Jamiel Shaw: Does somthing smell funny?
Climate change to condoms ... the "elite" want to rule your life!

If women want to forcefully invade the men's turf under government sanction, let the government issue them dicks!

In an hell-bent effort to gain equality with those who stand up to pee, women have turned to lawyers and the government to enforce their rights to use “men only” facilities at private clubs. Even to the extent of allowing women into the men’s steam room.

One recalls with disdain, the antics of the publicity-seeking attorney Gloria Allred whose web site proudly lists among her legal accomplishments:

“Allred is renowned for her bold and creative tactics, and she recounts such unconventional strategies as visiting the all-male steam room of the Friars Club armed with a tape measure for the naked men and warbling the Peggy Lee hit 'Is That All There Is?' in order to end its men-only policy, and waging a sit-in and being locked inside the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office overnight to protest inadequate enforcement of child-support laws.”

From the New York Times …

“Nice Spot to Eat After Golf, but Women Are Barred”

“When the men of the Phoenix Country Club saw their feeding ways in peril, they did not tarry. Some sent nasty e-mail messages, hectored players on the fairway and, for good measure, urinated on a fellow club member’s pecan tree.”

“The targets of their ire were the women, and some men, who have dared to speak up against the club’s policy of forbidding women in the men’s grill room, a center of power dining in Phoenix.”

“Charges of sexism against private golf clubs are not uncommon; the Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia, where the Masters is held each year, does not permit women to be members.”

“But here in Arizona, where the governor, secretary of state, chief justice and Senate minority leader are women, it has rankled more than a few women that nonmember men have more rights than paying female members at the Phoenix Country Club, a century-old fixture in the city’s social and business life where it costs tens of thousands of dollars a year to belong.”

“Gov. Janet Napolitano, a Democrat, is not a member of the club, but Dennis Burke, her chief of staff, is. Mr. Burke has publicly opposed the separated dining rooms, and in an interview called them ‘indefensible.’ Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, does not belong to the club but has spoken there. (The McCain presidential campaign declined to comment on the separate dining rooms.) According to a 2007 club directory, Mr. McCain’s son, Andrew, is a member, along with scores of other notable Phoenix residents, including the rocker Alice Cooper.”

“Women at the club are not permitted to have lunch in the men’s grill room with their husbands after a round of golf; they have been barred from trophy ceremonies after tournaments, even ones they have sponsored, and may not participate in one of the most sacred rituals of the men’s grill room — sealing a deal over a beer with a client.”

Boo Hoo!

“If at three in the afternoon I wanted to have a business cocktail, there wasn’t any place to go,” said Vicki King, whose husband recently resigned from the club. Ms. King had privileges at the club as the spouse of a member.”

I cannot believe that a city as large and sophisticated as Phoenix does not have a multiplicity of venues which will be conducive to business drinking at 3:00 p.m. And why, I might ask,  isn’t she back in the office cleaning up the paperwork at 3:00 after having sealed the deal over a two-hour liquid lunch at some more commercial facility? 

The argument that business women are precluded from making deals on the same basis as men does have some merit. But only if such deal-making is over golf, drinks or even at a strip club. In reality, these are “getting to know you” events which ease deal-making – but one would have to be downright stupid to think that even if a women were permitted access, the social dynamics of the interaction would be the same.   

Now an aggrieved member couple has filed a complaint with the civil rights division of the Arizona attorney general’s office and is allegedly arguing that while the club is private and not ordinarily subject to the state’s anti-discrimination laws, the club should be subject to sanctions because it leases its facilities to non-members for golf tournaments, speeches and meetings.

If they are so aggrieved or uncomfortable, why not simply pack their bags and join a club that caters to couples. Unless it is a matter of the social prestige that accrues from membership in that particular club… in which case, they should honor the club’s tradition and internal grievance procedures. And if they are that aggrieved, they can solicit membership support for a new mixed-use facility and keep the entire matter out of the media.

Anyway, the club is said to be renovating the women’s area to be the equivalent of the men’s facility. Problem solved. On to the real problems … What to do about the membership of a spouse whose husband has died or has re-married? And what about their children’s access?

Oh! the troubles of dealing with life at the top?

But real issue remains: the members of this private club should decide what policies should govern their club and these should be expressed to the elected Board for consideration. No member should ever file a formal grievance against the club or seek legal redress. They should resign their membership and move on. What part of “private” do they not understand?


Phoenix Journal - Nice Spot to Eat After Golf, but Women Are Barred|NYTimes.com

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS
