2013 Happy New Year from One Citizen Speaking ...
New Year is always about dreams and new beginnings ... A time of stupid resolutions which are impossible to keep and unrealistic dreams that have less probability of than being the sole winner of a $500 million Powerball jackpot.
About those dreams ...
The truth is, that while it might be nice to be a billionaire, very few people can handle the single-mindedness of purpose, the fear that it will all go wrong, the sense that people are interested in your money and not you, and of course, your companion is waiting until they are vested enough to walk away with a significant chunk of your fortune. Charities and others who now invite you to events, hoping that notoriety and peer pressure will open your checkbook in return for a building naming opportunity or fawning media coverage.
Yes, the homes, the cars, the servants and the ability to jump on your own plane -- making your own itinerary and schedule -- might be fun, until the day you realize that you can't simply sit on the couch eating pizza and laying about in your underwear.
In many instances, people who dream about success never realize that they have achieved their dream. Mostly because it is not cast in the form that they imagined. This people who have good health, a steady income and a faithful companion -- may look outward and wonder why they have never achieved their dream.
About those resolutions …
Psychologists are constantly reminding us not to make resolutions that we are not likely to keep in the coming year and only serve to increase stress and frustration.
Therefore, I resolve …
To be more accepting of people for what they are – and not waste my time, energy or money trying to change them.
Barack Obama and his Democrat/Marxist fellow travelers are unlikely to change. Therefore, I will concentrate my energies on exposing their foibles and perfidies and helping to prepare for the 2014 congressional election to win back one-third of the government. Ultimately to win back two-thirds of the government in 2016.
The GOP, run by the Northeastern liberal elites from Ivy League colleges, appears to be hopeless. They have not articulated a conservative platform and have not put forth any attempt at real leadership. I will save my money and support for those local and state candidates which meet my standards. The era of the responsible political party appears to be dead as both parties are neck-deep in promoting special interests in return for campaign contributions and voter support. Corruption, complacency and stupidity abounds, whether it is democrat-flavored or republican-flavored.
The Marxist-unions appear to be the second most dangerous force in America, right after the democrat party which they appear to control. We need to demand that the politician-union conspiracy end now before we are all bankrupt socialists.
To assist in preventing fringe candidates from taking center stage within the GOP and causing another tragic loss with their insistence that the GOP address unwinnable social issues such as abortion, gay rights and the re-imposition of religion into government activities.
To continue to make technology serve my needs …
To change the names of all my folders in my email system using a prefix of 2013. Starting out the year with empty folders and archiving the rest on removable media. (Hint: Don't forget to change your e-mail rules if you use rules to sort your e-mail into categories.)
To remove all of the programs I installed because they sounded cool or promised some benefit which I seem to have forgotten or ignored.
To clean out “My Documents” folder by archiving everything under a sub-folder labeled 2012-history.
To clean off my desktop of unused folders and icons (which should provoke laughter among my friends and others who have seen my screen).
To reduce the number of devices I use to accomplish real work and/or amuse myself.
To clean my desk …
A project best undertaken one folder at a time. I resolve not to print so many hardcopies of electronic files, although I am still afraid of electrocuting myself using a laptop to read in the bathroom.
To re-purpose my Tschokes …
I think that there must be some charity left that would be appreciative of those serviceable things which I now regard as “clutter.” And if not a charity, perhaps someone who is struggling and can find benefit in things I no longer use.
To take more time off …
For those who know me, I can work anywhere and am most likely thinking about something other than my immediate surroundings. I have never succeeded in turning off the flow of ideas – but perhaps I can staunch the flow.
And most of all …
To appreciate what I have and to share it with those I care about and who care about me.
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS