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What game is the FDIC playing?

Moving beyond their traditional role?

For most of us, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is thought to be a self-sustaining government corporation created by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 for the purpose of insuring the stability of the banking industry by providing deposit insurance to depositors. The premium for participating in this deposit guarantee program is borne by the banks ... and by the depositors who receive a slightly smaller yield on their deposits.

In addition to acting as the receiver of “unsound banks” and providing for the orderly liquidation or sale of its assets, the FDIC also serves as a secondary regulatory authority, in conjunction with the OTS (Office of Thrift Supervision), OCC (Comptroller of the Currency) and the Federal Reserve Bank. In its role of reducing the cost of failed financial depository institutions by managing asset sales, the FDIC’s guarantee authority is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.

Questioning their wisdom …

There is no doubt that the FDIC was created to protect the average investor. That is why the guaranteed amount was capped at $100,000 and any depositor with greater amounts on deposit were forced to look at the funds recovered from a sale or acquisition to be made whole.

However, in one fell swoop, this agency which was running low on funds, upped the ante to guarantee the safety of deposits in member banks up to $250,000 per depositor per bank. Thus immediately placing the program at greater risk for political purposes.

"On May 20, 2009, President Barack Obama signed the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, which extends the temporary increase in the standard maximum deposit insurance amount (SMDIA) to $250,000 per depositor through December 31, 2013. This extension of the temporary $250,000 coverage limit became effective immediately upon the President's signature. The legislation provides that the SMDIA will return to $100,000 on January 1, 2014."  <Source:FDIC>

So what is the deal with GMAC?

GMAC, originally known as the General Motors Acceptance Corporation, was the finance arm of General Motors – put in place to capture financing profits lost to banks on automotive purchases – and then later to mortgages sold by real estate affiliates. GMAC was partly owned Cerberus Capital Management (51%) the private equity company that also owned a majority state in Chrysler.

A Christmas gift …

“On 24 December 2008, the Federal Reserve accepted GMAC's application to become a bank holding company in order to gain access to billions of dollars in government aid, a crucial attempt to ensure the survival of the company.”

And now another gift …

“FDIC Approves GMAC Financial Services Participation in TLGP”

“The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) announced today the approval of GMAC Financial Services to participate in the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program (TLGP) allowing the company to issue up to $7.4 billion in new FDIC-guaranteed debt. GMAC will pay a fee to the FDIC for this guarantee.”

“In connection with receiving FDIC approval, GMAC has committed to develop a funding plan. The plan will reflect GMAC's management of the bank's funding and deposit costs with a focus on diversifying funding sources and reducing the bank's overall cost of deposit funding.

“GMAC and the bank have also committed to maintain bank capital at a level well above the regulatory minimums. These commitments, combined with the current level of TLGP-generated fees and the newly enacted holding company assessment authority, will fully protect the deposit insurance fund.”

Excuse me, but aren’t those regulatory minimums insufficient to actually resolve loan losses in current portfolios – at least that was the reasoning behind the Congressional request for additional “bailout” capital requirements? The idea that anything GMAC may do will full protect the fund is highly suspicious.

“The participation of GMAC Financial Services in the TLGP is consistent with the parameters in place of the broader TLGP program. The program will expire on October 31, 2009.”

It looks like this is extremely short-term funding of long-term assets, which is always suspect as a bad idea in banking. Or is it that there are those in the know and confident that the program will be extended further?

Why the FDIC?

Why is the FDIC offering this guarantee to private investors in this newly-created debt?

Is it a politically-inspired ploy to switch actual debt which appears on a corporate balance sheet with large loan loss reserves to more acceptable debt with smaller loan loss reserves – thus artificially creating the impression that the institution is more “sound” and well-capitalized?

Is it a method for slyly turning unsecured debt with dubious value into secured-debt which further protects the large institutional investors' investment.

Is this program an expansion of the FDIC’s original mission and is it detrimental to both the hardworking U.S. taxpayer and the ordinary depositor who is relying on funding guarantees at banks whose management and assets may be problematical?

Is this a method of circumventing the “transparency” which is highly touted by the Obama Administration – but has yet to be demonstrated?

There is no doubt in my mind that something toxic is brewing in the government; between the Department of Treasury and other government and quasi-government agencies (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Federal Home Loan Banks) and the private Federal Reserve. Nobody in the government or in the financial media seems to know what is really going on – and the democrat Congress is unwilling and unlikely to hold hearings on the matter.

Bottom line …

Even though the government is urging consumers to borrow money and continue spending, you need to protect yourself and your family first. Our government has become a coalition of self-interest and special interests – none of which are favorable to the ordinary American tax-paying citizen.

The media, having surrendered their journalistic ethics to the Administration cannot be trusted to tell us the truth – especially because their corporate survival appears to depend on favorable regulatory rulings and access to capital.

Like I said; be well, be safe and take care of yourself and your family first.

-- steve


“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Welcome to Obamaland: democrat congressman wants to imitate French labor laws ...

Representative Alan Grayson must be either publicity-starved or one of the biggest morons in a House of Representatives filled with morons, thieves, liars, lawyers and political whores. Or, alternatively, he just woke from a coma and thinks it is April 1, 2009 – April Fools Day.

According to …

“Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) was standing in the middle of Disney World when it hit him: What Americans really need is a week of paid vacation.”

“So on Thursday, the Florida Democrat will introduce the Paid Vacation Act — legislation that would be the first to make paid vacation time a requirement under federal law.”

“The bill would require companies with more than 100 employees to offer a week of paid vacation for both full-time and part-time employees after they’ve put in a year on the job. Three years after the effective date of the law, those same companies would be required to provide two weeks of paid vacation, and companies with 50 or more employees would have to provide one week.”

European socialistic policies  …

“All members of the European Union, by contrast, must provide workers with a minimum of 20 paid vacation days a year plus public holidays.” <Source>

It is a simple fact that more regulation often results in more litigation, more costs, less productivity and more control over entrepreneurs and small businesses which contribute the bulk of tax revenues to the government.

This is legislation that openly panders to those who want the government to guarantee their employment, benefits and now, vacation. The democrat, or should I say, Marxist ideal.

“The idea: More vacation will stimulate the economy through fewer sick days, better productivity and happier employees.”

Fewer sick days, yeah right! Other than the legitimately sick, many employees have been known to abuse their sick days.


“ ‘There’s a reason why Disney World is the happiest place on Earth: The people who go there are on vacation,’ said Grayson, a freshman who counts Orlando as part of his home district. ‘Honestly, as much as I appreciate this job and as much as I enjoy it, the best days of my life are and always have been the days I’m on vacation.’”

Disney is an artificial world that is clean, efficient and was designed to scientifically separate park visitors from their money at every turn in the park. Disneyland may be great for kids and lovers – but it is often hell on parents trying to manage their brood and budget. The Disney view of life, turning vicious wild animals into cute cuddly creatures for sale, is not what makes this world run.

Stress and workplace burnout …

“According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, 28 million Americans — or about a quarter of the work force — don’t get any paid vacation. The center says that a lack of vacation causes stress and workplace burnout and that those evil twins cost the economy more than $300 billion each year.”

What the reporter doesn’t say is that the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) is a left-of-center progressive think tank that openly advocates for “for a shorter work week to be included in current U.S. economic stimulus measures.” <Source>

And how convenient that they simply leave out the real determinants of job stress: the employee’s personal life and finances (decimated savings and being plundered by current credit card interest rates), the uncertain nature of the employment marketplace with its declining jobs, increased automation, outsourcing and the demands of reducing headcounts to improve executive bonuses. The simple need for fewer employees to do more in less time is probably the single most stressor to be found in the workplace.

Recreating (pun intended) France …

“One more if-you’re-reading-this-then-you’re-probably-not-on-vacation fact: The United States is dead last among 21 industrial countries when it comes to mandatory R&R.
France currently requires employers to provide 30 days of paid leave.”

And we all know how productive the French are … and how French unions shut down the country regularly in response to any perceived slight. But then again, I guess that’s what separates the cheese-eating surrender monkeys from the United States. I am shocked and surprised that our own version of a French legislator, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) did not fight to introduce this legislation. Or, perhaps he knows better.

The truth emerges: more union and special interest legislation?

“Not surprisingly, some in the travel industry are salivating over Grayson’s bill; Grayson spokesman Todd Jurkowski said the U.S. Tour Operators Association and the Adventure Travel Trade Association are both on board. Other tourism and labor groups are expected to sign on in the coming days.”

“The U.S. Travel Association has not yet endorsed the measure, but Senior Vice President Geoff Freeman says Congress does need to consider new ways to stimulate the vacation industry and travel economy. 
So far, no group has come out in opposition of the bill. Nor has anyone announced opposition to roller coaster rides, cookouts on the beach or salt-water taffy on the boardwalk.”

Is this yet another democrat plan to secure campaign funding from the special interests and offer benefits to the slacker class? How long will it be before we set up a taxpayer-paid program subsidy for those who cannot afford a vacation and offer tax rebates to those who vacation more than 1,000 miles from home.

Not everybody agrees: introducing the “Grinch” factor … 

The assertion that no group has come out against the bill seems to be rendered inoperative … or perhaps they are waiting for the actual introduction of the bill so they can prudently examine its provisions and plans for implementation.

“But with many Americans out of work and an economy in shambles, some say this may not be the best time to propose more time away from the office, especially on the boss’s dime.
The Society for Human Resource Management issued a statement Wednesday warning that ‘a one-size-fits-all, government-imposed mandate is not the answer.’”

Because of the 50- and 100-employee thresholds, most small businesses wouldn’t be directly affected by the bill immediately. But the National Small Business Association warned of indirect consequences; companies might artificially hold their hiring at the 50-to-100-employee level to avoid the costs of paid vacation time.”

“The bill also could have a negative impact on manufacturers already bracing for higher costs that could be associated with the climate-change legislation working its way through the House.”

Capitol Hill: currently producing nothing except hot air, chaos, corruption and legislated aggravation …

“One place where the bill wouldn’t have much of an effect: Capitol Hill. Congressional staffers already get paid vacation, even if they don’t actually have time to take it. And members can take time off during recesses — as they will next week — albeit not as much as they once did.”

The unionization of America?

Grayson’s bill is part of a larger move by Democrats to improve employee and workplace standards. Earlier this month, Democrats introduced a bill that would make employers give mandatory sick time.”

The committee is looking at a number of proposals to help workers balance family responsibilities and work duties,” said House Education and Labor Committee spokesman Aaron Albright. ‘The fact is the United States is behind the rest of the world in ensuring that workplaces have paid leave policies. These policies not only benefit workers but also help the employers’ bottom line because of lower turnover and better job satisfaction.’”

And exactly where in the Constitution does it provide for the federal government to interfere in commerce in a way that does not relate to supporting fair, equitable and safety issues in interstate commerce. This issue is clearly not a constitutional matter for Congress or the Administration, but a democrat ploy to attract more voters who want to “stick it to the man,” the employers who risk their time, effort and capital in providing them jobs. To attract more members to corrupt and complacent trade unions with a history of selling out their members for personal or political gain.

And this is just the beginning of life in Obamaland … where life is fun, work is minimal and the government will take care of everybody. “From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his needs.” Next stop: HillaryLand of rationed healthcare?

Bottom line …

You can no longer trust the members of Congress to fairly represent their constituents over the special interests or the Administration to uphold a Constitution that they barely understand. There is yet but one solution:

Capture2-11-2009-6.54.19 PM

-- steve

Grayson Contributions

P.S. Grayson is a Harvard-trained lawyer who founded IDT Corp., a telecommunications carrier which relies on governmental regulation for its existence. No wonder Grayson decided to run for office. As a successful entrepreneur, one wonders why he abandoned business and went over to the dark side – or why he is even a union-supporting democrat?

Reference Links:

Congressman: We're going to Disney -

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Schwarzenegger: Picking the taxpayer's pocket -- twice with new scheme

In the final analysis, the government does not have any money of its own – all of the money comes from the taxpayers.

Therefore, when Arnold Schwarzenegger decides to borrow money from the municipalities to fund years of profligate spending on his watch and continuing funding indefensible programs, we need to say NO! 

Especially since the state will pay the municipalities back with interest – additional money that comes directly out of our pockets.

Schwarzenstupid seems to lack a grasp on the reality of the situation, perhaps from inhaling all of that Hollywood smoke and mirrors crap. The voters of this state have said no to your schemes to beg, borrow or steal funds to continue the state’s wayward activities.

It’s simple. You need to reduce the size of government by eliminating the superfluous, inept and corrupt employees. Starting with all those receiving six-figure salaries and per-diem expenses and who are required to put in a few days per month. You know the ones, your friends and recipients of political favoritism. The termed-out politicians.  

Next, you need to zero-base the budget. Who do you think you are fooling when the cuts you announce are merely cuts in the projected budget increases. Make a 20% substantive cut now – in real money, in real time! No more sliding from fiscal period to fiscal period.

Prioritize the costs of government – starting with public safety and ending with public arts. No more slavish funding of education which fails to produce results and where the majority of funds are passed through to non-productive administrators and infrastructure projects. Enrollment is shrinking and bigger schools are being built as ego-projects.

Tell the unions that they will live with the changes or be decertified.

You are the dumb bastard that signed all of the budgets for the last five years – knowing that they were bogus and filled with borrowing and accounting tricks. We know you knew because the Legislative Analyst’s Office and Tom McClintock told you so. You are, in my view, corrupt and complicit – responsible for the lack of leadership which resulted in a deficit greater than the gross domestic product of some nations.

Try reading the Wall Street Journal … 

“California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his efforts to find funds to balance the state budget, has proposed borrowing $2 billion from municipal governments over the next fiscal year, a tactic that is rankling local officials up and down the state.”

“Mr. Schwarzenegger is invoking a 2004 law that lets the state demand loans of 8% of property-tax revenue from cities, counties and special districts. Under the law, the state must repay the municipalities with interest within three years.”

What’s the real number? And where is the line-by-line budget analysis that you always speak of?

You have provided misleading budget figures each and every time you opened your mouth. Yes, the numbers do change and yes revenues are falling far short of your rosy projections – but going from $12 to $21 billion dollars is both unacceptable and unconscionable.

-- steve

Reference Links:

California Cities Irked by Borrowing Plan -

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

A demonstration of the clear and present danger of union politics on the cost of government services ...

The purpose of government is to provide its citizens or constituents with public services relating to the public’s collective welfare: security, safety and the maintenance of critical infrastructure; all done at the lowest possible cost to the taxpayer.

The purpose of government is not to become a self-sustaining, ever-growing bureaucracy which creates a privileged class of citizen whose employment, healthcare and retirement benefits far exceed those of the private sector or general population and, like a parasite feeding upon a host, requires ever-growing amounts of taxpayer funds to maintain a lifestyle that is becoming increasingly difficult to find in the general population.

Is is also objectionable to me that public employee unions, many with far-left or Marxist ties, have been able to gain traction in government functions and to subvert politicians and public officials for ever-growing wages and benefits, often accompanied by work rules which makes it next to impossible to fire or discipline corrupt, inept, incompetent and superfluous and unneeded workers.   

In addition, I find in intolerable that government entities, hence the taxpayers, are required to make union pension funds whole after disastrous union-directed investments failed.

Attempting to subvert the public good?

To illustrate the toxic affect that trade unions can have on our society, we can see that one public employees union is attempting to subvert the First Amendment rights of a free press using their financial clout. The issue is important: curtailing the costs of government in these financially troubled times.

According to the Los Angeles Times …

“Police Union Wants Union-Tribune Editorial Writers Sacked”

The union representing Los Angeles police officers is pressuring the owner of San Diego's main newspaper to change the paper's editorial stance on labor issues or to fire its editorial writers.”

“The feud is rooted in the recent purchase of the San Diego Union-Tribune by Platinum Equity, a private Beverly Hills firm.”

“Platinum relies on a $30-million investment from the pension fund of Los Angeles police officers and fire fighters, along with large sums from other public-employee pension systems around the state, to help fund its acquisitions of companies.”

“As League President Paul M. Weber views it, that makes the League part owner in the flagging Tribune and League officials are none to happy with the paper's consistent position that San Diego lawmakers should cut back on salaries and benefits for public employees in order to help close gaping budget deficits.”

"Since the very public employees they continually criticize are now their owners, we strongly believe that those who currently run the editorial pages should be replaced," Weber wrote in a March 26 letter to Platinum CEO Tom Gores.”

Using this logic, the taxpayers should be able to vote to decertify unions and demand that the government further investigate the union’s finances and leadership for the type of self-serving corruption that was alleged to have been recently found in the SEIU (Service Employees International Union).

Furthermore, the taxpayers should be able to vote to require that government employees participate in the investment vehicles (IRAs, 401(k)s) that are available to ordinary citizens. And to have pension and salaries adjusted for the prevailing wages found in the private sector. Not to mention, competency testing and the elimination of ineffective or corrupt government employees.

Retirement: the phantom payroll for non-productive public service workers …

In my view, it does not serve the public to create a class of haughty public employees who will require the greater part of my taxes to live a retirement lifestyle which far exceeds those in the private sector. Especially in return for guaranteed employment, healthcare and an early retirement which sees the taxpayer facing a burden of carrying nearly 50-100% of the salary and benefit costs of workers who are no longer productive and who are actively seeking employment with other government or private entities. Let them retire at 65 or access the same type of early retirement benefits available to those in the private sector.

I am not speaking about those whose long, dedicated service merits a comfortable retirement. I am speaking of those outrageous benefits obtained by subverting public officials by offering campaign funding and media support. As for the first-responders who are always trotted out to make the union’s point – why should Angelenos  pay a premium for fire and police support when the same support – with the same risks – can be obtained elsewhere for 30% less? Why should be pay for gym teachers to be returned to the classroom to teach English when younger trained English teachers might lose their job?

Bottom-line …

As you may have guessed, I am not a big fan of labor unions – except under extraordinary circumstances relating to safety or the exploitation of  a captive labor force. Where other options exist; access to the courts to redress grievances and their is a large and willing labor pool, I feel that unions are superfluous. I have yet to see a labor union actually contribute to innovation, lower costs and more productivity – attributes which make this country great.

Perhaps we should revisit the improper influence of unions on government operations and in the subversion of public institutions dealing with Constitutionally-protected communications? And sack those politicians who are dependent on union support as being potentially corruptible and dangerous to the public’s welfare?

I am willing to listen to the other side. You can use the comments box below or use the e-mail link below my picture.

Be well, be safe and protect yourself and your family first.

-- steve

Reference Links …

Police Union Wants Union-Tribune Editorial Writers Sacked - FishbowlLA

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Is Obama aiding and abetting Muslim nuclear energy programs while killing our domestic energy independence initiative?

If find it unconscionable that President Obama would agree to share sensitive nuclear energy information with the United Arab Emirates while not demanding that the United States fast-track our own nuclear energy initiatives which would provide both energy independence and a source of clean, sustainable and always available nuclear energy.

Here in California we have both San Onofre and Diablo Canyon, each of which contains 2 major reactors supplying energy to Southern California.

Other than the environmental movement which was co-opted by communists, Marxists and other anti-American activists to de-rail America’s use of nuclear energy and to impose sanctions on industrial and economic development, there are few reasons why the United States would not prosper from a nuclear energy program.

Imagine not being held hostage to foreign powers or energy generators.

According to the Jerusalem Post …

Obama OKs nuclear deal with United Arab Emirates

“President Barack Obama agreed Wednesday to share US nuclear power technology with the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, giving his consent to a deal signed in the final days of George W. Bush's administration.”

“The pact now goes to Congress, which will have 90 days to amend or reject it.”

“The agreement creates a legal framework for the US to transfer sensitive nuclear items to the United Arab Emirates, a federation of seven Middle Eastern states that wants nuclear power to satisfy growing demand for electricity.”

Although flush with oil, the emirates imports 60 percent of the natural gas they use to generate electricity. The United Arab Emirates wants to break its dependence on outside sources for its energy needs and settled on nuclear power as the best option.”

Which poses significant questions …

Why is President Obama unwilling to help the United States when he appears so willing to help a foreign country break their dependence on the use of oil?

Can this technology transfer be used to produce additional nuclear weaponry in the Middle East?

How can President Obama continue to demand that Iran give up their nuclear ambitions when their stated purpose appears to be the same as that of the United Arab Emirates?

Could President Obama be setting the stage for a forced co-existence with a nuclear-armed Iran?

And of course, my favorite question? Who is behind this initiative? Is it General Electric which has hitched its corporate future to the Obama Administration and its energy and healthcare initiatives? Could it be Westinghouse which also has a reactor offering? Or is it the Obama Administration's payment for the UAE to withdraw from the consortium of Arab states who wanted to name an alternate currency denomination for the purchase of MiddleEastern oil? Or maybe a confluence of special interests providing money to the democrats for the next, and potentially contentious, election cycle in 2010?

Let us hope that this matter is truly open to debate in a hyper-politicalized Senate in which some members seem almost anti-American in their fervor to implement an European socialistic ideology.

We know that the United Arab Emirates is actively lobbying Congress and putting a positive spin on this transaction …

Click to VISIT Link

It should be interesting to see which members of Congress are being lobbied and if any of them have received “backchannel” campaign funding or support from a foreign power which have been routed through U.S.-affiliated companies, lawyers, lobbyists, public relations firms.

It should also be interesting to witness France’s reaction to this type of agreement since they are the ones openly promoting the use of nuclear energy in the Middle East.

We can only wait and see what happens – hoping that our elected officials rise above their normal corruption and complacency to keep promoting the best interests of the United States over the special interests who are sure to profit from this agreement.

REMEMBER: The prime  question to ask of your elected officials is why the Obama Administration is so willing to assist the UAE to exploit the benefits of nuclear power when they are denying the same benefits to American citizens?

-- steve

Reference Links:

Obama OKs nuclear deal with United Arab Emirates | Jerusalem Post

"UAE and IAEA Sign Additional Protocol to Safeguards Agreement," Press Release, April 8 2009

"UAE and Japan Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Peaceful Nuclear Energy Cooperation"
UAE Official Statement, January 20 2009

"UAE and US Sign Bilateral Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation"
UAE Press Release, US State Department Press Release, January 15 2009

UAE Commits $10 Million to Nuclear Fuel Reserve Proposal
IAEA Press Release, August 7, 2008

UAE Commitment Gives NTI/IAEA Fuel Bank Critical Momentum
NTI Press Release, August 7, 2008

"United Arab Emirates-US Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy"
UAE Press Release, US State Department Press Release, May 2008

"UAE Government Releases Comprehensive Policy White Paper on the Evaluation and Potential Development of Peaceful Nuclear Energy"
UAE Press Release, April 2008

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Where are Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the other community activists who claim they are speaking for the community?

Here is a story of an Latino “hate” gang that allegedly targeted blacks in their community. So where is the outrage of the so-called black leadership?

Yes, we know there are no police officers involved, no deep-pockets companies which can be extorted into supporting your political action initiatives or paying for “diversity training.” But the community has been systematically attacked – which is not a new story! So where the hell are you – raising community and media awareness? Couldn’t find anyone to fly you here on a chartered jet, put you up at a four-star hotel, send a limousine to bring you to the press conference? Why wouldn't you use some of your own or your foundation’s millions to subsidize this worthwhile effort. It’s not too late to get involved.

According to the Associated Press …

A Latino street gang waged a racist campaign to eliminate the city's black residents through attempted murders and other crimes, according to federal racketeering indictments unsealed Thursday.”

“Five indictments charged a total of 147 members and associates of the Varrio Hawaiian Gardens gang, and federal and local agencies arrested 63 of them by early Thursday, U.S. Attorney Thomas P. O'Brien said at a news conference.”

“Another 35 defendants were already in custody on unrelated charges. Weapons and drugs worth more than $1 million also were seized in what O'Brien called ‘the largest gang takedown in United States history.’"

“The indictments detail attempted murder, kidnapping, firearms, narcotics and other charges related to attacks by the gang, which is predominantly Latino and mainly operates in Hawaiian Gardens, a city of about 15,000 in southeastern Los Angeles County.”

"(Varrio Hawaiian Gardens) gang members take pride in their racism and often refer to the VHG Gang as the `Hate Gang,'" the main indictment said. ‘VHG gang members have expressed a desire to rid the city of Hawaiian Gardens of all African-Americans and have engaged in a systematic effort to achieve that result by perpetrating crimes against African-Americans.’"

So Jesse, Al and all the other community activists – what are you going to say or do about this community outrage?

Sheriff Lee Baca was right …

And while we are at it, where are the apologies to Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca who was roundly excoriated for bringing matters of this type to the public’s attention?

“L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca Says Latino Gangs Kill Blacks ‘Just Because of Their Race’”

“Lee Baca is angering the politically correct establishment by telling the truth about Latino gangs targeting non-gang affiliated Black Americans for death in a hate crime spree that White “liberals” refuse to address.”

From My Fox LA:

“LA County Sheriff Lee Baca, on April 4th, told a largely African-American audience in Compton that when Latino gangs are at war with black gangs over drugs and turf they are sometimes satisfied to kill any young black living in their rival’s territory in order to flex their criminal muscle. In other words, Baca asserted innocents are being targeted for death by gangs just because of their race. Sounds like a hate-crime to most of us.”

Even the ever-politically correct media failed to ask a pertinent question: how many of these gang members are illegal aliens?

Truth be told, it doesn’t matter what the color, race ,  ethnicity or country of origin of these criminals might be – they are still criminals and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

And for the liberals who openly decry the racial imbalance of the occupants of our detention facilities – what should be done now –- people of color allegedly committed the crimes, so what say you? And before you blame society and trot out all your liberal hogwash about this being caused by economic disadvantage, you might note that this type of crap did not occur in the depression and citizens of that particular time in history would have stopped this cold and thrown any sympathetic politician out of office.

Again, I might ask Jesse and Al what they have to say about the increasing numbers of illegal aliens who are slowly pushing blacks out of their homes, businesses and cities? All while everybody claims to welcome these aliens with open arms and fails to mention that Latino/Black conflict is real, devastating to the community and should not be tolerated.

And I must also question the role of the Catholic Church which openly embraces illegal aliens, provides sanctuary and then buries both the perpetrators and their victims in sanctified soil.

While you are waiting to see if Jesse and Al show up to protest this egregious disaster which has befallen their community here in Southern California, I suggest you read Dr. Lenton Akins’ book: While African Americans Slept: Leadership by Parasites.

-- steve

Reference Links:

Latino gang accused of targeting blacks near LA

L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca Says Latino Gangs Kill Blacks “Just Because of Their Race”

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Are the democrats planning to subvert the First Amendment?

The First Amendment …

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ”

Subversion of the First Amendment …

Most people relate the subversion of the First Amendment to censorship; the control over speech by those in power who wish to remove , prohibit or shape the expression which they may consider to be morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.

However, one need not prohibit or remove words from presentation to an audience – one could dilute the objectionable message by an overwhelming repetition of a desired expression; or one could strengthen the media upon which the desired message is carried; especially to a targeted audience.

Which message will prevail?

It does not take a genius to note that the democrats successfully cobbled together a coalition of minorities; be they based on class, ethnicity, national origin, color, race or perceived victimhood.

And noting that there were a number of minority-owned media outlets who slavishly promoted the democrat position to their minority audience, it seems that this initiative is both payback for past support and a downpayment for future support. Other than by virtue of paid political ads, it is unlikely that any position other than the liberal democrats will be presented -- at least without the ritual derision of the opposing party.

Therefore, it should be upsetting to all Americans to see the democrats trying to subvert the First Amendment for their political advantage.

According to …

“High-ranking House Democrats are urging the Treasury Department to prop up minority-owned broadcasters suffering from a lack of capital and lost advertising revenue amid the economic slump.”

No Constitutional authority …

There is no Constitutional authority for the federal government to interfere with free speech, the media or the financial affairs of privately-owned companies.

And while this has not stopped legislators and un-elected Administration officials from offering bailout funds to specific classes of companies – thus violating their oath to defend, uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States; to interfere further with the media would be extremely problematical.

“House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) is leading an effort to convince Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to take ‘decisive action’ by extending credit to this sector of the broadcasting industry.”

The far-left liberals …

“Clyburn and other senior members, including House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), argue that minority-owned broadcasters are sound businesses, but that the recession could undermine the government’s efforts to diversify the airwaves.”

If the minority-owned businesses are as sound as argued, then they should require no government assistance at all. Of course, Barney Frank also argued that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were sound – and we all know what happened to them. These legislators have zero credibility.

“A number of members from the Congressional Black Caucus signed the letter, too.”

I consider all of the members of the Black Caucus to be racists: viewing everything through the prism of race and attempting to legislate in such a manner as to convey an unfair advantage to black citizens over their entire constituency. Even worse, I consider them to be far-left Marxists who promote the subversion of the Government by incremental legislation which weakens the Constitution and makes all citizens vulnerable to the whims of the political elite.

“While many jobs are at stake, a more important principle — the government’s fundamental interest in promoting a diversity of voices, including service to underserved communities — is severely threatened,” the members write in a draft of a letter that was scheduled to be sent Tuesday.

This is pure and utter bullshit. The government does not have a Constitutional role to play in promoting any particular position – especially a political one that favors the party in power.

Dare I use the pun: Blackmail?

“The letter comes as some of the biggest recipients of government bailout money, including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, jockey to repay government bailout money. As banks seek a way out from the government’s restrictions, other industries struggle and seek government support. Some firms seeking to repay the government argue that the government’s restrictions have burdened their businesses.”

Each of the companies that took federal money did so with the tacit understanding that they may be required to accept the views of Congress or the Administration as the price paid to the devil for being saved. But any legislator or member of the Administration who tries to direct funds conditioned on the support of single-purpose social programs is guilty of a violation of their Constitutional oath and should be criminally prosecuted for extortion.

“ The congressmen suggest the Treasury Department could provide access to capital to minority-owned broadcasters, which they say represent less than 7 percent of full-power radio stations and a ‘negligible’ ownership of television stations.”

The way I read this is: here is the fairness doctrine coming back to support the democrats as the party in power. Definitely immoral, unconstitutional and, in my view, criminal.

“ ‘They are looking for continued access to capital to continue their otherwise fundamentally sound operations,’ the members write.”

“The letter suggests Treasury could set up a credit facility specific to the industry, similar to the government’s efforts to support auto suppliers, or possibly set up a program for bridge financing and government-backed loans until the economy improves.”

“ ‘In addition to the credit crisis, also weighing heavily on minority broadcasters is a significant decline in advertising revenues, particularly the loss of automobile advertising,’ the congressmen write.”

A double subsidy? First subsidizing the advertising activities of the automakers with taxpayer’s hard-earned money and then subsidizing the media? With the Internet and other channels, we know how to research cars when the time comes to purchase one. A trip down “dealer row” will yield any number of colorful brochures and other marketing materials. The idea that any media is owed advertising by any entity and should be compensated for its loss is grossly wrong-headed.

“The members are asking for a meeting with the Treasury Department and minority-owned broadcast entities and representatives from the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters.”

Timothy Geithner needs to draw the line here. If the federal government is not willing to support all small businesses, regardless of their ownership, they should not support any single category of small business. Minority broadcasters do not deserve any more consideration than any other enterprise, especially minority-owned newspapers or sign printers … well you get the point!

The guilt trip is over …

We have a black President. We have black people in positions of power. The white guilt trip is over. The only ones left to promote racism are those who claim to be its victims. Enough is enough. Time to do the right thing – no more subsidizing the unproductive, the terminally stupid, and the corrupt. We need to re-build America’s decaying and crumbling  infrastructure and we need honest and competent people to do the job – regardless of their race, color, creed, national origin or minority status.

The toxic legislators among us …

“Other members signing the letter are Democratic Reps. Bobby Rush (Ill.), Edolphus Towns (N.Y.), Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.), Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.), Maxine Waters (Calif.), Gregory Meeks (N.Y.), G.K. Butterfield (N.C.), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Lynn Woolsey (Calif.) and Bennie Thompson (Miss.)”

I consider some, if not most, of the people signing this letter to be far-left liberal activists, or Marxists if you will, who denigrate and demean the United States and promote divisive racism at each and every occasion. They appear to be dividers not uniters.

Bottom-line …

I believe supporting minority broadcasters would be a subversion of the First Amendment and Constitutionally impermissible. I also believe that this is just the beginning of the democrat’s assault on the media – to insure that their message, and only their message, is heard.

There is no doubt in my mind that we now have a toxic Administration and a toxic Congress. The only solution being a total and complete purging of the racists, socialists and others who seem to be complaining about America on one hand and stealing the taxpayer’s hard-earned money with the other.

Have a different opinion, feel free to comment at the end of this blog entry or send me an e-mail using the link under my picture.

-- steve

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Reference Links:

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Global Warming: Can we trust our legislators to fairly represent "we the people" in the matter of rational public policy?

Can you trust Washington or Wall Street – or are they the same animal?

A large portion of our economy is in shambles, having been decimated by the corrupt and/or complacent actions of our legislators on both sides of the aisle who seem to believe that the clubby nature of the House and Senate will protect them from allegations of greed, malfeasance, wrongdoing and criminal actions.

Diogenes, the seeker of truth, would be going crazy trying to find honest legislators on the Hill that were not beholden to their political parties and special interest supporters and required to mine the treasure-trove of the American taxpayers on behalf of who fund political campaigns and who are expected to render voter support during  upcoming election cycles.

We  have seen hyper-technical, almost incomprehensible, legislation promulgated without safeguards to prevent waste, fraud and malfeasance. We have heard the Administration tout their openness and transparency; only to see a jumble of information posted on web sites which is incomplete, inaccurate or highly misleading.

In one instance, lobbyists who are lobbying Federal Agencies are required to disclose those activities as are those Federal Agencies which are being lobbied. So far, there is a severe and significant mismatch of records between those who are lobbying and those who were lobbied.

Global Warming: the issue with accountability for none and money for all …

Public policy will ideally feature some measurability factor which will indicate the beneficial effects of the policy and provide an indication of progress, if not outright success or failure. And this is precisely why those that are promoting global warming legislation are ecstatic. First, due to our current flawed measuring systems, one can pick and choose which temperature datasets to use and may legitimately manipulate them in ways to support prevailing suppositions. Second, the results of man’s puny efforts to affect nature on a global scale may be obscured by nature’s inherent variability. Third, the results may be so small that they are lost in the normal background noise of nature. And fourth, and most importantly, we are being asked to accept the output of computer models as FACT – where the observational confirmation of the modeled data is flawed, lacking or simply “enhanced” by the selective use of time ranges, data smoothing techniques and worst of all, hidden assumptions that compensate for a misunderstanding of the exact science involved.

Thus with no accountability for results, legislators are somewhat free to loot the public treasury on behalf of themselves, their relatives and their special interest friends who will become the recipients of grants, subsidies and especially the Wall Street Wizards who will produce nothing as they create more toxic derivatives out of artificially-created pollution or emissions credits.

The public will become the loser as gross polluters will simply be able to purchase indulgences to continue their polluting ways. The cost being borne by the average consumer/taxpayer who will surely be billed for the cost of the pollution/emissions credits. Nothing will change except the fat bonuses of the Wall Street traders much in the same way that they benefited both from the mortgage meltdown and  mortgage mitigation efforts. With so much money at stake, who is to say that individuals and institutions will remain honest, compliant with the law and act as honest brokers for the people they purport to serve?

Self-serving science?

Even scientists, the last bastion of truth-telling, have often been subverted by their funding sources into shading their findings to meet the requirements of those who offer employment, funding and approval for career-boosting projects. When one considers the BILLIONS of dollars now being pumped into the scientific community, one can hardly ignore those legislative and institutional sources which are benefiting greatly from the influx in money and research opportunities. Whereas some, like Al Gore, consider the science of global warming to be settled, the matter is far from settled and the fight over science is far overshadowed by the public policy implications being drawn from nothing more substantial than computer models. Public policy which sees a massive increase in government size, the reach of government control over the economy, military and society, higher rates of taxation and the loss of some individual freedoms. All based on something that may not even exist at all – story-telling based on suppositional science which is based on nothing more than nature’s inherent cyclical variability.

The question arises: can global warming skeptics get a fair hearing before onerous public policy further decimates our troubled economy?

From the Washington Post …

“Warming Skeptics Get Heard on the Hill: More GOP Doubts Expressed as House Prepares to Take Up Emissions-Cap Bill”

“After the decade they've had, Capitol Hill's climate-change skeptics might well feel like polar bears on a shrinking ice floe.”

“Scientists around the globe have rejected their main arguments -- that the climate isn't clearly warming, that humans aren't responsible for it, or that the whole thing doesn't amount to a problem. Public opinion has also shifted and even Exxon Mobil talks about greenhouse gases.”

The mention of greenhouse gases is a diversionary tactic, meant only to shift the focus away from onerous public policies which any citizen can debate to the realm of science where one’s opinion must often be backed with prestigious credentials to be taken seriously. Yes, everybody admits that greenhouse gases do exist – the most prevalent and potent of which is common water vapor – controlled by a scientific mechanism that is still not well understood. CO2, demonized by the media as a pollutant, is a necessary requirement for sustainable life on our planets and rising CO2 levels can be beneficial to mankind. It should be noted that both temperatures and CO2 levels have been higher and lower in periods when there was little or no industrial activitiy and the actions of mankind were not a significant factor.

One needs only to ask why CO2 was chosen as the most dominant of the greenhouse gasses and why the models assume artificial forcings of two to three times current levels to achieve their advertised results?  It’s all about controlling energy: energy based on our carbon-based life forms and lifestyle. Truth be known, if the politicians and others were to consider the problem of energy independence and the use of clean, sustainable and abundant energy – there would be a mandate for nuclear energy plants and the problem of energy would be solved.

Only those communists/Marxists/anarchists who tried to cripple our war efforts with their “no nukes,” scare the bejesus out of everyone, want to eliminate nuclear energy from consideration – purely on political reasons which are bent on weakening the United States to promote their own political ideology. These are the very same people who have co-opted the environmental movement for a source of funding and political power. Using our own laws against us as a political weapon of war. 

Once again, we need to be careful when we consider that public opinion is often driven by a politicalized and biased media which clearly sides with those in power. And, yes, the major oil companies are talking about the issues and promoting their own solutions – often doing so at the point of a regulatory gun which threatens to dramatically change both their business model and their profitability.

“But this spring, it's been obvious: Doubt is not dead.”

“In fact, as Congress considers placing a national limit on emissions, Washington's climate skeptics have been louder than usual -- and they've been reinforced by other voices in the Republican Party.”

"We're cooling. We're not warming,"

"The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) -- although nobody is on record as saying carbon dioxide causes cancer.”

Again, we are witnessing a toxic interplay between politics and science – all designed to bring about a pre-ordained public policy which is potentially more crippling to our economy than the current economic crisis.

“These arguments could play a small but key role in the House's deliberations this summer on climate-change legislation. The Democrats' ‘cap-and-trade’ proposal will face ferocious opposition over its potential cost. It will be an even harder sell if skeptics can stir up a debate about whether there really is a problem.”

One, if this was a serious problem, there would be no “cap-and-trade” system. The fact that one is going to trade emissions  credits from a South American rainforest with a polluting refinery in Southern California and mitigate global warming is ludicrous. Without mandatory compliance – which assumes global government management – those that cheat or create artificial credits will go unpunished and the politicians will stamp their feet and point their fingers and claim it’s not working because we need more government control.

Note that the reporter frames the debate by referring to skeptics – although the other side has not moved beyond suppositional science and demonstrated anything more than a computer’s ability to output reams of paper with pre-ordained pretty pictures.

What is a prudent solution to a non-existent problem?

"The Republican Party is the party of solutions," Barton said. "We are realistic to know to accept the fact that the American people want a solution to this issue."

I call bullshit! No political party is the party of solutions. Both the democrat and republican parties are about political control, taxation and the usurpation and maintenance of political power. Both parties are more similar than dissimilar as they attempt to exploit the matter of global warming to their own respective advantage. It is almost as if the science matters less than the media coverage.

“Most scientists now say there is a consensus about climate change: It is ‘unequivocal,’ concluded a United Nations report in 2007. It found that recent temperatures were about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit higher than a century ago -- and that most of this is ‘very likely’ due to man-made greenhouse gases.”

Science is not performed by consensus any more than we gather scientists to issue a statement of fact. Any person, at any time, can upset the applecart with a new theory, new measurements and/or new understanding of the underlying physical phenomena. One cannot simply add all of the physical processes underlying nature and compute a value – it doesn’t work that way. We have much to learn about our physical universe, our own physical nature and about the ecosphere in which we live.

Who says?

" 'Unequivocal' was not chosen lightly," said Susan Solomon, a senior scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who co-chaired part of the U.N. effort. She said the proof is in data on shrinking sea ice, higher surface temperatures and rising sea levels.”

Again, that’s suppositional bullshit. Physical phenomena associated with global climate change are cyclical. We have been hotter, colder, wetter, drier, greener, etc. This is the cyclical variability of nature and there is no proof that we are not continually and cyclically warming, cooling and, in actuality, regressing towards an unknown global mean. As for Susan Solomon, a scientist employed by political entities, one wonders how much her opinion is based on those opinions of her employers?

“Public opinion polls have also shown a shift: In 2005, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 56 percent of Americans were convinced that global warming was occurring.”

To claim that science is performed by consensus is not as ludicrous as science performed by opinion polling. Just saying it does not make it so. 

Responding to political exigencies …

“Several gas-emitting companies have accepted the idea; Exxon Mobil says that ‘the risks . . . from increases in CO2 emissions could prove to be significant.’ The 2008 Republican platform mentioned ‘the challenge of climate change.’"

Companies that live in fear of regulatory interference with their business models and profits are likely to publicly say anything or do anything to stay out of the sights of the politicians. Privately, they employ legions of lobbyists to eviscerate unfriendly legislation or build in loopholes, exemptions and so-called “grandfather clauses.” The political parties, whores that they are, will say or do anything to gain or maintain political power. Their pronouncements are worthless based on an analysis of self-serving statements which may contradict reality.

“But a handful of lawmakers -- an informal survey found at least 10 vocal ones, all Republicans -- say they still are not convinced. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) said last month at a hearing with former vice president Al Gore that ‘on the science side, we've had very divergent views.’"

"There are people who still believe that the moon landing was staged on a movie lot in Arizona," Gore replied.’

Speaking of Al Gore …

Just why is it that Al Gore is not required to testify under oath?

Just why is it that Al Gore permits no scientists or reporters who hold opposing views to formally engage him in debate?

And why did the democrats prevent Christopher Lord Monckton, a notable observer of global climate change politics and science, from testifying at the same Congressional session as Al Gore. In effect, disinviting him at the last possible moment as he was stepping off the plane? Perhaps to avoid the embarrassment of Al Gore who can only respond with generalities and platitudes?  

Old guard?

“Scalise's kind of skepticism has been heartening to the movement's old guard, which on the Hill includes Barton, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) and Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.).”

Old guard, is that a code phrase for these two politicians who many in the media openly regard as conservative wing-nuts?

Taxation, pure and simple …

Pollution or emissions credits are a tax on every person on the planet since energy production and use touches every facet of life. And, unfortunately, the only ones to benefit are the politicians and the special interests.

“For now, it's not clear what effect the skeptics will have on the debate over the Democrats' bill, which would set a limit on emissions and force polluters to amass ‘credits’ to allow for their emissions.”

If global warming is such an emergency, why allow credits. Cap emissions and directly fine the polluters? Be honest and call the damn thing what it is: a tax!  There is no need to double or triple the costs of emissions credits by adding the burdensome overhead of Wall Street bonuses and trading profits. 

“Some environmentalists worry that the skeptics' questions will erode public support, adding to concerns that the bill will raise the price of electricity, gasoline and manufactured goods. Others think it's the skeptics who are irrelevant.”

Environmentalists, you mean the perfect people for a perfect planet who would have you becoming a vegetarian to save animals from”torture?”  You mean those environmental who hate people and see population growth as damaging to the environment? You mean those environmentalists who have been complicit in the deaths of millions with their restrictive policies based on junk science? Screw those environmentalists.

“Duke Energy, a large electric utility that will probably face higher costs under a cap-and-trade system, said the skeptics weren't speaking for the company. ‘From our perspective, we're beyond that question,’ said spokesman Tom Williams. ‘We're to the point of, 'Let's go ahead and address it.' "

Perhaps we should demand that Duke Energy release all of the memos concerning their lobbying activities to craft legislation that is beneficial to the Power Company and to the detriment of their rate payers and to the public at large?

I am sorry I supported Michael Steele for RNC Chairman …

“Steele told a national radio audience that any warming is ‘part of the cooling process.’ Asked to clarify what he meant, a GOP spokeswoman said his position was the same as the Republican Party platform. It doesn't mention global cooling.”

He is becoming more inarticulate and incoherent as time goes on. He is not a good spokesman for my Republican Party.

“Solomon, the NOAA scientist, said Steele is wrong. She said that global temperatures had broken from their warming trend in the past few years but that data do not disprove the consensus behind long-term warming.”

Notice she is reported as saying “data do not disprove the consensus behind long-term warming.”  And she was the one that said “’Unequivocal' was not chosen lightly,” so she is well-aware of the meaning and usage of words. Why she did not say “science” instead of “consensus” points out the flaw in her reasoning.

Bottom line …

The evildoers who have co-opted both the environmental movement and the far-left democrat politicians are now poised to strike a potentially fatal blow to an already faltering economy. Whether or not they succeed in damaging America remains up to you. We need to tell our elected officials that they must reject public policy based on dodgy science or face the wrath of the voters in the next election cycle. In fact, let’s just vote the bastards out of office anyway. Replacing them with a less toxic brew of politicians who remember that they are there to serve us – we the people – not their political party, not the special interests and certainly not the enemies of America, both foreign and domestic.

-- steve

Reference Links:

Skeptics of Global Warming Have Their Say on Capitol Hill|Washington Post

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Schwarzenegger shows his true colors: deserts state on election day for appearance with President Obama …

The one thing that Arnold Schwarzenegger has never lied about is his ambition to be, pardon the pun, larger than life. He has said that once he reaches a goal, he immediately sets a new, more difficult goal and begins work on that goal immediately.

So, as most Californians may attest, the day he won the election to replace the hated “tax and spend” Gray “Special Interest” Davis, he abandoned the governorship and went about securing his new goal. Since he in ineligible for the Presidency, one might assume he has his eye set on Diane Feinstein’s Senate Seat or a cushy Ambassadorship to some adoring country like Germany.

Today, one of the most critical elections of his tenure, an election which could solve, if you believe the governor, much of California’s budget deficit, he jets off to stand with Obama as he imposes new stricter controls on a dying automobile industry. And I thought Arnold was a better man and would hardly kick someone when they were down. But, of course, he has all but destroyed California with his lack of leadership and his inability to fulfill his campaign promise to reign in the legislature’s profligate spending.

Instead of reining in spending, he jumped on the global warming bandwagon and proposed rules and regulations which were sure to decimate California and serve as a national blueprint for the future destruction of our nation.

There is no doubt that most observant people thought that Schwarzenegger was a RINO (Republican In Name Only), but who knew pre-election that he was a Ted Kennedy progressive –- a polite name for a tax and spend far-left ideologue.

Standing before the President and assembled crowd, Schwarzenegger said “I'm delighted to be here.” What he left unsaid was that he was probably delighted to be anywhere but in California.

Spinning California’s disaster …

It is well-known that Schwarzenegger often distances himself from real problems and claims that he is above these petty problems as he rises above them to supply leadership for all of the people, not the democrats, not the republicans, but all of the people. A clever way of straddling the political fence and avoiding responsibility for your failures.

Preliminary returns for the May 19th election show that the measures that Schwarzenegger personally endorsed and campaigned for – are going down to defeat. Perhaps the big lie of a “spending limit” met the reality of a $16 BILLION tax increase which would not provide revenue for another two years.

Click Here for Updated Vote Counts

Spinning the other legislative disaster …

According to the Sacramento Bee …

" ‘This has been a huge victory for the state of California,’ Schwarzenegger said. ‘And as the president said, that if it wouldn't have been for the great leadership of our great state, this would have never happened. We want to thank him for the great skills that he has displayed in bringing all the stakeholders together.’"

A huge victory for California? Adding more than a thousand dollars to each car Californians purchase. Placing Californians, who drive more than the average citizen on fast-paced crowded freeways, at greater risk of death in the lighter, underpowered cars that will be required to meet government standards. Adding more costs to “special blends” of gasoline which must be formulated for these vehicles. This is not a victory.

The governor called it a “‘staggering’” accomplishment in the fight against global warming.

Arnold, coming from Hollywood, knows all about acting, faux speeches and smoke and mirrors. A land where perception trumps reality and it really doesn’t matter if global warming is real, man-made and can be mitigated – it only matters as a pretext for moving personal and political agendas to the next level.

" ‘This is exactly what it's all about, all of us working together, showing great leadership in reducing the consumption of oil, reducing our greenhouse gases and fighting together global warming,’ he said.”

If Schwarzenegger was serious about our consumption of oil – a commodity which we have in abundance in California – and fighting so-called global warming, how come he is not fighting to expand the state’s nuclear energy generation capabilities since we have four large reactors (2 at San Onofre and 2 at Diablo Canyon) already in place and pumping out energy.

And while he was busy taking credit for providing leadership on the subject of global warming, how many people noticed that he arrived on a large private jet? After all, he still is a movie star and appearances must be maintained.

-- steve

Reference links …

Schwarzenegger: Obama's White House invitation trumped special election - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


Government theft: pure and simple …

It’s a fluid situation, but the noises coming from Washington would have the government take the unprecedented step stealing all of the company’s “healthy assets” and forming a new corporation which would be owned by the government of the United States.

Somewhere down the road, shares would be transferred to those who had the legal first call on the assets, the senior bond holders and to the unions. It is believed that the United States would forgive all of the debt created by government bailout funds – which would be tantamount to stealing the taxpayer’s money to aid a private corporation.

This is an unwarranted intrusion of the government into the private affairs of businesses and cannot be allowed to remain unchallenged under our system of capitalism.

The fact that government politicians and bureaucrats would be free to plunder the assets of any corporation is unconscionable.

Let General Motors enter bankruptcy like any other company, notably the airlines, reorganize and re-structure and if there were any problems they would be dealt with by a judicial process that has been handling bankruptcy for decades.

Toxic, far-left unions with a strangle-hold on politicians represent some of the worst systemic corruption in the history of the United States. They contribute nothing but strife and increasing labor costs to productive society – and offer nothing in return.

I would rather trust the judiciary and formal bankruptcy party than the democrats headed by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters and the rest of the far-left socialists who are hell-bent on promoting a far-left ideology which is anti-American. Not to mention Tim “Turbo Tax” Geithner, the unelected bag man for the Administration.

Bottom line:

General Motors is not too big to fail and while its failure would have a measurable impact on regional unemployment, people would still be able to purchase new vehicles and service the old ones.

The government, with its insistence of higher CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) has already doomed the major automakers to death by demanding new cars which will require new tooling and production processes in an extremely capital-intensive re-design.

And possibly condemning many Americans to an early death in unsafe mini-cars with little or no crash resistance. The fact that the government sets crash standards as low as 5 miles per hour is ludicrous, unsafe and should not be accepted by the public.

We need to take action now against the corrupt and complacent democrats …

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-- steve

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS