Do the French represent a global security threat?
Obama's inaugural address: Don't blame anyone, he told you what he plans to do!

I, for one, do not wish Obama to succeed!

Today, I am afraid for the future of America …


The reason Barack Obama was elected by a relatively small margin …

The reason the Republicans lost the election is because they lost their conservative soul to the Rockefeller-wing of the party which believed that more government, more spending, less regulation and frat-boy cronyism were sufficient to guide our great nation. Pandering to those in the middle to join our party while catering to an ethnic/racial minority by promising what they could not deliver. In essence, turning into liberal democrats.

Simply stated: they lost their moral compass and failed to engage the democrats, as well as the American people, in a substantive conversation about the direction of the country. Primarily because both parties were heading the same way; down the primrose path to liberalism. 

We need to rebuild the Republican party using the precepts of Reagan-style conservatism.

Stating our principles and inviting all who agree to join us in the recovery of our great nation. And, there is nothing mysterious about these principles:

(1)  The first job of government is to uphold the Constitution and to protect us from our enemies, both foreign and domestic.

(2)  The second job of government is to regulate the relations between the individual states and to perform those duties which should be performed at a national level by virtue of being incapable of being performed by the individual states.

(3)  The third job of government is to perform jobs one and two with a minimally-sized government entity and at the lowest possible cost.

Where it went wrong …

Over time, the political parties became stronger and stronger and the support they received from the special interests began to interfere with the governance of the United States. Simultaneously, the public grew more and more apathetic as they were brainwashed by a complicit media into thinking that life was just grand. At some point in time, this apathetic public wanted assurances and guarantees that life would continue on as before – and entitlements were born.

Now we have two political parties which are competing in doling out entitlements to capture the vote and taxpayer dollars to the special interests in order to raise the funding to re-gain or remain in political office. Both parties have ignored the corruption, waste, fraud and mismanagement of the government in order to get their share of the political pie.

Government has grown so corrupt as to now offer illegal aliens the chance at amnesty, becoming legal citizens and being able to capitalize on the benefits which were once reserved for citizens – all in return for their future vote. Both parties have ignored that the influx of illegal aliens amounts to a hostile takeover of the United States.

These politicians watch our healthcare, educational, judicial, retirement, social and cultural infrastructure crumble as they count party votes which may or may not materialize in the next twenty years. In some states it has gotten so bad, that the illegal aliens are being offered the benefits of citizenship without even becoming citizens.

And so we find that the democrat party, cobbled together from special interests and fringe elements; and with financing which may come from those who do not wish the United States well, has managed to secure the Presidency and a majority of Congress. Soon to be a majority on the Supreme Court as well.

So how can I possibly bestow my blessings on this corrupt cabal of politicians – held in check only by public opinion, and then, just barely? One need only consider Barack Obama’s background, filled with dubious characters of questionable repute to see that he is less likely to represent change than he is the continuation of democrat party “machine” politics.

And I am afraid of the results!

Moving forward: consider California to be the “coal mine canary.”

In many cases, California serves as the model for the rest of the states. Whether fads or legitimate innovations, trends often start onthe left coast.

California’s Congressional leadership consists primarily of the same type of liberal democrats found elsewhere; primarily in the federal government. Democrats which have spent California into a budgetary deficit ranging from $12 billion to $44 billion depending on whose numbers you believe and the nature of their hidden agenda. California’s Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a self-absorbed, narcissistic, actor playing the role of a governor. In spite of his public accolades by the fans and fawning media, he has proven he has very little intellectual horsepower and is, for all intents and purposes, a liberal democrat seeking his next office.

Why haave California’s politicians turned the once golden state into a disaster? And how likely is this disaster likely to malignantly spread to other states?

Let’s see what’s wrong with California:

A steadily enlarging government, filled with waste, fraud, corruption and malfeasance. With control being shared by the legislature, governor and the bureaucrats as they pander to the special interests, primary of whom  are the public service unions. No matter how much money is available from state revenues, the legislature manages to spend significantly more. Papering over the difference with borrowing and accounting schemes. California leads the state in spending on government employees. Consider their outrageous salaries and pensions which are unavailable in the private sector. Guaranteed employment is almost a given regardless of the employee's level of performance or even the need for such a functionary. This is unlikely to get better, even if tax revenue is raised – the legislature will continue to spend money they don’t have; on projects which have little or no lasting value. Instead of money being spent to repair or replace our crumbling infrastructure, money is being spent on social engineering efforts and projects which benefit the private interests.

A failed educational system which demands a fixed portion of all incoming funds   has proven that money does not necessarily improve education. One need only to look at California’s largest school system, the Los Angeles Unified School District, where the political players are more interested in soothing the ego of a billionaire by building a $230 million modern art high school monstrosity to serve as part of his overall development project than they are in graduating actual students. Performance, no matter how measured, is abysmal and the LAUSD has just paid their Superintendent $500,000 to walk away from his contract -- because the board failed to set achievable goals and thus were dissatisfied with his lack of performance. In the real world, you fire the non-performer for cause, not reward them with more than a half million dollar bonus.

A declining number of major corporations, wealthy individuals and others who support the bulk of the tax burden. These people are leaving California for Nevada and other states with lower taxes, reduced living expenses and a business-friendly environment.

An unelected sub-government consisting of those who act as Mexican nationals; as they confer the benefits of citizenship on non-citizens to the detriment of the state’s law-abiding citizens and legal residents. These politicians are engaging in social engineering to upgrade the lifestyle of illegal aliens who arrive in droves. Thus California consciously continues to import more  poverty and illiteracy – and demands that their legal and law-abiding residents pay for their good works. Consider that a member of the military or an out-of-state non-resident must pay the non-resident school tuition; and  yet, we spend approximately $200 million to provide free college educations for illegal aliens.

And let us not forget the special interests who spend pennies on the dollar to win lucrative government contracts which are somewhat unlikely to be audited or even produce tangible results. Purposely using low bids to win the contracts and "change orders" to insure a heafty profit. These are the people who have corrupted our government with their campaign donations and/or promises to deliver large voting blocks.


Add to that the draconian rules and regulations that are imposed on California businesses and which insures that they are less able to compete in the nation as well as the world.

The numbers:  Since Governor Schwarzenegger was elected to curtail legislative spending and to bring government under control in 2003, legislative spending has increased by a an outrageous 40%. A real dollar expansion of $41 billion, to a total of $144.8 billion annually. And our tax base is eroding as people move out of state. Fourteen percent of wealthy Californians (earning more than $100,000) pay 83% of the income taxes

All-in-all, the Governor and the legislature have all but destroyed the California dream.

In addition to the special interests, we have the limousine liberals in both Hollywood and the Bay Area who support these confiscatory policies as they have more money than they can ever spend, tax shelters from the best advisors and who remain totally unaffected by the positions they advocate. These are the people who supported Barack Obama and fervently hope that the federal government will bail out California. The “do as I say, don’t do as I do” crowd.

And this is the democrat model …

So explain to me why I should wish Obama and his merry band of re-tread Clintonistas well. Let them fail and cause the people, the majority of the people, to demand real reform. Reform of the political parties, reform of the government – and above all reform of a large segment of our population that thinks it has a right to government handouts to exist in the real world.

If Obama fails to hold on tight to the far-left liberal tiger he rode to power, he will surely be consumed and make way for a conservative Republican political base. Not the effete North Eastern Harvard/Princeton/Yale liberals and snobs who play at government, but real working people who know that it takes more than saying “My name is Caroline Kennedy” to obtain a Senate seat.

A debt of gratitude …

No matter what you think of our current President, he has managed to keep up safe from terrorism and has taken the fight to the enemy. Although despised by those organizations which have been infiltrated by our enemies and those who naturally hate America, he has done his job to the best of his ability.

So pardon me …

while I wish Obama a one-term Presidency which will encounter a Republican reformation in the Congress in 2010.

And for those of you who claim that President Obama will move farther to the center from his leftist position, may I remind you that President Bush moved the center so far left with his spending policies that Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry almost look like moderate liberals instead of far-left loons. So any attempt for an obvious reconcilliation effort with the right is likely to be simply a strategic ploy to make President Obama appear to be something he his most definitely not: a Joe Liberman-style moderate democrat. For those who follow politics, this is the Dick Morris "triangulation" gambit where one side simply co-opts the issues of the other in order to deny the other side traction.

We should also beware of faux-Republicans like California's Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Senators John McCain and his new best friend, Senator Lindsey Graham who are all too willing to rush into the democratic camp and serve as Judas goats.

There is no doubt that America will survive due to the resiliency and resourcefulness of the American people. Hopefully, the politicians and other evil-doers who put us in this precarious position will be prosecuted and lose their ill-gotten gains. Or at the very least, shamed into silence.

-- steve


P.S. At this point in time, we are not experiencing the worst economic times since the great depression, we are experiencing the worst economic times since democrat Jimmy Carter's Administration.

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
