I am beginning to see that Barack Obama just might be a ray of sunshine, providing everybody with a healthy dose of hope and optimism as he goes about introducing change into the upcoming Administration.
Where I previously saw a re-do of Carter & Clinton, I am seeing more of George Bush in Obama each and every day.
He has already double-crossed his party on a few issues and has appointed cabinet members that seem fairly normal – the kind that are likely to do favors for their friends and not be too radical to upset the rest of us.
So why should we be surprised when, once again, we see democrats engaging in their favorite activity: telling the rest of us that we need to sacrifice for the cause – and, most importantly, “to do as they say, not as they do.”
Obama on holiday …
Of course Obama is working hard, preparing for the transition, and has just run a tough race that lasted longer than most modern political contests. He needs to be well-rested to serve the nation – and, after all, there are security arrangements to consider.
And why shouldn’t he vacation in where he was born instead of a cold, damp, windy Chicago where he would have to make do with a mini-mansion under $2 million dollars?
I know it is cold in Illinois, because here is what a friend wrote …
“I am in Illinois and have been since 12/9 - we have had almost three feet of snow since I got here –and are expecting another foot tomorrow night. Well it is not snowing today at least ….but the wind chill is 30 below here……. guess how happy I am about that.”
What I want to know is …
Who is paying for the vacation? Of course, I hope that this vacation is being paid for by Obama himself and not the taxpayers. But there is always the feeling that the campaign might had some excess campaign funds? Or that he is the guest of his favorite unions? Or maybe this is a Hillary-style “listening tour” or the remnants of a Congressional fact-finding mission? Did anyone check if Tony Rezko made the reservations? But then it could be something totally innocent, like the mansion owner wanting to be the new Senator from Illinois?
Check out how politicians suffer for us …
According to the Associated Press …
“KAILUA, Hawaii - The Obama family, on vacation in Barack Obama's native Hawaii, is staying in a $9 million single-story oceanfront home in a pricey but laid-back neighborhood over the mountain from downtown Honolulu, where the president-elect grew up.”
“Photographs from a 2007 real-estate listing show a stone-encircled swimming pool and an open-air sitting room with views of a grassy lawn and the ocean. City tax records show a Houston man bought the property in January for $9 million. “
Perhaps there is more to this Obama/Bush III thing than we previously thought?
Obama researching real estate crisis …
“It is among the most expensive on a block where shoreline lots go for a minimum of $3 million and non-beachfront properties easily top $1 million.”
“The figures outstrip the median single-family home price on Oahu, which stood at $594,500 in November. “
Perhaps Obama needs to increase the loan limits on FHA-insured housing? I wonder if their is a branch office of ACORN in the neighborhood to protest the abnormally high rents and the lack of affordable housing?
Check out the AP story or see the rental listing.
In all seriousness …
I am sure we all wish President-elect Obama a pleasant holiday interlude before facing the multiple upcoming crises that will mark the beginning of his presidency. This may be one of his last chances to really relax before the going gets tough.
Besides, nobody except the far-left liberal democrats actually believed he was a man of the people and more like them than someone who wanted to adopt the George Bush lifestyle. I wonder if Obama can ride a horse, a mountain-bike and drive a pickup truck?
Anyway, look on the bright side: he does believe in global warming -- probably why he is avoiding Chicago with their minus-30 degree (with windchill factor) weather. Proof, once again, that there are unseen benefits to global warming that are being ignored by the democrats. Especially the fact that more people die in the cold, then in the heat. <Source>
-- steve
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“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS