Gore: Hiding in plain sight ...
Why is Al Gore continuing to give lectures but seems reluctant to face those who have a compelling rebuttal to his story?
President of the Planet …
As reported by the Palm Beach Post …
“Confused Palm Beach County voters helped thwart Al Gore's 2000 bid to become president of the United States, but he was introduced as "president of the planet" when he returned here Saturday night to deliver an environmental lecture.”
“The former vice president spoke on climate change at the Mizner Park Amphitheater to a crowd of about 800. More than 200 protesters gathered across the street from the event, and their boos and chants could be heard inside the amphitheater as Gore began his presentation.”
“Gore lost Florida, and the White House, by 537 votes to George W. Bush in a 2000 as many Palm Beach County Democrats said they mistakenly voted for conservative Pat Buchanan because they were confused by the county's ‘butterfly ballot’ design.”
This is not about the 2000 election or George Bush as many on the far-left would have you believe. This is merely a distraction from the real issues at hand – a journalistic shorthand that keeps journalists from asking the tough, probing questions which would make Gore’s story disintegrate.
Eco-celebrity …
“After losing the presidential race, Gore became arguably the world's most famous advocate for curbing carbon emissions, gaining eco-celebrity status with the film An Inconvenient Truth and winning a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.”
Introduced by an eco-entrepreneur …
"It's an interesting twist of fate here in our own backyard that former Vice President Al Gore has taken on a new platform and is now a catalyst for world change," said Marci Zaroff, an "eco-entrepreneur" who introduced Gore.
One of the most ignored facts surrounding so-called eco-entrepreneurs is that their ventures most always seem to require grants, subsidies and government funding for research and pilot plants – always encountering problems in sustainability and scalability and which require further grants and subsidies for additional work. Very few eco-entrepreneurs have produced cost-effective, scalable and sustainable projects which make sense in a commercial marketplace. And it should be noted that the real investments by venture capitalists are designed with an exit strategy which demands that the public buy them out at outrageous and oft-unjustified prices which yields enormous returns for the venture capitalists while the promise to the public is rarely fulfilled.
The key to eco-profits is the government who will take unilateral action to demand that eco-projects be supported by the taxpayer’s and the ratepayer’s even if they are not commercially profitable in and of themselves.
Pure and utter self-promotion …
"So, in essence, he's president of the people. He's president of the planet. And the work that he's doing is more important than any other work that could possibly be done."
How anyone can write this hogwash with a straight face is beyond me.
A nice non-profit scam?
Tickets for the event sold for $44 to $339, with proceeds going to the nonprofit Alliance for Climate Protection that Gore chairs.
Like L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, many people have discovered that using non-profits as a business model has many advantages, the least being that your funds can be multiplied many times over when you do not have to share with the government. There is an air of legitimacy, while at the same time, the organization remains somewhat opaque to the outside world. Funds for living a jet-set lifestyle are now available with little or no public scrutiny.
Gore is the clear and present danger …
“Gore began his remarks by calling climate change ‘the most dangerous problem we've ever faced. But it is also a tremendous opportunity for us to solve problems that have been neglected for a long time.’"
Much of what Al Gore claims is overstated, based on outdated science or is the result of deeply flawed or inadequate computer models. And most of what he claims cannot stand up to the scrutiny of a honest and informed media.
So Al Gore simply manages the media like any other politician …
“Organizers allowed the media to cover only the first few minutes of Gore's presentation.”
Full disclosure …
“In addition to his nonprofit advocacy, Gore is a partner in a venture capital firm that finances ‘sustainable’ and alternative energy businesses, prompting some critics to accuse Gore of promoting environmental policies that will fatten his bank account.”
"’Cap & Tax — Don't Be Fooled: Al Gore Will Make billions,’ read a sign carried by Alan Tudor, who drove from Tampa to attend Saturday's protest.”
"’Gore's Favorite Green Product? Your money in his pocket,’ said another sign.”
Attempting to justify Gore’s capitalism …
“Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said Gore's investments are consistent with positions he has held for decades.”
"Former Vice President Gore has made long-term investments in 'sustainable' companies, the vast majority of which are not directly involved with efforts to solve the climate crisis. He has also invested in some companies that have attempted and will continue to help solve the climate crisis. These are a reflection of his values," Kreider said in an e-mail.”
"’If he did not invest in technologies that he supported, these very same people would accuse him of being a hypocrite,’ Kreider said.”
All of which means nothing in the larger scheme of things. Al Gore is a front man for governmental entities, venture capitalists and others who want to reap the rewards of the environmental religion.
Bottom line …
Given overarching considerations of self-interest involving prestige, power, profits, position and media recognition, Al Gore can always find reasons to go with what appears to be the altruistic route. Consider who is benefiting from Gore’s efforts.
The corrupt and impotent United Nations whose IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) attracts further media attention and funding. As well as the United Nations itself; which is interested in consolidating their power over sovereign nations by using international panels, commissions and boards to maintain and extend their jurisdictional power over those whose support for further U.N. initiatives may be wavering.
Governments whose actions in supporting Gore’s fiction allows them to further consolidate political control, raise taxes, curtail personal choice and freedoms – and allows for nations to move towards a form of global socialism including wealth re-distribution.
Scientists and the administrators of various and sundry institutions which have found themselves in a multi-billion dollar bonanza of research funding.
Energy Corporations who can stint on costly pollution upgrades and improvements to their infrastructure by buying pollution allowances – paid for by their rate payers. Not to mention charging more for less energy.
Wall Street – the greedy bankers who are betting on the Enron-style trading of pollution allowances and credits. Trading meaningless paper back and forth to earn multi-million dollar executive bonuses.
And let us not forget the venture capitalists and the “eco-entrepreneurs” who do not have to really produce results as long as some fool is willing to buy them out at a higher price.
Will the citizens have cleaner air, water and soil if companies are allowed to purchase indulgences to pollute – paid for by the ratepayers and public and based on some theoretical benefit of a forest in lower Crapistan?
Will the consumers enjoy the benefits of lower prices and expanding economy in an heavily-subsidized environment and energy reductions which will mandate a cutback in industrial activities?
Why do these people not promote clean, sustainable, reliable and cost-effective nuclear energy which would provide us with the type of energy independence which would promote a rational foreign policy and spur economic activity? Could it be because most of those who have made the environmental movement into a far-left religion have always been opposed to nuclear energy – first, for military reasons; and second, to keep the United States subservient to those who control the world’s supply of petroleum-based energy?
Bottom line, the people – taxpayers, ratepayers, consumers and freedom-loving citizens are getting screwed. Perhaps we should keep five things in mind.
One, Al Gore’s activities are the tip of a giant financial Ponzi scheme – fools buying out other fools at higher prices. One that is apparently being sanctioned by the best government lobbyist money can buy.
Two, Albert Einstein was right when he said “a man should look for what is and not for what he thinks it to be.” So much for artificially-contrived computer models and manipulated data.
Three, never before has the United States faced such a toxic one-party rule which apparently has breached most of our Constitutional safeguards by manipulating the system.
Four, never before have we seen an entire generation of students, exposed to decades of far-left educations, embrace the new religion of environmentalism without critical evaluation.
And five, never in the history of the United States have we seen a complacent and corrupt media who refuses to accurately portray our political leadership in a realistic light. Altering what they report to fit their preconceived notions of what is best for our nation and their chosen politicians.
We are on the precipice of disaster. Facing the clear and present danger of committed left-wing ideologues who will stop at nothing to push their toxic political philosophy and weaken the United States.
Our only redress comes in 2010 and 2012 when we need to clean house. Ignore both political parties, they have brought us nothing but dangerous candidates and toxic policies. Ignore all professional politicians and incumbents. I don’t care which party you support – vote for your friend and neighbors over the wealthy, groomed politician or celebrity. It is now time to take back our nation.
-- steve
Reference Links:
Gore's presentation on climate change draws 800 as 200 protestors gather outside
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS