The fine line between propaganda and presenting the truth ... (updated)
This is too funny not to share …
It seems that the [person] who originally forwarded my e-mail as an attachment has been engaging in a dialogue with a liberal . A liberal who proposed that each person ignore proffered information and do their own research. A rather admirable position – until you learn that they obviously will not take the time to check the reference links and sources to make up their mind. Typical liberal – and an example of what patriots and rational people encounter on a daily basis.
Message with another attached OneCitizenSpeaking e-mail …
Try this one but check the reference material before judging. If you would prefer not to check the reference material, there is no point in reading the article. I respect your wishes and your friendship and your intelligence, but I thought you were willing to read another point of view. |
Response …
I've got a book I'm going to bring you to read. As soon as you read it, we'll talk. Oh, the book is Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by (Sen.) Al Franken. Oh, I have an idea. Why don't you not read my book and I won't read your friend's opinion? :-) |
Final Response …
Enough [person]. My point is what makes it worth my time to spend time hearing what this person has to say. I see none. |
OneCitizenSpeaking Note:
Apparently most liberals see no reason to consider alternative sources of information when our country is obviously facing a clear and present danger of economic and social disruption from our enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Original Blog Post …
There are those in America who think they have an alternate answer to everything political -- and I am not one of them. I actually take and respect our enemy’s word about their intentions and analyze both original source documents as well as comment on media reports. I look at our enemy’s actions and draw conclusions which I put in my blog.
Apparently, this is not enough for someone who took umbrage when one of my blog’s was attached to an e-mail of a reader.
Here is someone who thinks what I say should require credentials and someone to sprinkle holy water on my pronouncements before they should be accepted. Which is ludicrous. My job is to explore a concept. Your job is to consider what I have written and either accept it or refute it. For those who want to challenge me, have at it. You can do a guest article in my blog or send me an e-mail. All will be thoughtfully considered.
What I said …
As I have said on numerous occasions, I strongly believe that the old environmental movement which was based on good stewardship of our natural resources and the reduction of artificial man-made pollutants has been infiltrated by Marxists and Communists for the sole purpose of seeking funding for their political agenda and to use our own laws against us; primarily to facilitate the collapse of our capitalist society from within so that it may be replaced by a Marxist-driven new world order. <Source> |
Blowback …
OMG [name removed], this is pure garbage! Did you see where this guy is saying all the environmental concerns are being controlled by Marxists and communists in order to bring down our capitalistic society??? How on earth does this reach this conclusion? Where does he think all these Marxists are hiding? Why are his statements to be believed as truthful any more that the government's? Please don't send stuff like this out to people -- instead encourage them to not believe anything they are being asked to believe on face value but rather do their own research and get their information firsthand from the primary sources. This is sheer propaganda and very disappointing of you! |
The answer to where the Marxists are hiding is simple: look at the so-called progressives in both the democrat and republican parties. Or drop by the White House where you can find a number of them in the Obama Administration. Or check out unions like the SEIU or organizations like ACORN. They are all around you if you are willing to open your eyes.
One way I reach my conclusion is to read what the enemy is telling us; in their own words, in their own publications and on their own web sites.
As for it being propaganda … you bet! Propaganda is defined as issuing information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause. My cause is freedom! What’s yours?
Now let us consider the type of people who are involved in socialist/Marxist/Communist environmental issues and then let’s look at what the communist party has to say about environmentalism, unions, coalitions, capitalism and their goals.
It’s all there in black and white (and red), if you would care to look …
Sponsors and participating organizations:
Every region of the earth needs to face the coming dislocations of our ecologies, our economies, and our public health that global climate change is bringing. The crisis provides the greatest evidence that capitalism has failed. A socialist perspective can provide a necessary analysis of the roots of the problem. We call upon socialists, environmental activists, and working class organizations to come together to study the science, share experiences on physical mitigation and the social fight back, and to discuss the likelihood that only a socialist transformation, an extreme concentration of people power, can stop capitalism from killing the planet. Some of the people and programs … Cuba’s Experience William “Zeke” Grader, executive director of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, executive director of the non-profit Institute for Fisheries Resources; California advisor to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission The Science of Global Climate Change Larry Shoup, self-employed historian and Cuba solidarity activist; taught at a number of universities and is the author of three books and numerous magazine articles; currently working on Rulers and Rebels, a book on the history of class struggle in California Capitalism and Soil Degradation, Destruction and Formation Joel Kovel, editor in chief of Capitalism Nature Socialism; founding member of the Ecosocialist International Network; author of The Enemy of Nature; with Michael Lowy, promulgated the Ecosocialist Manifesto in 2001 |
And there are groups like this in every state, coalitions of academics, hardcore activists and others who espouse socialism and communism and are attempting to use environmental issues to bring about the radical transformation of the United States and a rout of capitalism in favor of socialism/communism.
Let’s ask the Communist Party of the USA what they think …
Excerpts from the …Global Warming Report to March 2008 NC [National Committee]We make a mistake if we look at global warming by itself, separate from other crucial environmental problems, separate from issues of economics, social justice, and capitalism. The climate change challenge leaves only three options: Mitigation (to reduce the causes) Adaptation (to adjust to the adverse affects), and Human suffering. The less mitigation and adaptation we do and the longer we delay, the more human suffering will occur. We Cant Profit Our Way to a Solution Much discussion of global warming blames individual consumption, and most of the solutions proposed are market solutions like the various cap-and-trade schemes, or technological fixes that will supposedly magically save us. We cant wait for socialism before we take action on global warming. We need a mix of governmental laws, steps that involve the market, and steps that take us past a strictly market approach. We may find some temporary allies among capitalists who expect to make money from producing solar panels, for example, even as we recognize that fundamental solutions require socialism. This doesn't mean that Communists become advocates of profit. However, we have to be realistic about how immediate action can happen in the U.S. There are direct human costs of capitalism, rooted in the exploitation of human labor for profit, but there are also serious environmental costs. Capitalist production, agriculture, and distribution exploit the natural resources we depend on, in an ever-speedier race to catastrophe. We need more than minor adjustments. We need fundamental reconstruction of industry, to utilize energy more efficiently, to capture waste energy, to prevent the creation of pollution, and to use renewable energy to the maximum extent possible. We need major reorganization of our transportation systems, so that trains are used for transporting goods rather than trucks, so that affordable hybrid and electric cars are manufactured, so that mass transit is funded over more highway construction, and so that fewer goods are transported around the world in service of the cheapest wages and highest short-term profits. Others blame population increases as the root of the problem. While restraining population increases is part of a comprehensive program, if we cut the population but continue the same economic and production systems, the crises will still happen. Sometimes environmental problems are explained using gross averages, which conceal as much as they reveal. Comparing the carbon footprint of people in different countries conceals huge class differentials in both energy use and decision-making power. Averaging my personal energy footprint with that of Bill Gates or Donald Trump doesn't provide much useful information, but can be used to blame everyone for causing problems that only capitalists are responsible for. In any class-divided society, the rich and powerful use their wealth and power to escape the consequences of any crisis. They place the blame and burden on workers and poor people. They profit from human suffering. They have vested interests in continuing to profit from business-as-usual. Solutions which ignore the class divisions in society can at best only postpone the worst impacts of global warming and of an unsustainable economic system. The Environmental Movement solving the environmental problems confronting humanity requires broad-based, majority movements. Environmental issues connect to issues of class and race, poverty, working class power, democracy, public policy, taxation, private property rights, and many others. Part of our job is to learn and teach these connections, and to organize multi-issue coalitions which can tackle them. Like other major problems, environmental challenges cannot be met without ending the Iraq War, because otherwise the necessary funds will not be available. Unions are beginning to address global warming, beginning to resist attempts to place the burden of the crisis on the backs of their members and other working people, holding conferences and participating in coalitions. There is more cooperation between unions and environmental groups, including projects such as the Apollo Alliance. The Blue-Green Alliance between the Sierra Club and the Steelworkers Union, has an advanced program to create green jobs that has already influenced the election debate. Some environmentalists condemn the labor movement and workers in general for being backward at tackling climate change. They see workers as part of the problem, rather than seeing that workers are essential to the solutions we need. They see changes in the climate but not political changes in mass consciousness. The working class, in the U.S. and also internationally, is the only force with the potential power to create the fundamental changes we need, the only force capable of wresting power from the corporations and wealthy. Cuba is a beacon of environmental change. With changes already underway in agriculture, transportation, recycling, oil use, etc., Cuba provides ample proof of the potential of socialism to transform the human relationship with the natural environment. Cuba also provides evidence that the necessary changes are possible, because they have already made many of those changes. The cooperation between Cuba and Venezuela, and between Cuba and China, are examples of ways around the world market by barter and exchange that provide real solutions rather than maximum private profit. Our Party can help win our international movement to understand this issue. While some parties are developing a global climate change program, many do not yet even acknowledge the existence of this issue as one they need to address. Our example, by focusing on environmental crises and movements, by engaging in ideological, programmatic, and practical efforts, can be an important part of winning the international Communist movement to a better understanding of and involvement in this struggle. But the reality is that whatever struggles we are already involved in have an environmental side, and these aspects are increasing in importance. Other aspects of our role include getting our organizations to include tackling global warming and other environmental demands in their programs, explaining the links between environmental issues and other issues to the people we work with, explaining the ways in which the capitalist system is ultimately unable to solve global warming, and building coalitions that include environmental organizations and demands. <Source> |
Bottom line …
There are many useful idiots in government, academia, in the media and in industry who will come to the aid of socialists and communists for the purposes of advancing their own self-gain. They do not see the damage they are doing to our nation because they are preoccupied with amassing personal power, prestige and profits. The fact that evildoers are operating under there nose is of little concern.
To the writer who condemned me and suggested that everyone should do their own research, they are only demonstrating that they are woefully ignorant of human nature – as most people will not take the time, effort and money it requires to research the writings of those who would enslave us in a marxist society.
What can I say? Given the choice of living and working in a people’s paradise like Cuba or Venezuela, I choose the United States of America with its personal freedoms and opportunity to pursue one’s dreams unfettered by a government ruled by so-called “elites.”
Without debating the scientific merits of the global warming hypothesis, which I have done in a number of blog entries, suffice it to say: either we defeat Marxism/Socialism/Communism or it defeats us.
Be well, be safe and take care of yourself and your family first.
-- steve
P.S. Check out for yourself who the Apollo Alliance is and what they believe. Think of it as homework for an inquiring mind.
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS