Is the Nobel Peace Prize Relevant or is it the Norwegian version of Time Magazine's Person of the Year?
In my mind, the Nobel Peace Prize has been severely compromised by the progressives who have awarded the once-prestigious prize to their fellow progressives – in some cases people so far removed from the concept of “peace” as to undermine what little credibility the prize may have once had.
Examples include:
Barack Obama for doing absolutely nothing!
Al Gore and the IPCC for promoting a global weather scam which cannot be substantiated by science.
Yasser Arafat, an extortionist thug who fomented discord in the Middle East and kept his people in abject poverty while lining his pockets with billions of dollars.
I can understand recognizing the significant accomplishments of Nelson Mandela who’s lifelong struggle against apartheid resulted in significant political change and a move towards freedom for an entire people. But what can be said for the committee awarding the Prize to Liu Xiaobo who is incarcerated in a Chinese prison for his political activism. He has accomplished little or nothing and the awarding of the prize to this individual speaks more to the activism and showboating of the award committee than it does for the man’s actual accomplishments.
And now we hear that WikiLeaks may be nominated for the prize …
Reuters is reporting that
“Anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks has been nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, the Norwegian politician behind the proposal said on Wednesday, a day after the deadline for nominations expired.”
“The Norwegian Nobel Committee accepts nominations for what many consider as the world's top accolade until February 1, although the five panel members have until the end of the month to make their own proposals.”
“Norwegian parliamentarian Snorre Valen said WikiLeaks was "one of the most important contributors to freedom of speech and transparency" in the 21st century.”
"By disclosing information about corruption, human rights abuses and war crimes, WikiLeaks is a natural contender for the Nobel Peace Prize," Valen said.”
I could make the case that Twitter is more deserving on the prize for its online, real time ability to transmit onsite breaking news that not only facilitated peaceful demonstrations but saved lives by helping potential participants to avoid dangerous situations. Or YouTube and Facebook for allowing those freedom-loving individuals of like mind to congregate, discuss ideas and to organize against their oppressors. Or, reminiscent of Time’s mirrored “You” cover – all Americans who support peace around the world with their significant contributions of both blood and treasure.
Are the judges honest, fair or even respectful of the Nobel legacy?
While one can make the case that Yasser Arafat actually participated in “peace conferences,” what excuse can be given for Barack Obama, Al Gore and the IPCC?
One might even question if the judges have a decidedly anti-America bias given that they are progressives in a decidedly socialistic country.
According to Reuters, the Nobel Prize …
“…was endowed by Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor of dynamite, who said in his will it was to be awarded to whoever ‘shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.’"
And that …
“ …In past decades the committee, appointed by the Norwegian parliament, has stretched Nobel's definition to include human rights, climate activism and even micro-financing, which have been a source of criticism from Nobel traditionalists.”
Bottom line …
Remember, this is not the same award as the ever-prestigious Nobel Prize given out by the Swedish Committee for actual and demonstrable achievements in specific categories. Unlike the the Swedish-sponsored Nobel Prize, any politician, professor of law or political science can make nominations for the so-called Peace Prize. Perhaps why radio talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Bill Handel have also been nominated for the prize. In Limbaugh’s case, perhaps a justifiable nomination as Limbaugh hold an “on-air” peace conference each and every day.
Proof positive that the award has been subverted to reflect the political activism of the individual committee members is that reportedly there is significant discussion within the community that the award needs to be given to a women to demonstrate gender-justice. Perhaps even to Hillary Clinton for her job as Secretary of State? Justifiable to the progressive committee even though she is an American because Hillary is also viewed by much of the world to be an Alinsky-admiring progressive that appears to be promoting the cause of international socialism.
Perhaps the only suitable analogy that can be used for the Nobel Peace Prize is that it now appears to have the equivalent status and prestige of the American Oscars – a popularity contest among Hollywood people who promote their own views; for their own personal power, prestige and profits using the same smoke and mirrors used by today’s politicians and political activists.
On this basis, I would assume that George Clooney could be awarded the prize for his well-publicized work in Darfur, Sean Penn for his work in Haiti and Angelina Jolie-Pitt for her work with the children and Oprah Winfrey for her scandal-plagued orphanage … and a host of others who, at the very least, did more for “peace” than Barack Hussein Obama.
-- steve
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“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS