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The real global warming model ...

As people well know, scientific climate modeling as well as econometric modeling is extremely complex and dependent on the ability to describe a particular phenomenon in mathematical equations, the assumptions used to build the model, programming expertise and the quality of the input data.

Therefore, I would like to present the real global warming model:

global_warming = (money4 + special_interest_ advantage3 + media_attention2 + reputations) /political_friction

all to be summed over the additive incumbency of the current Administration and Congress.

There is no doubt in my mind that the pursuit of faux science is conditioned by the billions of dollars being pumped into the government agencies, scientific institutions, the salaries and perks of scientists and the research grants and subsidies conferred on the special interests.

Need I remind you that many a truth is spoken in jest.

-- steve

* Yes, I know that there is no scientific basis for this formula – just as there appears to be no scientific basis for claiming that global climate change is caused primarily by man’s influence on the climate system and/or that the climate models, data and assumptions are correct.

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Tim Pawlenty - 40% wrong on healthcare ...

I must take exception with two items proposed by Tim Pawlenty’s  Washington Post OpEd piece “Five Ways to Reform Health Care.”

The unreality of healthcare metrics and costs …

(1) Incentivize patients to be smart consumers: When people buy food, clothes or cars, they compare prices and quality. Why should health care be any different? In Minnesota, we've created incentives for public employees to be wise health-care consumers and given them the information to make smart decisions. Under our system, if patients go to a high-quality, low-cost clinic, they pay less; if they don't, they pay more. As a result, the vast majority has migrated to more cost-efficient health-care providers, and we've seen zero or small increases in premiums since 2005. Any federal reforms should similarly make quality and costs more transparent, and incentivize smarter health-care decisions.

One, due to the vagaries of the human body and the situational nature of medicine, comparisons of cost and quality are almost impossible to make in the field of medicine. A great doctor treating severely ill patients will always have poorer outcomes than a mediocre doctor treating lesser cases. Certain people fall beyond the norms and thus require more complex and costly care.

Two, cost accounting in the medical profession is a complex formula of reimbursements, deliberate overcharging by altering treatment codes and allocated costs which have little or nothing to do with the level of care being provided.

Three, medicine is all about physician trust – not the cold review of the cost/outcomes of a mythical “average” patient which does not exist in the real world. If a competitive system is used and the results are made public, is it not common sense to realize that the Administrators will be incentivized to fudge the results and shortchange patients in order to “make the numbers?”

Four, are they speaking about “cost efficient healthcare providers” or simply “low cost” providers who may have managed to game the system or, again, shortchange patients?

And five, exactly how do you incentivize a patient to take a more proactive stance when it comes to their healthcare? Like all other services, you have quality, cost and delivery – and you can select only two of the three items when making your choice. Most people are not into self-diagnosis or the time and effort to pick a medical provider who will be providing services in the future. Cost comparisons and outcome statistics will change over time. So it really is a “low cost” crapshoot on whether or not your choice was correct.

Politicians know nothing about either performance or costs as their goal is to seek political advantage, not great healthcare …

(2) Pay for performance: Under America's current system, health-care providers are rewarded for the number of procedures they perform, not for performance. As a result, the system encourages unnecessary tests that increase costs. In Minnesota, we started an innovative program to measure and set performance metrics for providers and make the results public. We are changing our payment system to reward quality rather than quantity. Congress should pass reforms that allow people to stop paying for procedures and start paying for results.

This last line, “Congress should pass reforms that allow people to stop paying for procedures and start paying for results,” is utter bullshit. For the great majority of people, they pay for healthcare via insurance premiums, they do not pay for procedures and they certainly don’t pay for results. They have no way of knowing when they buy their policies that the doctors selected/accepted by the insurance carrier (HMO) are top-notch or hacks. People have no way of knowing whether their selections (PPO) are going to yield particular result or not. Truth-be-told, these politicians are speaking about reducing the costs of medicine for the insurance carriers, not about providing acceptable outcomes to individuals.

And who is to decide a test is unnecessary – the idea that many tests are performed by physicians as self-protection against malpractice suits is, at least in my mind, secondary to the amount of reimbursement money they receive for ordering tests at their own or allied facilities.

Perhaps, one of the most expensive ideas in healthcare is that you need a “gatekeeper” to route you to “specialists” who are needed to interpret and explain the results. It was this “gatekeeper” who was to hold costs down by providing care at a lower cost than a specialist and keeping a patient from getting unwanted or unneeded costly treatments. This appears to be mostly a failure, so why not simply go back to the concept of a family doctor – and not a gatekeeper. Someone who was interested in you rather than meeting productivity and cost containment goals.

Bottom line …

We need to be extremely careful what the state mandates in terms of healthcare. They are not looking out for the patient – but their own political futures and the sustainability of the political system as they pander to the special interests in big pharmaceuticals, medical device suppliers, diagnostic labs, insurance companies, etc.. In fact, the patient may be dead last (pun intended) on their list of considerations.

In the final analysis, the idea that “common things happen commonly,” is a deadly paradigm when it comes to that single patient whose medical condition is beyond the boundaries of the “norms” and requires individualized and specialized care. The idea of a non-medical clerk, or more likely a computer system, denying care (actually denying reimbursement for care) based on “best practices” is an anathema to me. And to the patient whose life is on the line.

A practical example can be clearly demonstrated with senior citizens. Here we have an aging population with an increasing number of ailments and with an increasing risk of poor outcomes. Just studying the numbers would seem to justify giving palliative care pain pills while waiting for the patient to die. And that’s exactly what the “best practices” are likely to yield.

Me, I would much rather place my healthcare in the hands of a caring doctor or nurse-practitioner than in the hands of a cold-blooded “death panel” who must decide if I am rich enough, famous enough, well-connected enough – or a member of a union – to allow me to live or get that needed hip transplant.

Be careful when you place your life in the hands of a politician. They are more concerned with their personal and political future and the support of their party and the special interests than they are in saving your life.

-- steve

Reference Links …

Tim Pawlenty - Five ways to reform health care -

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


To the old farts who are running our party:

I am tired of Rockefeller Republicans who are all about the Northeastern Ivy League with their tax-and-spend policies and “nuanced” foreign policy. Republicans who sold out our nation and allowed Barack Obama – a man with a shady background and little or no experience – to become the President of the United States.

If you do not understand the Sarah Palin phenomenon, let me explain it to you.

It’s not so much that she is a Republican, or somewhat of a conservative or even that she is eye-candy among the politicians who believe politics is show business for ugly people. It is that she appears to be a normal person with normal problems and with common-sense outcomes. It is not so much a vote for Sarah Palin as it is a vote against the machine – be it the Republican machine or the democrat machine. Perhaps you would understand my thinking better if I explained that Sarah Palin’s attractiveness as a candidate is directly proportional to the unattractiveness of the current Republican Party and those candidates who they support.

Consider all of the liberals – and some of the so-called sophisticated Republicans – who mocked Sarah Palin for writing some speech reminders on her hand. Guess what you oh-so-intelligent people, I’ve done it and a lot of people have done it. Mocking Palin just pointed out how out-of-touch you are with both humanity and the American public. At least Palin does have core values that she can speak about without a pre-written script and a TelePrompTer.

Truth be told, Senator Scott Brown (D-MA) falls into the same category. He is certainly not a conservative – after all he does come from the land of Kennedy, Kerry and Barney Frank. He is not the most distinguished person who could have run. But he appears to be an ordinary person – a man who drives a pick-up truck – unlike Fred Thompson who drove a pickup truck only when near the media and the crowds – often changing to a chauffeur-driven Town Car outside the city limits. And he knows enough to position himself as being with the majority of the people who fear Obama’s healthcare, cap-and-trade and spending initiatives. Compared to the elitist Martha Coakley, he appeared to be the populist.

Come to think of it, weren’t the Republicans openly contemptuous of populists – believing them to be rather unsophisticated, ill-informed rubes. Precisely why the Republican Party is out-of-step with the voting public.

Do you think we are mindless fools? Falling for your old direct-mail survey tricks to raise funds? We know you don’t care what we say, think or do – you only want our money and our support at the ballot box. Beyond that, you spend your time courting the big-money boys and the special interests. Even if those interests run counter to good public policy, fiscal conservatism and does not support America or Americans. How else can you explain not investigating and prosecuting evildoers who steal from government programs or promote “slap on the wrist” penalties for those who have perpetrated major financial frauds?

What I want?

I want a principled Republican Party who supports fiscal and social conservatism. One that places the religious crazies and others on the backburner and proceeds to develop a rational platform for America and Americans. Who asks like-minded people to join us to make a difference – to reverse the dangerous course steered by Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama. I want a Ronald Reagan who can speak to the people, tell them the truth and govern America for Americans – not shade the truth to pander to the special interests.

I know that having a strong President is not enough – we need to rework Congress. But I would much rather have a President and a Congress from different parties – for no other reason than re-imposing constitutional checks and balances. We saw what happened when the Republicans held Congress and the Presidency – and we did not like the outcome. Business as usual. It appeared, at least to me, that there was one party of the rich and powerful – and it had two wings: the democrats and the Republicans. The leadership of the Republican Party was as morally bankrupt as the democrats. The only difference between the two was the initial following the state designation after their names. Both were pandering to special interests and lining their pockets with money.

Hate to say this but I would much rather have listened to Vice President Cheney – Halliburton and all – who said what needed to be said. And I believe we picked the wrong Bush – at least Jeb Bush was not afraid to defend his position and did not consider himself to be anything he wasn’t.

The truth was that former President Bush was not a cowboy, but a Yale/Harvard “gentleman” who would not mix it up defending his ideas and policies. He left that to others. In my world, his ranch was a sham – little or no livestock and if he grew anything, it was sagebrush so he could cut it down for a photo opportunity. Reagan rode horses, Bush rode mountain bikes and drove pickup trucks. He was not a man of the people, but a Northeastern Brahmin who  “summered” while other people take vacations.

I have no idea who I will support in this upcoming election cycle. Certainly I will not listen to aisle-hopping liberals like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and other RINOs.

I want some party leadership. I want some credible candidates. I want less corruption and pandering to special interests. I want a platform everyone can understand. I want an invitation for those of a  like mind to join us. We are inclusive – to the point of asking people to join us – not becoming democrat-lite, pandering to the victims of this nation.

And unless you can deliver, America is doomed to an Obamination.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Environmentalism = neoSocialism

Consider the position of the environmentalists:

Other than the fact that the majority of environmentalists believe that man is essentially a plague on the planet and that we need to minimize man’s footprint on this Earth including, but not limited to, population control by any means, limits on increasing industrialization, limits on increasing urbanization to prevent deforestation, vegetarianism to prevent harm to animals and a strong government to enforce their position ....

The government is the solution to every problem.

The government is all about centralized command and control.

The means of production are owned on the basis of shared ownership: government-private, union-private, government-union.

The government is all about the control of production via the regulation of energy producers and energy consumers.

The government is all about the control of citizens via the regulation of healthcare and those “issues” which affect the treatment and costs of healthcare delivery to individuals.

The government is all about class warfare and victimology; including redistributive change, redistribution of wealth and reparations for actions long in the past.

The government is all about the power of and for the collective over the power of and for individuals.

The government is all about an “lightened” ruling elite and their ability to secure advantages for the special interests who provide campaign funding and voter support.

The proponents ask you to take what cannot be proven or appears to be illogical on the basis of faith and the idea that "they" are acting in your best interests.

What is not being discussed is that the socialists, communists and anarchists, many associated with the fallen Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc have infiltrated the environmental movement to pursue their political agenda, increase support and secure funding for their activities.

And we should not forget the unions which essentially oppose the “producers” and the “capitalists” to convey power to the people – a classic socialist stance based on class warfare. Consider that European unions are all about socialism:   rewarding seniority over merit, mediocrity over innovation and driving all costs ever upward without a corresponding increase in productivity.

Prove me wrong!

I am all about the stewardship of our natural resources. Rational conservation and recycling. Not giving government indulgences (pollution credits) to allow gross polluters to keep polluting our air, water and land because they have the power to lobby (buy?) legislators and pass along all of the mitigation costs to their ratepayers and the public at large.

These environmentalists are the people who preach tolerance, but are intolerant of any views contrary to their own.

Again, prove me wrong.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

SEIU -- Union organizing propaganda mars Olympic Games?

The SEIU (Service Employees International Union) appears to be one of the most corrupt unions in the nation. It’s President, Andy Stern, a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, is fond of quoting old communist slogans.

“Workers of the world unite”

"We like to say: We use the power of persuasion first. If it doesn't work, we try the persuasion of power."

So it comes as no surprise when the SEIU issues a press release which appears to negatively impact the spirit of the multi-national Olympic Games by questioning one of its food vendors.

Concerns of Food Safety at the Winter Olympics

By Sasha Rogers

With the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games upon us today, our eyes are not only pointed toward the many great international athletes that have descended on Vancouver, but also toward the food that they will be consuming over the next few weeks. In an effort to build awareness amongst the press and sports community alike, we are issuing a press release calling upon Sodexo to ensure food safety and increase its transparency about food safety issues entitled "Healthcare Union Raises Concerns Over Safety of Food to be Served to Olympic Athletes at Vancouver Olympics."

Sodexo is providing catering services for athletes during this key moment in their sporting careers, and we're concerned about the food they will be providing.

Over the years, questions have been asked upon Sodexo in regards to what suppliers they use and the process in which the food is "cooked". Sodexo uses two variations in their catering, "cook and chill" and "cooked and served on-site". For example, cook and chill means the food is cooked elsewhere and shipped frozen to kitchens to be reheated. Because of this method, health code violations at the "cook and chill" facility can mean problems with the end product.

Sodexo has been under the microscope with 79 records of food safety noncompliance between December 2005 and September 2009, at a facility in Tennessee where it prepared meals that were provided to U.S. Marines. As stated in the press release,

"Sodexo has a record of using food from suppliers--such as Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation, a meat processor and distributor that owns major beef-distributor Beef Packers, Inc.--who have been the subject of major national food recalls including two recalls in 2009 for more than 826,000 pounds of beef feared contaminated with salmonella Newport and the 2007 recall of one million pounds of ground beef thought to be contaminated with a toxic form of E. coli bacteria..."

With this kind of history, it's hard not to wonder where Sodexo is obtaining its food from for the Olympic Games. These athletes train years for an opportunity to show their prowess in their sport, and definitely deserve to know what kinds of food they're ingesting each and everyday. We're calling on Sodexo to be transparent during these Olympic Games in Vancouver, and highlight who their primary suppliers are, what types of food they will be serving and the methods they will use to cook it.

Sowing FUD: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt …

Since Sodexo and Cargill both have extensive relationships with various unions, one wonders if the motives of the SEIU have been designed to influence ongoing organizing or collective bargaining activities or merely to capitalize on the Olympics' international audience to raise awareness of SEIU activities? Either way, they are sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt in the general public and damaging a wonderful experience for those attending the games – either as a participant, supporter or spectator.

Bottom line …

Perhaps “we the people” should demand the same type of transparency and accountability regarding SEIU’s contracts and activities in association with government contracts. In fact, since some of the organization’s cited by the SEIU appear to regulated by union contracts, is the SEIU not accusing its own membership in maintaining unsanitary and dangerous conditions?

As my long-time readers may have noticed, I am not a fan of unions as I believe they raise costs without raising productivity, reward seniority over merit, replace innovation with mediocrity and are often complicit in the very activities that they so loudly condemn.

Because the SEIU is further infiltrating our government, institutions and infrastructure, I believe they need to be closely monitored lest they materially damage the United States as they pursue their political agenda of socialistic dominance.

Why Andy Stern is not being investigated for being a “unregistered lobbyist” with significant White House and government contact is perhaps an indictment of the Obama Administration which is the largest recipient of SEIU campaign funding and voter support. To my way of thinking, the SEIU and ACORN are linked in the promotion of an anti-competitive, anti-American philosophy akin to socialism, or worse, communism.

We need to closely monitor the Obama Administration’s contacts with this union and the activities of our government which seems to promote increasing unionism – to the detriment of the American public and to our national finances.

-- steve

Reference Links …

SEIU - Service Employees International Union - Concerns of Food Safety at the Winter Olympics

Sodexo’s relationship to unions|Sodexo

Cargill’s relationship to unions|Standard-Speaker

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Chuck Devore: No leadership there! (Update)


I have examined all of the facts and have decided to endorse Chuck DeVore for the 2010 Senate Race to replace Barbara Boxer. I believe Carly Fiorina is a RINO who will bring us more Bay-area liberal nonsense (like Feinstein) and that Tom Campbell appears to be a supporter of radical Muslim causes and therefore cannot be trusted with high office.  -- steve


A correction ...

(Ed. note at 4:10 p.m.: Trevino informs me DeVore “actually was present on the Assembly floor for the morning vote. He was only gone for the afternoon session. Doesn’t affect his purposeful abstention, though.”) <Source>

DeVore had a chance to exert leadership and he failed.

Fairness Update: 02-12-10 GOOD EXCUSE FOR NOT VOTING?

In all fairness to Chuck DeVore, I queried his Irvine office and was told by a staffer that he thinks DeVore was a victim of inclement weather in Washington, D.C. and would have probably voted against Maldonado. I will accept this version until I learn differently from DeVore himself. There could be a democrat-led re-vote before February 21, 2010 to stave off a legal challenge by Schwarzenegger's team to seat Maldonado.

New information ...

"Republican U.S. Senate candidate and Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, R-Irvine, was on the campaign trail yesterday and absent from the vote, but issued a statement saying he would have abstained anyway."

“One year ago, I resigned as Assembly Minority Whip because I would not support the budget deal that led to the failed Proposition 1A — which would have been the largest state tax increase in American history. Senator Maldonado, by contrast, played a decisive role in putting 1A before the people. I won’t reward bad behavior with high office. It is in that spirit that I abstained from this vote.”

"Today, campaign spokesman Joshua Trevino told me DeVore will abstain if there’s a re-vote."

“As he just told E.J. Schultz at the Fresno Bee (via Twitter), the GOP Assembly caucus has decided to support Maldonado. If Chuck votes no, it will be more a hit at them than the nominee per se. An abstention registers disapproval of the nomination without expressing direct disapproval of his fellow Republicans. It also serves as a de facto no when the affirmations are tallied.” <Source>

Conclusion: DeVore still appears to me to be a gutless weasel who shows no leadership potential. Conservative or not, a "no" vote would have said "I was against higher taxes then, I am against higher taxes now and I disapprove of anyone, democrat or Republican, who brought about this fiscal fiasco during California's economic emergency. Like I said: gutless weasel.

More new information ...

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has abandoned plans to swear in Abel Maldonado as lieutenant governor and has re-nominated him to the post, starting a new 90-day clock to confirm him." <Source>

Original Blog Entry ...

When the California State Assembly failed to approve Abel Maldonado for the empty lieutenant governor’s position, it was a close vote: 37-35! But where was Chuck Devore – who apparently did not vote on the issue?

Maldonado, you may remember, was the turncoat Republican, one of the three chosen by the party to be sacrificed on the altar of public opinion, who voted with the democrats to close the budget gap by significantly raising taxes. The negotiations with the budget committee and the Republicans were done in secret.

At one point, Devore tried to oust the leader of the Republicans but could not find a single fellow Republican to second his motion. At that time, I commented on Devore’s lack of leadership ability in a blog entry. Chuck DeVore: A leader without supporters?

I was assured by a fellow conservative who has known Devore for a long time that he was precisely the type of conservative we wanted in office. Unfortunately, a conservative without leadership ability – no matter how conservative he may be – is impotent. One need only look at California Representative Tom McClintock to see how one can appear knowledgeable, widely admired and totally ineffective in swaying the outcome of legislation.

Another McClintock? 

Had DeVore stood up and cast a “NO” vote against Maldonado, perhaps I would have taken a second look. But it is my fear that we have another McClintock – a man who appears to be a staunch conservative, but can only raise marginal support for his legislative efforts. A professional politician looking for his next gig.

Perhaps the problem lies with the California Republican Party – a collection of corrupt and complacent individuals who will support anyone who appears to have the ability to generate campaign funds and a modicum of voter support. Where is the Party’s platform? Where is the candidate vetting and approval process? Where is the party that supported Ronald Reagan? 

According to the Sacramento Bee …

“An earlier vote in the Assembly also fell short, setting off an afternoon of caucus meetings and lobbying by Maldonado for the final votes he needed to win confirmation. Republican Assemblyman Danny Gilmore, who is recovering from pneumonia, traveled to Sacramento from his home in Hanford early this afternoon to cast a vote in Maldonado's favor.”

Maldonado: For services rendered in raising taxes?

“The Assembly action came after the Senate voted 26-7 to confirm Maldonado for the post, which has been vacant since Democrat John Garamendi was elected to Congress in November.”

“Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and others had urged colleagues to vote "aye" as showing of bipartisanship and comity for a qualified nominee.”

“In a series of floor speeches, members assailed Maldonado's record, his ambition to run for the post in the upcoming election and the nomination process itself.”

“He had also been criticized by GOP colleagues for siding with Democrats to vote for a temporary income tax increase last year to help fill a huge budget deficit, though no Republicans ultimately voted against him in the Assembly. One Republican, Irvine Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, did not vote.

Does this reflect his tacit agreement with the party who knowingly sacrificed Republicans to vote with the democrats – and produced one of the most onerous tax hikes in California history—to be applied on top of an economic crisis?

He does appear to be a man of conscience as he “resigned his position as Chief Republican Whip on February 14, 2009 in protest of a $12 billion per year tax increase agreed to by Republican leadership.” But was this a symbolic gesture in preparation for a run at Boxer’s Senate seat in 2010 – or just an indication of how impotent he had become?

Bottom line … Who is Chuck DeVore?

Where is the California Republican Party and who is Chuck DeVore? Can DeVore muster the strength to overcome RINO Carly Fiorina and go on to defeat the arguably dumbest member of the Senate, Barbara Boxer?  

-- steve

Reference Links …

Assembly fails to approve Maldonado for lieutenant governor - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Union thuggery targets innocent ice cream shop ...

My position has always been clear:

While there are many fine hard-working people who are members of trade unions, the leadership has often metastasized into a group of political activists supporting a malignant anti-American socialist agenda – enforced with peer pressure, media embarrassment and outright thuggery.

To me, unions mean that the cost of everything goes up while general productivity goes down. Onerous and nonsensical work rules where merit is replaced with seniority and initiative is replaced with mediocrity.

Consider this story from the Los Angeles Times in terms of fairness and the ideals of American small business …

“Reporting from Arroyo Grande, Calif. - For years, the owner of Arroyo Grande's old-fashioned ice cream parlor has likened the Central Coast community to Bedford Falls, the friendly little burg in the Jimmy Stewart film ‘It's a Wonderful Life.’"

“So he bristled when an out-of-town labor union unfurled a 15-foot-wide banner -- ‘Shame on Doc Burnstein's Ice Cream Lab’ -- across from his business on cafe-lined West Branch Street.”

“Even more upsetting to Greg Steinberger was the flier showing a rat gnawing on a tattered American flag: It charged him with ‘desecration of the American way of life.’"

“And most galling to the 46-year-old Navy veteran was that the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America had targeted him over the allegedly low wages of a company he says he had never even heard of.”

Let’s recap: an out-of-town labor union tries to destroy or severely impact a small businessman over an issue that the businessman knows nothing about and cannot control. And they claim he is desecrating the American way of life. 

"I don't know what it'll take to get them to go away," said Steinberger, who, in labor jargon, has been "bannered" since Oct. 30. "I've got customers coming in here asking, 'Are you in trouble? Aren't you paying minimum wage?' "
In recent years, such banners and fliers have become fixtures on the national labor landscape, though huge, inflatable rats are no longer in vogue. ‘Shame’ banners have gone up outside countless businesses big and small, from housing projects in Phoenix to a bowling alley on Long Island. Many of the targets have used general contractors who hired nonunion subcontractors.”

Absolutely un-American ...

“In Bakersfield, banners declared ‘Shame on Tony Bennett’ and ‘Shame on the Fox Theater’ when the singer performed there in 2006. The event was a fundraiser for a medical center with subcontractors unacceptable to the union.”

And you wonder why the cost of medical care continues to rise to the stratosphere. Here in California, the SEIU is recruiting “home workers” who are caring for their relatives at home. Look for costs to go up drastically in the near future. However, it may be next to impossible to convince the home workers to abandon their relatives just to support the union’s wage and benefit demands on the State of California.

“In Arroyo Grande, paid sign-minders stand beside the banner across the street from Doc Burnstein's four days a week, sometimes shielded from the sun by blue-and-white umbrellas.”

I wonder if these are even union workers doing the “bannering.” On many occasions in other venues, I often saw what appeared to be illegal aliens who spoke little or no English – parading back and forth with their signs – unable to explain why they were picking a company.

According to the fliers, the carpenters are bannering Doc Burnstein's because Steinberger plans to open an outlet in a renovated Santa Maria mall where a nonunion drywall company "does not meet area labor standards . . . including fully paying for family health benefits and pensions."

This is coercion, extortion at the very least. While it might be a “free speech issue,” I would assume that the union is, at the very least, engaging in the type of extortionate activities one finds in European socialist countries … or perhaps that is what the union is attempting to bring about here in America.

Extortion, pure and simple …

“But by focusing on secondary businesses -- such as a store that sells goods made by a nonunion factory -- unions that use the tactic say they can draw public attention and even persuade the bannered companies to side with them. They contend the banners are expressions of free speech. But others -- including attorneys for the National Labor Relations Board -- have argued that they are coercive, unfair and possibly unlawful.
Eleven bannering cases are awaiting judgment by the NLRB, but three of the federal agency's five seats have been unfilled for two years.

Now you know why President Obama is so keen on nominating pro-labor, pro-union Craig Becker to the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board).  Where he can rule in the favor of unions and bring further disruption to American commerce.

Anti-small business …

“ But Gabe Segura, owner of the action's primary target -- United Drywall Systems -- said it's hurting his 10-employee company.
’They've threatened, they manipulated, they've gone to my employees' house at night, asking for copies of check stubs,’ Segura said. ‘They want to deter people from using us, and there's definitely certain jobs that don't want the publicity.’"

How do these unions think that small businesses can pay their employees the fat salaries, the bloated benefits and the exorbitant pensions? It’s not like they are working on a government project where the politicians make “quid pro quo” deals for campaign funds and voter support – and the money comes directly out of the taxpayer’s pocket.

“Segura said he'd have to nearly double his fees to match union pay rates. ‘In this economy, who's going to pay more for construction?’ he asked.”

Excuse me but aren’t these the same labor unions that support illegal aliens as long as they contribute to the union’s coffers and their employer’s kick-in their share. Unions are the opposite of competitive – they are coercive. No wonder many unions have some affiliation with organized crime and institutional thuggery.

“Carpenters Local 150 [in Camarillo, California] is affiliated with the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters, a 65,000-member union operating in five states.
Justin Weidner, its chief of staff, declined to answer questions about specific bannering campaigns.”
’We believe it's an effective tactic’ he said. ‘That's why we continue to use it’."

Perhaps it is illegal … but for certain it is immoral. Hurting American small business – and one that is not even directly related to the union’s business affairs.

Bottom line …

President Obama is doing everything in his power to “pay-back” the unions, such as the corrupt and far-left SEIU, for their support of his candidacy. It is by pandering to the unions that Obama plans to obtain additional campaign funding and voter support to assist far-left democrats in staving-off electoral defeat in the 2010 and 2012 election cycles.

Here in California, the great bulk of our deficit is due to the constantly enlarging size of the unionized government bureaucracy and their benefits. Benefits which now go far beyond those available to normal workers in the private sector who need to worry about their job performance and productivity.

We need to end these far-left experiments into socialism and reduce the power and effectiveness of anti-competitive unions whose toxic influence makes it impossible for people to compete locally, nationally or internationally. Yes, there was bad management at General Motors – but their complacency in allowing the unions to take over their company was their worst sin. To have thousands of union employees earning salaries while they played cards, read magazines and watched television was unconscionable. The union costs so impacted the final cost of a vehicle that General Motors couldn’t compete against their European counterparts. Now a problem for the Obama Administration which destroyed generations of contract law to cheat the preferred bondholders out of their money, while rewarding the unions for their toxic influence.

Remember this story of the little ice cream shop and the big unions when you vote at the ballot box. It is time to return America to a standard of excellence … not a “go along to get along” world of corrupt far-left politicians and their thuggish union supporters.

-- steve

Reference Links …

Shame' banners aren't a welcome sign -

Who is Craig Becker and why should we worry about another Obama appointment? (Updated) 

In Montgomery County, scare tactics by teachers union are the norm|Washington Post

“MONTGOMERY COUNTY schools are among the best in the nation, a point of pride for the community and a springboard for their students. The system's teachers -- well qualified, professional and highly committed -- are its driving engine. That's why the heavy-handed tactics and occasional political thuggery of the union that represents them do a disservice not only to the county and its much-admired school system but to the teachers themselves.”

Something is seriously amiss when a union acts in this way even as it represents a group of public employees as highly regarded as Montgomery's teachers. And when elected officials, who in principle are responsible for overseeing county and school finances, including employee pay and benefits, feel intimidated by the tactics of the union representing teachers, that's a sign that democratic processes have been turned upside down.”

“In negotiations underway for a new contract, the MCEA is pressing for further pay hikes for most teachers, which would cost Montgomery taxpayers another $18 million. This is taking place as the county grapples with a projected budget deficit of $600 million, and as wages in the private sector are stagnant. Privately, nearly every member of the County Council and the school board says the union's demands are blatantly unrealistic. Publicly, almost all of them are too cowed by the union to say a word.”

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Is Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner telling a big lie?

The United States Department of Treasury has just published a press release (February 10, 2010 -- TG-541) containing what I strongly believe to be  a material misstatement of fact …

“It was one year ago today that the Obama Administration outlined a Financial Stability Plan to address the four problems at the heart of the financial crisis: frozen credit markets, weakened bank capital, a backlog of troubled mortgage assets on bank balance sheets, and falling home prices.

At the time, with America in a deep recession, it did not matter if you were a company large or small, a family trying to buy a house, a car or even to put your kids in college; loans were not available.

“A year later, the actions we took, alongside the Recovery Act, have worked to restore economic growth and financial stability. Access to credit is improving and the cost of borrowing for businesses, consumers, homeowners, and state and local governments have fallen sharply.

In addition, we have achieved this progress at much lower cost than anticipated. By encouraging private capital solutions rather than relying on public funds, the expected cost of stabilizing the financial system has fallen by more than $400 billion. We expect it will fall even further.

And if Congress joins the President in adopting a Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee, Americans will not have to pay one cent for TARP.

“These measures of the direct financial costs of the crisis do not capture the economic devastation caused by the crisis. The financial system is healing, but still damaged, and we have a lot of repair work still ahead.”

-- Secretary Tim Geithner

Either Secretary Geithner is stupid, which I believe he is most certainly not, or he is telling a lie to advance the Administration’s agenda of taxing the largest financial institutions on their loan portfolios. Not their assets, but their debts.

First, the administration is being cute when it refers to this assessment as a “fee;” perhaps to avoid the problems with imposing a tax on some financial institutions and not others or to avoid using a term with an extremely negative connotation associated with “tax and spend” government programs.

Second, and most important of all, comes the realization that financial institutions and corporations do not pay taxes or fees – they are passed along to the corporation’s customers (in the form of higher prices and/or reduced services), employees (fewer employees to compensate for higher operational costs) and investors and depositors  (in the form of reduced interest rates or dividends).

So most certainly, the money that is taken from these financial institutions, whether it be in the form of fees or taxes) is passed along to Americans who are also taxpayers.

Some of the gory details …

The fee – which would go into effect on June 30, 2010 – would last at least 10 years. If the costs have not been recouped after 10 years, the fee would remain in place until they are paid back in full. In addition, the Treasury Department would be asked to report after five years on the effectiveness of the fee as well as its progress in repaying projected TARP losses.

As a result of prudent management and the stabilization of the financial system, the expected cost of the TARP program has dropped dramatically. While the Administration projected a cost of $341 billion as recently as August, it now estimates, under very conservative assumptions, that the cost will be $117 billion—reflecting the $224 billion reduction in the expected cost to the deficit. The proposed fee is expected to raise $117 billion over about 12 years, and $90 billion over the next 10 years.

The EESA statute that created the TARP requires that by 2013 the President put forward a plan “that recoups from the financial industry an amount equal to the shortfall in order to ensure that the Troubled Asset Relief Program does not add to the deficit or national debt.” The President has no intention of waiting that long. Instead, the President is fulfilling three years early his commitment to put forward a proposal that would – at a minimum – ensure that taxpayers are fully repaid for the support they provided.

The fee the President is proposing would be levied on the debts of financial firms with more than $50 billion in consolidated assets, providing a deterrent against excessive leverage for the largest financial firms. By levying a fee on the liabilities of the largest firms – excluding FDIC-assessed deposits and insurance policy reserves, as appropriate – the Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee will place its heaviest burden on the largest firms that have taken on the most debt. Over sixty percent of revenues will most likely be paid by the 10 largest financial institutions.

Some thoughts …

Ten years, in political speak, amounts to a permanent situation.

The Congress and some in the Administration are already looking at TARP funds as their own personal piggybank – to be deployed for something other than helping to generate liquidity in the financial system by using the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) – such as providing assistance to the housing markets.

The government has little history of “prudent management” or the ability to make “conservative assumptions.” Their cost estimates are woefully inadequate to secure the buy-in of the American public – and balloon to almost unbelievable amounts. The government has a poor track record in projecting funds necessary for a project and an abysmal record of accounting for those funds once they are allocated.

The President wants to impose those taxes/fees NOW! When his Administration would have full control over the assessment of these charges and be able to generate significant political capital from managing the program.

We have often said he who controls debt, controls the actions of the borrower. This is no exception. By levying a charge on the liabilities of the firm, one might be encouraging the misstatement of such liabilities or invoking unintended consequences – such as the manipulation of the bad loans reserve accounts.

Doesn't it seem highly counterintuitive to begin taxing the largest firms holding the most debt – before they can resolve their own balance sheet issues and work some of their liabilities down to manageable proportions? 

If this fee is imposed, it will be like the Treasury Department running through the financial battlefield and bayoneting the  survivors.

Bottom line …

Tim Geithner is apparently lying when he claims that TARP will not cost Americans a cent if Congress imposes the proposed Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee.

We need to remove the democrats from the Congress as soon as possible, or at least elect enough conservatives to restore the constitutional checks and balances which will prevent the Congress and the Administration from continuing to bleed the American taxpayer dry – all in the name of enlarging the government, imposing the type of central planning that failed Russia, and engaging in socialist style class warfare and wealth redistribution.

It’s our money … and our nation … time to take it back from the corrupt and complacent politicians who are operating out of their own personal and professional self-interest. We need to tell our representatives that this fee is a bogus attempt at wealth redistribution and it should not be allowed to see the light of day.

-- steve

Reference Links … 

Statement from Secretary Geithner on the Financial Stability Plan - One Year Later

Fact Sheet on the Financial Crisis ResponsibilityFee

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Muslim students disrupt speech -- using the "free speech rights" that Muslim's are denied in Muslim countries.

I find it ironic that Muslim students attending a California University would interrupt a speech by Israel’s U.S. Ambassador by shouting “killers” and “how may Palestinians did you kill?”

Hypocrites, every last one of them …

Why are they not condemning Muslims for their barbaric behavior towards their own subjects?

Why are they not condemning Muslims for fomenting violence and terrorism everywhere they emigrate – all to support a 12th century religious fanaticism and a barbaric code of justice?

Palestinians – you mean the ones who were kicked out of their homeland by the Jordanians and Egyptians when they attempted to subvert their governments? The same Palestinians who lob rockets, not at military targets, but innocent civilians? Whose fighters hide behind women and children and position weapons next to hospitals and schools while hoping that the return fire will kill their own people in order to produce propaganda?

Perhaps we should send these “students” – if that’s what they really are – abroad to the Muslim country of their choice as a cultural exchange experiment. Let’s see how quick they are to stand up and yell at a government official?

“California police reportedly made 12 arrests on Monday after a speech by Israel's U.S. Ambassador Michael Oren descended into chaos. Hecklers interrupted Oren's lecture at University of California, Irvine, over 10 times, shouting ‘killers’ and ‘how many Palestinians did you kill?’"

“Many members of the audience also applauded Oren. The arrested students were apparently members of the university's Muslim Student Union, which had publicly condemned Oren's visit earlier in the day.”

“In a statement printed by the Orange County Register, a newspaper, the union said:
"We condemn and oppose the presence of Michael Oren, the ambassador of Israel to the United States, on our campus today.”

"’We resent that the Law School and the Political Science Department on our campus have agreed to cosponsor a public figure who represents a state that continues to break international and humanitarian law and is condemned by more UN Human Rights Council resolutions than all other countries in the world combined.’"

Might that be the corrupt UN Human Rights Council which ignores the human rights violations of its member nations while allowing dictators and thugs to sit as the chair of the Council? Is that the same group that is pursuing a Muslim request to criminalize defamation of Islam, punishible by death in strict Muslim countries? Are we speaking of the Islam which is widely touted as the “religion of peace” but which is responsible for over 90% of the world’s conflicts and terrorism? That Islam? The Islam that openly condones the gang rape of women as punishment? The humane, compassionate Islam that tells its people that the stones used for stoning a person to death shouldn’t be too big as to cause a quick death? That Islam?

So before these students open their mouths against an Israeli  government that has taken extreme precautions – including putting their own soldier’s lives as risk – to prevent collateral damage and death to innocents, perhaps they should look at exactly what they represent.

-- steve

Reference Links …

Muslim students scream 'killer' during Israel envoy speech in L.A. - Haaretz - Israel News

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

The green police: many a truth is spoken in jest -- Is this Super Bowl ad the democrat vision for America?

Yes, it is only a Super Bowl advertisement, but as the old saying goes … what ever the mind of man can conceive, he can achieve.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is the exact feeling of the environmentalists who believe man is blight on Mother Earth and that severe measures, including abortion and strict population control, are necessary to save the planet.

In addition, there are those socialists, communists and anarchists who want to pursue their political agenda by consolidating their power over the people to impose their bigger government, higher taxes, less personal freedoms coupled with the perpetual governance of a so-called “ruling elite.” Not to mention their transformative change and wealth re-distribution schemes.

In a manner, some of this is true as here in Los Angeles you may have the water police roaming neighborhoods to find those watering an unacceptable times or engaging in the deviant behavior of washing their cars in their driveways.

One need only look at those who file ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) claims based on nothing more than a mirror at the wrong height.

So, we can only say that: many a truth is spoken in jest …

Ludicrous as this advertisement may seem, we are already experiencing this type of not-so subtle soft-tyranny. Perhaps it is time to check the rampant effects of an out-of-control environmentalism by voting the democrats out of office in 2010 and 2o12 – taking back our government from the enviro-whackos.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS