It's for the children: unfortunately not YOUR children ...
Yes, America has a soft spot in its heart for Children, Firefighters, Nurses and Bambi. But how these iconic images are manipulated to direct funding decisions, union affairs and political actions is often as shameful as it is misleading.
At a time when our healthcare infrastructure is crumbling under the assault of illegal aliens who use emergency rooms as their primary care facilities and are overburdening our hospital’s maternity rooms in the quest to create “anchor” babies, someone must make some rational decisions.
Consider for a moment the following story …
“Ana Puente was an infant with a liver disorder when her aunt brought her illegally to the U.S. to seek medical care. She underwent two liver transplants at UCLA Medical Center as a child in 1989 and a third in 1998, each paid for by the state.”
“But when Puente turned 21 last June, she aged out of her state-funded health insurance and was unable to continue treatment at UCLA.”
“This year, her liver began failing again and she was hospitalized at County-USC Medical Center. In her Medi-Cal application, a USC doctor wrote, ‘Her current clinical course is irreversible, progressive and will lead to death without another liver transplant.’ The application was denied. The county gave her medication but does not have the resources to perform transplants.”
“Late last month Puente learned of another, little-known option for patients with certain healthcare needs. If she notified U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that she was in the country illegally, state health officials might grant her full Medi-Cal coverage. Puente did so, her benefits were restored and she is now awaiting a fourth transplant at UCLA.”
“Jose Lopez said he came to the U.S. with his mother illegally as a child. Soon after, he contracted hepatitis A and received his first liver transplant. Eight years later, he got cirrhosis and received another transplant. Both were performed at UCLA and paid for by the state.”
“As his 21st birthday approached, his mother, Maria Elena Lopez, searched for clinics that might agree to treat her son. She applied for Medi-Cal for him but has not received a response.”
These cases highlight “ two controversial issues: Should illegal immigrants receive liver transplants in the U.S. and should taxpayers pick up the cost?”
“The average cost of a liver transplant and first-year follow-up is nearly $490,000, and anti-rejection medications can run more than $30,000 annually, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing, which oversees transplantation nationwide.”
“Donor livers are also in scarce supply. In California, nearly 3,700 people are on a waiting list for livers, according to the network. Last year, 767 liver transplants were performed in the state. <Source>
Americans are a compassionate people and nobody wants to see suffering prolonged. But the fact remains, that Mexico continues to outsource their major medical cases to the United States in the form of illegal aliens.
A question of fairness …
Why should legal citizens and residents of California accept the additional burden of supplying health care to a third world country at the expense of its own citizens and their health and welfare? Considering that Hispanics have risen to political power in a number of areas, and an open border policy is backed by the democrat party, the unions and the Roman Catholic Church, we are seeing a foreign invasion take place under our nose and doing little or nothing to stem the tide of Southern California’s conversion to Alta Mexico.
Harry Reid, enabler of illegal aliens …
One need only know that Harry Reid represents the State of Nevada which has become increasingly dependent upon the use of illegal alien labor in its resort communities. And considering the historic confluence of organized crime, labor unions and gambling, one must consider that this position is a precursor to an increased role of those elements in our society which does not wish America well and believes, like good socialists, that our resources should be shared with the world, even though it may mean shortages and disruptions at home. In the socialist model, the individual must suffer and sacrifice for the collective.
According to …
”SCHIP Bill Does Not Require Photo ID or Proof of Citizenship for Socialized Health Care”
“A proposed change to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), currently under reauthorization by Congress, could make it possible for people to get health coverage by presenting only a Social Security number, not a photo ID or proof of legal residency or citizenship, such as a birth certificate, driver’s license or passport.”
“When asked about this proposed revision in the SCHIP enrollment rules, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said the legislation ‘is enforceable and fair, and I don’t think we need to do any better than what we’ve done.’”
“Reid added that this proposed change can be debated and senators will be allowed to make amendments to SCHIP as reauthorization moves forward.”
Reversing former President Bush’s common-sense approach to controlling the rampant rise in healthcare costs by restricting delivery to those for whom the program was originally designed …
“The proposed change reverses a Bush administration regulation that required new enrollees to provide photo identification and proof of legal residency or citizenship to qualify for health coverage under SCHIP.”
Who among us has not seen the social security system complicitly sit back while fake, forged and stolen social security numbers have been used to cause millions of legal Americans to lose time, money and effort to straighten out paperwork catastrophes involving identity theft. Now we are beginning to see those who are finding that identity theft does not only extend to financial matters, but health matters as well – as insurance companies are being defrauded by those who present themselves as someone else.
“The new rule would require enrollees to present only a Social Security number and no other form of identification. This change opens the possibility that people could enroll in SCHIP with a fake or stolen Social Security number.”
Even IRS, at the urging of the financial industry, has enabled illegal aliens to obtain ITINs (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers) which are issued without regard to immigration status and can often be used in the place of a social security number for financial transactions. And is it any wonder that the democrats are pushing hard to issue drivers licenses with photo-ID and biometric information to illegal aliens without the requirement to differentiate these licenses from those issued to legal citizens?
“The State Children’s Health Insurance Program, started in 1997, matches federal tax dollars with state funds to pay for the health care of children in families with modest incomes – incomes slightly above the cutoff for Medicaid coverage.”
Reid waffles …
One only wonder how this mediocre, and allegedly corrupt, example of a politician could rise so high in the democrat party as to assume the leadership of the Senate.
“Speaking at a press conference Friday about the past success of SCHIP, Reid was asked why the rules were changed and what states could do to prevent fraud. Reid was evasive in his answers.”
“When asked if he was willing to accept the risk that people could abuse the new enrollment rule to get SCHIP coverage, Reid was evasive, telling, ‘We’re going to have a full debate on this legislation. If people want to offer amendments, they can do that.’”
Here, again, is Harry Reid on the United States’ funding of abortions around the world …
“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) would not comment Friday on President Obama’s reversal of the Mexico City Policy, which had prohibited U.S. tax dollars from going to organizations that promote or perform abortions abroad.”
“The executive order means that abortions around the globe will now be paid for by federal funds. While Obama was expected to issue the order sometime Friday, he did not actually do so until around 7:00 p.m. that night--when weekly news coverage is at a minimum.”
“ ‘That’s not SCHIP,’ Reid responded to when asked about the move to have the United States government fund abortions in other countries. Reid was speaking at a press conference at the Capitol on Friday afternoon in support of legislation to provide health insurance for children paid for by states and the federal government. ‘We can talk about that some other day,’ Reid said.” <Source>
Democrats continue their march towards universal health care coverage for all …
“Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) also was evasive in answering why Democrats removed another provision, broadly supported by congressional Republicans, which would have prevented families earning more than 300 percent of the federal poverty level from enrolling in SCHIP.”
“The bill would allow families earning more than $63,600 per year to enroll their children in federal health care.”
Jay Rockefeller is, for all intents and purposes, your typical rich, family-supported, far left democratic liberal who is insulated from the consequences of his legislative actions – and the normal day-to-day concerns facing ordinary citizens. Your typical limousine liberal who supports the concept of perfect people for a perfect world.
“We had a number of decisions to make on this,” said Rockefeller. “There are only so many fights you can take on.”
What the asshat does not understand is that you fight for “good” over “evil” and “right” over “wrong” each and every time you go to battle. There is no compromise – and those who compromise will open the door to evil just a little bit wider each and every time the lay down and claim “There are only so many fights you can take on.”
It’s for the children …
“Rockefeller chastised critics of the proposal, wondering how fellow senators could vote against a children’s bill simply because of its size.”
“ ‘To me, it should be difficult enough to (even) think of voting against a bill on children, but people around here want to do that, particularly if they can latch onto an issue like that.’”
Safeguards needed …
“The provision that could possibly allow fraudulent enrollment has been criticized by some conservative Republicans who think it lacks the provisions needed to adequately prevent illegal immigrants and others from getting free health care.”
There is no doubt that waste, fraud and corruption has driven the cost of socialized benefit costs beyond the bounds of our ability to continue to pay for adequate care and has degraded the entire healthcare infrastructure. Much of the benefits of this waste, fraud and corruption has gone to those who push nothing but paper, the insurance companies and major healthcare monitors who successfully lobbied Congress to become the well-paid gatekeeper to the system and whose executives pocket multi-million dollar bonuses and fly on private jets while legal citizens are denied healthcare in order to boost the company’s profits. Not to be overlooked is their lobbying efforts and campaign contributions which keeps them in a position of power.
Bottom line …
Truth be told, this is just another democrat ploy to obtain votes by empowering those they promoted to victimhood based on race, ethnicity, class – and now citizenship. Perhaps we should demand that the unions and the Roman Catholic Church lose their tax-exempt status and pay their fair share of the healthcare burden.
What can YOU do?
Remove the democrat socialists from office in 2010 and notify your elected officials that you are concerned about your children’s health and welfare and that the reason you are working hard and contributing your tax money to the local, state and federal government is to see that legal, law-abiding citizens receive the social benefits that they are paying for with their time, effort and money.
Consider that many cities have established clinics devoted for the care of illegal alien children and that prominent hospitals like UCLA are not primary care facilities. In the case of UCLA, while they do support emergency operations, they are considered a tertiary hospital – to be accessed for their specialty care after one has been seen by their primary care doctor/facility and/or regional/community medical center. Unless you are familiar with UCLA Hospital, now named the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, they have completed their new earthquake-resistant hospital – which contains fewer beds than the old hospital facility, thus making medical care harder to access.
There is no doubt that we need comprehensive immigration reform and we must remove politics, the unions and the church from the decision-making. My suggestions for such a program can be found at the end of my recent blog entry titled, “The public relations push to grant amnesty to illegal aliens on humanitarian grounds?”
Consider that celebrities and other wealthy limousine liberals often attempt to make themselves feel better or justify the tremendous amount of money they have earned by promoting positions from which they are isolated. They have the money which can buy the best medical care in the world. They do not stand in lines and deal with the aggressive bureaucratic functionaries whose primary task is to say NO. Especially egregious are those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths such as the Kennedys and Rockefellers. Families of privilege whose protection even extends to covering up crime and wrongdoing.
Remember, the United States is under assault for foreign powers who are “demographically bombing” the United States with illegal aliens whom they hope will retain their national allegiance when, and if, they are given citizenship. In addition to destroying our healthcare, education, judicial, retirement, social and cultural infrastructure – they are gaining the political power to vote us out of our own homes and turn America into a third-world nation.
It has always been a point of contention that we have, here in American, an underserved class of poverty-stricken blacks who live in crumbling democrat-ruled ghettos and certainly, as legal American citizens, deserve more consideration than illegal aliens. Their democrat-ruled school systems often produce illiterates and that is one of the root causes of continued poverty. Unfortunately, they do not make the connection between the democrats who talk about victimization and the democrats whose foot is on their neck. All led by self-proclaimed reverends and community activists who serve as Judas goats to perpetuate their victimhood to gain and maintain democrat political power. A reading assignment, Dr. Lenton Aikins’ book: While African-Americans Slept: Leadership by Parasites.”
Be well and be safe. Take care of yourself and your family first. Nobody in Mexico, China or any other foreign country cares about your welfare or is willing to reciprocate by providing the rights and privileges we accord to illegal aliens to your fellow United States citizens.
-- steve
Quote of the day: “In tough times, charity begins at home.” -- unknown
A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…
The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius
Reference Links:
SCHIP Bill Does Not Require Photo ID or Proof of Citizenship for Socialized Health Care|
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS