Schwarzenegger shows his true colors: deserts state on election day for appearance with President Obama …
The one thing that Arnold Schwarzenegger has never lied about is his ambition to be, pardon the pun, larger than life. He has said that once he reaches a goal, he immediately sets a new, more difficult goal and begins work on that goal immediately.
So, as most Californians may attest, the day he won the election to replace the hated “tax and spend” Gray “Special Interest” Davis, he abandoned the governorship and went about securing his new goal. Since he in ineligible for the Presidency, one might assume he has his eye set on Diane Feinstein’s Senate Seat or a cushy Ambassadorship to some adoring country like Germany.
Today, one of the most critical elections of his tenure, an election which could solve, if you believe the governor, much of California’s budget deficit, he jets off to stand with Obama as he imposes new stricter controls on a dying automobile industry. And I thought Arnold was a better man and would hardly kick someone when they were down. But, of course, he has all but destroyed California with his lack of leadership and his inability to fulfill his campaign promise to reign in the legislature’s profligate spending.
Instead of reining in spending, he jumped on the global warming bandwagon and proposed rules and regulations which were sure to decimate California and serve as a national blueprint for the future destruction of our nation.
There is no doubt that most observant people thought that Schwarzenegger was a RINO (Republican In Name Only), but who knew pre-election that he was a Ted Kennedy progressive –- a polite name for a tax and spend far-left ideologue.
Standing before the President and assembled crowd, Schwarzenegger said “I'm delighted to be here.” What he left unsaid was that he was probably delighted to be anywhere but in California.
Spinning California’s disaster …
It is well-known that Schwarzenegger often distances himself from real problems and claims that he is above these petty problems as he rises above them to supply leadership for all of the people, not the democrats, not the republicans, but all of the people. A clever way of straddling the political fence and avoiding responsibility for your failures.
Preliminary returns for the May 19th election show that the measures that Schwarzenegger personally endorsed and campaigned for – are going down to defeat. Perhaps the big lie of a “spending limit” met the reality of a $16 BILLION tax increase which would not provide revenue for another two years.
Spinning the other legislative disaster …
According to the Sacramento Bee …
" ‘This has been a huge victory for the state of California,’ Schwarzenegger said. ‘And as the president said, that if it wouldn't have been for the great leadership of our great state, this would have never happened. We want to thank him for the great skills that he has displayed in bringing all the stakeholders together.’"
A huge victory for California? Adding more than a thousand dollars to each car Californians purchase. Placing Californians, who drive more than the average citizen on fast-paced crowded freeways, at greater risk of death in the lighter, underpowered cars that will be required to meet government standards. Adding more costs to “special blends” of gasoline which must be formulated for these vehicles. This is not a victory.
The governor called it a “‘staggering’” accomplishment in the fight against global warming.
Arnold, coming from Hollywood, knows all about acting, faux speeches and smoke and mirrors. A land where perception trumps reality and it really doesn’t matter if global warming is real, man-made and can be mitigated – it only matters as a pretext for moving personal and political agendas to the next level.
" ‘This is exactly what it's all about, all of us working together, showing great leadership in reducing the consumption of oil, reducing our greenhouse gases and fighting together global warming,’ he said.”
If Schwarzenegger was serious about our consumption of oil – a commodity which we have in abundance in California – and fighting so-called global warming, how come he is not fighting to expand the state’s nuclear energy generation capabilities since we have four large reactors (2 at San Onofre and 2 at Diablo Canyon) already in place and pumping out energy.
And while he was busy taking credit for providing leadership on the subject of global warming, how many people noticed that he arrived on a large private jet? After all, he still is a movie star and appearances must be maintained.
-- steve
Reference links …
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS