …
We need to throw the progressive socialist democrats out of Congress in the upcoming election cycle. We need to throw the progressive socialist democrats out of our city and state governments. But, where do we find principled, honest, and ethical representatives of “We the People.” People that can inspire voters – but more importantly raise nearly a billion dollars to conduct a media war?
Where are the real GOP leaders? Christie? Rubio? Jindal? Bush? None of the so-called front-runners make the cut.
We are so screwed!
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS