Bush: Half measures from a LAME DUCK to assure he is still welcome in Texas?
Bush proves once again that he is a day late and a dollar short …
Like many things associated with lame duck President George Bush, it is a day late and a dollar short. While we should be pleased that the President exercised his personal initiative and “commuted” the sentences of U.S. Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, it appears that it may have not been justice that drove Bush’s decision.
As you may remember, the Border Patrol Agents were vigorously prosecuted and convicted by Bush buddy U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton for the 2005 shooting of an illegal alien drug dealer who was fleeing from the United States to Mexico after having wrestled one agent, insert, to the ground.
The men were convicted of trying to cover up the shooting although there were numerous people on the scene and the violation was a technical one involving “picking up spent ammunition casings” and filling out paperwork.
It appears that these agents were doing their duty in keeping drugs out of the United States where they wreak havoc on U.S. citizens.
Unfair trial …
Circumstances seem to have conspired against the agents as exculpatory evidence relating to illegal alien drug dealing was purposely kept from a jury and that a mandatory weapons enhancement was applied against a “non-civilian” who was required by the nature of their job to carry the weapon. At the prosecution’s request, evidence from Aldrete-Davila’s known drug smuggling efforts was sealed by trial judge Kathleen Cardone during the trial.
Bush is no Texan …
Like Fred Thompson’s “down home” red pickup truck which is trotted out for campaign appearances – and which he has been seen leaving for a Lincoln Town Car just miles down the road while an aide drives off in the pickup truck – President Bush’s ranch seems to seem a similar purpose. In the parlance of Texan’s he was “all hat and no cattle.” The ranch did not seem to be a working ranch, little or no livestock, a few horses for photo opportunities, and tons of brush which the President always appeared to be cutting – but to what end, since it was not a working ranch. The house was ecologically friendly and politically correct. Now Bush chooses to live in an upscale executive area in Dallas – not on his “oft stated” retirement ranch.
A majority of congressmen from both sides of the aisle were joined by the delegation from Texas to urge Bush to grant clemency.
Commutation is not a pardon …
The Border Patrol Agents who were performing their jobs received commutations which is a reduction in sentence rather than a pardon which restores their full rights. Both men have served about two years for doing there sworn duty.
Bush, friend of Mexico …
There is little doubt in my mind that this was a political prosecution designed to curry favor with the Mexican government – a corrupt entity whose members seem tainted with drug money. Armed Mexican police and army members routinely cross our borders to assist those in the drug trade. Why Bush backed Johnny Sutton’s prosecution of these men is not that mysterious when you consider that Bush was trying to push amnesty for illegal aliens and demonstrate how accepting he was of cross-border travel.
Sutton should be prosecuted …
In my opinion, Sutton, who claimed that there was no evidence linking drug smuggler Aldrete-Davila with an abandoned van of marijuana – even though the van was located in close proximity to Aldrete-Davila , should be tried for prosecutorial misconduct and sentenced to the time that was actually served by these Border Patrol agents. The fact that the jury did not hear evidence of Aldrete-Davila’s drug smuggling led to the conviction. After the trial, some jurors expressed dismay that they were not presented with all of the facts and said it would have influenced their decision. The agents were convicted of a number of charges including “assault with a dangerous weapon which resulted in serious bodily injury, violation of civil rights and obstruction of justice. The obstruction of justice charge was overturned on appeal.
It should be noted that the case of Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila was suspiciously started when a family member of a Border Patrol Agent allegedly received a call from Aldrete-Davila or a family member. Aldrete-Davila was given immunity for his crimes, medical care and compensation – plus a border pass which allowed him to pass freely between the two countries in return for his testimony.
It is alleged that, using his government-supplied pass, Aldrete-Davila continued to run drugs into the United States.
As for the charges that the Agents tampered with evidence, any person who constantly shoots a weapon is taught to “police their brass” – pick it up lest it become just more roadside litter.
Justice will be served when the Agents receive a full pardon, compensation for their ordeal and a Presidential thank you for their service in helping to keep America safe and free from drugs. Considering the amount of armed border crime that is being overlooked by the United States Government as they seek amnesty for illegal aliens, this is the least that they can do for these two men who were ripped from their families, left penniless and without prospects for ever receiving a job involving their police skills.
Aldrete-Davila was not killed or seriously wounded, only suffering a slight wound to his butt. He was subsequently prosecuted for drug smuggling by Sutton– when moving drugs under the watchful eyes of the Border Patrol – who had no choice but to act to avoid the further evidence of impropriety in his prosecution.
It should be noted that this is not the only controversy involving Johnny Sutton who has prosecuted other law enforcement personnel for civil rights violations involving Mexican nationals. More information on Johnny Sutton can be found here. It could very well be that Sutton is just another incompetent member of Bush’s inner circle much in the same way an incompetent and ineffective Alberto Gonzales was forced to resign as the United States Attorney General. (Sutton worked for Texas Governor Bush under the Governor's General Counsel Alberto Gonzales)
In my mind, Bush gets no credit for this action – which on the surface seems to be more self-serving – than the pursuit of justice.
-- steve
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
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