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January 2008



Unfortunately for Hillary Clinton, some of the tape of that "harrowing" visit has surfaced and you can judge for yourself just how much danger Hillary, Chelsea, Sinbad, Cheryl Crowe and others actually faced.

As with everything Hillary Clinton, she spins the story to fit he occasion.  The question here is did Hillary overstate the danger in a celebrity-filled jaunt or did she actually risk Chelsea's life with a poor decision to include her on a government publicity junket? 

According to

"Hillary says she risked life on White House trips"

"VINTON, Iowa - Ever since Barack Obama suggested Hillary Clinton's eight years as first lady were a glorified tea party a few days back, she's looked for an opening to strike back.
On Saturday night in Dubuque she pounced, arguing she risked her life on White House missions in the 1990s, including a hair-raising flight into Bosnia that ended in a "corkscrew" landing and a sprint off the tarmac to dodge snipers."

"I don't remember anyone offering me tea," she quipped.

There she goes again with that "faulty memory" thing. Is it any wonder that the missing Rose Law Firm billing records were actually discovered in the White House long after they would have been useful to the prosecution?

According to

"In January 1996, a long sought-after copy of billing records from the Rose Law Finn were identified and turned over to prosecutors by Carolyn Huber, a White House assistant to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Ms. Huber, herself a former Rose Law Firm employee, recognized the records and realized that they had been among papers that she had removed six months earlier from the First Lady's book room on the third floor of the White House."

"The mysterious appearance of the billing records, which had been the specific subject of various investigative subpoenas for two years, sparked intense interest about how they surfaced and where they had been. Shortly after the discovery of the records, Hillary Clinton made history -- she became the only First Lady ever called to testify before a Grand Jury inquiry."

The "dictum..."

"The dictum around the Oval Office in the '90s, she added, was: "If a place was too dangerous, too poor or too small, send the first lady."

And I erroneously thought that the "dick around the oval office" tried to insure that the first lady was somewhere in another country;  far, far away from the real "action."  (This is either a cheap shot or a bad joke, I just can't decide which)

How extraordinarily dangerous was that trip?

"It turns out that Clinton wasn't quite flying solo into harm's way that day."

"She was, in fact, leading a goodwill entourage that included baggy-pants funnyman Sinbad, singer Sheryl Crow and Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, then 15, according to an account of the March 1995 trip in her autobiography 'Living History.'"

Routine precautions?

"As the plane approached the runway, the pilot ordered the Clintons into the armored front of the plane, Clinton writes. What's not clear is whether Sinbad or Crow were invited to the cockpit or had to brave it out in the unprotected rear."

In her own words, Hillary was on an unnecessary (at least for the First Lady) media junket.  With Cheryl Crow and Sinbad aboard, I cannot imagine the troops being highly entertained with the wit and wisdom of Hillary's far-left patter.

What can YOU do?

Take everything Hillary Clinton says with a grain of salt, secure in the knowledge that if you don't like today's story, it will be changed in a later edition as interpreted by her ever-faithful minions.

Can you really honestly and seriously vote for a person who is so ethically challenged or who would return another four years of chaos, corruption -- and possibly philandering -- to the White House?

We are getting close to crunch time with the February primaries fast approaching. It is now time to actually pay attention and consider voting beyond party lines to someone who can united American and move forward with the defense of the United States from enemies both foreign and domestic.

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for personal power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

Quote of the Day: No mind is thoroughly well-organized that is deficient in a sense of humor. --Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Hillary says she risked life on White House trips --

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Man-Made Global Warming? Pat Sajak's 10 Questions

I was amused by Pat Sajak's questions about "Man-Made Global Warming" that were published by Human Events.

Sajak, famous as the host of the television game show "Wheel of Fortune," makes a critical error in his title and some of his questions. He keeps using the phrase "man-made global warming" even though both parts of his phrase, "man made" and global warming," are still being disputed.

So lets take a fast look at Sajak's questions...

"Man-Made Global Warming: 10 Questions"

1. What is the perfect temperature?

Are you asking a Bedouin, an Eskimo or someone from Southern California? It seems that temperature preference is both highly personal and geographical. Are you asking someone who is hypo-thyroid and may like higher temperatures or someone who is hyper-thyroid and may like cooler temperatures? Are you asking menopausal women? Or are you just building a computer model, taking a statistical sample of all of the answers and computing a mean temperature? Are you considering the temperature needed to sustain plant and animal life? Or do you take the temperatures of the polar extremes and average them with the temperatures found at the equator? Do you adjust seasonally?

This question is basically unanswerable by man. It seems nature provides a continuum of temperatures,  some which sustain life and some which inhibit life as well as the mechanism for organisms to adapt to any and all circumstances. Nature solves the problem for us... no extra effort required.

2. Just what is the average temperature of the earth?

Who cares -- see the answer to question 1. The mathematical average of the earth has no practical use and/or meaning. This question would have more meaning if you could determine the periodicity of the temperature cycles and their limits and then could use the mean temperature values to determine our position in the cycle... as nature tends to always regress to some mean value or a trend-line. 

3. What factors have led to global warming in the past, and how do we know they aren’t the causes of the current warming trend?

Who cares -- see the answer to question 1. Considering the overwhelming effects of the solar flux, the oceans and the water vapor in the atmosphere, we should probably re-word this question to reflect "relevant major" factors in the causes of global weather perturbations. As for the minor effects, it is again a question of relevancy.

4. Why is there such a strong effort to stifle discussion and dissent?

This is an easy question to answer. It is human nature to promote one's opinion and circumstances over that of another; just as it is human nature for the strong to take from the weak. It is necessary to stifle discussion and dissent to keep pesky people from asking pesky questions that would, in any way, impede the progress of those who are promoting their positions.

5. Why are there such dramatically different warnings about the effects of man-made global warming?

First, this is a loaded question. There is no scientific proof that global climate change is man-made or that we are in a warming trend. Most of the dramatic warnings come from computer models which have severely limited inputs and may be based on faulty assumptions. The outlier (most extreme) effects of running such mathematical models are presented without any compensatory indication of probability. Hence the wide difference in the stories (a United Nations' term) being told.

6. Are there potential benefits to global warming?

Benefits to whom? Humans in Alaska? Humans in Southern California? Animals? Plant life?  Every temperature change will be beneficial to something -- causing some things to grow, others to die. All accounted for by nature in its infinite and perfect wisdom that can simply be called "reality."

7. Should such drastic changes in public policy be based on a “what if?” proposition?

Another no-brainer. Stripped of geopolitical control issues and issues involving expansion of government and higher taxation, the answer is NO! You do not make significant public policy decisions based on assertions, which if true, may not be manifest for another 600 - 1000 years. You live in the "here and now" and make policy decisions for the "foreseeable future." Our predictive weather models are simply worthless after two to three weeks. The Farmer's Almanac is probably just as good as most computer models for the longer term forecasts.

8. What will be the impact on the people of the world if we change the way we live based on man-made global warming concerns?

Again with the "man-made" global warming implication. This is also easy to answer. The rich and powerful get richer and more powerful. The ordinary people pay the price. The government will grow more powerful, larger and require an ever larger portion of our labors to support it for the benefit of the "elected elite" and their special interest friends. Again a no-brainer. The people always suffer at the hands of the rich and powerful and their paid minions. Since much of our globe does not live in freedom, the only thing that will happen is that new dictators will rise to replace existing dictators and the people will do whatever is necessary to survive.

9. How will we measure our successes?

Better yet, how will we know when we failed?  When the measurement is 600 - 1000 years away, nobody cares. There is no practical method to measure a global weather phenomenon that has any use or value as a benchmark or a predictive indication. The absurdity of an average temperature value can be clearly demonstrated by the old joke about a man standing with one foot in boiling water  and one foot encased in ice. As the wags were won't to say, on the average, he should be comfortable.  (For the nit-pickers: It's a joke and not mathematically or physically accurate) 

10. How has this movement gained such momentum?

Another no-brainer with a simple answer. Public apathy and the overwhelming politicalization of the media. Not to mention a hostile scientific environment where the funding is controlled by political entities which expect (require) research results to promote their viewpoint. Only exceptionally secure scientists are willing to risk compromising their government or government-contractor funding sources to speak out. Or where the opinions of politically astute and highly credentialed administrators (many of whom used to be working scientists) are presented in lieu of peer-reviewed scientific results. The public is so concerned with the problems of daily living that they simply may not have time to consider the larger picture -- and thus buy the positions presented by the government and media as gospel. Which it most definitely is not.   

And of course, Pat Sajak is too much a gentleman to ask my favorite questions: Who is that Al Gore guy; why is he ignoring existing science; who is part of his consenus group who has proven the truthfulness of  the scientific subject matter; and my favorite, why will he not participate in an open press forum?

What can YOU do?

Common sense should tell you not to panic over non-specific precautions about ill-defined problems which have cycles lasting hundreds of years.

Common sense tells you that those who are promoting bigger and more intrusive government with higher taxes are usually up to no good as they can't control their profligate spending on special interest projects, waste and corruption.

Demand a fully-funded independent multi-disciplinary panel to study the issue of global climate changes and do not expect answers for a number of years.

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for personal power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

Man-Made Global Warming: 10 Questions - HUMAN EVENTS

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

The Best Fred Thompson yet?

UPDATE: 01/22/08 - Washington Post...

"Thompson Ends Race, Immediate Endorsement Unlikely"

"Former senator Fred Thompson (Tenn.) dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination today, following months of lackluster campaigning and chaos within his campaign organization."

"'Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States,' Thompson said in a terse statement. 'I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people.'"

Original Story....

Here is Fred Thompson's last speech to Iowa citizens prior to their caucuses -- which may just be his best presentation to-date.

Presented without further comment...

Iowans, there is only one question remaining: DO YOU BELIEVE WHAT HE IS SAYING and that he will devote his total energy to pursue this couse of action? We will await your answer next week.

-- steve

Quote of the Day: No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy. --Lyman Beecher

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Is McCain the "Chosen One?"

UPDATE -- 01/27/08 John Broder/New York Times

"Is John McCain, the maverick flyboy of the Republican Party, becoming the candidate of the Republican establishment?"

"Mr. McCain, who has delighted in sticking his thumb in the eye of mainstream Republicans throughout his political career, is now accumulating a base of support among party regulars who see him as the strongest general election candidate in the remaining Republican field."

"The latest evidence came Saturday night with the endorsement of Florida’s popular Republican governor, Charlie Crist, which surprised even Mr. McCain. That state holds primary elections on Tuesday."

"In an interview Sunday, Mr. Crist said his endorsement was based on 'trust and confidence and friendship,' as well as what he said were Mr. McCain’s unmatched national security credentials."

"But he also said he believed that Mr. McCain had the broadest appeal of the four major Republican candidates still standing and the best chance of beating the Democratic nominee in November. 'I’ve been traveling the state, and in the last few days people have been taking this very seriously,' he said. 'I think Tuesday will be very telling, and it will be a great day for Senator McCain.'”

"The Crist endorsement came 24 hours after that of Senator Mel Martinez of Florida, a former general chairman of the Republican National Committee and a popular figure in Florida’s Cuban-American community."

"Mr. McCain has also won the support of a number of established party figures, including moderates like former Senators John C. Danforth of Missouri and Howard H. Baker Jr. of Tennessee and conservatives like Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and former Representative Jack F. Kemp of New York."

It is well-known that Mel Martinez, John Danforth, Jack Kemp, Tom Coburn and Howard Baker are big Bush supporters -- and this implies the unofficial "party" imprimatur to his candidacy

Original story....

Backroom Choice?

It is an interesting thought to pursue: John McCain is the hand-picked choice of the Republican power-brokers and elites who, after having sat in their back-rooms drinking good whiskey and smoking expensive cigars, have decided that McCain is the one to carry forward the Clinton-Bush legacy in this world.

First, there is his legendary stamina and energy that allowed him to survive the inhuman conditions in a Vietnamese prison camp.

Second, there is no doubt that he is willing to work with special interests as evidenced by his "Keating Five -- I was only helping a constituent" performance in the late '80s. 

Third, there is no doubt that he is willing to promote bi-partisan legislation as evidenced by McCain-Feingold (Campaign Finance Reform with democrat Russ Feingold) and Mc-Cain-Kennedy (Immigration Reform with Ted Kennedy).

And fourth, he appears to be a sincere messenger of his own positions.

Style: Reagan vs. Rockefeller?

But how does this analysis hold up when McCain is compared to Reagan-style conservatism or Rockefeller-style spending? Not as well as I had hoped. McCain, while appearing to speak of conservative values, apparently is willing to engage in Rockefeller-type spending. Considering his implied endorsement by the Bushies -- Rockefeller Republicans all -- there is no doubt McCain is already cast in the current Administration's mold. Something which displeases me greatly.

Style: Liberal vs. Conservative?

While John McCain generally appears to be conservative in an Rudy Giuliani-Arnold Schwarzenegger mold, he is far from an ideological conservative and is more of a "populist" than anything else. His past legislative votes indicate he is more liberal than a true conservative and more conservative than a true liberal. All-in-all, he sounds like a man who can deal with most issues on a bi-partisan basis.


I can not find any evidence that McCain will or will not rely on the old "Republican" hands that have led us into our current situation. Since so much of his policy and actions may be determined by his closest advisors, one wonders if they will include disparate types like the so-called "neo-cons" and the "Henry Kissingers."

The Veep Component?

While McCain appears liberal enough to win the presidency, his choice of running mate is absolutely critical in bolstering his candidacy. It is believed by the mainstream press as well as other political pundits that a McCain-Thompson ticket would have a decent chance of winning against a Clinton-Obama ticket. Whether or not Thompson would be willing to accept the second place on the ticket has never been mentioned by Thompson who claims that he is focused on winning the primary nomination.

Swiftboat Potential?

Every candidate remains vulnerable to attack by the opposition. And there are those wondering in print if there is something "Kerry-like" in McCain's Vietnam experience which could cast a long shadow on his presidential aspirations.

Considering the John McCain was my first choice for the Presidency prior to his slavish endorsement of the ill-crafted McCain-Kennedy SHAMnesty bill, I am still hoping that McCain will publish a revised position on immigration and the treatment of illegal aliens prior to our February 5th California primary.

Final Analysis: National Security?

For all of his vaunted national security experience, it remains a fact that his promotion of the SHAMnesty bill, with its bogus security regulations, proves McCain doesn't care a whit for the nation's safety or security.

What can YOU do?

At this time, I would urge one to vote for the more conservative Mitt Romney than vote for a pseudo-conservative who has proved time-and-time again that he stands for whatever the democrats want.

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for personal power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Quote of the Day:  Smooth seas do not make for a skillful sailor. --African Proverb

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

The Ugly Side of Chelsea Clinton on the Campaign Trail?

It is one thing to request that the press respect your privacy when growing up in the highest profile family in the land, but quite another to ignore the media when you clearly and openly advocate a political position. And to ignore a innocent 9-year old reporter is bad form!

No Press -- Mommy's Orders?

According to the Associated Press...

"VINTON, Iowa (AP) - It's one thing for Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign to turn down interview requests for the candidate's daughter, Chelsea. But can't a 9-year-old reporter catch a break?"

"Sydney Rieckhoff, a Cedar Rapids fourth grader and "kid reporter" for Scholastic News, has posed questions to seven Republican and Democratic presidential hopefuls as they've campaigned across Iowa this year. But when she approached the 27-year-old Chelsea after a campaign event Sunday, she got a different response."

"Do you think your dad would be a good 'first man' in the White House?" Sydney asked, but Chelsea brushed her question aside.

"I'm sorry, I don't talk to the press and that applies to you, unfortunately. Even though I think you're cute," Chelsea told the pint-sized journalist.

"For her part, Sydney looked a bit crestfallen after Chelsea turned her away. But luckily for Hillary Clinton, Sydney's mother has made up her mind to caucus for the former first lady."

Vagina Politics?

According to Sydney's mother...

"I like her position on family values and health care. And I think it's time we have a female president," Robyn Rieckhoff said.

Arrogance, Fear or Message Control?

Anyone old enough to campaign for a politician should have the guts to honestly answer any question which is not openly insulting or which carries a loaded or controversial meaning. Given that the Clintons are routinely bashed in the press and that Hillary is one scary character, it may be that Chelsea is afraid to answer even a simple question. I would hate to think she is so arrogant as to have adopted her mother's attitude that she need not make herself available to the broadest spectrum of the media to get elected.

Hillary: I don't answer questions?

Hillary, like all of the other candidates, often refuses to answer questions or simply provides a response which has nothing to do with the question that was being asked. Rude or not, this is the way most politicians behave.

However, no candidate running for the presidency has so severely limited press access to a broad segment of the media. Especially while her husband, Boss Clinton, continues to stonewall the release of Hillary's papers while the First Lady.

What can YOU do?

Do not vote for any candidate who refuses to be accountable to all of the media. We cannot afford to elect a "polished and perfected image," only to find out that the person who was elected was not the person we thought that we had elected.

There is no precedent for a "dual presidency" and if Hillary requires Bill's help to function, then she should not be elected to this nation's top office.

Do not vote for any candidate who will do or say anything to gain office.

Do not vote for someone who will increase the hyper-partisanship and polarization of the government and the American people.

Do not vote for someone who claims experience by marriage is a significant factor in a political race any more than you would invest in a company run by the ex-CEO's secretary.

Do not vote for someone who has a demonstrable history of causing chaos and corruption and who spent most of her time defending her husband against "bimbo" eruptions.

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for personal power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

My Way News - Chelsea Clinton Guards Her Words

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Fred Thompson: Campaigning for the Vice Presidency?

UPDATE: 01/22/08 - Washington Post...

"Thompson Ends Race, Immediate Endorsement Unlikely"

"Former senator Fred Thompson (Tenn.) dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination today, following months of lackluster campaigning and chaos within his campaign organization."

"'Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States,' Thompson said in a terse statement. 'I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people.'"

Original Story....

Certainly there is a lot to admire about Fred Thompson: his positions and ... well that seems to be it. He has run a lackluster campaign that is seemingly devoid of  energy and excitement. He does not seem all that willing to "mix it up" with the voters and when he speaks extemporaneously the message is somewhat garbled. His stump speech is fine and is delivered with some mild enthusiasm; but not outright passion.

It is possible that he believes that the "quiet non-confrontational" approach will set him apart from the other candidates -- whom he refuses to denigrate other than to say "we have our policy differences."

This qualifies him for the "meet and greet" squad; to do the President's bidding. And occasionally suggest important reforms or provide guidance to the President.

I am positive he will enjoy his tenure as Vice President as the position involves travel to exotic places and a number of ceremonial  "meet and greet" opportunities. But most of all, the Vice Presidency does not seem to require a great deal of stamina or energy ... and not certainly the energy, drive and ability of our current Vice President, Dick Cheney... a man who I believe would have made a better President than George Bush.

Other than a little snappish patter now and then, there is very little progress that I can see at this point in time. Perhaps, Fred Thompson is pacing himself for the Super Tuesday elections? Or maybe we are seeing the best of what he has to offer the nation. A laid back, rational presidency which hopes to unite rather than divide.

What can YOU do?

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for personal power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Quote of the Day: The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations. --Benjamin Disraeli

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS

Technology Alert: Top Public Corporation Executives -- How much do they make?

How much does they really make?

Have you ever wondered what the top 500 public corporation's executives are earning in salary, bonuses and other compensation. This is information is now easily available to anyone who wants to visit the Securities and Exchange website at  the SEC's website.


A useful demonstration project...

This is part of the SEC's information availability initiative based on a web technology known as XBRL ( eXtensible Business Reporting Language) which allows corporations to file their financial reports with embedded tags to further identify assets, liabilities, executive compensation and other information which was previously next-to-impossible to dig out manually. Not only with this allow for the comparison of a large number of companies for the purposes of stock screening, but financial research of all types will be greatly facilitated. And considering that many accounting packages are already embedding these tags in their financial data, the situation seems like the class win-win for all people who use or research financial data.

The only losers will be those companies trying to hide important details in their footnotes or otherwise attempting to obfuscate their reported results.

It is anticipated that other government agencies, such as the IRS, will eventually come on board and make tax returns XBRL compatible.

From the SEC...

"This interactive tool is designed to illustrate some of the ways that interactive data can improve the quality and usability of executive compensation disclosure. It relies on interactive data tags that were applied by the Commission to the summary executive compensation disclosure in the public filings of 500 large companies for 2006."

Of course, there are the traditional caveats... 

"Additional materials that explain a company's executive compensation, such as footnotes to the Summary Compensation Table and the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, are included in the company's proxy statement. You should review the entire executive compensation disclosure in the proxy statement to fully understand a company's compensation disclosure. You should not make investment or voting decisions based on the information in this demonstration; you should consult the full filing."

"When data is transcribed as in this demonstration, there is a possibility for transcription error. Although we have taken precautions to minimize any such errors, they could be present. Please alert us to any errors so we can make appropriate corrections."

"Companies remain responsible for the information provided to investors in their Exchange Act reports, but are not responsible for this interactive demonstration."

Entrepreneur Alert...

The source code for an XBRL reader is freely under a non-exclusive license and can be built in to any project you wish.

What can YOU do?

Be extremely pleased that the government has developed something useful and is willing to share it with the public who so graciously paid for the technology.

For the curious, enjoy browsing through the corporate compensation data.

For the investor, check who is receiving top compensation disproportionate to their corporate results -- it might indicate a profitable change in management.

For the entrepreneur, considering building XBRL into your next project or use part of the software tools to enhance a current one.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Quote of the Day: If you really want to do                  something, you will find a way. If you don't,                           you will find an excuse. --Anonymous

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


In a time when California is facing a projected budget deficit of $14 BILLION, Schwarzenegger seeks to implement a health care initiative which may cost Californians an additional $10 BILLION or more. Claiming that he will not use tax money to fund the program, he claims the self-funding initiative will be funded by fees to be paid by hospitals, doctors, employers and from money from an increased sin-tax on cigarettes.

Overlooking the absurdity of funding a health care initiative with a product containing a proven carcinogen, one wonders if the hospitals, doctors and employers plan to simply raise the prices of their services to cover the imposition of these new fees -- all to be paid by the California taxpayers and others who seek medical attention. Another upward spiral in costs -- in spite of the governor's protestations.

Did the Governor and legislature at least protect Californians from the burden of paying for the healthcare of Mexican citizens who are here illegally? 

Or did the Governor and legislature sell-out to the "open border" socialists and democrats who demand coverage for everyone -- regardless of their citizenship or residency?

This is not an example of racism or xenophobia, it is an attempt to inform California citizens of a clear and present danger that may further collapse California's healthcare, education, judicial, and social infrastructure and lead to the state's bankruptcy.

One can only imagine the effect that this will have on California as the poor, unskilled illegal immigrants flood across an unprotected border to seek, if not jobs, free healthcare at the expense of the remaining California taxpayers.

Here is the Capitol Alert bulletin from the Sacramento Bee announcing the joint cooperation between Schwarzenegger and Nunez...

Capitol Alert - Sacramento Bee -- Schwarzenegger, Núñez file health initiative

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez jointly filed a measure to fund the proposed overhaul of health care in California late Friday."

"The Democratic legislative leadership and GOP governor were unable to pass the funding provisions through the Legislature, as the plan includes tax increases that Republican lawmakers have steadfastly opposed."

"Filing the initiative with the attorney general is critical to begin the process of qualifying the measure for the November 2008 ballot. The office of the attorney general now has as many as seven weeks to write a title and summary for the initiative before proponents begin gathering the estimated more than 1 million signatures needed to qualify for the ballot."

"One of the remaining funding questions for the plan -- how big the cigarette tax would be -- is answered in the 41-page document. The speaker and governor settled on 8.75 cents per cigarette, which works out to $1.75 per pack."

The Sacramento Bee has graciously made the full initiative available here.

What does Nunez tell the Mexicans and how is it reported in the Mexican press?

How quickly things change... Schwarzenegger selling out to the Mexican Socialists who published the following item... 

"I have declared war on Schwarzenegger"
says Fabian Nunez...

"New Speaker of the California Assembly vows to terminate the 'terminator' if he continues with his anti-immigrant ways by Hector Carreon of La Voz de Aztlan"

"Los Angeles, Alta California - December 8, 2003 - (ACN) Fabian Nunez, who was just sworn into office as Assemblyman for the Los Angeles 46th district on December 2002, has risen rapidly. In his freshman year, 36 year old Nunez was appointed Majority Whip, making history as one of the youngest members to hold the position. Now he is about to take over the Speakership of the 80 member Alta California Assembly next month."

Nunez, defying the will of the people of California who overwhelmingly voted for Proposition 187 in favor of the illegal aliens of Mexico...

"Fabian Nunez first came into prominence in the Mexican-American community in 1994 when he led a 100,000 voter movement to defeat the anti-Mexican Proposition 187 which among others things proposed to deny public school education and medical care to children of immigrant parents. When an anti-immigrant Republican coalition managed to pass the proposition, Fabian Nunez, was one of the principal Mexican-American leaders that, three years later, persuaded the California Supreme Court to declare Proposition 187 unconstitutional."

...and who still confuses legal immigrants with illegal aliens!

"In an interview with Alejandro Sanchez of La Cronica newspaper of Mexico City, Fabian Nunez said that he is ready to wage political war on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger if he continues implementing policies that targets immigrants and "Californios". It looks like Alta California is going to see lots of fireworks in Sacramento next year.

"Alta California Speaker of the Assembly Fabian Nunez, who lived the first eight years of his life in Baja California, said to La Cronica, "Ya le declare personalmente la guerra política a Schwarzenegger… para eso me eligieron mis companeros" ( I have already personally declared political war on Schwarzenegger . . . that is the reason I was elected by my supporters). "Es solo el inicio de las confrontaciones con el gobernador Schwarzenegger. En una reunión que tuve con el se lo adverti y le adelante que los democratas no vamos a dejar que pisotee nuestros principios, que son defender a los migrantes y a los californianos" ( This is only the beginning of the confrontations with Governor Schwarzenegger. In a meeting I had with him, I advised him that the Democrats will not allow him to step on our principles which are to defend the rights of immigrants and the Californios)."

But then again, Schwarzenegger is a RINO...

Judging from his actions and his haste to embrace ultra-liberal, far-left democrats, one can only conclude that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a RINO (Republican In Name Only) whose policies almost mirror those of his Kennedy relatives.

There is no doubt that California healthcare needs to be reformed. And not just the fraud, waste and corruption which could fund a major part of the Governor's proposed initiative. But, no matter how necessary the need for healthcare, it should be noted that no one is being turned away from our emergency rooms. Even though illegal aliens are using expensive emergency room access for routine healthcare such as treating colds.

This is the type of social benefit which will flood California with more illegal aliens... including those who will be moving to California from the other states -- simply to obtain world-class healthcare for little or no cost.

What can YOU do?

California needs healthcare reform and its citizens need access to affordable insurance without regard to employer. This is also what i want. What I do not want is another failed social experiment that bankrupts California by continuing to provide welfare to illegal aliens.

Demand an end to medical fraud, waste and corruption. Allow for the open posting of all salaries and total compensation received by those doctors and executives who operate from state-funded institutions.

Demand that those who commit medically-related fraud are sent to jail for long periods of time and are not allowed to plea down the charges or settle with fines of pennies-on-the-dollar. Hold insurance and medical executives accountable.

Promise Schwarzenegger that his political career is over. Ditto for all of the politicians who sign on to this initiative.

Demand that California limit healthcare policies to legal citizens and residents of this state.

Bill Mexico for all healthcare rendered to their citizens under the program or restrict the flow of funds exported into Mexico by campaigning against Mexican tourism.

Demand that the governator perform an environmental, fiscal and social impact study before commencing any action under this act.

Curtail all donations and support to politicians and their institutional or corporate sponsors until they protect California from the ravages of the invading hordes.

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for personal power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

Capitol Alert - The Sacramento Bee - Schwarzenegger, Núñez file health initiative 

"I have declared war on Schwarzenegger" says Fabian Nunez

Original Governor's Healthcare Proposal

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


There she goes again... interfering in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation... CALLS FOR AN "INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION"

According to a published report by the AFP...

"Hillary Clinton Friday called for an independent, international probe into Benazir Bhutto's murder, as turmoil wracking US anti-terror ally Pakistan reshaped debate in the White House race. "

Before the Bush-bashers race to point out the foibles of the current Administration in interfering with foreign countries, that era (or should I say error) is almost over. As we look to elect a new leader, we want to overcome the mistakes of the past (Carter, Clinton, Bush) and seek competent leadership as opposed to power-hungry politicians who will do or say anything to get elected.

"'I think it's critically important that we get answers and really those are due first and foremost to the people of Pakistan,' Clinton said."

What answers?

That Bhutto defied the advice of her security people and stuck her head out an open sunroof? That Bhutto was apparently not killed by a bullet or shrapnel, but died when the bomb blast smacked her head against part of the sunroof? That no one else seated in the car was injured?

And, in spite of a previous attempt on her life, the warning words of the Islamic fanaticists promising death and the fact that the extremists fail to value women in power... what will the democrat politicians accomplish other than to promote their far-left agenda of destabilizing Pakistan and installing another democrat-approved Khomeini? 

"The former first lady suggested the probe could be along the lines of the international investigation that followed the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri in 2005."

Would she send her top advisors?

Perhaps she would volunteer her pals Madeleine  Albright, Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski to oversee the process? Or perhaps, if she didn't like the report, she could send former-National Security Advisor Sandy "the Burglar" Berger over to steal any report that did not meet with her imperial majesty's approval? Maybe she would roll out the big gun, "Big Bill" himself, to take charge and charm all that he meets at a political reception given in his honor. I am sure that the terrorists would also fete him; as he did more to enable their actions than any other President since the failed presidency of Jimmy Carter.

Nothing like insulting an ally in the War on Terror and promoting your far-left agenda...

"I don't think the Pakistani government at this time under President (Pervez) Musharraf has any credibility at all. They have disbanded an independent judiciary, they oppressed a free press."

Some experience and leadership?

She gave the interview from her hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, in a presidential-style setting with the backdrop of an American flag, bolstering the claims of experience and leadership on which she is pinning her campaign.

Providing propaganda to our enemies...

With the backdrop of an American flag, she has just provided additional propaganda support to those who would bring down Musharraf's government at any price to get their hands on Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

Proving she knows as much or as little as Obama...

"Obama, campaigning in Williamsburg, Iowa, said Washington should cut military aid to Pakistan, until Musharraf embraced democracy, and said the US invasion of Iraq was a distraction from the 'war on terror.'

Sounds exactly like the type of nation-building and interference with sovereign nations that the democrats are openly complaining about with the Bush Administration.  Or is this simply a case of: "it's OK when our side does it because we do it with love and the purest of intentions?"

McCain sounds reasonable...

"Veteran Republican Senator John McCain earlier called for extreme care in US dealings with Pakistan."

"'We want to do everything we can, but it has to be practical and it has to be achievable, and it has to be not opening another front in a war that we are overstressed with today,' McCain said on Fox News.

...until he usurps Pakistani prerogatives

"The former Vietnam war hero called for looming Pakistani elections to go forward, though he said it would be tough for the opposition to coalesce around a candidate other than Bhutto."

Romney's worthless insta-opinion...   

"McCain's Republican rival Mitt Romney raised doubts over whether Musharraf could keep a lid on political unrest."

"'I'm not concerned about the quality of his character, but I am concerned about the quality of his judgment in a setting like this,' Romney said, and dismissed suggestions foreign policy fears could bolster rivals with more experience on the international stage."

Is he suggesting that Musharraf hire another consulting/lobbying firm to assist him in developing a viable strategy?

The "other Bill" weighs in with more democrat nonsense...

"Former United Nations ambassador Bill Richardson, a Democratic candidate, called for a halt to US aid to Pakistan until Musharraf left office and full democracy was restored."

"Not one penny more ... until Musharraf is gone and the rule of law is restored," he said."

So far, Huckabee has it right...

"Breakout Republican Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, dismissed suggestions his lack of experience on national security meant he would be unable to handle crises like that sparked by Bhutto's murder."

"'I don't think it's appropriate to respond in a political way,' Huckabee told reporters, warning candidates should not play 'political games' over the grave situation in Pakistan.

This is a grave situation involving a touchy balancing act among Pakistan's power elite, some of who control the keys to nuclear weapons. Anything that is said or done by the political candidates to destabilize Pakistan or to provide propaganda support to the enemy of the current regime should be regarded as evidence of a serious lack of judgement. Especially when these candidates have no power to affect any current policy for at least one year and are seeking to usurp the powers of the nation's current Commander-in-Chief; George Bush -- in case anyone forgot, the President of the United States of America.

What can YOU do?

Realize that the majority of Pakistani people are not terrorists, religious crazies and are people of good will and intentions who want to live their lives in peace. They seem to be more concerned with their mortal enemy India than they are with terrorists at this point in time. Pakistan is a sovereign nation and, for good or evil, Musharraf is their leader. He should be left to lead his country out of this domestic crisis. Everybody should just shut up and watch what he does.

Recognize political posturing for what it is: bloviating into the wind.

Realize that Hillary Clinton is about naked ambition and grabbing power at any cost. She has a radical far-left agenda and background and is likely to morph into a political shrew as she returns chaos and corruption to the White House should she be elected President.

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for personal power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

Clinton demands international Bhutto probe

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS


The problem is clear...

Doctor John Samples, the Director of the Center for Representative Government at the Cato Institute probably said it best in his testimony  "On the Motor Voter Act and Voter Fraud" before the United States Senate's Committee on Rules and Administration... 

"The damage done by vote fraud, of course, is clear. Breaking any law, but especially laws meant to protect the integrity of the electoral process, damages our nation. Vote fraud also devalues the votes of those who register and vote properly. It also strikes many people as unfair: most citizens bear the burdens of exercising the right to vote, those who vote illegally claim the right and wish to escape the minimal burdens associated with that right."

"The possibility of vote fraud also harms the nation by calling into question the integrity of our electoral system. The Supreme Court has said that the federal government may regulate campaign finance to prevent corruption or the appearance of corruption. Allow me to suggest that we should similarly be concerned about the appearance of our electoral process."

and so is the solution...

Simply require voters to show photo-identification proving they are the person the claim to be and living within the appropriate jurisdiction before allowing them to cast a ballot.

People who feel that they have been unfairly treated could file an instant protest with the voting captain -- to be noted in a special register and investigated at the earliest possible opportunity. Their vote would be placed in a sealed envelope that would be opened and counted if the voting panel ruled that the vote was proper.

The "request for determination book" along with the sealed votes could be transported, along with the other votes, to the counting area for further processing. In the case of electronic voting, a certain number of manual ballots must be made available for this dispute process.

So who might be against this voter identification process?

When I think of voter fraud, I think of the democrats and Chicago's "Daley" machine, Lyndon Johnson and Al Gore's idea of a selective recount of only certain key Florida precincts that were statistically favorable to his candidacy.

I think of the illegal aliens in Southern California which resulted in conservative Robert K. "B-1 Bob" Dornan losing his Congressional Seat to ultra-liberal democrat Loretta Sanchez.

According to an item in Human Events...

"In another case concerning a U.S. House seat in which voter fraud may have influenced the result, California Republican Congressman Bob Dornan was defeated by Democrat Loretta Sanchez in an upset, by the narrow margin of 984 votes in 1996. Dornan charged that Sanchez’s margin came from non-citizens, and an investigation by the House of Representatives found that 547 non-citizens had voted in the election, but not enough to void the election. Some believe that far more non-citizens who were not detected actually voted. John Fund, in his book Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy, says that an INS investigation in 1996 into alleged Motor Voter fraud in California’s 46th District revealed that '4,023 illegal voters possibly cast ballots in the disputed election between Republican Robert Dornan and Democrat Loretta Sanchez.'”

Making it easier to vote makes it easier to conceal voter fraud... Motor-Voter Rules

I worry about rules and regulations that were designed to make voter registration easier such as the so-called motor-voter laws which allowed for voter registration along with obtaining a drivers license. It seemed like a great idea at the time and provided that the registration process could incorporate a verifiable identification. But, alas, the unintended consequences of dumping a large number of names onto the voter rolls has had a profoundly negative affect. Again, according to Dr. Samples:

"The lax standards for registration encouraged by "Motor Voter" have left the voter rolls in a shambles in many states. As St. Louis shows, the uncertainty surrounding the rolls breeds mistrust and can call the integrity of the system into question. "Motor Voter" has fomented "the appearance of corruption" that has, fairly or not, done real damage to American government. Political scientists have charted the decline in trust in government over the past four decades. I believe "Motor Voter" has been part of that problem, not part of its solution."

Some voter fraud is inadvertent and done by accident...

Yes, the rich, with their multiple homes and mobile lifestyles, can make mistakes in locating the proper place to vote. Controversial and polarizing right-wing conservative Ann Coulter apparently voted in the wrong Florida precinct. Apparently Coulter wrote down the mailing address of her Realtor for mail forwarding purposes which was different from her actual address and its required voter precinct. While much has been made of the entire affair, complete will calls for her imprisonment, there exists proper forums to adjudicate these matters and they are available to all citizens without charge. Her actions were appropriately scrutinized and no further action taken.

Other vote fraud is sinister and designed to thwart the duly established electoral process in favor of a politician or their party...

But we are not speaking of innocent mistakes, we are speaking of an organized attempt by certain politicians to encourage illegal aliens and those who have lost their right to vote, through their felonious activities, being encouraged to break the law and vote for a particular candidate.

So what is the problem...

It's appears that it is the democrats and illegal alien activists who want to subvert our current system. If you are required to show valid identification to get on a plane or enter a federal building, why should you not present valid identification at the polling booth?


Not everybody agrees...

The standard argument is that poor people and minorities are disenfranchised when there is any attempt to require proof of identity or residency prior to voting.

Granted, someone may lack a driver's license and have no permanent residency -- but it is highly unlikely that this person is going to take the time and trouble to register.

As for the poor, every state makes provisions for providing a photo identification card in lieu of a drivers license. As for minorities, I would find that the assertions made by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and others that they are not smart enough to read a ballot, find their way to the appropriate polling place or would unnecessarily be inconvenienced by the same requirements that affect other voters to be highly insulting and inflammatory. One question that never is answered by the politicians: how do the poor and the minorities receive and cash their welfare checks without proper identification?

If only one vote is saved...

I am surprised that the democrats haven't claimed that we need to allow everybody to vote for the sake of children who are depending on the leadership and legislation of the democrat party to make their lives safer and more productive.

But should we ignore voter fraud?

Should we open our voting process to all comers to justify and preserve that single vote when we find that absentee ballots may not even be counted if the result is overwhelming and significantly greater than the number of absentee ballots received by voting authorities?

Shouldn't we be more concerned with those who prepare absentee ballots in the privacy of their homes than some odd, patriotic drunk who wants to cast their ballot?

Shouldn't we be more concerned about our military members who may denied their constitutional votes, even while they are fighting to preserve our liberty,  by some election official's proclamation?

Politicians, especially those who are democrats, liberals or are RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) continue to argue against the proper identification of voters. Consider Mike Huckabee, the only pseudo-conservative I know who stands for larger government, higher taxes and who claims that the Republican bill requiring proof of citizenship to exercise your voting rights and to access government benefits is ""un-Christian, un-American, irresponsible and anti-life."

According to the Arkansas News Bureau...

"Gov. Mike Huckabee Thursday denounced a bill by Sen. Jim Holt that would deny state benefits to illegal immigrants as un-Christian, un-American, irresponsible and anti-life.
Holt, R-Springdale, replied later that Christian charity does not include turning a blind eye to lawbreaking."

"Senate Bill 206, filed Wednesday, also would require proof of citizenship to register to vote and would require state agencies to report suspected cases of people living in the country illegally."

The Supreme Court will answer the question...

The Supreme Court has agreed to rule on two cases with a very simple question: Does a state requirement that voters show a specific kind of photo identification before casting a ballot violate the Constitution? The combined cases of "Crawford v. Marion County Election Board" and "Democratic Party v. Rokita" will be heard on January 9th, 2008. 

This is also a clear demonstration why those appointed to the Supreme Court should be strict constructionists who vote on the constitutionality of issues rather than activist judges who make up laws where none currently exist with their tortured logic and rulings.

In this particular case, if the constitution is silent on the issue and the state ruling does not specifically violate any constitutional requirements, the matter will be left up to each state to decide whether or not they will impose voter identification requirements on their residents.

If we do not fight to preserve our rights and limit the power of politicians and their corrupt parties, we are headed into a third-world abyss where only the rich and connected will survive in relative comfort.

What can YOU do?

Remember the days when the politicians called all of the shots. From defining their own districts (which exists today), awarding patronage jobs to those who could deliver campaign funds and the vote (which exists today) to killing any rule, regulation or legislation which would prevent them from parlaying a razor-thin vote tally into a major victory (which exists today). It is time when we must preserve our constitutional process from these electoral piranhas and demand that our voting process be made incorruptible by these petty politicians.

Remember the words of United States Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL.) who famously said. “This is Chicago. This is Cook County. We created vote fraud, vote scandal and stealing votes. We created that mechanism. It became an art form.”

Demand that your legislators preserve the integrity of our voting process. Demand that all candidates support voter reform to require that identification and residency requirements be enforced.

Condemn those candidates and politicians who want to allow illegal aliens to assume all the rights and privileges of citizenship without the imposition of any of the requirements and duties of a citizen -- all to gain access to or retain a public office.

Do not vote for any candidate or current politician who is willing to subvert the safety, security, sovereignty and economic strength of the United States or limit an individual's right of self-defense for personal power, prestige or profits.

-- steve

A reminder from a large improvement can result from a small change…

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

Reference Links:

Partisan Fissures Over Voter ID|Washington Post

The Stunning Reality of Voter Fraud|Human Events

On the Motor Voter Act and Voter Fraud|Senate Testimony

“Nullius in verba”-- take nobody's word for it!
"Acta non verba" -- actions not words

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw

“Progressive, liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.”

“The key to fighting the craziness of the progressives is to hold them responsible for their actions, not their intentions.” – OCS

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." (The people gladly believe what they wish to.) ~Julius Caesar

“Describing the problem is quite different from knowing the solution. Except in politics." ~ OCS