Problem: Modern politics is all about electability with no mention of character or competence!
After suffering through the California elections which gave us a rather incompetent Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger who has shown more proclivity for special interest fundraising than he has for leadership to cut the profligate spending of the legislature, I am now wary of all political races where the party compromises their principles in return for an electable candidate. This is the “half a loaf is better than none” theory which totally screws the people out of competent leadership for the perpetuation of corrupt party politics.
The reports …
“Jesse Jackson Jr. hopes to replace Obama in Senate”
“Illinois political insiders say Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who defended Barack Obama after his father famously threatened to castrate him, is the favorite to replace the Democratic nominee in the Senate.”
“But Jackson Jr.’s path is by no means assured. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) also wants to replace Sen. Obama (Ill.) in the upper chamber if he is elected president.”
“This gives Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who must choose between an African-American political scion and a close ally of the labor movement, a difficult decision.”
A Blag0jevitch decision?
“There are a number of federal investigations into both personal and regime corruption within the Blagojevich Administration. Blagojevich's wife has been a long-term business partner of the now-convicted political crook and Barack Obama’s buddy, Tony Rezko. According to numerous parties, the Blagojevich Administration can be described as a “pay for play” administration where influence can be freely, and often inexpensively, purchased.” <Source>
Nowhere does anyone discuss competence …
It seems that this appointment is all about money, influence and future electability. With nothing mentioned about competence, leadership or the ability to serve the people’s needs.
Perhaps what should happen is that a special election should be held in which the people, rather than corrupt political parties, select the candidate that will best serve the citizens of Illinois?
“ ‘If Sen. Obama wins -- and I’m optimistic that he will, I indeed would be honored and humbled to succeed him in the U.S. Senate,’ said Jackson in a statement. ‘But, in the end, the decision rests with Gov. Blagojevich and I’m confident that he’ll make an appointment in the best interest of the state as well as the nation.’”
Race and ethnicity vs. money and electability?
“Jackson’s case is strengthened by the fact that Obama is the only African-American member of the Senate. Presumably, Obama would like to see at least one African-American representative in the chamber.”
“Jackson also benefits from being co-chairman of Obama’s presidential campaign and a product of the same South Side Chicago political machine from which the Democratic nominee emerged.”
“Illinois political insiders, who declined to discuss the subject on the record for fear of appearing presumptuous before the results of the presidential race are known, say Obama would have a major hand in the decision.”
“But it’s not a slam-dunk for Jackson. Blagojevich must pick a candidate who can hold the seat in 2010, when the temporary two-year appointment would expire.”
“Some Democratic strategists question whether Jackson can win statewide.”
“ ‘Jesse Jackson doesn’t make sense, he’s not electable statewide,’ said a Democratic operative with ties to Illinois. ‘He’s a very left-of-center politician.’”
“Jackson supporters counter that he is no more liberal than Obama and note that he enjoys the support of many Republicans in his district.”
An indictment of Barack Obama’s politics?
Is this an indictment of Barack Obama’s far-left, liberal politics? A political stance which might not stand up to the scrutiny of the entire population of Illinois? I cannot think of any better reason for not electing Barack Obama to the presidency that he possibly couldn’t satisfy the wishes of the entire country – and he has become a serious democrat candidate through a confluence of events in which the “hate Hillary” crowd and the “Hate Bush” crowd gathered to select the last candidate standing. And considering the remaining lame, corrupt or weird candidates – the decision was somewhat like choosing the worst of the best or the best of the worst.
Labor = money and votes …
“Democrats in Schakowsky’s camp argue that she would run more successfully in Southern Illinois and tout her strong ties to the labor community. They also tout her energy and record of accomplishment in Congress. She is one of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) closer friends.”
“Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), the Democratic Caucus chairman, has also been floated as a possible successor. But Emanuel and his staff have given little indication that he’s interested. Illinois political observers interviewed by The Hill said they believe Emanuel would prefer to climb the rungs of the House leadership.”
“Blagojevich may go outside the Illinois House delegation. One possible candidate would be Tammy Duckworth, director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Duckworth, who is Asian-American, could serve as a compromise candidate on the race question.”
Transcending race?
I thought that Illinois was about transcending the politics of race with an enthusiastic Obama nomination. But then again, there is race and there is money/politics and race.
“Duckworth, an Iraq War veteran, could have appeal in conservative-leaning Southern Illinois because of her military record. She is also a protégé of Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), one of Obama’s most influential advisors.”
“Another possibility would be Emil Jones Jr., president of the Illinois Senate, whom some Chicago insiders credit with Obama’s rise through the state chamber.”
Illinois is not alone: the Delaware dilemma …
“Two other Democratic governors, Ruth Ann Minner of Delaware and Janet Napolitano, face similar quandaries depending on the outcome of the Nov. 4 election.”
If Obama is elected president and Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) accedes to the vice presidency, Miner must appoint someone to fill Biden’s seat. Delaware political insiders say that Biden wants the seat, which he has held since 1972, to go to his son, Beau Biden. The catch is that Beau, the state’s attorney general, is expected to be in Iraq with the Army National Guard, if and when Biden resigns.
“Miner must decide whether to appoint Biden’s son outright or instead pick a caretaker who would keep the seat warm and give it up voluntarily at the end of the two-year temporary appointment.”
“Just as Obama in Illinois, Joe Biden is expected to have a big role in choosing his successor, and he is widely expected to pave the way for Beau, say several Delaware political experts who spoke on condition of anonymity.”
“The person most frequently mentioned as a caretaker appointee is Myron Steele, chief justice of the Delaware Supreme Court. Secretary of State Harriet Smith Windsor is another candidate who is seen as willing to make way for Beau in 2010.”
Special deals …
This is Biden’s legacy, special deals and self-dealing politics involving his sons. You may wish to read my other blog entry: Biden: The WRONG Biden and the WRONG scandal? (Updated) for a look at another Biden son.
The Arizona dilemma ...
“If John McCain, the GOP nominee, wins the White House, Napolitano faces an even trickier decision in Arizona. Unlike most states, Arizona law requires that Napolitano appoint someone from McCain’s party to fill his seat should he leave for the Oval Office.”
“Adding to the mix, Arizona political insiders speculate that Napolitano would like to run for Senate when term limits force her from office in 2010. “
“ ‘If Sen. McCain were to resign, the governor would choose someone of the same party to fill out the remainder of his term,’ said spokeswoman Shilo Mitchell.”
“One Arizona strategist said it is therefore in Napolitano’s interest to appoint a Republican successor who would be vulnerable to defeat in 2010. She could appoint a friendly Republican who might be willing to vacate the seat after two years, such as Kristin Mayes, whom Napolitano tapped for the Arizona Corporation Commission in 2003. Mayes, a lifelong Republican, once worked as Napolitano’s communications director.”
Again, special political deals with very little consideration of the people’s need for competent leadership.
What can YOU do?
It is time that politicians are told by the people that political seats and appointments do not belong to the party or any single politician … they belong to the people who deserve honest, ethical and competent leadership instead of the compromise product of a corrupt party and possibly corrupt politicians who act out of self-interest.
Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for their personal philosophy, power, prestige or profits.
-- steve
Quote of the Day: “The bananas were like that when I got here!” --Humpty Dumpty
A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…
The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius
Reference Links: - Jesse Jackson Jr. hopes to replace Obama in Senate
“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words
“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw
“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”
“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar “Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS