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All you need to know about California’s Governor Arnold Douchenegger … Maldonado for Lt. Governor

California’s Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a RINO, a Republican In Name Only. A liberal democrat who talks tough – but is nothing but a girly-man who lacks the leadership and the balls to stand up for  embattled Californians. A narcissistic ego-driven creature made to appear strong by Hollywood smoke and mirrors.  A man whose first major choice of political ally was the long-term democrat, lesbian Chief of Staff of the former governor, Gray Davis. Davis, with his reputation of being a political whore and profligate fundraiser, has been outdone on all accounts by Schwarzenegger.

In spite of being complicit in rubber-stamping the profligate spending of California’s socialist legislature, proposing his own version of “cap-and-trade,” doing everything he can to help the democrats paper over the burgeoning deficit, signing a sham budget document, the miserable bastard does it again.

Sticking it to the people …

According to the Sacramento Bee … 

“Schwarzenegger picks Maldonado for lieutenant governor”

“Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today said on The Jay Leno Show that he would appoint Republican state Sen. Abel Maldonado to fill the vacant lieutenant governor's job, perhaps setting off a partisan squabble over his confirmation.”

“Maldonado, 42, of Santa Maria, has been one of the few GOP allies the Republican governor has in the Legislature. He provided a key vote this year to help Democrats and Schwarzenegger push through tax increases and a budget plan over the objections of most Republican lawmakers.”

“Leno asked the governor who he was going to appoint. Schwarzenegger said Maldonado ‘makes decisions based on what's best for the people rather than what's best for the party,’ according to an NBC transcript. ‘He has helped us, many times, pass a budget, which was very important.’"

Let’s review …

We were facing a severe budge deficit and a continuing shortfall of revenue. The democrats refused to cut spending – especially on the entitlement programs which provided aid and comfort to illegal aliens while diluting and impacting assistance to legal California residents. The democrats loudly declares “it was not a spending problem, but a revenue problem.” The budget was jiggered using borrowed funds, funds transfers from specific use accounts and a variety of accounting tricks – and the dishonest budget was personally signed by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

When the Republicans stood between the democrats and the abyss, they caved …

It is an open secret, made public by one of the politicians, that the Republicans chose termed-out members to provide the needed votes to pass the tax increase – and to provide political shelter from the political consequences to the other Republicans still in office or running for another position.

“In a statement released by his office, Schwarzenegger said Maldonado would be a ‘true partner’ in pushing the governor's agenda.”

I would use the term co-conspirator. 

"’Sen. Maldonado has proven he has the strength and courage it takes to reach across the partisan divide and put the interests of Californians first, and he is absolutely the most qualified person to take on the role of lieutenant governor,’ Schwarzenegger said.”

Sound familiar … this is the same rhetoric used to support McCain-Feingold (campaign finance), McCain-Kennedy (amnesty for illegal aliens), and McCain-Lieberman (global warming) – all toxic democrat-inspired bills which are or were provably bad for the American people.

Let’s see if the democrats clutch this asp to their bosom and welcome him back to a leadership position

“Under the constitution, lawmakers have 90 days to act on Maldonado's appointment. If either the Assembly or the Senate rejects him on a majority vote, he will remain in the Senate and the governor would have the option of finding a new nominee or leaving the job vacant. If the two houses approve Maldonado on a majority vote - or fail to act within 90 days - he would fulfill the final year of Garamendi's term.”

Another significant key political office is now up for grabs …

Douchenegger has just endangered the State of California, once again, by allowing the democrats another opportunity to insure that California’s constitutional checks and balances are destroyed and California remains a one-party dominated state.

“On the other hand, Democrats believe they can win the Central Coast Senate seat left open by elevating Maldonado to the lieutenant governor's job. If they did win the seat, Democrats would have 26 votes in the upper house, one shy of a two-thirds majority needed to raise taxes, approve the budget bill or override vetoes.”

Does anyone else notice that this trend is starting to mirror our toxic democrat-ruled Congress which is threatening to destroy our nation much in the same manner that the California democrats have destroyed our formerly Golden State?

Rewarding the dirty deed …

“Maldonado acknowledged in February that that ‘some people are probably going to lynch me’ after he cut a deal with Schwarzenegger and Democrats that led to a tax increase.”

To secure Maldonado's vote, lawmakers reluctantly agreed to place on the June 2010 ballot a constitutional amendment to create open primaries in state elections, a potential boost to moderates such as Maldonado.”

Another proponent of illegal alien amnesty and cheap labor?

“A family farmer and former mayor of Santa Maria, Maldonado came to Sacramento as an assemblyman in 1998 amid much promise - a Latino Republican, the son of an immigrant who came to the United States a year before Maldonado was born.”

“Maldonado championed Schwarzenegger's minimum-wage increase in 2006, despite opposition from GOP stalwarts in the business and farming communities.”

The truth about Douchenegger …

"’Our governor cares about one thing only, and that's Arnold Schwarzenegger,’ a shattered Maldonado told the Los Angeles Times after the election that year. "I kind of felt like I got left holding the bag. ... When he needs Latinos, Latinos are always there for him. When Latinos need him, the answer's been 'no.'"

Bottom line …

Schwarzenegger is for Schwarzenegger. All style over substance. A man, and I use the term loosely, who cannot be trusted. Another self-described “post partisan” politician like Barack Obama – both lacking leadership and created by Hollywood’s smoke and mirrors.

--  steve

Reference Links …

Schwarzenegger picks Maldonado for lieutenant governor - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


It is not a stretch of the imagination to consider that most elected officials in government, both in the Obama Administration and the Congress are so busy fundraising and pandering to the special interests that they have little or no time to read 2,000-plus pages of legislation – if they had the inclination or could actually understand what was written on the page before them.

The big lie: we want to hear from the “little people”

So why should we believe that either the Administration or Congress wants or values our input – except as the condensed results of a survey or as a means to build a fundraising/voter support list?

A million lobbyists --- who the hell are they kidding? is reporting … 

“White House Deputy CTO Beth Noveck Wants MORE LOBBYISTS!!”

We want to make sure that everybody has the opportunity to advise government,” Deputy Federal CTO Beth Noveck remarked while being interviewed yesterday morning by tech publisher Tim O’Reilly at the latter’s Web 2.0 Expo in Manhattan.”

“The reality of how 150 million people get meaningfully involved in their government is a little fuzzy, however.”

This is not the only thing fuzzy in the Obama Administration. We see the lines between governance and politicking being blurred each and every day. In fact, it seems that the Obama Administration is in a permanent campaign mode – where they can misrepresent, distort and outright lie to the public. Often relying on the impunity that comes from the campaign mode where people expect to encounter partisan politics and outright lies. And where the candidate merely sidesteps falsehoods by declaring them “inoperative” or claiming to have “misspoke.”

In fact, one needs to be very much aware of the Obama information team that is being purposely kept outside of the White House for political and legal reasons. To extend the brand and fundraising of the democrat party – which would be illegal if conducted on government property.

Some great questions …

“Tech blogger Anil Dash perhaps summed it up best to me as, How can I work for my country without working for my government?”

“In the private sector, if an entrepreneur has a great idea, it can rapidly spread and become a standard. Why does stuff in the public sector have to be reinvented in every agency or city?”

“In the private sector, someone who has the ‘best’ product wins. In the public sector, how does the best project ‘win’?”

“Let’s say that someone has an app that’s useful for the government. Is there a way that someone can get that into the catalog?”

The reality …

The reason why the real world does not intrude into government is simple: you have strong competing self-interests that will only do something to benefit the country if they can claim the credit, profit from their actions, and/or use the action for fundraising or voter support. The players are: the democrat party, the republican party, the bureaucrats and the special interests. There is little or no regard for the public unless it benefits an internal government constituency – or they are afraid of the adverse consequences of not taking action. Where the mainstream media used to inspire fear by “speaking truth to power,” they have now sacrificed their journalistic ethics and appear to be just another channel for pro-government propaganda. All of which dooms the system to mediocrity and ultimate failure.

That is not to say that there are dedicated government workers who want to do the right thing. But, in many cases, their agencies are headed by hyper-political appointees who are acting in their own self-interests in pushing party politics.

It appears that both political parties are corrupt and operating to obtain and maintain political power. Putting forth flawed candidates with questionable principles and dubious associations with less than honorable people.

A starting point …

And it is now time to hold both political parties to account for the pain and suffering that they have caused to be inflicted on the American public with their self-serving politics and policies. Starting with eliminating or revising the primary election process. No more “dinky” states winnowing the candidates for the general election. Screw tradition – it is now time for all people to be able to vote in the primary, regardless of political affiliation. Then let the top candidates on both parties fight it out. No more allowing a few thousand people to determine the course of an election – especially when it appears that these votes can be manipulated with money and media.

No more funny counts – picture id or a thumbprint. If it works in Iraq, it certainly can work here. For those without picture identification, their thumbprint will suffice. Allowing illegal aliens to vote or allowing vote tampering and voter intimidation to exist is unacceptable. We are losing our country to corrupt voting practices and this needs to stop.

More monitoring of the Post Office – we need to suspect unionized workers, mostly supporting the democrat party, of being able to influence an election when absentee ballots are used. Safeguards and mandatory penalties must be meted out for those who “accidently” discover hidden ballots – or see ballots accidently destroyed in opposition counties.

More monitoring of electronic voting machines and polling places. Perhaps in place of the semi-senile, overwrought senior citizens that seem to man the polls, more active and aware citizens should be selected – perhaps on the same basis used to select juries.

And  by demanding a reform of Congress – by starting over – changing the self-imposed rules of the House and the Senate which provide protection for corrupt politicians and impose arcane rules on what should be an extended debate about the serious issues facing our nation.

Enough of the “club” mentality. They work for us!

We are at a crossroads …

Our country is being destroyed from within by liberal democrats acting in the name of political correctness. Attempting to perpetuate their power into the future by altering our Constitutional freedoms and imposing their own will on the people of America. Attempting to turn this country into a socialist nation based on the precepts of European socialism and controlled by such corrupt organizations as the United Nations.

Get out and tell your friends, neighbors and colleagues that you want their help to return the country to its rightful owners, “We the People.” Let’s take back our government in 2010 and 2012. Do not vote for any incumbent politician, position-hopping professional politician or lawyer. Enough is Enough.

-- steve

Reference Links:

White House Deputy CTO Beth Noveck Wants MORE LOBBYISTS!! | Columnists | Mediaite

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Who do you want watching your back: Sarah Palin or Martha Stewart?

It has been said that “opinions are like assholes, everyone has one” and here is faux-populist  Martha Stewart looking down her liberal elitist nose and pronouncing Sarah Palin as boring – and Dangerous!

In a real fight, in the real world, I ask you: who would you want watching your back – Sarah Palin or Martha “the sheets look lovely” Stewart?

No question about it: Sarah Palin scares the bejesus out of people like Stewart because they are real and appear not to be susceptible to the phony “Malibu to Manhattan” crap.

Here is Martha Stewart in her own words …

It’s liberal idiots like Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey who worship at the feet of Barack Obama. And it is people like Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey who are immune from the pain, suffering and angst Obama is causing with his ill-conceived socialist policies. Their money is sheltered beyond the taxman’s reach – using the best financial advice money can buy.

In fact wasn’t Martha Stewart a billionaire (at least in stockholdings) when she went to jail for lying to the government investigators about trying to avoid the loss of a comparitively small amount of money in an insider stock deal?  Selling stock before the bad news hit the “little people.”

Make no bones about it – Martha Stewart is the type of elitist liberal who promotes liberalism and derides conservatism so she can fit in with the other lemmings attending cocktail parties and fundraisers for liberals.

Me, I want a real person like Sarah Palin protecting my back when the going gets tough. With Sarah Palin, behind that girly exterior is a core of steel – and with Martha Steward, behind that exterior of steel is a girly interior. With Steward it is all show and no GO.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Democrat model for 2010 elections -- buying the vote with YOUR money ...

It is now extremely clear how the democrats plan to pursue their toxic legislative agenda in spite of overwhelming opposition to their plans. And how they plan to combat the consequences of their toxic actions in the 2010 election.

They are going to use the taxpayers money to buy support from the unions and special interests. YOUR money will be used against YOU to allow these corrupt politicians to continue to pursue their toxic agenda.

A clear example …

In what is being reported as the “Second Louisiana Purchase,” the democrats have modified the Obamacare legislation to provide at least  $300 million of your money to the State of Louisiana – simply to legally bribe democrat Senator Mary Landrieu into casting the one of the needed votes to keep the Obamacare legislation alive. Not only is this a blatant abuse of power and of taxpayer funds, it may be unconstitutional as it coveys special consideration for a State in return for a legislator’s vote. While I know that this is a standard practice by both parties, it smacks of illegality and manipulation.

Of course, Landrieu denies that this special treatment was the sole reason for her vote. Plausible deniability or outright lying?

And what of the future …

This is just the beginning of a downward spiral that will plunge our nation into overwhelming debt and further corrupt Congress – as each and every legislator will now expect something in return for their vote, something they can use back home when their constituents question their ability, morality and ethics.

The people no longer seem to matter…  

The wishes of a politician’s constituency no longer matter as long as the special interests are satisfied.

And it appears that this will be the methodology for attempting to maintain a democrat majority in 2010. Probably by funneling millions of dollars to community organizers to register democrats and make sure that some of them vote as many times as possible. No wonder the democrats are dead-set against voter identification programs, secret ballots and citizen verification in the workplace.

We need to remove these corrupt democrats and their complacent republican pals from office. The 2010 election can not come soon enough to begin taking back our county.

As for Mary Landrieu, she is just another political whore – and not a cheap one at that. Perhaps the Republicans should have employed Eliot Spitzer to negotiate the deal. It would have been cheaper for the taxpayers in the long run.

-- steve

What a legislative bribe looks like …


Section 1905 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d), as amended by sections 2001(a)(3) and
2001(b)(2), is amended— (1) in subsection (b), in the first sentence, by striking ‘‘subsection (y)’’ and inserting ‘‘subsections (y) and (aa)’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
‘‘(aa)(1) Notwithstanding subsection (b), beginning January 1, 2011, the Federal medical assistance percentage for a fiscal year for a disaster-recovery FMAP adjustment State shall be equal to the following:
‘(A) In the case of the first fiscal year (or part of a fiscal year) for which this subsection applies to the State, the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection and subsection (y), increased by 50 percent of the number of percentage points by which the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection and subsection (y), is less than the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the preceding fiscal year after the application of only subsection (a) of section 5001 of Public Law 111–5 (if applicable to the preceding fiscal year) and without regard to this subsection, subsection (y), and subsections (b) and (c) of section 5001 of Public Law 111–5.

‘‘(B) In the case of the second or any succeeding fiscal year for which this subsection applies to the State, the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the preceding fiscal year under this subsection for the State, increased by 25 percent of the number of percentage points by which the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection and subsection (y), is less than the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the preceding fiscal year under this subsection.

‘‘(2) In this subsection, the term ‘disaster-recovery FMAP adjustment State’ means a State that is one of the 50 States or the District of Columbia, for which, at any time during the preceding 7 fiscal years, the President has declared a major disaster under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and determined as a result of such disaster that every county or parish in the State warrant individual and public assistance or public assistance from the Federal Government under such Act and for which— ‘‘(A) in the case of the first fiscal year (or part of a fiscal year) for which this subsection applies to the State, the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection and subsection (y), is less than the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the preceding fiscal year after the application of only subsection (a) of section 5001 of Public Law 111–5 (if applicable to the preceding fiscal year) and without regard to this subsection, subsection (y), and subsections (b) and (c) of section 5001 of Public Law 111–5, by at least 3 percentage points; and ‘‘(B) in the case of the second or any succeeding fiscal year for which this subsection applies to the State, the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the fiscal year without regard to this subsection and subsection (y), is less than the Federal medical assistance percentage determined for the State for the preceding fiscal year under this subsection by at least 3 percentage points.

‘‘(3) The Federal medical assistance percentage determined for a disaster-recovery FMAP adjustment State under paragraph (1) shall apply for purposes of this title (other than with respect to disproportionate share hospital payments described in section 1923 and payments under this title that are based on the enhanced FMAP described in 2105(b)) and shall not apply with respect to payments under title IV (other than under part E of title IV) or payments under title XXI.’’.

  (Reid Bill – Page 432)

Now you can see why politicians cannot read, let alone understand, what is contained in a 2,000+ page bill that was written by lawyers and legislative specialists behind closed doors. The mistakes and unintended consequences remain unknown. As does the final form of the bill which is still subject to amendments and reconcilliation with the House's 1900+ page version. As they say in the Air Force: this is clearly a clusterfuck!

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Obamacare: Ruling your life by altering your lifestyle ...

By definition, a glimpse is just a hint on what is to come …

There are those liberal democrats, mostly known as “limousine liberals” who are exempted by wealth, power or position from the consequences of their actions, and who believe they have the right to tell you how to live your life. Because they know better. And because you are incompetent to run your own life and handle your own affairs.

Mostly corrupt, self-serving democrat politicians pandering to special interests; they will see thousands of people killed by alcohol, tobacco and drugs and do nothing because, in the case of alcohol and tobacco, they raise significant tax revenues, and in the case of drugs, fuel an entire law enforcement infrastructure that returns big money to the attorneys that handle drug cases.

There are the politicians who but want to regulate the lives of law-abiding citizens on the basis of “it for the children” or “if only one life is saved” -- which is nothing more than a media ploy. Their hypocrisy is often stunning. Consider that both the liberal politicians and militant feminist groups would rather see women raped and killed than – heaven forbid – defend themselves with a gun. Unbelievable.

And now we are getting a glimpse of Obamacare …

Imagine using the issue of healthcare and medical cost containment to examine and control every facet of your personal life. Even if they claim such control tactics are voluntary, they always provide some means of legislative or legal coercion. A prime example: they will not ban something that they believe is bad for you, but they will reserve the right to raise your insurance premiums to punish the behavior. Much in the same manner that the radical California legislature refuses to alleviate traffic problems to “encourage” Californians to accept mass transit.

The Glimpse …

The Associated Press is reporting …

Pa. university students upset about fitness class”

“A Pennsylvania university's requirement that overweight undergraduates take a fitness course to receive their degrees has raised the hackles of students and the eyebrows of health and legal experts.”

Not only is this enforced political correctness, but it assumes that each student must have their personal privacy invaded and that health records be kept on an individual basis. Perhaps to be used by the government in policy decisions, perhaps by the insurance industry to set premiums or perhaps leaked to the media to embarrass the person involved.

Where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?

Officials at historically black Lincoln University said Friday that the school is simply concerned about high rates of obesity and diabetes, especially in the African-American community.”

"’We know we're in the midst of an obesity epidemic,’ said James L. DeBoy, chairman of Lincoln's department of health, physical education and recreation. ‘We have an obligation to address this head on, knowing full well there's going to be some fallout.’"

This sounds racist to me … creating a policy that is specifically aimed at the Black community. Where will it end? Will they make young Blacks take a course in ethics, responsibility and birth control to fight the overwhelming problem of “single black mothers” and “irresponsible black fathers” under the guise that they are concerned about the high rates of single mother households in the black community – problematical because of the high rates of problematical children?

The citizens should be asking: “what is the proper role of government in a free society?”

“Tiana Lawson, a 21-year-old senior, wrote in this week's edition of The Lincolnian, the student newspaper, that she ‘didn't come to Lincoln to be told that my weight is not in an acceptable range. I came here to get an education.’"

Tiana has it right … educators are there to educate, to offer choices and not to coerce or punish students based on health concerns or their lifestyle. Similarly, our government, bound by the Constitution, is about providing for the common defense of our nation and insuring an equality of opportunity – not tinkering with legislation to impose unconstitutional mandates to insure equality of outcomes.

“'In an interview Friday, Lawson said she has no problem with getting healthy or losing weight. But she does have a problem with larger students being singled out.”

"’If Lincoln truly is concerned about everyone being healthy, then everyone should have to take this gym class, not just people who happen to be bigger,’ she said.”

Busted! Not only for their hypocrisy, but for making an unconstitutional demand on some students – possibly in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

“The mandate, which took effect for freshmen entering in fall 2006, requires students to get tested for their body mass index, a measure of weight to height.”

“A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. Students with one that's 30 or above - considered obese - are required to take a class called ‘Fitness for Life,’ which meets three hours a week.”

“The course involves walking, aerobics, weight training and other physical activities, as well as information on nutrition, stress and sleep, DeBoy said.”

I wonder, is the class graded and does the grade enter into your GPA (Grade Point Average)? If you don’t lose weight or change your lifestyle, will you be required to repeat the class?

What about illegal?

“Health experts applaud the school's intent, if not its execution. Mark Rothstein, director of the bioethics institute at the University of Louisville's School of Medicine, said being forced to disclose such health information is ‘at least awkward and often distasteful.’"

“DeBoy stressed that students are not required to lose weight or lower their BMI; they must only pass the class through attendance and participation.”

Which is often how more onerous policies start … and once the baby steps are considered normal and acceptable, the liberals often move on to larger and more onerous policies. The window between acceptable and unacceptable continues to move towards the unacceptable – thus making to merely unthinkable sound like acceptable policy.

It’s about limiting your choices and individual freedoms …

“Also, students need more than exercise, said Marcia Costello, a registered dietitian in the Philadelphia area. The university should make sure its dining halls and vending machines offer healthy choices, she said.”

Bad metrics?

“Costello, an assistant professor of nursing at Villanova University, also noted that body mass index can be misleading. Since muscle weighs more than fat, ‘it is possible to be overweight and still be physically fit,’ she said.”

I wonder if what would happen if schools apply the same standards to the football team or would they be given a “wink-wink” pass as they currently receive for academic achievement? 

Bottom line …

Government is becoming more intrusive into private matters and into the lives of its citizens – not for good reasons – but to extend their political control  for self-aggrandizement, self-enrichment and to perpetuate their political power by pandering to special interests who have a vested outcome in pursuing particular public policies.

The call what the Congress does “debate,” but in reality it is just throwing prepared speeches at each other, full well-knowing that the major decisions were crafted in the back rooms of the political parties with only special interests present.

Time to send this corrupt and complacent bunch packing.

-- steve

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Reference Links:

My Way News - Pa. university students upset about fitness class

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Healthcare: The democrats are selling out America and Americans ...

It appears that the democrats have sold out to the far left … playing upon race and good intentions to impose a toxic ideology on all American citizens!

The goal of the democrats in the government appears to be …

1. Obtain and maintain political power in perpetuity;

2. Reward those special interests, especially the unions, for their support regardless of the cost to society;

3.  Strengthen the power of the judicial system which is controlled by the Executive branch of the government and weaken the military and all other intelligence and protective agencies;

3.  Burden the government infrastructure with a crushing burden of debt which leads to the type of anarchy and civil disruption which requires a government response: martial law and the restructuring of our institutions and

4. Continue to build a coalition of others of like mind, both foreign and domestic – accepting assistance from those who would normally be considered our ideological enemies.


There are only two motivations that seem to apply to this clear and present danger to America.

1.  Personal and political self-interest which allows elected officials to obtain and maintain political power to perpetuate their position and continue to plunder the United States Treasury on behalf of themselves, their family, friends and “pay for play” special interests.

2. Imposing a new political structure which would turn American into a European-style socialist state; ruled by the elite and the unions.

Their weapon of choice: DEBT …

Those who control your debt, control your life. It’s as simple as that. Create massive new entitlement programs, restrict our economic ability to pay for the national debt and bring about the collapse of America.

Don’t believe me ?

One need only consider the Cloward-Piven strategy to understand the power of debt on governmental entities.

“The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined by Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, then both sociologists and political activists at the Columbia University School of Social Work, in a 1966 article in The Nation. The two argued that many Americans who were eligible for welfare were not receiving benefits, and that a welfare enrollment drive would create a political crisis that would force U.S. politicians, particularly the Democratic Party, to enact legislation ‘establishing a guaranteed national income.’”

"The socialist test case for using society's poor and disadvantaged people as sacrificial ‘shock troops,’ in accordance with the Cloward–Piven strategy, was demonstrated in 1975, when new prospective welfare recipients flooded New York City with payment demands, which may have contributed to the bankrupting of the state government."

Why should we not consider members of the Administration and Congress to be anti-American traitors to the American way of life?

Are you sufficiently inoculated against charges of racism and worse … to stand up and say that one Black American and his ideological cronies are both corrupt and traitorous?

“We have the Rev. Jesse Jackson calling out Democratic Congressman Artur Davis of Alabama: ‘We even have blacks voting against the health-care bill. You can’t vote against health care and call yourself a black man.’”

When are the Blacks going to figure out that it has been the democrat’s one-party rule that has kept them in the inner cities – in poverty, with few job choices and with abominable educational opportunities?

Even in an age when the Blacks demand equality, they are still allowing their so-called leaders to play the “race card” rather than engaging in a fair and honest debate based on their ideas.

Are you sufficiently worried about losing your healthcare benefits and the breaking of Social Security and Medicare?

Are you tired of listening to these Marxists, of whatever color, openly lie to you about the costs and efficiencies of government entitlement programs?

Wonder why they are pushing so hard for abortion?

Along with hating America and Americans, many democrats hate the human race. Just as they claim Americans are responsible for much of what is wrong with the world, they simultaneous claim that humans are what’s wrong with our planet’s ecosphere. These are the people who demand population control – whether through restraint, economic disadvantage for having children, sterilization and, of course, abortion. These are often the very same people who demand that we all become vegans and give up meat.

Portrait of the sheeple …

Until directly threatened, most people are anesthesticized by a steady diet of  television, sports and other diversions from the daily-grind of earning a living in an increasingly difficult world.  The last thing they want to do is read a complex, confusing 2,000-plus page bill that would serve as the tool to destroy our national institutions, raise taxes, limit personal choices and freedoms and bring about Obama’s so-called “transformative change.”

Where is the press ...

Where is the media which holds a very special place in American life? Why preserve special priviledges for the media if they no longer serve as the champion of the people -- willing to speak truth to power. Unfortunately, it seems that the only places where one can discuss politics and receive an opportunity to talk back is on the Internet or on talk radio. The traditonal media appears to have compromised their journalistic ethics to support their personal and/or corporate beliefs. You need to become better informed about what the democrats and the complicit republicans are doing to our nation. The story is not to be found in the mainstream media.  

The time is NOW!

We need to purge the democrats from office, limit the influence of unions and most of all, prosecute those who are responsible for aiding and abetting the destruction of America on behalf of her enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Get involved! Remember, the taxes start now and the benefits may start in 2014 – and then with reduced benefits which include cost containment efforts such as denial of care and rationing.

It’s your life … and the lives of your family, friends and fellow Americans that is at stake.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Look for government complaints about Medicare Advantage to rise -- justifying program cuts to senior citizens ... is reporting ...

"Improper US Government Payments Hit $98 Billion"

"Improper payments by the U.S. government to people, firms and contractors rose sharply to $98 billion in fiscal 2009 and President Barack Obama plans new rules to clamp down, the White House said Tuesday."

"Over half the mistakes were made in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and although some of the deterioration reflected stricter measurement, it also showed the need for healthcare reform, Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag told reporters."

Question: can you believe what the government is saying about healthcare given their past record of outright lying about the costs, coverage and controls?

"Improper payments in the Medicare and Medicaid programs totaled $55 billion in fiscal 2009, according to documents provided by OMB."

If this was true, how can they fund the new ObamaCare initiative with this relatively paltry sum ... especially since the government has no real clue to the extent of medical-related fraud. Or if they do, why haven't they already taken actions to stem the tide of provable fraud? Something stinks in Obamaland.  

"Medicare covers healthcare for the elderly and some disabled, while Medicaid does the same for the poor."

"Orszag said the error rate for payments under Medicare Advantage, where private insurers offer coverage to Medicare beneficiaries, jumped to 15 percent, or to $12 billion, in fiscal 2009. The error rate was 10 percent in fiscal 2008."

"'This was not the result of methodological changes. This is one of the reasons why, as part of health reform, we believe there are crucial changes necessary to the Medicare Advantage program,' he said on a telephone conference call."

It is not  "reform" or an overhaul ... it is an out-and-out re-design of the system to support a toxic political agenda and to further crush the existing capitalist system under an unsustainable burden of debt.

"Obama has made overhaul of the $2.5 trillion U.S. healthcare industry his top domestic policy goal, pledging to expand medical coverage to millions of the uninsured and make healthcare more affordable."

According to the White House's Office of Management and Budget, tens of millions of people will still be uncovered and the costs -- assuming you add back in the separate "carve out" legislation will top over $3 TRILLION when the program is fully implemented. Because the OBM works for the President and is not an honest broker, we can see that they are complicit in manipulating costing scenarios -- like collecting ten years of payments, but providing care only in the last years; thus reducing the apparent cost of the bloated and malignant program.

"Orszag stressed that tougher measurement, as well as higher government spending due to the recession, explained a big part of the jump in government waste."

Billions of dollars have gone missing on the Bush and Obama Administration's watch. Without adequate accounting systems and controls, this is likely to become the standard pattern of practice.

"The government made improper payments of $72 billion in the 2008 financial year. Fraud may also be partly to blame."

An understatement: fraud and political corruption ...

"But Orszag stressed that the lack of tools to identify how much fell into this category made it impossible to estimate the size of the problem."

So why would "We the People" be so stupid as to trust the government with a massive new opportunity for increased fraud? Are we the stupid sheeple or what?

"One exception to this rule was fraud connected with improper payments under unemployment insurance, which OMB said added up to around one-fifth of the $12 billion in improper payments in that program."

President Obama is a stone cold liar when he cites government transparency and accountability ...

"Obama will sign a new executive order within a week to improve transparency and to encourage people to play straight, Orszag said."

Criminalizing behavior to exert further control over the populace?

Part of this effort will aim to explore imposing penalties on anyone who knowingly gets an improper payment — for instance if they get paid twice for the same thing. At the moment, all recipients have to do is return the money.

Considering government systems and the feeble ability of some government workers to perform even simple tasks, one might cite poor government systems, procedures and controls, not to mention errors and malfeasance, as being the proximate cause of a large portion of the errors.

"'It goes without saying that these results would be completely unacceptable in the private sector, as they should be in government, especially at a time of record deficits,' said Democratic Senator Tom Carper, chairman of the Senate subcommittee on federal financial management."

Senator Carper is a schmuck if he thinks that the government has ever been run like a business -- especially with the constant meddling and interference of politicians to subvert the system to convey some advantage to the politician's home districts and/or favorite special interests.

"Unfortunately, these numbers may still be just the tip of the iceberg since they don't even include estimates for several major programs, including the Medicare prescription drug plan," Carper said in a statement."

What the hell have the democrats ever done to rein in the costs of their multiple and massive entitlements -- which they now plan on extending to those illegal aliens who are not entitled to government benefits in the first place.

Bottom line ...

This is just another one of the self-serving statements from the democrats who propose to implode the United States under massive new debt and restrictions in personal choice and freedoms.

Time to stop the craziness before it reaches the tipping point of no return.

-- steve

Reference Links:

Improper US Government Payments Hit $98 Billion - Politics and Government * US * News * Story -

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Obamacare: does the apparent dishonesty in the government healthcare debate now cause people to question government pronouncements?

There is no doubt in my mind that the Obama Administration has made materially false statements regarding healthcare policy and issues. Equally as important, we see that the Obama Administration is not above pandering to the special interests: the pharmaceutical industry, the medical device manufactures, hospitals and others seeking improved reimbursement rates, the insurance industry; not to forget the American Medical Association, AARP the the unions like the SEIU.

So when the government comes out with a statement that less healthcare is better, are they acting as an honest broker or are they pandering to the special interests trying to curtail the costs insurers are paying for diagnostic tests?

According to the Washington Post …

“Breast exam guidelines now call for less testing”

“Women in their 40s should stop routinely having annual mammograms and older women should cut back to one scheduled exam every other year, an influential federal task force has concluded, challenging the use of one of the most common medical tests.”

Influential? Whose influence? A government that wants to reduce medical costs? Insurers who want to reduce the cost of preventative diagnostic care to improve their bottom line and executive bonuses?  Famous medical institutions who rely on continued government funding?

“In its first reevaluation of breast cancer screening since 2002, the independent government-appointed panel recommended the changes, citing evidence that the potential harm to women having annual exams beginning at age 40 outweighs the benefit.”

How independent is this government-appointed panel? How were they appointed? Were they political contributors?

Coming amid a highly charged national debate over health-care reform and simmering suspicions about the possibility of rationing medical services, the recommendations immediately became enveloped in controversy.”

WOW – you mean I am not the only one that has observed the government’s dishonesty and now view all government pronouncements with skepticism?

"We're not saying women shouldn't get screened. Screening does saves lives," said Diana B. Petitti, vice chairman of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which released the recommendations Monday in a paper being published in Tuesday's Annals of Internal Medicine. ‘But we are recommending against routine screening. There are important and serious negatives or harms that need to be considered carefully.’"

You would think that Petitti would be an oncologist, but she appears to be a medical policy wonk who has authored a book on cost-control titled “Meta-Analysis, Decision Analysis, and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Methods for Quantitative Synthesis in Medicine.”

Not all agree …

“But the American Cancer Society, the American College of Radiology and other experts condemned the change, saying the benefits of routine mammography have been clearly demonstrated and play a key role in reducing the number of mastectomies and the death toll from one of the most common cancers.”

"’Tens of thousands of lives are being saved by mammography screening, and these idiots want to do away with it,’ said Daniel B. Kopans, a radiology professor at Harvard Medical School. ‘It's crazy -- unethical, really.’"


“The new guidelines also recommend against teaching women to do regular self-exams and concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend that doctors do the exams or to continue routine mammograms beyond age 74.”

Researchers, whose institutions are getting tens of millions of dollars in grants, are being subtly influenced by the need to produce results palatable to the government in order to keep the funding for follow-on projects. That is not saying that they are outright lying, but it does appear that they are spinning their research results in the public media while their scientific publications are more circumspect.

Cost versus benefit: benefit to whom?

“Some questioned whether the new guidelines were designed more to control spending than to improve health. In addition to prompting fewer doctors to recommend mammograms to their patients, they worried that the move would prompt insurers to deny coverage for many mammograms.”

Why I care …

First, I lost a very close friend to breast cancer. It all started with a self-detected lump … what did they say about not doing self-examinations? It was an ugly death as the cancer metastasized to her bones. And second, as we have plainly seen, our government lies with impunity, the mainstream media covers up those lies or buries the coverage and the whole process of healthcare and insurance is riddled with self-interest and corruption. It is a sad commentary on the government that they claim that they can pay for a significant portion of their healthcare initiative by eliminating the corruption that they are sure exists – but have done little to stem, year-after-year-after year.

Lying bastards ...

After the news story broke about the panels recommendations, the official government line became:

"A top federal health official said Wednesday that the controversial new guidelines for breast cancer screening do not represent government policy, as the Obama administration sought to keep the debate over mammograms from undermining the prospects for health-care reform."

"Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, in a written statement, said the new guidelines had 'caused a great deal of confusion and worry among women and their families across this country,' and she stressed that they were issued by 'an outside independent panel of doctors and scientists who . . . do not set federal policy and . . . don't determine what services are covered by the federal government.'"

Did anyone notice that it is this panel who recommends what Medicare, Medicaid and the new Obamacare plan will reimburse. By moving this screening test to a "Class C" item on the schedule, it is unlikely that this will be a reimbursed item when the panels recommendations are considered at reimbursement time. You will also notice that these are not doctors in the conventional sense -- doing what is right for individual patients, but cost-cutting and efficiency experts who are out to save the government and the insurance companies money. In fact, the official bio of Diana B. Petitti doesn't mentioned that she served as an official of Kaiser Permanente in Southern California as a cost-cutting, efficiency specialist -- in a company that is obsessed with wringing out all manner of costs in order to improve the bottom line. I have seen one of my best friends die because of their stupid mistakes that placed cost-containment above patient welfare.

Bottom line …

We can no longer trust our government to tell the truth – to act independently of the lobbyists, lawyers and other special interest groups. Our doctors are being constrained by “best practices” designed more to improve visitation through-put and contain costs than benefit patients. Their reimbursement rates are being cut to unprecedented levels – so much so that they can barely afford to spare the time to read the computerized medical records the government is promoting.

We need to elect politicians who will serve as honest brokers in keeping America strong, safe and healthy. No more pandering to the special interests to obtain or maintain political power. We need to throw the current crop of asshats out of office. 2010 and 2012 will be reform years.

What toxic government and corrupt politicians have wrought …

Trust has been so eroded as to make government pronouncements worthless. Ditto the pronouncements of the major American institutions. Who can you trust?

Can you trust the opinion of radiologists who stand to lose a significant portion of their income from mammography? Can you trust the American College of Radiology? Can you trust the American Cancer Society?

About mammograms, I might suggest that you discuss the matter with your trusted physician and follow their advice. It is their union (AMA) and the insurance companies that appears to be corrupt, all while individual doctors continue to offer personalized care to preserve and protect their patient’s health. 

-- steve

Reference Links:

Federal panel recommends reducing number of mammograms

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Frank Bell on the pending healthcare vote -– letter to his representatives

We can all take a lesson from Frank Bell, whose letters to his elected officials are a model of clarity and reason – and which point out the obvious fact that the action our elected officials are taking in our name is corrupt, dishonest and does not serve the legal citizens “We the People” of the United States well.

Frank's letter …

Franklin T. Bell, CFM, RPA, FMA                   Columbia, MD 21045


November 18, 2009

Barbara A. Mikulski                                                 Benjamin L. Cardin                                      WASHINGTON DC 20510

My Dear Ms. Mikulski and Mr. Cardin:

I know that you and Mr. Reid are about to railroad the citizens of the United States by going against the will of the majority of their wishes that government not take over the health insurance capacity of the country. I want to voice my load and clear objection to your doing so.

Now that Reid has manipulated the CBO analysis (he's been working on this behind closed doors for days), he is using a Senate maneuver to bring another bill directly to the Senate floor and then replace that bill in its entirety with his until-now secret healthcare bill.

I know that he must pressure 60 Senators who have NEVER SEEN HIS BILL to support bringing his bill to the Senate floor... without any scrutiny... with no committee hearings... with no opportunity for their staffs or the public to read the bill!

Just a few weeks ago, 13 Democrats revolted against a bill to add $250 billion to the deficit by eliminating a reduction in physician reimbursement in Medicare without paying for it.  They defeated the bill by voting against the Motion to Proceed.  For these same Senators to now say this is not the most important vote is the height of hypocrisy.

We all remember when President Obama stood in front of a joint session of Congress -- and LIED. He LIED when he said they weren't planning to set up "end-of-life panels" -- his cronies have promoted the idea for a long time now. He LIED when he said his "reforms" wouldn't insure illegal aliens -- it has been clearly shown that there would be NO WAY to prevent this from happening. He LIED when he said that his "government option" health care plan would not force taxpayers to pay for abortions -- the Obama-backed House bill would explicitly authorize the federal government insurance plan to pay for elective abortions and would explicitly authorize taxpayer subsidies for private abortion insurance.

The American people are TIRED of being lied to -- which is why over ONE MILLION of us went to Washington, D.C., to bring the voice of the MAJORITY to the doorstep of Congress. You see, the "sleeping giant" in America has been awoken... and we aren't going back to sleep... not while our own government tries to cram a socialist health care plan down our throats!

Gallup reports a stunning shift of 22% of all Americans who have moved from believing government is responsible for health care to believing health care is a personal responsibility. For the first time in the decade that Gallup has asked the question, the survey found that more Americans (50%) favor non-government responsibility than believe it is a government responsibility (47%).

A similar shift in public opinion is underway on the question of whether to keep the current health system or replace it. Today a vast majority (61 to 32) favor keeping the current system rather than replacing it.

As Americans think through the economic crisis (10.2% unemployment and growing), the Chinese ownership of $2 trillion in United States debt, the rising state government deficit (going up from $112 billion in 2009 to $134 billion in 2010), they will become even more skeptical of turning problems over to government.

I have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health care choices. Instead it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated. If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have been destroyed.
The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government. The Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people and the businesses they own. The irony is that the Congress doesn't have any authority to legislate in most of those areas to begin with. I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution and find any authority granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care.
This legislation also provides for access by the appointees of the Obama administration of all of my personal healthcare information, my personal financial information, and the information of my employer, physician, and hospital. All of this is a direct violation of the specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. I can also forget about the right to privacy. That will have been legislated into oblivion regardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide.

I'm asking you to REFUSE to vote for any bill that proposes a take over of the best health care distribution system in the world and to not spend so much time figuring out how to tell me to live my life. It is none of your business.



Franklin T. Bell

If nothing else, this letter should inspire you to take action on your own. You do not need to represent a group, you do not need to have made a significant contribution and you do not need anything more than a sincere thought and a way to convey your message to your elected officials. It is my experience that snail-mail letters from constituents are more important than telephone calls, faxes or e-mails. They are a testament to the time and effort that went into the letter. To add impact to your message, you could use one of the major carriers (UPS, FedEx) to overnight your letter – complete with proof of delivery.

In any event, follow Franklin Bell’s lead – tell them how you feel before the United States is set on a course to irreversible ruination as just another European-style socialist member of the United Nations. We are an exceptional nation, built by exceptional people and we should be – unlike Barack Obama – supportive of our nation’s achievements and standing in the world. It is time to stop corrupt and complacent politicians from manipulating the system for their personal and political advantage. And the best way to do this is to let them know how you feel – and vote the bastards out of office when they offend the sensibilities and wishes of the legal citizens who have the duty to maintain OUR AMERICA for our children and future generations.

-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS



As is the pattern of practice of most far-left organizations, those minor functionaries who make outrageous statements or have been found to have engaged in wrongdoing are asked to step down, are fired and the story spun as "an abberation" not sanctioned by the top leadership. We know better!

Fox News is reporting ...

"A union leader in Pennsylvania has resigned after being criticized for threatening legal action over an aspiring Eagle Scout’s volunteer project."

"Nick Balzano, president of the Service Employees International Union’s Allentown chapter, submitted an unexpected resignation letter Thursday, along with a few other employees, SEIU spokesman Matt Nerzig told The resignations came one day after reported that Balzano had come under fire for saying earlier in the month that the SEIU might file a grievance against the city of Allentown for allowing 17-year-old Kevin Anderson to voluntarily clear a walking trail in a local park, instead of paying union members to do the work."


A reader in Allentown e-mailed me saying that “I saw your post about Allentown, and I wanted to be sure you had the facts.  The following is an email from Matt Nerzig of SEIU 32BJ regarding the misunderstanding.” It is always nice to have someone local as an extra set of eyes and ears, not to mention another voice to add to the conversation.

From the SEIU …

Thank you for contacting us regarding the recent Morning Call article regarding Eagle Scout Kevin Anderson's attempts to clean up an East Allentown community park.  I want to make sure you have the facts.
Contrary to what has been reported all over the right wing blogosphere, SEIU Local 32BJ has no intention of filing a grievance against the City of Allentown in this matter.

SEIU 32BJ and all of SEIU strongly support the efforts of organizations, including the Boy Scouts, that focus on valuable contributions to the community through volunteerism.

While Nick Balzano misspoke in his exchange with a reporter, his frustration over recently laid off workers in Allentown is a sentiment shared by families all around this country.

SEIU 32BJ will continue its ongoing efforts to find these men and women jobs to support their families during the upcoming Holiday season and beyond.

Best regards,
Matthew Nerzig
SEIU Local 32BJ

About that right-wing blogosphere … I do not let my politics or personal opinions get in the way of defending the Boy Scouts of America. I have personal knowledge of Scouting and the good they do for the community, as well as the personal sense of accomplishment that comes from earning “merit” badges. My time in scouting was fun, educational and I still adhere to the “Be Prepared” motto.

About misspeaking … It is a characteristic of those who get caught in embarrassing situations, especially those which appear to be “use of force” threats against weak or innocent others, to claim that they “misspoke” or were speaking in the heat of passion. This is crap: they often know what they are saying and the message they intend to convey. Also, it is often the very fact of being exposed in the media that brings a recantation and an apology.

About the out-of-work families … I personally sympathize with all employees who have lost their jobs and find themselves in difficulty – especially during this holiday season. But I am also cognizant of the fact that much of the difficulty in unionized arenas comes from the union’s insistence of ever-expanding wages and benefits, onerous and restrictive work rules, rewarding seniority over merit and the coercion of their rank and file into supporting political candidates not of their choosing. My beef is not with the individual union members, the majority of which are hard-working, law-abiding and legal citizens. My disdain is for the often corrupt leadership which goes beyond representing their membership into acting like petty tyrants and misusing union funds for personal and political purposes.

I have no idea whether or not reader Michelle is in the union, a member of city government or just a concerned citizens … but it is this type of reader response that adds to the conversation and demonstrates engagement with the process of making the United States at better place for all of us.   

Original Blog Entry …

Once again, union thuggery and control over local government and political leaders is on public display for all to see …

With all President Obama’s emphasis on volunteerism and the need for ordinary Americans to pitch in to clean up their communities, we find the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) attacking a future Eagle Scout for performing meritorious service in his community.

The Morning Call is reporting …

“In pursuit of an Eagle Scout badge, Kevin Anderson, 17, has toiled for more than 200 hours hours over several weeks to clear a walking path in an east Allentown park.
Little did the do-gooder know that his altruistic act would put him in the cross hairs of the city's largest municipal union.
Nick Balzano, president of the local Service Employees International Union, told Allentown City Council Tuesday that the union is considering filing a grievance against the city for allowing Anderson to clear a 1,000-foot walking and biking path at Kimmets Lock Park.”

"’We'll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails,’ Balzano told the council.’ Balzano said Saturday he isn't targeting Boy Scouts. But given the city's decision in July to lay off 39 SEIU members, Balzano said ‘there's to be no volunteers.’ No one except union members may pick up a hoe or shovel, plant a flower or clear a walking path.”

Bullshit! Who is this thug that thinks he owns the public park and can keep the rightful park owners, the public, from lending a helping hand to maintain the grounds?

Mealy-mouthed Mayor speaks out …

"We would hope that the well-intentioned efforts of an Eagle Scout candidate would not be challenged by the union,’ said Mayor Ed Pawlowski in an e-mail Friday. ‘This young man is performing a great service to the community. His efforts should be recognized as such.’"

Hopes the union would not take action against this child? The Mayor should tell the unions that they are planning to audit the union’s finances and political actions if they take any action. Perhaps looking at overtime records and inappropriate work rules?

“Balzano said Saturday the union is still looking into the matter and might cut the city a break. ‘We are probably going to let this one go,’ Balzano said.”

Since when does the union run the city? Since when can the union dictate who can volunteer their efforts to community service?

“The possible entanglement of a local Boy Scout in a union dispute underscores the frustration and anger SEIU members feel after being the lone city union to suffer layoffs in the ongoing financial crisis. It may also serve as a preview of future labor battles as the city tries to outsource some necessary jobs as a result of the layoffs.”

Let them strike. Decertify the unions and re-open the jobs to all comers. Let the union members re-apply for the positions.

A grand vision …

“Anderson, a junior and varsity soccer player at Southern Lehigh High School, is a member of Boy Scout Troop 301 of Center Valley.
He got the idea for the trail while taking hikes along the partially complete, 165-mile Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor. He noticed there were a few missing connections to the trail in Kimmets Lock Park, which is on the Lehigh River near Dauphin Street. He already has logged 250 hours trying to carve out a walking and biking trail along the river.”

"’I decided to do my part in completing this part of the trail. In that way, others could enjoy walking along the river, without having to walk on the busy road,’ Anderson said in an e-mail Friday.”

Considering the alleged corruption found in the SEIU headed by an unregistered lobbyist who is lobbying the President of the United States, perhaps the SEIU should be decertified as a dishonest labor broker whose efforts put municipalities at further financial risk with their ever-increasing demands, restrictive work rules and lack of compassion for the citizens served by the municipalities.

Bottom line …

Unions are the new purveyors of socialism and the further destruction of the United States with their Marxist tactics and corrupt acts. We need to re-examine those who are attempting to use labor to move the United States towards European-style socialism.

-- steve

Reference links …

Union troubled by Eagle Scout project in Allentown --

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS