The democrat legislative plan: bulk, stealth and speed …

Screw the teacher's and government worker's unions ... they are the ones bankrupting the state!

California is in trouble – almost bankrupt, facing a $24 billion budget deficit, devoid of leadership with a narcissistic governor and a far-left corrupt and complacent legislature bent on implementing Mexican-style Marxism. All pandering to the unions which control campaign funding and a significant number of votes.

Do you want to support a government cubicle worker who has slacked-off for most of their career at up to 100% salary and lifetime medical for the next 40 years? Years in which they may get another job and another pension. But, most likely, hired back to government service as a “consultant.”

We are creating a ruling elite and a permanent government bureacracy – all supported by a diminishing number of Californians.

Now the unions want the state to ignore the fiscal crisis and to keep their members fully employed at ever-increasing salaries and benefits – all paid for by the California taxpayer.

It is time to tell the unions to “step off” …

We need to reduce the number of unionized workers and to bring their salaries and benefits under control. Commensurate with the private sector. No more 100% salary retirements. No more 100% medical care. Let them receive what the ordinary non-government workers receive or be replaced.

They have millions to pay politicians and run political campaigns, but don’t want to improve the state by demanding excellence.

Are you pissed off yet?

According to the Sacramento Bee …

“New tax-hike campaign targets individual lawmakers”

“Republican Assemblyman Steve Knight's district will be targeted first in a new campaign by a coalition of union groups to pressure legislators to raise revenue in balancing the state's budget.”

Money to subvert the system …

“The six-figure campaign of targeted mailings was announced today by the ‘Fair Budget Coalition,’ a group of public employee labor unions.”

There is nothing “fair” about the mis-named “Fair Budget Coalition.”

“Coalition members include the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the California Teachers Association, California Federation of Teachers, State Building and Construction Trades, Service Employees International Union California State Council and other groups.”

Blackmailing the legislators into overlooking fiscal prudence… 

“Spokesman Mike Roth said the goal is to stress that Knight, R-Palmdale, and other GOP lawmakers are out of touch with their constituents, who want to see the state's projected shortfall of $24 billion solved through a combination of program cuts and revenue increases.”

I am not aware of anyone, outside of unionized government workers, be they democrat, republican or independent who wants to raise taxes so the California legislature can continue to spend money insanely on their pet projects – including paying more and more government workers more and more money in salary and benefits.

Is Knight a standup guy?

“Knight said he is open-minded on budget issues but does not base his decisions on television ads. ‘It's not going to sway me,’ he said.”

The freshman GOP legislator said he does not want to cut money for schools or services to the elderly, disabled or other vulnerable populations. But harming the state's economic engine with tax hikes is not a viable alternative because it would extend the state's recession, he said.”

" ‘I don't want to hurt our business community and I don't want to hurt our taxpayers,’ Knight said. ‘That's exactly what will happen by (further) taxing them and raising their fees.’"

Knight talks a good game, but we must remember that the Republicans went along with the tax increase, intentionally sacrificing three Republicans that were needed to pass the legislation – and saving the others from political condemnation for breaking their “no new taxes” pledges.

Targeting the most vulnerable …

“Knight's district will receive the first two in a series of mailers by the group to ‘draw attention to the Republican assemblyman's support for budget cuts that harm middle-class families and vulnerable populations,’ the coalition said in a written statement.”

Truth be told, the union doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anything but political power, membership and money …

Like most union political mailers, they may be full of misdirection and half-truths. Complete with appeals for the children, police, firefighters, elderly and the infirm. In reality, they are not about union members, the public or the most needy among us, they are about enlarging the union sector of the government and continuing to overpay state workers.

One of the mailers begins with a headline that reads, ‘Steve Knight's Cuts Are Hurting Californians,’ and its appeal ends with Knight's photograph, office phone number and a line reading, ‘Tell Assemblyman Steve Knight that enough is enough.’"

Yeah, as if Steve Knight had the singular power to outvote the entire combined legislature and sign the legislation into law. These are not Steve Knight’s cuts, they are the cuts necessary to bring about a resolution of our $24 billion budget deficit. Something that must be done by downsizing government, curtailing waste, fraud and the misuse of public money on projects championed by the special interests. Something the union does not want.

Perhaps someone should point out the union’s corruption and misuse of funds …

“The coalition objects to the extent of proposed cuts to schools, health care, home care and other services in solving the fiscal emergency that has been exacerbated by a sagging economy and plunging tax revenue.”

“Roth said the campaign will be expanded to other legislative districts. He declined to identify targeted lawmakers or to elaborate on the cost of the mail appeal, other than to say it totals six figures.”

Some government workers as well as California’s teachers are overpaid, pampered and, in many cases, incompetent. So why are the unions not demanding competency testing in subject matter areas, rewarding initiative over seniority and allowing the government and school districts to fire sexual predators, incompetents and other hacks?

“Hittelman said the California Federation of Teachers will launch a radio campaign this week as well.”

The real job of the legislators was to reduce unionization and to keep salaries and benefits under control …

" ‘If we go around the state and put up advertising that asks the public to tell legislators that they need to do the job they were elected to do, which is to provide the services that Californians need, then perhaps we can get some movement in Sacramento,’ Hittelman said.”

Has the SEIU finished their internal investigation of union corruption in Los Angeles?

“The coalition's campaign is separate from a $1 million television advertising campaign launched last week by Service Employees International Union to encourage adoption of tax hikes in curing the budget shortfall.”

There is absolutely no justification or reason why the ordinary taxpayer/citizen should fund a government worker’s lifestyle at the expense of their own financial future. It is not moral, it is not fair – and it is not legal if union coercion and extortion of public officials is involved. 

For more information on the SEIU corruption, you might want to read my blog entry “Unions: Ever wonder what they are doing with their funds when not seeking to buy political influence and change the course of elections?

Bottom line …

In her own words … watch this SEIU leader threaten politicians …

What you can do …

Refuse to participate in union hooliganism and any attempt to subvert the political process.

Elect fair and honest union leaders who recognize that “killing the golden goose” will eventually destroy your jobs and your retirement. If California declares Chapter 9 bankruptcy, it is almost a trivial matter for the bankruptcy judge to set aside union contracts and rule that union pension funds are unsecured creditors who will receive pennies on the dollar for their unpaid pension claims.

Above all, while considering the greater good of an honest system, be well, be safe and take care of yourself and your family first.

-- steve


OneCitizenSpeaking: Saying out loud what you may be thinking …

Reference Links …

Capitol Alert: New tax-hike campaign targets individual lawmakers

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
