Facebook screws the pooch: Is Wendy E Aylworth a troll? (Update)
February 22, 2012 -- FACEBOOK SUSPENDS MY ACCOUNT ...
For some unexplained reason, this particular post has been receiving quite a bit of traffic. Nothing new on my end, so I will assume that someone cross-posted it on Facebook.
And, it is my belief that someone -- possibly Wendy herself -- once again complained to Facebook.
So Facebook has decided to suspend my account rather than simply e-mail me with a request for further information. I am positive that I could resolve this issue in time ... but it presents a unique opportunity for me to move on to other things.
These things always work out for the best, because I was considering deleting my Facebook account because I had little or no regard for their latest policy of forcing everyone to use their, in my opinion, ugly and ungainly "Timeline" feature. An attempt to gather even more information about your personal life to feed to their money-spinning machine. Not that their policies are any more different or restrictive than Google+ or other social platforms, I just don't believe in documenting my life from birth so that it can be sold to advertisers, insurance companies, government agencies or anyone else who can pay the tab.
But there is a lesson here -- one about dealing with trolls and other miscreants who post comments to your site. SIMPLY DELETE THEIR POSTS!
As you can see in the original post, the commenter was openly contentious and briddled when confronted. She was attacking another poster with, in my opinion, abusive and provacative comments. If anyone was an innocent victim, it is One Citizen Speaking who provided the wall space for the original issue. I presented the issue to the entire community for comment with the intention of removing the original post if they thought that I was being unduly harsh. No one commented in the negative so the post remained.
Unfortunately, a Google search on the person's name now ranks this post as high as her other entries and she will need to live with the consequences of her actions on the Internet. Perhaps I would be willing to delete the post had she simply contacted me using the prominently displayed e-mail address. Anyway, feel free to add your comments below. -- steve
Original post ...
Imagine my surprise when Facebook demanded I reaffirm my identity and then was presented with a content removal notice for rebuking a poster for beating up another poster.
My comments …
“Wendy: Truth be told, I would more likely ban you – first, because you appear to be snarky and two, because you would have me censor another person on my page. As for your representations and characterizations, I don’t recall electing you as an arbiter of what is correct and incorrect.”
“You were the one that started the ‘Building Seven’ craziness, so the burden falls on your side of the line.”
“Dan was inappropriate when he used the word “feisty.” He should have used the word ‘foolish’ or ‘contentious.’”
“Your assertion that we need the Federal Reserve is technically incorrect. We need a central banker which is a function that is normally performed by the Department of the Treasury, but was outsourced with a charter to the Fed. As for fractional banking, it is inflationary in concept if one could purchase a bond from the Treasury, pretend it is an arm’s length transaction, use that bond to anchor another 90% of lending power and order currency from the Department of Printing and Engraving to complete the fiction.”
“You madam, appear to be the bully.”
Here is the transaction …
When Cain writes ... "Rather, this appears to be an accusation of private, alleged consensual conduct between adults - a subject matter which is not a proper subject of inquiry by the media or the public. No individual, whether a private citizen, a candidate for public office or a public official, should be questioned about his or her private sexual life. The public's right to know and the media's right to report has boundaries and most certainly those boundaries end outside of one's bedroom door." he is toast!
Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain | Ginger White An Atlanta businesswoman is breaking her silence, claiming she has been involved in a 13-year-long affair with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, FOX 5 senior I-Team reporter Dale Russell sat down with Ginger White, who had an amazing story to tell.
Bottom line …
Obviously, this was an automated reaction to a reported issue or the Facebook moderators did not have the time to read the sequence of posts.
Clearly Wendy E Aylworth appears to be disrespectful of the Constitution’s First Amendment. My FB friends now point out that there is a distinction between the First Amendment which controls the government's action and "censorship" which is a matter between individuas and/or non-governmental entitites.
But the larger question, why would Facebook go along without taking a look at the overall issue? Or was the process automated into an algorithmic response.
I leave it to the readers to pass judgement.
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS