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Nelson Walker's response to "What is a Republican?"

In response to my blog item asking what it means to be a Republican, I received a response from Nelson Walker, an outspoken advocate of citizen-imposed term limits on all politicians.

Considering that both political parties and their proffered candidates have brought us to the brink of catastrophe, Nelson’s idea for taking back our nation from the corrupt, complacent and chaotic politicians has a great deal of merit.

His plan, while not perfect, sends a very, very clear message that America belongs to Americans and not to the politicians who are operating in and for their own self-interest, the interests of the party and the interests of those special interests who can supply campaign funding and voter support at election time. The American people come dead last – being almost superfluous to the process of governing except at election time.

In his own words …

First, we must stop reelecting Congress!!!
Congress will never allow us to constitutionally term limit them by an amendment to the Constitution. But we can make term limits happen in spite of them by following 4 steps in the next 3 Congressional elections (‘10, ‘12, ‘14):

1. Don’t reelect anyone in Congress. Get all your friends to do the same.

2. Always vote, but only for the strongest challengers regardless of party.

3. If your incumbent runs unopposed, vote for his strongest challenger, regardless of party. Especially, never reelect an unopposed incumbent!!

4. If Congress has not passed a term limits bill by 2014, repeat this in ‘16, ‘18.

Our only choice is to NEVER REELECT them. All of them! They will definitely get the message, sooner rather than later.

The only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to get a truly new Congress and a new politics is :

In other words, don't let anyone serve more than one term until Congress passes a term limits bill!

For those of you who think this is a good idea, you may want to visit Nelson Walker’s site View the numerous videos that point out the dangers of a permanent class of professional politicians who put their own political and professional self-interests above those of the people they “pretend” to serve.

Nelson’s plan has only a single flaw – I would add never elect a lawyer under any circumstances. They are taught to argue both sides of an issue, negotiating rather than taking a firm stance. They complicate even simple issues with linguistic tricks which feature intended loopholes to confer special rights on the special interests who support them. They are all about crazy-0making and chaos – as the prime element in which they survive.

I will leave you with an old saying: “One lawyer in town, they make an ok living; two lawyers in town make a great living and three or more lawyers in town means that the top two lawyers become fabulously wealthy while others handle the real work of daily living.” Can’t say that it is always true – but when you consider the impact of lawyers in our government – stand by for chaos and corruption.

Check out Nelson’s site and consider what he has to say.

-- steve

Reference Links:

Nelson Lee Walker –

A few wise thoughts on lawyers …

“Laws control the lesser man... Right conduct controls the greater one.” – Mark Twain

”Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.” – Plato

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

What is a Republican?

In the days long gone by, one knew roughly what Republicans and Democrats were all about. There was some overlap on the common issues of the day, but the perception was that the Republican Party was the party of big business, little or no change and fiscal conservatism. Of course, it wasn’t strictly true then and it is absolutely not true now.

The public be damned …

Truth be told, both parties have devolved into something that is unrecognizable by us older people who have somewhat of a historical perspective on politics. Today, both parties are about money and control. How to attract the widest possible audience, raise the largest amount of money and exert the greatest influence at the ballot box. Nothing historic or drastically different from the past. But there is a major difference and it is simply the lengths at which both parties will go to achieve their ends.

The degree of corruption, complacency and chaos in the political process has never been greater. We see blatant attempts to cede the party brand, on both sides of the aisle, to the special interests who will continue to fund the campaign and turn out voters on election day. We see humungous 1000+ and 2000+ page bills written in convoluted legalese that hides more than it reveals. And we see a condescending disdain for the average individual voter. Almost as if they were not part of the process until their vote is needed on a few days out of a year.

The democrat party I knew is gone. Instead of principled opposition, we find far-left policies which would have been branded as downright un-American had they been introduced in earlier decades. We find socialists and communists invited to the White House – and in some instances – working openly in the White House. We find that the most frequent visitor to the White House to be an unregistered lobbyist who heads a secretive and extremely far-left union whose fundraising and tactics are suspicious. A man who spouts old communist slogans like “workers of the world unite” and claims “We use the power of persuasion first. If it doesn't work, we try the persuasion of power.” Which appears to be an open allusion to union thuggery, coercion and arm-twisting politics.

The Republicans are no better. The secretive aura about the Bush Administration. The cronyism. The continued hyper-politicization of governmental agencies that began in earnest under the Clinton regime. The incompetence. The out-of-control spending that pushed us to the brink of insolvency. And, worst of all, the abrogation of regulatory duties and actions that resulted in the worst economic meltdown since the Carter years and coming close to being another great depression.

The mainstream media, controlled more tightly by their corporate masters in order to restore some semblance of financial stability, have seemingly abandoned vigilance and viewership in favor of pandering to their political party of choice. They did not adequately vet Barack Obama in the media and we are stuck with an ideologue with little or no experience in anything but reading pre-written words on a TelePrompTer. A black Ted Baxter that plays nightly to the white version in the persona of Bill O’Reilly. Both operating on a cult of personality. It is amazing that one of the most politically maligned broadcasters in the nation, Fox, is also the most watched and trusted. Similarly, the most maligned talk radio shows: Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck also have staggering audiences when compared to the competition. Perhaps it is true, the people do realize that Fox is "fair and balanced" and, at least on radio, gives anyone a chance to air their grievances. All that opposed to far-left outlets which offer little more than the  continual shrill drumbeat of the party line and demonize or diminish both dissent and the American public.

It is apparent that America has lost her way …

It is readily apparent that America has lost her way. When politicians are emboldened to stand before a public audience and lie. Not shading the truth, not interpreting the situation, but out-and-out lying. Using Orwellian constructs such as truth, transparency and accountability when even the dumbest among us can see that this is not true. The democrat-controlled Congress points to the Republicans as obstructionists while locking them out of policy meetings where legislation is being crafted. Or should I say drafted by the special interests. We know who wrote the TARP bailout program and who did much of the legal drafting of the healthcare initiative. All falsely  represented to the American people as the work of dedicated politicians.

There are few trustworthy politicians and the blame resides squarely on the backs of the political parties which will apparently do or say anything to gain and maintain political power. The parties themselves are cesspools of corruption, only manifested by the candidates they field to do their bidding. We the people have been sold out to the “players” the special interests.

Tyranny and tea-baggers ….

We seem to be at a point where the soft tyranny of our government is approaching a tipping point. When government is growing into a self-sustaining critical mass of bureaucrats immune from the economic, health and retirement issues which face us all. Where lifetime employment and pay that often exceeds private sector salaries is the norm. One need only ask oneself, where are the unemployed government workers who were lost in the economic debacle. We see plenty of private sector pain, but nothing even approaching those percentages in government employees.

We see external sources, such as unions, attempting to control government actions through increasing unionization, onerous work-rules and the reward of mediocrity over merit, seniority over excellence.

In protest, we can see the people begin to react to a government who has screwed up their lives with all of its self-interested interference. We see where the government wants to institute a soviet-style command and control system which features the type of central planning which has failed for decades in the communist and socialist countries. We see where the government wants to regulate our entire economy by regulating the production and use of energy (cap-and-trade) as well as regulate our private lives through their healthcare initiatives. We see where the special interests are plundering our Treasury and pushing borrowed debt to the limits beyond sustainability. We see our government engaging in wealth redistribution to non-Americans while our inner cities remain crime-ridden cesspools. All ignored by those who cry “institutional racism” while exploiting the very people they claim are being exploited. And, we see a government, willing to sell out our heritage and national birthright to foreign nationals whose allegiance is to another country – by conferring citizenship with a faux oath of allegiance on illegal aliens now present within our borders.

We are screwed up. Our political parties are screwed up. And the democrats are trying to drive a wedge between those who support the traditional Republican Party and those Americans who realize the clear and present danger of today’s political scene and want something better for themselves and their families.

The Daily Beast is reporting …

“Friday’s showdown with House Republicans marked a new White House drive to force the GOP off the sidelines—and drive a wedge between fiscal conservatives and the Tea Party crowd.”

By splitting the party, the democrat coalition of victims (by race, ethnicity, color, gender, sexual persuasion, etc.) can eke out another victory and continue to turn our great nation leftward to “command and control” socialism.

The Republican Party needs to respond …

How many times have you heard former President Reagan’s prescription: “Bold colors, no pale pastels?” How many times have you heard that the way to win elections is to offer a clear choice of political philosophy and to invite people to join us in pursuing the American dream? Not to become the democrat-lite party – based on multiculturalism, moral equivalency and political correctness" – all of which mask their malevolent intent to subvert America from within and makes us just another nation to accept United Nations guidelines. Tantamount to a bloodless revolution where the enemies of America will have succeeded.

Bottom line …

Therefore I ask you: what is a Republican and what does the Republican Party stand for? Until those questions are answered, Republicans stand for nothing and openly accept the political corruption, chaos and complacency that swirls around them.

It is up to us “We the People” to, once again, tell our party leadership what we want. And to withhold support if it is not forthcoming. They can raise all the money they want, run ads every hour of every day – but it will not change our country in the slightest. We need a return to principled social and financial conservatism. We need a Ronald Reagan-like leader. But most of all, we need the assurances that the Republican Party has not devolved into the old conservative democrat party of days gone by.

Want to argue the point? I am here and listening.

-- Steve

Reference Links:

Obama's Plan to Split the GOP - The Daily Beast

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Underwear Bomber: Let's Make A Deal?

Déjà vu: Janet Reno and Alberto Gonzales …

Once again it appears that the Department of Justice is being hyper-politicalized and taking direction directly from the White House and its radical political activists.

How else could you explain the published reports that claim the “authorities” are offering Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab some form of plea bargain in exchange for information on his co-conspirators, his training and other operational details – or to secure a guilty plea.

Lawyers will be lawyers …

I can understand the career and media ramifications of securing a rock solid guilty plea when things could go wrong at trial. Especially in the era of citizen/activists with their own personal agenda (becoming famous, writing a book, making a racial or political statement) sitting on the jury. Even the defense’s attempt to exclude Jews from the jury pool and the prosecution’s attempt to exclude Muslims from the jury pool is fraught with danger. One need only remember the O.J. Simpson debacle to note what can happen when evidence is badly handled, investigators are compromised for their personal foibles and the case is dissected in the media. All good reasons to use a military tribunal system.

To what benefit is a public trial in federal court?

We all know that President Obama is trying to demonstrate to the world that we are open, fair-minded and compassionate when it comes to legal matters – but what compassion should be extended to a person who was one-mistake away from killing hundreds of Americans – including additional hundreds of people on the ground?

His guilt is self-evident …

There is no doubt that the bomber acted as charged. He did so in front of numerous witnesses, in a closed environment and was self-incriminated by being burned in the process. There is actually no need for a jury trial – the matter should be procedurally handled by a military tribunal, followed by the death sentence. No long court proceeding which would turn this terrorist into a martyr or give additional publicity to his cause. To think that the death sentence may be off the table in return for cooperation and a guilty plea is abominable. Especially because it will cost the American taxpayer millions of dollars to deal with this terrorist, not to mention the many millions required to handle this case in the federal judicial system.

I do not care if Eric Holder believes that terrorism is an act of civil disobedience rather than an act of war, the conclusion of this event needs to be the death penalty. Already our enemies, both foreign and domestic,  are laughing at us for projecting the image of power and then having no resolve to use it to protect our citizens and our interests. Make no mistake, our enemy only respects strength and the will to use it. Unfortunately, many of them are willing to die for their cause and will continue to pursue terrorist actions until they get what they desire.

Conservative Republicans are the only answer …

And by conservative Republicans I do not mean RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and the others who are quick to hop across the aisle to assist the democrats in pursuing their radical ideological agenda. The people who say nothing about the beheading, mutilation, rape and torture of Muslims as a routine practice in countries without human rights – yet decry enhanced interrogation techniques which will save American lives.

We need to remove the democrats and their complacent Republican counterparts from our government. They have make America less safe and appear unwilling to do what is necessary to protect Americans from terrorists.

I want to know that we, as a nation and in terms of self-protection and survival, are still committed to destroying any country which should attack us with weapons of mass destruction; be they nuclear, chemical or biological. Not a proportionate response, but an overwhelming retaliatory strike against the country and its citizens. For it ultimately the citizens, not the politicians, who serve as a counterbalance to political ambition and craziness. With this card on the table, we might see how far a civilian population is willing to go in protecting their own lives when the chips are down.

Bottom line …

The best chance for America to recover and return to a position of power is for the American people to look at what the democrats have done to America in the past – and what they are attempting to do now – and say NO at the ballot box. It is my belief that the current crop of democrat politicians – no matter what they call themselves – are a clear and present danger to our republic and represent an existential threat to our safety and security.

-- steve

Reference Links …

Authorities seek deal with Detroit suspect on cooperation, guilty plea

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


There are few things that anger me more than civilians and ex-military personnel who expose operational details or procedures which can be used by our enemies to jeopardize the success of our military missions and compromise the safety of our troops which are serving to defend America from her enemies, both foreign and domestic.

On January 13, 2009, the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) sent a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Central Intelligence Agency and the U. S. Department of State.

What the ACLU is seeking under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act …

I. Requested Records
1. All records created after September 11, 2001 pertaining to the legal basis in domestic, foreign and international law upon which unmanned aerial vehicles ("UAVs" or "drones") can be used to execute targeted killings ("drone strikes"), including but not limited to records regarding:

A. who may be targeted by a drone strike (e.g. members of al Qaeda in Afghanistan or the Afghan Taliban; individuals who merely "support," but are not part of these two groups; individuals who
belong to other organizations or groups; individuals involved in the Afghan drug trade);

B. whether drones may be used against individuals who are selected or nominated as targets by a foreign government, including the Government of Pakistan;

C. limits on civilian casualties, or measures that must or should be taken to minimize civilian casualties;

D. the verification, both in advance of a drone strike and following it, of the identity and status or affiliation of individuals killed (e.g. whether killed persons were members of al Qaeda or the Afghan
Taliban, "supporters" of these groups, members or supporters of  other groups, individuals involved in the drug trade, innocent civilians, etc.);

E. where, geographically or territorially, drones may be used to execute targeted killings and whether they may be used outside Afghanistan and Iraq and, if so, under what conditions or restrictions;

F. whether drones can be used by the CIA or other government agencies aside from the Armed Forces in order to execute targeted killings; and, if such use is permitted, in what circumstances and under what conditions; and

G. whether and to what extent government contractors can be involved in planning or providing support for, or executing a targeted killing using a drone.

2. All records created after September 1 1, 2001 pertaining to agreements, understandings, cooperation or coordination between the U.S. and the governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan, or any other country regarding the use of drones to effect targeted killings in the territory of those
countries, including but not limited to records regarding:

A. the selection of targets for drone strikes, or the determination as to whether a particular strike should be carried out; and

B. the limits on the use of drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan or other countries, including geographical or territorial limitations, limitations on who may be targeted, measures that must be taken to limit civilian casualties, or measures that must
be taken to assess the number of casualties and to determine the identity and status or affiliation of individuals killed.

3. All records created after September 11, 2001 pertaining to the selection of human targets for drone strikes and any limits on who may be targeted by a drone strike.

4. All records created after September 1 1, 2001 pertaining to civilian casualties in drone strikes, including but not limited to measures regarding the determination of the likelihood of civilian casualties, measures to limit civilian casualties, and guidelines about when drone strikes may be carried out despite a likelihood of civilian casualties.

5. All records created after September 11, 2001 pertaining to the assessment or evaluation of individual drone strikes after the fact, including but not limited to records regarding:

A. how the number of casualties of particular drone strikes is determined;

B. how the identity of individuals killed in drone strikes is determined;

C. how the status and affiliation of individuals killed in drone strikes is determined, i.e. whether individuals killed were members of al Qaeda or the Afghan Taliban, "supporters" of these groups, members or supporters of other groups, individuals involved in the drug trade, innocent civilians, or
any other status or affiliation; and

D. the assessment of the performance of UAV operators and others involved in executing a targeting killing using a drone.

6. All records created after September 11, 2001, pertaining to any geographical or territorial limits on the use of UAVs to kill targeted individuals.

7. All records created after September 11, 2001, including logs, charts, or lists, pertaining to the number of drone strikes that have been executed
for the purpose of killing human targets, the location of each such strike, and the agency of the government or branch of the military that
undertook each such strike.

8. All records created after September 11, 2001, including logs, charts or lists, pertaining to the number, identity, status, and affiliation of
individuals killed in drone strikes, including but not limited to records regarding:

A. the number (including estimates) of individuals killed in each drone strike;

B. the number (including estimates) of individuals of each particular status or affiliation killed in each drone strike, (e.g. members of al Qaeda or the Afghan Taliban, "supporters" of these groups, members or supporters of other groups, individuals involved in the Afghan drug trade, civilians, members of some other group, etc.), including the number of individuals of unknown status or affiliation killed in each strike.

C. the total number (including estimates) of individuals killed in drone strikes since September 11, 2001 and the total number (including estimates) of individuals of each particular status or affiliation killed, including those whose status or affiliation is

9. All records created after September 11, 2001 pertaining to who may pilot UAVs, who may cause weapons to be fired from UAVs, or who may otherwise be involved in the operation of UAVs for the purpose of executing targeted killings, including but not limited to any records pertaining to the involvement of CIA personnel, government
contractors, or other non-military personnel in the use of UAVs for the purpose of executing targeted killings.

10. All records created after September 11, 2001 pertaining to the training, supervision. oversight, or discipline of UA V operators and others involved in the decision to execute a targeted killing using a drone, including but not limited to CIA personnel, government contractors, and military personnel.

Does this information represent a clear and present danger to our nation?

I cannot understand on what basis this information should be provided to any party not associated with the military or our government – especially if this information will be published in open source documents or serve as the basis for lawsuits which can compel our military and intelligence services to reveal even more information that might be relevant to our enemies, both foreign and domestic.

I am not a fan of the ACLU …

I am not fond of the ACLU. I believe they are a far-left organization that was organized by socialists and communists to use our own laws to bring about our defeat and promote their own political agenda. I believe that they bring “no win” lawsuits as a means for funding their operations and that they take on certain “high profile” cases involving legitimate causes in order to put forth a benign and benevolent face to the public.

I believe in Freedom of Speech and the rights of the media to make inquiries on the public’s behalf. I do not believe that these freedoms include a suicide pact in which we place ourselves and our government  in harms way.

Bottom line …

Think twice about supporting organizations like the ACLU which may be serving a dual purpose and more than one master.

Pray that our elected officials – who seem hell-bent on supporting a far-left agenda and radical causes do not embrace these requests and further imperil our troops and intelligence agents.

Meanwhile, prepare to throw the far-left loons out of office starting in 2010 and continuing until 2014 when the last of the holdover Senators will face retirement or reelection.

We are at a historical crossroads when those who do not wish us well seemed to have grasped power by infiltrating our government institutions. We need to take action before they simply vote the American way of life out of existence and make a mockery of our Constitution. It began with our Founding Fathers – let it not end with the spectacle of those with an allegiance to other sovereign powers voting in a foreign-run government.

-- steve

Reference Links:


ACLU Background (The ACLU's shocking legacy by Alan Sears; August 25, 2005)

“From its very beginning, the ACLU had strong socialist and communist ties. As early as 1931, the U.S. Congress was alarmed by the ACLU's devotion to communism. A report by the Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities stated

The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press and free assembly, but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is an attempt to protect the communists.”

“Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman founded the ACLU in 1920 along with three other organizations dedicated to the most leftist of causes. The histories of these two individuals belie their claims of patriotism and respect for the Constitution.”

“Baldwin openly sought the utter destruction of American society. Fifteen years after the founding of the ACLU, Baldwin wrote:

I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself ... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

“Earl Browder, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States, admitted that the ACLU served as a’"transmission belt’ for the party. Baldwin agreed, claiming, ‘I don't regret being a part of the communist tactic which increased the effectiveness of a good cause.’"

“Baldwin was a devoted follower of the anarchist Emma Goldman (or ‘Red Emma’ as she was called), who was eventually deported to the Soviet Union in 1919 for her communist activities. Goldman was a consistent promoter of anarchism, radical education, "free love" and birth control. According to an online exhibit of Goldman's papers, her career ‘served as inspiration for Roger Baldwin, a future founder of the American Civil Liberties Union.’"

“Eastman was a zealous feminist, an anti-war activist, and a great admirer of the Soviet revolution. Of her many leftist friends and associates, Eastman held the highest regard for Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. According to Eastman, ‘We [feminists] must all be followers of Margaret Sanger.’"

“Of course, Sanger was a passionate advocate of eugenics – the attempt to improve the human race through selective breeding. Abortion was a primary means to this ‘improvement,’ leading Sanger to write, ‘The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.’"

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

The Republican Party must think I am stupid ...

I just received another computer-generated personalized letter ostensibly from Michael Steele, Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

The missive contains the predictable “Your immediate action is required” opener and purports to be a “2010 Obama Agenda Survey” which,  truth-be-told, is a thinly disguised fundraising gimmick to make me think that the Republican National Committee actually cares what I think.

Blah, Blah Blah …

Like the boy who cried wolf, how many times can you demonize the opposition, explain the dire consequences of inaction, claim that you desperately need money to fight the evil opposition and suggest that the recipients $25 is the last thing standing between freedom and Armageddon.

As one who has designed list management system and automated letter writing software, I am unimpressed by the package, its format and especially its message.

Pure evil …

Some of the questions in the Obama Agenda Survey:

1.  Do you agree with Barack Obama and the Democrats that taxes should be raised for the sake of “fairness,”  regardless of the negative impact is it likely to have on the economy?

2.  Do you believe that the federal government has gone too far in bailing our failing banks, insurance companies and the auto industry?   

3.  Do you support amnesty for illegal immigrants?   

4.   Should English be the official language of the United States?

8.  Do you believe that the best way to increase the quality and effectiveness of public education in the U.S. is to rapidly expand federal funding while eliminating performance standards and accountability? 

Yada, Yada, Yada …

Want my money?

1.  Tell me who is likely to be leading the Republican Party. I know it isn’t Rush Limbaugh and I pray it’s not John McCain or Newt Gingrich.

2.  Tell me what the party platform is likely to be.

  • We support English as the official language.
  • We do not support automatic amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • We need to counteract the toxic effects of the unions in government and education.
  • We are fiscal conservatives and we believe that no company is “too big to fail.”

3.  Point out the candidates and their history and their  positions.

4.   Tell me how you spent the money in the last election cycle and how you plant to use it in the 2010 election cycle.

5.   Don’t give me that “secrecy” crap and tell me we need to hide our strategy from the evil democrats.

How it should be done …

It is my belief that we should be open and inclusive to the extent we publish our conservative agenda and invite others to join us. As former President Reagan said, “Bold colors, no pale pastels.”

Treat me as an adult. Not as some child to be manipulated with socially-engineered reports and surveys which are little more than fundraising devices. Realize that this is not a team sport – with Tee-Shirts, Hats and secret decoder rings.

It is time to eschew manipulation and lay the agenda out for the American people. Until then, go pound sand!

And for those of you who view this as an “us” versus “them” game and should settle for RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and a “democrat lite” agenda –just to win and place an (R) on the roster;  it is now time to realize that we are fighting a real enemy who wants to transform America into an unrecognizable socialist republic.

If the leaders of the Republican Party does not realize this fundamental truth, they should be thrown out on their collective asses.

Perhaps we need to clean up the party too!

In the final analysis, both parties have claimed to be fiscally prudent, socially conscious and scrupulously honest – with ethical candidates who will serve as honest brokers for the people they pretend to serve. Both parties have cut deals with the special interests. Both parties have bad actors whom they continue to protect. Perhaps, we not only need to clean our incumbents, but the party regulars who have been corrupt, complacent and incompetent in their pursuit of political power.

Time for a clean sweep – both within the party and the candidates they support.

And what good does it do to elect aisle-hopping RINOs like John McCain who appears to be more about pursuing the democrat agenda than promoting a tough, but honest, Republican agenda.

Perhaps a wise man was absolutely correct when he said: there is only one party of “property and wealth,” and it has two wings – the democrats and the Republicans.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Obama: State of the Union -- rhetoric, not results!

Obama, the actor, once again proves he can read a TelePrompTer and incite the partisan crowd to jump up and down like trained monkeys ...

Once again we see the President of the United States, standing before a captive crowd in the Congressional Chamber – saying only one thing: All you democrats out there, don’t cut and run … the American people have short memories and won’t blame us for turning terrorism into an ordinary crime, trying to subvert healthcare with a cockamamie 2,000+ page bill that few read and even fewer understand, for allowing people associated with Goldman Sachs to permeate the government, for spending beyond our wildest dreams, for siphoning money to corrupt community organizers and for promoting the higher costs, inefficiencies and lack of productivity with union labor.

People have short memories … so you need to stand with me and perhaps I can send your district or state a few extra billion as a thank you.

All-in-all the speech was well-written by anonymous speech writers and spin-tested for maximum effect. Delivered with clinical efficiency and little emotion by the TelePrompTer reader who happens to be President.

My biggest complaint was the inclusion of a single line ...

"We are working with Muslim communities around the world to promote science, education and innovation."

President Obama is the President of the United States, not the world, and our own inner cities are struggling to survive. Saudi Arabia is spending hundreds of millions to promote their 12-century Whabbist religion which disregards fundamental human rights and imposes barbaric punishments for the slightest infraction. Let them educate their own people.

We need to stop Obama’s plan to turn America into “just another country” which must listen to the dictates of such corrupt international organizations as the United Nations.

We need to stop Obama’s plan to keep spending until our economy and nation collapses into socialism.

We need to stop Obama from promoting the unions which always results in higher costs, inefficiency: replacing merit with mediocrity, innovation with stagnation and rewarding seniority instead of performance.

We need to stop Obama from subverting the next election by channeling funds to community organizers and other democrat/left-wing organizations who will stump only for democrats.

In short, we need to replace Obama – and in the meantime replace the Congressional democrats who are imposing their socialist will on America.

For a man who cannot bring himself to decry terrorism … he is a terror unto himself.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Jerry Brown: left-wing loon pleads for another chance to impose socialism on California

The return of Governor Moonbeam …

Once again, left-wing loon, ex-Governor Jerry Brown aka Governor Moonbeam” is thinking about running for California’s top job. He looks older and wiser – and even sounds conservative -- but he is still a proponent of far-left liberalism as practiced by the current crop of democrats and complacent republicans.

If you think a democrat leader like President Obama and a democrat Congress headed by people like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are dangerous to our nation … consider what a Governor Jerry Brown and the democrat legislature could do to California.

The California liberals never seem to learn and it is doubtful they will even change  …

It’s bad enough that the democrat socialists tried to impose cap-and-trade (AB32) in California to assist in “healing the planet” by responding to so-called “global” warming; but now we are faced with a new “single payer” healthcare system from a gay San Franciscan, Mark Leno.

“The proposal, which is estimated to cost $200 billion, would eliminate private health insurance in California and replace it with a state-run system, which would be provided to every California resident. That system would be overseen by a new state agency that also would ultimately decide what services the coverage would entail.”

“The price tag would be paid by pooling all state and federal money currently spent on health services, which would require federal approval, along with a payroll tax that would be paid by both employees and workers. In a previous incarnation of the bill, that tax was set at 16 percent. The financing is not part of the latest version. Backers also think the single-payer system will greatly reduce administrative costs, which also would help pay for the system.” <Source>

Consider the implications of this democrat-backed proposal …

A health system costing $200 billion in a state which is flirting with insolvency and a mega-billion dollar deficit.

A health system that would be run by the people who cannot seem to run the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) without chaos, corruption and personnel issues.

A health system which would be overseen by a new state agency which would decide what care Californians were “entitled” to receive. Does “death panel” sound familiar?

A health system which will consume all of the state’s current healthcare spending and an additional payroll tax of almost 20% of your income.

A health system which is said to reduce administrative costs in the face of increasing unionization of the healthcare industry and government workers. Unions which result in increased costs, reduced efficiencies, replacing innovation with mediocrity,  merit with seniority and providing a lifetime sinecure for lackluster bureaucrats and failed politicians.

Senate Bill 810 …

“There is hereby established in state government the
California Healthcare System, which shall be administered by the California Healthcare Agency, an independent agency under the control of the Healthcare Commissioner.”

“No health care service plan contract or health
insurance policy, except for the California Healthcare System plan, may be sold in California for services provided by the system.”

“This division shall be known and may be cited as the California Universal Healthcare Act.”

“This division shall be liberally construed to accomplish its purposes.”

Welcome to open-ended state-sponsored socialism and the death of free-market capitalism in California.

It seems California democrats need to be schooled once again …

With the national defeat of Obamacare, one would need to be crazy – or an ultra-liberal far-left San Francisco minority -- to think that this healthcare initiative would benefit California and its residents. It appears that the legislation has little or no protections from the special interests and out-of-work politicians that would wreak havoc on what little is left of our personal freedom in California.

Kiss our Constitution and personal freedoms goodbye …

It is not beyond the pale that the democrat-led legislature and a democrat-governor would impose restrictions on the Second Amendment on the theory that gun control is a public health issue and needs to be controlled.

It is not beyond the pale that democrats would criminalize or heavily tax those who wanted to eat Twinkies and Ho Ho’s – that it unless they were part of a religious experience or used for a deviant sexual practice.

Compounding both debt and interest …

With the California State Treasurer claiming we need to raise our already sky-high tax rates or face a financial Armageddon, the introduction of this bill is not only irresponsible – but foolhardy. It is believed that the temporary California sales tax, which will expire later this year, will be re-imposed or even increased. Schwarzenegger is already begging for federal funds to protect his “legacy” so he can leave office having handled a “technical deficit.”

So why is Len0 introducing this bill, if not to set up an issue to be exploited by Jerry Brown in his gubnatorial run  -- an issue that would appeal to the illegal aliens and others in the “entitlement” movement?

 The clear and present danger of electing Jerry Brown …

But the clear and present danger would be electing a governor like Jerry Brown whose philosophy and past history suggests that he would openly embrace the concept of single-payer healthcare, global warming restrictions and other such far-left liberal nonsense meant, not to solve the problem, but to exert and perpetuate democrat political control. Keep a sharp eye peeled for the likes of ACORN (possibly under a new name) and the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) as they try to use socialist Alinsky’s  community organizing tactics to push a Brown candidacy.

-- steve

Capture1-22-2010-5.42.45 PM

Reference Links …

S.B. 810:Leno: Single-payer health care coverage

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Government not serious about privacy incursions by government workers ...

How can the government be serious about protecting the privacy of individuals whose information resides in government databases if they unwilling to demand non-negotiable jail time for those who improperly access government databases.

As we saw with Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Transportation Security Agency, Earl Southers, punishment for invading the privacy of United States Citizens by tapping into government databases is apparently not regarded as a major problem worthy of major punishment.

In the Southers case, it appears that Southers inappropriately accessed government databases to snoop on his ex-wife’s boyfriend. For this action, which could have been regarded as a crime, Southers received a censure by the FBI. The exact terms of the censure were not made available during the Senate confirmation process.

Now the AFP is reporting …

“US State Department clerk sentenced for passport peeking”

“A US State Department file clerk on Thursday was sentenced to 12 months' probation for illegally accessing dozens of confidential passport applications of movie actors, professional athletes and other celebrities.”

“The employee, Susan Holloman, 58, was also ordered by the judge in the case to perform 75 hours of community service.”

“Holloman, a file assistant at the State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs, admitted that between February 2007 and December 2007 she repeatedly logged on to the department's secure computer database and viewed passport applications belonging to some 70 celebrities and their families.”

“She acknowledged to prosecutors that she had no reason to access the passport applications, other than ‘idle curiosity,’ a State Department press release said.”

“The State Department said that the files are protected under law by the US Privacy Act.”

“Holloman is the ninth department worker to plead guilty to snooping into celebrities' passport records, with all of the employees sentenced so far receiving several months' probation and community service.”

Continuing pattern of behavior …

“In 2008, amid the US presidential campaign season, the State Department revealed that its employees had inappropriately accessed passport files belonging to prominent presidential hopefuls, though there was no indication Thursday of whether Holloman had been involved in those breaches.”

Whether to satisfy personal curiosity, to provide information to a political campaign (Joe the Plumber) or to sell to a tabloid (UCLA Medical Files), a crime has been committed. And the extremely light sentences handed down to government workers do not serve as a strong lesson to similarly-minded file-peekers.

It is about time to get tough with those in government who use their position and access to invade the privacy of others. We are on the verge of creating the largest government database in the history of man, one which will contain medical, financial and employment information on every individual in the United States. A clear and present danger to our constitutional liberties and a potential misuse of information by a tyrannical or hyper-politicized government.

We must demand jail time for those government workers who invade the privacy of others whether for personal, professional, political or profit-making reasons. Until this is done, we should have a well-founded reluctance to trust our government with our personal information – which can be used to embarrass, intimidate, blackmail or coerce us into taking unwarranted actions to preserve our privacy.

It is our freedom, it is our data – and the government should be respectful of the trust “we the people” place in our governmental institutions. Without that trust, our government is no better than that of a self-serving, self-perpetuating banana republic.

-- steve

Reference Links …

US State Department clerk sentenced for passport peeking

State Department Bombshell: Workers Fired for Access of Obamas Passport File March 2008

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Reconsidering John McCain''s reelection to the Senate ...

It appears that John McCain is positioning himself as the de facto head of the Republican Party – a voice of moderation and fiscal conservatism. But since I judge a politician by his actions, not his words, it appears that we must reconsider the consequences in  returning John McCain to the Senate. 

It appears to me that John McCain is a RINO (Republican In Name Only) as he gallivants around the country with his “special friend and advocate” Lindsey Graham.

Consider that John McCain was always quick to hop across the aisle to embrace his democrat colleagues in pursuing their agenda.

Let’s recap …

  • McCain-Feingold (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002) which did very little to reform Campaign finance, introduced crazy – and possibly unconstitutional – rules which ceded power to private groups like those headed by George Soros. 
  • McCain-Kennedy (Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act) which attempted to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens without protecting our borders from a continuing onslaught of new illegal aliens. Convoluted rules which did little or nothing to weed out criminals and other undesirables. Included policies which insured that the United States would continue to import poverty, illiteracy, low work skills and possibly third-world disease.
  • McCain-Lieberman (Climate Stewardship Acts) which are based on faulty science and amount to a government imposition of a command and control mechanism over all energy generators and consumers. Affecting the entire economy in undesirable ways such as enlarging government, increasing taxes and reducing personal freedoms.
  • Cantwell-McCain to re-impose some of the provisions of the abandoned Glass-Steagall Act which separated the activities of banks, brokerages and insurance companies. Under this Administration and Congress, this could simply be a further complication of our financial recovery.

We know candidate McCain has a formidable temper and is part of the “old boys” network. It is my belief that McCain, should he be reelected, will continue work on his amnesty initiative and promote democrat-led policies which do not bode well for America or the American people.

While we thank John McCain for his service and suffering long ago, we must realize that he is all about compromise and conciliation NOW. He is not about putting forth a bold new conservative Republican agenda and differentiating the Republicans from the democrats. The time when he could rely on the sympathy of a nation welcoming a “war hero” is long past and our nation is at the precipice. We cannot afford sentiment or mushy-headed feelings that contribute to the democrat juggernaut to destroy the America we all know and love.

Bottom line …

Truth-be-told, John McCain seems to be “democrat-lite” and as far as one can be from the tough-minded conservatism evidenced by former President Ronald Reagan. This guy appears to be all talk and very little walk.

We saw what he was all about during the previous Presidential campaign. Almost as if he was the hand-picked candidate of choice selected by the democrats.

I am willing to discuss this matter further, but I strongly suggest that we can replace John McCain with a principled conservative rather than just reelect another complacent liberal Republican to office.

Example: The problematical McCain-Feingold Constitutionality Issue …

From (January 21, 2010)  …

Supreme Court Drop-Kicks McCain/Feingold, Scores Victory for 1st Amendment. Obama preparing ‘Forceful Response’

“Fans of the First Amendment can rejoice.  In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court today struck down large portions of the abomination known as the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, especially those aspects of the law that imposed restrictions on corporate spending on political issues.”

“From The New York Times:

“Sweeping aside a century-old understanding and overruling two important precedents, a bitterly divided Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the government may not ban political spending by corporations in candidate elections.”

“The ruling was a vindication, the majority said, of the First Amendment’s most basic free speech principle — that the government has no business regulating political speech. The dissenters said allowing corporate money to flood the political marketplace will corrupt democracy.”

Corrupt democracy?

Did any of these loons actually notice that democracy has been severely corrupted, not by the advertising of corporations and others, but by the corruption, complacency and laziness of our elected officials and bureacrats? Not out in the open, but behind closed doors where lobbyists, lawyers, counselors and consultants provide promises of campaign funding, voter support and the actual text of bills that will be introduced as if they were actually created by the politicians and their staffs.

Did anyone notice the rise in toxic organizations, like those headed by George Soros and the far-left environmentalists who mobilize public support among the rabid supporters and scare the bejesus out of politicians seeking to gain or maintain office?

Did anyone notice the activities of supposedly bias-free community organizers like ACORN whose support seemed to fall 99% to the benefit of the democrat party. Or the unions like the SEIU whose support also tends to fall 99% towards the benefit of the democrat party.

“’If the First Amendment has any force,’ Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the majority, which included the four members of its conservative wing, ‘it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech.’”

Perhaps the Supreme Court Justices have the wrong theory …

Could it be that the Supreme Court Justices have the First Amendment down pat, but simply did not use the right theory. Corporations and other forms of organizations are treated like “artificial citizens” under the law. That is, they can own property, sue in a court of competent jurisdiction for redress and, in general, enjoy the rights of living individuals. Perhaps one should have considered that the fundamental rights cannot be enjoyed by these artificial legal constructs – such as the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – and just as they cannot fully enjoy the right of the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms, perhaps there are limitations on their free speech rights when it comes to political speech on behalf of a politician or cause?

Perhaps if the government and the Supreme Court were more open and honest with the people, they would have considered that nobody is really enforcing the rules and regulations governing “truth in advertising” and that misleading, inaccurate advertising on behalf of candidates and their causes is not being punished in a more substantial manner and on a time-relevant contemporaneous basis. Merely quoting a publication which put forth speculation or other drivel is not a defense of the truth. But, of course, by the time the authorities take action, the campaign group is dissolved and there is nobody left responsible. And even if charges are prove true and the organization fined, the damage was done and “we the people” have “no practical  redress” against a corrupt, complacent, inept or lazy politician.

What does it really mean?

In the final analysis, all of the time, effort and money that was spent on creating, promoting and adjudicating McCain-Feingold’s abominable bill were for naught. Corporations, associations, the unions and others are now free to spend anything they want on this 2010 election cycle – just in time to assist the democrats in staving off voter anger and disaffection using massive indoctrination (oops – I mean advertising) campaigns.

And if you think McCain-Feingold was bad, just consider what McCain-Kennedy would have done to our political, social and financial infrastructure or that McCain-Lieberman is based on demonstrably false data regarding global warming.

Things that make you think that John McCain is enabling the democrats and the far-left to subvert traditional American values and moving our nation farther towards socialism.

I think we need to really reexamine McCain’s candidacy for reelection and I am now inclined to say “thank you, but no thanks.”

-- steve

One of my facebook friends, a campaign consultant, pointed out that although conservative  former congressman J.D. Hayworth may challenge John McCain, he is not without some ethical baggage. Mostly involving PAC (Political Action Committee) funds which were paid to his wife and some involvement in the Abramoff/Indian scandal. She also pointed out that McCain significant war chest would demand serious money in a head-to-head matchup. Normally, I would have welcomed Hayworth with open arms -- but am holding off until I do further research.

Open question: will Sarah Palin's support of McCain damage her conservative position or simply improve the chance that we will be returning an amnesty-loving RINO to office for another six years? I know that it appears that Sarah Palin's loyalty to McCain for promoting her to the national scene is admirable, but I can help but thinking that he needs to go -- regardless of who supports him or how much money he has in his warchest. We just cannot afford another McCain-whoever amnesty bill.

Reference Links …


“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Where are the Republicans? Is Massachusetts a beginning or a fluke of a disaffected citizenry?

Yes, a Republican won the interim “Kennedy” Senate Seat in Massachusetts over a democrat who campaigned with former President Clinton and President Obama. But does this signify a resurgence of interest in the Republican Party? I think not. Especially considering how many democrats and independents actually voted across party lines and supported Scott Brown.

First, the Republicans remain leaderless and rudderless, operating more on happenstance than a planned strategy.

Second, Massachusetts voters, be they democrats or independents were not voting so much for Scott, but against the general political environment.

An arrogant Congress who, in essence, told the people to sit down and shut up.

They crafted their legislation in secret, behind closed doors with only the party faithful and the special interests present.

The cut special deals with the special interests in exchange for limited opposition if not outright support.

They passed 1000+ and 2000+ page bills that no one could read nor understand.

They told the public that their legislative efforts were cost effective and would have a neutral effect on the deficit and overall national debt. Demonstrable lies which used subsidiary bills and un-costed extensions that merely ceded additional powers to the various agency secretaries and ill-defined commissions, boards and panels.

They made no effort to seek bi-partisan agreement and input.

They seemed to be oblivious to the signal they were sending to the public: this bill is so damn good that we need to bribe individual politicians with multi-billion dollar carve-outs to seek their support. Proving that both the leadership and their members were corrupt, complacent or ideologues.

This is reminiscent of the anti-Bush vote – nothing more nor less.

Third, democrat legislative efforts seemed to be more about extending one-party rule political power in perpetuity by embracing central planning and implementing a “command and control” political environment which would make ordinary citizens more dependent on their government – and especially the party in power.

Fourth, how many people noticed that the taxpayer’s hard-earned funds were being channeled into organizations that could be described as “community organizers” – with the sole purpose of building a cadre of supporters that could “get out the vote” in the upcoming 2010 and 2012 election cycles. It is no accident that many of these funding initiatives break in 2010 and in 2012.

Fifth, we the people are appalled at the creation of a class of super-citizens – also known as government bureaucrats – which are being guaranteed “jobs for life,” medical care for life, salaries matching the private sector and a retirement package that can’t begin to match the private sector for generosity. A new class of self-perpetuating, self-sustaining bureaucrats that is fast reaching a “critical mass” where they can simply vote for the party that keeps them fat, dumb and happy.

Sixth, hard-working Americans are worried about the rise of the “entitlement” class which is being promised more and more for their votes. With the Obama Administration and the current congress, handouts seem to be the order of the day – all to buy party loyalty where none really exists.

But worst of all, the Republicans are sitting back and watching the democrats destroy their own party …

There seems to be little or no real work behind the scenes. As a conservative, I would hoped to have seen the emergence of a conservative agenda that repudiated the profligate spending of the past. I would hoped to have seen the Republicans reform their primary process to prevent an extremely small number of “states who can be bought” from dictating which leaders might survive and go on the ballot. Where crossover voting and other shenanigans did not produce “weak sister” candidates like John McCain.

I don’t see a push for voter identification. If you need a picture ID to enter a federal building, fly on an airline or drive a car – how about preserving our most precious freedom – the freedom to have our vote counted honestly and accurately? And don’t give me the crap about the poor being disenfranchised. They can get a picture identification card at their DMV for little or no expense. For those who vote without ID, a confirmation process could be provided.

So where are the Republicans today? Or are they waiting for Scott Brown to announce that he is thinking of running for President?

About the man ...

Scott Brown appears to be a good guy, unafraid to speak his mind. But the Republicans should remember he is a Republican operating in a heavily democrat state and has a long history of dealing across the aisle to get things accomplished. He appears to be a moderate to fiscal concervative and I believe he is more of a liberal when it comes to social issues. We know he is passionate for veteran's affairs and has a very thin record on significant issues. Before the Republicans annoint this candidate, they should move beyond his likeability and really examine what he does in the next two years. Above all, he will represent Massachusetts first -- whether or not he can move beyond supporting his state and dealing with senior Senator Kerry to concentrate on what is good for the nation. There is always the problem that Scott Brown will morph into a RINO (Republican In Name Only) -- and the hope that he will grow into a national leader.

Bottom line …

Unless the Republicans get their platform together and start showing some leadership, the democrats may find a way to manufacture a resurgence which will thwart the constitutional checks and balances that make the 2010 election cycle a necessity. Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Gingrich and Beck can’t provide leadership – they can provide enlightenment – but not leadership. It is time to re-build the party on conservative principles and preparing for the cataclysmic clash that will soon be upon us.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS